(*                                                                  *)
(*  array.s7i     Support for arrays with integer index             *)
(*  Copyright (C) 1989 - 2014, 2017, 2020 - 2024  Thomas Mertes     *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  This file is part of the Seed7 Runtime Library.                 *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is free software; you can             *)
(*  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU     *)
(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(*  Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your      *)
(*  option) any later version.                                      *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is distributed in the hope that it    *)
(*  will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the      *)
(*  PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more    *)
(*  details.                                                        *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General       *)
(*  Public License along with this program; if not, write to the    *)
(*  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,             *)
(*  Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.                       *)
(*                                                                  *)

const type: ARRAY_IDX_RANGE is new struct
    var integer: minIdx is 1;
    var integer: maxIdx is 0;
  end struct;

const func ARRAY_IDX_RANGE: [ (in integer: minIdx) .. (in integer: maxIdx) ] is func
    var ARRAY_IDX_RANGE: indexRange is ARRAY_IDX_RANGE.value;
    indexRange.minIdx := minIdx;
    indexRange.maxIdx := maxIdx;
  end func;

const func ARRAY_IDX_RANGE: [ (in integer: minIdx) len (in integer: length) ] is func
    var ARRAY_IDX_RANGE: indexRange is ARRAY_IDX_RANGE.value;
    indexRange.minIdx := minIdx;
    indexRange.maxIdx := pred(minIdx + length);
  end func;

 *  Abstract data type, describing resizable arrays with [[integer]] index.
 *  Arrays with non-integer index are described in [[idxarray]].
const func type: array (in type: baseType) is func
    var type: arrayType is void;
    var type: tupleType is void;
    arrayType := get_type(getfunc(array (attr baseType)));
    if arrayType = void then
      arrayType := newtype;
      tupleType := tuple(baseType);
      const boolean: isArrayType (attr arrayType)                             is TRUE;
      const type: array (attr baseType)                                       is arrayType;
      const type: base_type (attr arrayType)                                  is baseType;

      const proc: (ref arrayType: dest) ::= (in arrayType: source)            is action "ARR_CREATE";
      const proc: destroy (ref arrayType: aValue)                             is action "ARR_DESTR";
      const proc: (inout arrayType: dest) := (in arrayType: source)           is action "ARR_CPY";

       *  Append the array ''extension'' to the array ''arr''.
       *  @exception MEMORY_ERROR Not enough memory for the concatenated
       *             array.
      const proc: (inout arrayType: arr) &:= (in arrayType: extension)        is action "ARR_APPEND";

       *  Append the given ''element'' to the array ''arr''.
       *  @exception MEMORY_ERROR Not enough memory for the concatenated
       *             array.
      const proc: (inout arrayType: arr) &:= (in baseType: element)           is action "ARR_PUSH";

      const func arrayType: [] (in tupleType: aTuple)                         is action "ARR_ARRLIT";
      const func arrayType: [] (in baseType: anElement)                       is action "ARR_BASELIT";
      const func arrayType: [ (in integer: start) ] (in tupleType: aTuple)    is action "ARR_ARRLIT2";
      const func arrayType: [ (in integer: start) ] (in baseType: anElement)  is action "ARR_BASELIT2";

       *  Concatenate two arrays.
       *  @return the result of the concatenation.
      const func arrayType: (in arrayType: arr1) & (in arrayType: arr2)       is action "ARR_CAT";

       *  Access one element from the array ''arr''.
       *  @return the element with the specified ''index'' from ''arr''.
       *  @exception INDEX_ERROR If ''index'' is less than [[#minIdx(in_arrayType)|minIdx]](arr) or
       *                         greater than [[#maxIdx(in_arrayType)|maxIdx]](arr)
      const func baseType: (in arrayType: arr) [ (in integer: index) ]        is action "ARR_IDX";

      const varfunc baseType: (inout arrayType: arr) [ (in integer: index) ]  is action "ARR_IDX";

       *  Get a sub array beginning at the position ''start''.
       *  @return the sub array beginning at the start position.
       *  @exception INDEX_ERROR The start position is less than [[#minIdx(in_arrayType)|minIdx]](arr).
       *  @exception MEMORY_ERROR Not enough memory to represent the result.
      const func arrayType: (in arrayType: arr) [ (in integer: start) .. ]    is action "ARR_TAIL";

       *  Get a sub array ending at the position ''stop''.
       *  @return the sub array ending at the stop position.
       *  @exception INDEX_ERROR The stop position is less than pred([[#minIdx(in_arrayType)|minIdx]](arr)).
       *  @exception MEMORY_ERROR Not enough memory to represent the result.
      const func arrayType: (in arrayType: arr) [ .. (in integer: stop) ]     is action "ARR_HEAD";

