(*                                                                  *)
(*  bzip2.s7i     Bzip2 compression support library                 *)
(*  Copyright (C) 2024, 2025  Thomas Mertes                         *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  This file is part of the Seed7 Runtime Library.                 *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is free software; you can             *)
(*  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU     *)
(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(*  Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your      *)
(*  option) any later version.                                      *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is distributed in the hope that it    *)
(*  will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the      *)
(*  PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more    *)
(*  details.                                                        *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General       *)
(*  Public License along with this program; if not, write to the    *)
(*  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,             *)
(*  Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.                       *)
(*                                                                  *)

include "bitdata.s7i";
include "huffman.s7i";
include "crc32.s7i";

const string: BZIP2_MAGIC is "BZh";  # Identification for bzip2 format

const integer: BZIP2_HEADER_SIZE is 4;

const integer: BZIP2_BLOCK_HEADER_MAGIC is 16#314159265359;  # PI
const integer: BZIP2_EOS_MAGIC          is 16#177245385090;  # sqrt(PI)

const integer: BZIP2_MINIMUM_HUFFMAN_GROUPS is 2;
const integer: BZIP2_MAXIMUM_HUFFMAN_GROUPS is 6;

const integer: BZIP2_HUFFMAN_GROUP_SIZE is 50;

# The move-to-front algorithm uses an MTF array which is initialized
# with the values from 0 to 255. Every decoded value is removed from
# its place and moved to the beginning of the MTF array. As a
# consequence the array elements below the former place of the decoded
# value must be moved upward by one place. These movements cost
# performance as they happen for every decoded value. To reduce the
# moving effort a two level approach for the MTF array is used.
# The variable mtfData is used as MTF array. The 256 elements in
# mftData are organized in blocks of 16 elements each. The elements
# of the array mtfBlockStart are used to point to the start index of
# the 16 blocks in mtfData.
# The initialization fills 256 places at the end of mtfData with the
# values of 0 to 255. The rest of the 4096 elements in mtfData are 0
# and used to speed up the movement. The actual movement is done
# first in the current block of mtfData. Afterwards whole blocks are
# moved downward by reducing mtfBlockStart values by one. During the
# block movement elements are moved from the end of one block to the
# beginning of the next block. Because of this downward block movement
# mtfBlockStart will eventually point to the beginning of the mtfData
# array. In this case the function moveMtfDataToTheEnd() moves all
# blocks up to the 256 places at the end of mtfData.

const integer: BZIP2_MTF_DATA_SIZE is 4096;
const integer: BZIP2_MTF_BLOCK_SIZE is 16;
const type: bzip2MtfBlockStartTable is array [0 .. 15] integer;
const type: bzip2MtfDataType is array [0 .. pred(BZIP2_MTF_DATA_SIZE)] integer;

# The values BZIP2_RUN_A and BZIP2_RUN_B are used to encode a repeatFactor.
# The mapping is as follows (read the A/B encoding from left to right):
#  1: A
#  2: B
#  3: AA
#  4: BA
#  5: AB
#  6: BB
#  7: AAA
#  ...

const integer: BZIP2_RUN_A is 0;  # Encodes: 1, 2, 4, 8, ...
const integer: BZIP2_RUN_B is 1;  # Encodes: 2, 4, 8, 16, ...

const type: bzip2DecoderArray      is array [0 ..] msbHuffmanDecoder;
const type: bzip2SelectorArray     is array [0 ..] integer;
const type: bzip2MapToUsedByteCode is array [0 .. 255] integer;
const type: bzip2CodeFrequencies   is array [0 .. 255] integer;
const type: bzip2NextByteIndex     is array [0 ..] integer;

const type: bzip2Header is new struct
    var string: magic is "";
    var integer: hundredKBlockSize is 0;
  end struct;

const proc: showHeader (in bzip2Header: header) is func
    writeln("magic: " <& literal(header.magic));
    writeln("hundredKBlockSize: " <& header.hundredKBlockSize);
  end func;

const func bzip2Header: readBzip2Header (in string: stri) is func
    var bzip2Header: header is bzip2Header.value;
    if length(stri) >= BZIP2_HEADER_SIZE and
        startsWith(stri, BZIP2_MAGIC) and stri[4] in {'0' .. '9'} then
      header.magic := BZIP2_MAGIC;
      header.hundredKBlockSize := ord(stri[4]) - ord('0');
    end if;
    # showHeader(header);
  end func;