       *  Get a sub array from the position ''start'' to the position ''stop''.
       *  @return the sub array from position ''start'' to ''stop''.
       *  @exception INDEX_ERROR The start position is less than [[#minIdx(in_arrayType)|minIdx]](arr1), or
       *                         the stop position is less than pred(start).
       *  @exception MEMORY_ERROR Not enough memory to represent the result.
      const func arrayType: (in arrayType: arr) [ (in integer: start) ..
                                                  (in integer: stop) ]        is action "ARR_RANGE";

       *  Get a sub array from the position ''start'' with maximum length ''len''.
       *  @return the sub array from position ''start'' with maximum length ''len''.
       *  @exception INDEX_ERROR The start position is less than [[#minIdx(in_arrayType)|minIdx]](arr), or
       *                         the length is negative.
       *  @exception MEMORY_ERROR Not enough memory to represent the result.
      const func arrayType: (in arrayType: arr) [ (in integer: start) len
                                                  (in integer: length) ]      is action "ARR_SUBARR";

       *  Insert ''element'' at ''index'' into ''arr''.
       *  Elements are moved backward to create space for the element to be
       *  inserted. This function is tuned for performance and the movement
       *  works without copying elements.
       *   anArray := [] ("A", "B");
       *   insert(anArray, 2, "X");  afterwards  anArray = [] ("A", "X", "B")
       *  In this example the former anArray[2] is moved to anArray[3] and
       *  "X" is inserted as new anArray[2].
       *  @exception INDEX_ERROR If ''index'' is less than [[#minIdx(in_arrayType)|minIdx]](arr) or
       *                         greater than succ([[#maxIdx(in_arrayType)|maxIdx]](arr))
      const proc: insert (inout arrayType: arr, in integer: index,
                          in baseType: element)                               is action "ARR_INSERT";

       *  Insert ''elements'' at ''index'' into ''arr''.
       *  Elements are moved backward to create space for the elements to be
       *  inserted. This function is tuned for performance and the movement
       *  works without copying elements.
       *  @exception INDEX_ERROR If ''index'' is less than [[#minIdx(in_arrayType)|minIdx]](arr) or
       *                         greater than succ([[#maxIdx(in_arrayType)|maxIdx]](arr))
      const proc: insert (inout arrayType: arr, in integer: index,
                          in arrayType: elements)                             is action "ARR_INSERT_ARRAY";

       *  Remove the element with ''index'' from ''arr''.
       *  The elements after the removed element are moved forward.
       *  This function is tuned for performance and the movement works
       *  without copying elements.
       *   anArray := [] ("A", "B", "C");
       *   remove(anArray, 2)  returns  "B"  and  anArray = [] ("A", "C")
       *  In this example the current anArray[2] is removed and the former
       *  anArray[3] is now at anArray[2].
       *  @return the removed element.
       *  @exception INDEX_ERROR If ''index'' is less than [[#minIdx(in_arrayType)|minIdx]](arr) or
       *                         greater than [[#maxIdx(in_arrayType)|maxIdx]](arr)
      const func baseType: remove (inout arrayType: arr, in integer: index)   is action "ARR_REMOVE";

       *  Remove the sub-array with ''index'' and ''length'' from ''arr''.
       *  The elements after the removed sub-array are moved forward.
       *  This function is tuned for performance and the movement works
       *  without copying elements.
       *  @return the removed sub-array.
       *  @exception INDEX_ERROR If ''index'' is less than [[#minIdx(in_arrayType)|minIdx]](arr) or
       *                         greater than [[#maxIdx(in_arrayType)|maxIdx]](arr)
      const func arrayType: remove (inout arrayType: arr, in integer: index,
                                    in integer: length)                       is action "ARR_REMOVE_ARRAY";

       *  Determine the length of the array ''arr''.
       *   length([] (2, 3, 5))   returns  3
       *   length([0] (2, 3, 5))  returns  3
       *   length([2] (2, 3, 5))  returns  3
       *  @return the length of the array.
      const func integer: length (in arrayType: arr)                          is action "ARR_LNG";

       *  Minimum index of array ''arr''.
       *   minIdx([] (2, 3, 5))   returns  1
       *   minIdx([0] (2, 3, 5))  returns  0
       *   minIdx([2] (2, 3, 5))  returns  2
       *  @return the minimum index of the array.
      const func integer: minIdx (in arrayType: arr)                          is action "ARR_MINIDX";

       *  Maximum index of array ''arr''.
       *   maxIdx([] (2, 3, 5))   returns  3
       *   maxIdx([0] (2, 3, 5))  returns  2
       *   maxIdx([2] (2, 3, 5))  returns  4
       *  @return the maximum index of the array.
      const func integer: maxIdx (in arrayType: arr)                          is action "ARR_MAXIDX";

       *  Generate an array by using ''factor'' ''elements''.
       *    5 times 'x'    returns  [] ('x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x')
       *    0 times FALSE  returns  (array boolean).value
       *   -1 times 5      raises   RANGE_ERROR
       *  @return an array with ''factor'' ''elements''.
       *  @exception RANGE_ERROR If ''factor'' is negative.
       *  @exception MEMORY_ERROR Not enough memory to represent the result.
      const func arrayType: (in integer: factor) times (in baseType: element) is action "ARR_TIMES";

      const func arrayType: (attr arrayType) . _GENERATE_EMPTY_ARRAY          is action "ARR_EMPTY";
      const arrayType: (attr arrayType) . value                               is arrayType._GENERATE_EMPTY_ARRAY;

      const func tupleType: (attr tupleType) conv (in arrayType: arr)         is action "ARR_CONV";

       *  Generate an array of ''elements'' with indices in a specified range.
       *  The range is specified with a bracketed range expression like
       *  [A .. B] or [A len L]. An array with 5 char elements indexed
       *  from 0 to 4 is created with:
       *   [0 .. 4] times 'x'    or    [0 len 5] times 'x'
       *  This is equivalent to
       *   [0] ('x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x')
       *  An empty array can be generated with
       *   [0 .. -1] times ""    or    [0 len 0] times ""
       *  @return an array with B - A + 1 ''elements'' (when [A .. B] is used), or
       *          an array with L ''elements'' (when [A len L] is used).
       *  @exception RANGE_ERROR If B - A is less than -1, or if L is less than 0.
       *  @exception MEMORY_ERROR Not enough memory to represent the result.
      const func arrayType: (in ARRAY_IDX_RANGE: indexRange) times
          (in baseType: element) is
        return [indexRange.minIdx] (tupleType conv
               (succ(indexRange.maxIdx - indexRange.minIdx) times element));

       *  For-loop where ''forVar'' loops over the elements of the array ''arr''.
      const proc: for (inout baseType: forVar) range (in arrayType: arr) do
                    (in proc: statements)
                  end for is func
          var integer: number is 0;
          for number range minIdx(arr) to maxIdx(arr) do
            forVar := arr[number];
          end for;
        end func;

       *  For-loop where ''keyVar'' loops over the indices of the array ''arr''.
      const proc: for key (inout integer: keyVar) range (in arrayType: arr) do
                    (in proc: statements)
                  end for is func
          for keyVar range minIdx(arr) to maxIdx(arr) do
          end for;
        end func;

       *  For-loop where ''forVar'' and ''keyVar'' loop over the array ''arr''.
       *  The variable ''forVar'' loops over the elements of ''arr''
       *  and ''keyVar'' loops over the indices of ''arr''.
      const proc: for (inout baseType: forVar) key (inout integer: keyVar) range (in arrayType: arr) do
                    (in proc: statements)
                  end for is func
          for keyVar range minIdx(arr) to maxIdx(arr) do
            forVar := arr[keyVar];
          end for;
        end func;

       *  For-loop where ''forVar'' loops over the elements of the array ''arr''.
       *  Additionally a ''condition'' is checked before the statements in
       *  the loop body are executed.
      const proc: for (inout baseType: forVar)
                  range (in arrayType: arr)
                  until (ref func boolean: condition) do
                    (in proc: statements)
                  end for is func
          var integer: index is 0;
          var integer: maxIdx is 0;
          index := minIdx(arr);
          maxIdx := maxIdx(arr);
          if index <= maxIdx then
            forVar := arr[index];
            while index <= maxIdx and not condition do
              if index <= maxIdx then
                forVar := arr[index];
              end if;
            end while;
          end if;
        end func;

      const proc: for (inout baseType: forVar)
                  range (in arrayType: arr)
                  until (ref boolean: condition) do
                    (in proc: statements)
                  end for is func
          var integer: index is 0;
          var integer: maxIdx is 0;
          index := minIdx(arr);
          maxIdx := maxIdx(arr);
          if index <= maxIdx then
            forVar := arr[index];
            while index <= maxIdx and not condition do
              if index <= maxIdx then
                forVar := arr[index];
              end if;
            end while;
          end if;
        end func;