const func bzip2Header: readBzip2Header (inout file: compressed) is func
    var bzip2Header: header is bzip2Header.value;
    var string: stri is "";
    stri := gets(compressed, BZIP2_HEADER_SIZE);
    if length(stri) = BZIP2_HEADER_SIZE and
        startsWith(stri, BZIP2_MAGIC) and stri[4] in {'0' .. '9'} then
      header.magic := BZIP2_MAGIC;
      header.hundredKBlockSize := ord(stri[4]) - ord('0');
    end if;
    # showHeader(header);
  end func;

const type: bzip2BlockHeader is new struct
    var integer: storedCrc is 0;       # Checksum for this block
    var boolean: randomized is FALSE;  # 0=normal, 1=randomized (deprecated)
    var integer: bwtStartIndex is 0;   # Starting index into BWT after inverse transform
    var integer: huffmanGroups is 0;   # Number of different Huffman decoders in use
    var integer: endOfData is 0;       # End of data symbol used by the Huffman decoder
    var bzip2MapToUsedByteCode: mapToUsedByteCode is bzip2MapToUsedByteCode.value;
  end struct;

const proc: showHeader (in bzip2BlockHeader: blockHeader) is func
    writeln("storedCrc: " <& blockHeader.storedCrc);
    writeln("randomized: " <& blockHeader.randomized);
    writeln("bwtStartIndex: " <& blockHeader.bwtStartIndex);
    writeln("huffmanGroups: " <& blockHeader.huffmanGroups);
    writeln("endOfData: " <& blockHeader.endOfData);
  end func;

const proc: readMappingTable (inout msbInBitStream: compressedStream,
    inout bzip2BlockHeader: blockHeader) is func
    var integer: mapIndex is 0;
    var bitset: huffmanUsedMap is bitset.value;
    var integer: bitIndex is 0;
    var integer: codesInUse is 0;
    for mapIndex range 0 to 15 do
      if odd(getBit(compressedStream)) then
        incl(huffmanUsedMap, mapIndex);
      end if;
    end for;

    # Read the mapToUsedByteCode array
    for mapIndex range 0 to 15 do
      if mapIndex in huffmanUsedMap then
        for bitIndex range 0 to 15 do
          if odd(getBit(compressedStream)) then
            blockHeader.mapToUsedByteCode[codesInUse] := mapIndex * 16 + bitIndex;
          end if;
        end for;
      end if;
    end for;
    blockHeader.endOfData := codesInUse + 1;
  end func;

const proc: readHuffmanGroups (inout msbInBitStream: compressedStream,
    inout bzip2BlockHeader: blockHeader) is func
    blockHeader.huffmanGroups := getBits(compressedStream, 3);
    if blockHeader.huffmanGroups < BZIP2_MINIMUM_HUFFMAN_GROUPS or
        blockHeader.huffmanGroups > BZIP2_MAXIMUM_HUFFMAN_GROUPS then
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    end if;
  end func;

const type: bzip2HuffmanDecoder is new struct
    var bzip2DecoderArray: decoderTable is bzip2DecoderArray.value;
    var bzip2SelectorArray: selector is bzip2SelectorArray.value;
  end struct;

const type: bzip2DecoderState is new struct
    var integer: selectorNumber is -1;
    var integer: decoderTableIndex is 0;
    var integer: symbolCountdown is 0;
  end struct;

const func integer: getHuffmanSymbol (inout msbInBitStream: compressedStream,
    in bzip2HuffmanDecoder: decoder, inout bzip2DecoderState: state) is func
    var integer: nextSym is 0;
    if state.symbolCountdown = 0 then
      state.decoderTableIndex := decoder.selector[state.selectorNumber];
      state.symbolCountdown := BZIP2_HUFFMAN_GROUP_SIZE;
    end if;
    nextSym := getHuffmanSymbol(compressedStream, decoder.decoderTable[state.decoderTableIndex]);
  end func;

const proc: readSelectors (inout msbInBitStream: compressedStream,
    in bzip2BlockHeader: blockHeader, inout bzip2HuffmanDecoder: decoder) is func
    var integer: selectorsUsed is 0;
    var bzip2SelectorArray: mtfSelectorList is bzip2SelectorArray.value;
    var integer: index is 0;
    var integer: selector is 0;
    var array integer: mtfSelector is 0 times 0;
    var integer: selectorIndex is 0;
    selectorsUsed := getBits(compressedStream, 15);
    mtfSelectorList := bzip2SelectorArray[.. pred(selectorsUsed)] times 0;

    for index range 0 to pred(selectorsUsed) do
      selector := 0;
      while odd(getBit(compressedStream)) do
      end while;
      mtfSelectorList[index] := selector;
    end for;