       *  For-loop where ''keyVar'' loops over the indices of the array ''arr''.
       *  Additionally a ''condition'' is checked before the statements in
       *  the loop body are executed.
      const proc: for key (inout integer: keyVar)
                  range (in arrayType: arr)
                  until (ref func boolean: condition) do
                    (in proc: statements)
                  end for is func
          for keyVar range minIdx(arr) to maxIdx(arr) until condition do
          end for;
        end func;

      const proc: for key (inout integer: keyVar)
                  range (in arrayType: arr)
                  until (ref boolean: condition) do
                    (in proc: statements)
                  end for is func
          for keyVar range minIdx(arr) to maxIdx(arr) until condition do
          end for;
        end func;

       *  For-loop where ''forVar'' and ''keyVar'' loop over the array ''arr''.
       *  The variable ''forVar'' loops over the elements of ''arr''
       *  and ''keyVar'' loops over the indices of ''arr''.
       *  Additionally a ''condition'' is checked before the statements in
       *  the loop body are executed.
      const proc: for (inout baseType: forVar)
                  key (inout integer: keyVar)
                  range (in arrayType: arr)
                  until (ref func boolean: condition) do
                    (in proc: statements)
                  end for is func
          var integer: maxIdx is 0;
          keyVar := minIdx(arr);
          maxIdx := maxIdx(arr);
          if keyVar <= maxIdx then
            forVar := arr[keyVar];
            while keyVar <= maxIdx and not condition do
              if keyVar <= maxIdx then
                forVar := arr[keyVar];
              end if;
            end while;
          end if;
        end func;

      const proc: for (inout baseType: forVar)
                  key (inout integer: keyVar)
                  range (in arrayType: arr)
                  until (ref boolean: condition) do
                    (in proc: statements)
                  end for is func
          var integer: maxIdx is 0;
          keyVar := minIdx(arr);
          maxIdx := maxIdx(arr);
          if keyVar <= maxIdx then
            forVar := arr[keyVar];
            while keyVar <= maxIdx and not condition do
              if keyVar <= maxIdx then
                forVar := arr[keyVar];
              end if;
            end while;
          end if;
        end func;

       *  Select a random element from ''arr''.
       *  The pseudo-random indices of the elements are uniform distributed.
       *  @return a random element from ''arr''.
       *  @exception RANGE_ERROR If ''arr'' is empty.
      const func baseType: rand (in arrayType: arr) is
        return arr[rand(minIdx(arr), maxIdx(arr))];

      if getobj((in baseType: element1) = (in baseType: element2)) <> NIL and
          getobj((in baseType: element1) <> (in baseType: element2)) <> NIL then

        const func boolean: (in arrayType: arr1) = (in arrayType: arr2) is func
            var boolean: isEqual is FALSE;
            var integer: number is 1;
            if minIdx(arr1) = minIdx(arr2) and maxIdx(arr1) = maxIdx(arr2) then
              isEqual := TRUE;
              number := minIdx(arr1);
              while number <= maxIdx(arr1) and isEqual do
                isEqual := arr1[number] = arr2[number];
              end while;
            end if;
          end func;

        const func boolean: (in arrayType: arr1) <> (in arrayType: arr2) is func
            var boolean: isNotEqual is TRUE;
            var integer: number is 1;
            if minIdx(arr1) = minIdx(arr2) and maxIdx(arr1) = maxIdx(arr2) then
              isNotEqual := FALSE;
              number := minIdx(arr1);
              while number <= maxIdx(arr1) and not isNotEqual do
                isNotEqual := arr1[number] <> arr2[number];
              end while;
            end if;
          end func;

      end if;

      if getobj((in baseType: element1) < (in baseType: element2)) <> NIL and
          getobj((in baseType: element1) > (in baseType: element2)) <> NIL then

        const proc: insert (inout arrayType: arr, in baseType: element) is func
            var integer: number is 1;
            number := minIdx(arr);
            while number <= maxIdx(arr) and arr[number] < element do
            end while;
            if number > maxIdx(arr) then
              arr := arr & [] (element);
            elsif arr[number] > element then
              arr := arr[.. pred(number)] & [] (element) & arr[number ..];
            end if;
          end func;

      end if;

      if getobj(compare(in baseType: element1, in baseType: element2)) <> NIL then

        const func integer: compare (in arrayType: arr1, in arrayType: arr2) is func
            var integer: signumValue is 0;
            var integer: idx1 is 0;
            var integer: idx2 is 0;
            idx1 := minIdx(arr1);
            idx2 := minIdx(arr2);
            while idx1 <= maxIdx(arr1) and idx2 <= maxIdx(arr2) and compare(arr1[idx1], arr2[idx2]) = 0 do
            end while;
            if idx1 <= maxIdx(arr1) and idx2 <= maxIdx(arr2) then
              signumValue := compare(arr1[idx1], arr2[idx2]);
              signumValue := compare(length(arr1), length(arr2));
            end if;
          end func;