    # Move-to-front decoding of mtfSelectorList
    mtfSelector := [0 .. pred(blockHeader.huffmanGroups)] times 0;
    for index range 1 to pred(blockHeader.huffmanGroups) do
      mtfSelector[index] := index;
    end for;
    decoder.selector := bzip2SelectorArray[.. pred(selectorsUsed)] times 0;
    for index range 0 to pred(selectorsUsed) do
      selectorIndex := mtfSelectorList[index];
      # Move mtfSelector[selectorIndex] to the front
      selector := mtfSelector[selectorIndex];
      while selectorIndex <> 0 do
        mtfSelector[selectorIndex] := mtfSelector[pred(selectorIndex)];
      end while;
      mtfSelector[0] := selector;
      decoder.selector[index] := selector;
    end for;
  end func;

const proc: readHuffmanDecoders (inout msbInBitStream: compressedStream,
    in bzip2BlockHeader: blockHeader, inout bzip2HuffmanDecoder: decoder) is func
    var integer: index is 0;
    var integer: codeLength is 0;
    var array integer: codeLengths is [0 .. -1] times 0;
    var integer: symbol is 0;
    decoder.decoderTable :=
        bzip2DecoderArray[.. pred(blockHeader.huffmanGroups)] times
    for index range 0 to pred(blockHeader.huffmanGroups) do
      codeLength := getBits(compressedStream, 5);
      if codeLength not in {1 .. BZIP2_MAXIMUM_HUFFMAN_CODE_LENGTH} then
        raise RANGE_ERROR;
      end if;
      codeLengths := [0 .. blockHeader.endOfData] times 0;
      for symbol range 0 to blockHeader.endOfData do
        while odd(getBit(compressedStream)) do
          if odd(getBit(compressedStream)) then
          end if;
        end while;
        if codeLength not in {1 .. BZIP2_MAXIMUM_HUFFMAN_CODE_LENGTH} then
          raise RANGE_ERROR;
        end if;
        codeLengths[symbol] := codeLength;
      end for;
      decoder.decoderTable[index] := createMsbHuffmanDecoder(codeLengths);
    end for;
  end func;

#  Initialize the MTF array.
#  The initialization fills 256 places at the end of mtfData with the
#  values 0 to 255. The rest of the elements in mtfData stays at 0.
#  The 256 elements in mftData are organized in blocks of 16 elements
#  each. The array mtfBlockStart is initialized to point to the start
#  index of the 16 blocks in mtfData.
#  @param mtfBlockStart Index to the start of a block in mtfData.
#  @param mtfData Contains the MTF array in blocks of 16 elements.
const proc: initMoveToFront (inout bzip2MtfBlockStartTable: mtfBlockStart,
    inout bzip2MtfDataType: mtfData) is func
    var integer: blockNumber is 0;
    var integer: index is 0;
    var integer: dataIndex is pred(BZIP2_MTF_DATA_SIZE);
    for blockNumber range maxIdx(bzip2MtfBlockStartTable) downto 0 do
      for index range pred(BZIP2_MTF_BLOCK_SIZE) downto 0 do
        mtfData[dataIndex] := blockNumber * BZIP2_MTF_BLOCK_SIZE + index;
      end for;
      mtfBlockStart[blockNumber] := succ(dataIndex);
    end for;
  end func;

#  Move all MTF blocks up to 256 places at the end of mtfData.
#  The rest of the data in mtfData stays unchanged. The 256 elements
#  in mftData are organized in blocks of 16 elements each. The array
#  mtfBlockStart is changed to point to the start index of the 16
#  blocks in mtfData.
#  @param mtfBlockStart Index to the start of a block in mtfData.
#  @param mtfData Contains the MTF array in blocks of 16 elements.
const proc: moveMtfDataToTheEnd (inout bzip2MtfBlockStartTable: mtfBlockStart,
    inout bzip2MtfDataType: mtfData) is func
    var integer: blockNumber is 0;
    var integer: srcBlockStart is 0;
    var integer: destBlockStart is 0;
    var integer: srcIdx is 0;
    var integer: destIdx is 0;
    for blockNumber range maxIdx(bzip2MtfBlockStartTable) downto 0 do
      srcBlockStart := mtfBlockStart[blockNumber];
      if srcBlockStart < destBlockStart then
        destIdx := pred(destBlockStart + BZIP2_MTF_BLOCK_SIZE);
        for srcIdx range pred(srcBlockStart + BZIP2_MTF_BLOCK_SIZE)
            downto srcBlockStart do
          mtfData[destIdx] := mtfData[srcIdx];
        end for;
      end if;
      mtfBlockStart[blockNumber] := destBlockStart;
      destBlockStart -:= BZIP2_MTF_BLOCK_SIZE;
    end for;
  end func;