        const func boolean: (in arrayType: arr1) < (in arrayType: arr2) is
          return compare(arr1, arr2) < 0;

        const func boolean: (in arrayType: arr1) > (in arrayType: arr2) is
          return compare(arr1, arr2) > 0;

        const func boolean: (in arrayType: arr1) <= (in arrayType: arr2) is
          return compare(arr1, arr2) <= 0;

        const func boolean: (in arrayType: arr1) >= (in arrayType: arr2) is
          return compare(arr1, arr2) >= 0;

        const reference: (attr arrayType) . dataCompare  is getobj(compare(in baseType: element1, in baseType: element2));

        const func arrayType: SORT (in arrayType: arr, in reference: dataCompare)         is action "ARR_SORT";

        const func arrayType: SORT_REVERSE (in arrayType: arr, in reference: dataCompare) is action "ARR_SORT_REVERSE";

         *  Sort an array with the compare function of the element type.
         *   sort([] (2, 4, 6, 5, 3, 1))             returns  [] (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
         *   sort([] ('o', 'r', 'g', 'y', 'l'))      returns  [] ('g', 'l', 'o', 'r', 'y')
         *   sort([] ("bravo", "charlie", "alpha"))  returns  [] ("alpha", "bravo", "charlie")
         *   sort([] (pred(2_**107), pred(2_**89)))  returns  [] (pred(2_**89), pred(2_**107))
         *   sort([] (E, sqrt(2.0), PI, 1.0))        returns  [] (1.0, sqrt(2.0), E, PI)
         *  For a user defined element type the following approach can be used:
         *   const type: myType is ...
         *   const func integer: compare (in myType: a, in myType: b) is ...
         *   const type: myArrayType is array myType;
         *  Afterwards ''myArrayType'' arrays can be sorted.
        const func arrayType: sort (in arrayType: arr_obj) is
          return SORT(arr_obj, arrayType.dataCompare);

        const func arrayType: sort (in func arrayType: arr_obj) is
          return SORT(arr_obj, arrayType.dataCompare);

         *  Reverse sort an array with the compare function of the element type.
         *   sort([] (2, 4, 6, 5, 3, 1), REVERSE)             returns  [] (6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
         *   sort([] ('o', 'r', 'g', 'y', 'l'), REVERSE)      returns  [] ('y', 'r', 'o', 'l', 'g')
         *   sort([] ("bravo", "charlie", "alpha"), REVERSE)  returns  [] ("charlie", "bravo", "alpha")
         *   sort([] (pred(2_**107), pred(2_**89)), REVERSE)  returns  [] (pred(2_**107), pred(2_**89))
         *   sort([] (E, sqrt(2.0), PI, 1.0), REVERSE)        returns  [] (PI, E, sqrt(2.0), 1.0)
         *  For a user defined element type the following approach can be used:
         *   const type: myType is ...
         *   const func integer: compare (in myType: a, in myType: b) is ...
         *   const type: myArrayType is array myType;
         *  Afterwards ''myArrayType'' arrays can be sorted.
        const func arrayType: sort (in arrayType: arr_obj, REVERSE) is
          return SORT_REVERSE(arr_obj, arrayType.dataCompare);

        const func arrayType: sort (in func arrayType: arr_obj, REVERSE) is
          return SORT_REVERSE(arr_obj, arrayType.dataCompare);

      end if;
      end global;

    end if;
  end func;

const type: TEST_1 is array integer;
const type: TEST_2 is array integer;
const type: TEST_3 is array string;

 *  Define a sort function for an existing array type.
 *  This template can be used if the array type has been
 *  defined and the compare function is defined afterwards:
 *   const type: myType is ...
 *   const type: myArrayType is array myType;
 *   const func integer: compare (in myType: a, in myType: b) is ...
 *   ENABLE_SORT(myArrayType);
 *  Afterwards ''myArrayType'' arrays can be sorted.
const proc: ENABLE_SORT (in type: arrayType) is func
    const reference: (attr arrayType) . dataCompare  is getobj(compare(in base_type(arrayType): element1, in base_type(arrayType): element2));

    const func arrayType: SORT (in arrayType: arr, in reference: dataCompare) is   action "ARR_SORT";

    const func arrayType: sort (in arrayType: arr_obj) is
      return SORT(arr_obj, arrayType.dataCompare);
  end func;