#  Get the next code from the MTF encoded sequence.
#  The element specified with mtfIndex in the MTF array is the result
#  of the function. Additionally the element specified with mtfIndex
#  is moved from its current position to the beginning of the MTF
#  array. Before the value is inserted all elements below mtfIndex
#  are moved up by one position.
#  For performance reasons the data in mtfData is organized in 16
#  blocks of 16 elements each. The array mtfBlockStart is used to
#  point to the start index of the 16 blocks in mtfData. The actual
#  movement is done first in the current block of mtfData. Afterwards
#  whole blocks are moved downward by decrementing mtfBlockStart
#  values by one. During the block movement elements are moved from
#  the end of one block to the beginning of the next block.
#  @param mtfIndex Index into the MTF array (range 1 .. 255).
#  @param mtfBlockStart Index to the start of a block in mtfData.
#  @param mtfData Contains the MTF array in blocks of 16 elements.
#  @return the next code from the MTF encoded sequence.
const func integer: decodeMoveToFront (in integer: mtfIndex,
    inout bzip2MtfBlockStartTable: mtfBlockStart,
    inout bzip2MtfDataType: mtfData) is func
    var integer: mtfCode is 0;
    var integer: blockStart is 0;
    var integer: dataIndex is 0;
    var integer: blockNumber is 0;
    var integer: blockOffset is 0;
    if mtfIndex < BZIP2_MTF_BLOCK_SIZE then
      # Simple case where the move happens in block 0
      blockStart := mtfBlockStart[0];
      dataIndex := blockStart + mtfIndex;  # dataIndex > blockStart holds
      mtfCode := mtfData[dataIndex];
      # Move mtfIndex elements of the MTF block up by one position
        mtfData[dataIndex] := mtfData[pred(dataIndex)];
      until dataIndex = blockStart;
      mtfData[blockStart] := mtfCode;
      # General case where blocks need to be moved as well
      blockNumber := mtfIndex div BZIP2_MTF_BLOCK_SIZE;
      blockOffset := mtfIndex mod BZIP2_MTF_BLOCK_SIZE;
      blockStart := mtfBlockStart[blockNumber];
      dataIndex := blockStart + blockOffset;  # dataIndex >= blockStart holds
      mtfCode := mtfData[dataIndex];
      # Move blockOffset elements of the MTF block up by one position
      while dataIndex <> blockStart do
        mtfData[dataIndex] := mtfData[pred(dataIndex)];
      end while;
      # Move whole blocks
        mtfData[mtfBlockStart[blockNumber]] := mtfData[
                mtfBlockStart[pred(blockNumber)] + BZIP2_MTF_BLOCK_SIZE - 1];
      until blockNumber = 0;
      mtfData[mtfBlockStart[0]] := mtfCode;
      if mtfBlockStart[0] = 0 then
        moveMtfDataToTheEnd(mtfBlockStart, mtfData);
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;

#  Process the input data from the compressed stream.
#  The following things are done:
#  - Huffman symbols are read from the compressed stream (->huffmanSymbol).
#  - The reverse MTF (move-to-front) algorithm is applied (->mtfCode).
#  - The mtfCode from the reverse MTF algorithm is mapped to a code (->code).
#  - The RUN_A/RUN_B run-length encoding repeats the last code.
#  - The code frequencies are computed and stored in codeFrequencies.
#  @param compressedStream Compressed stream from which data is read.
#  @param blockHeader BZIP2 block header.
#  @param decoder The Huffman encoders together with the selector information.
#  @param byteStri Byte string to be used for the inverse BWT transform.
#  @param codeFrequencies Number of codes used for each possible byte code.
const proc: processInputData (inout msbInBitStream: compressedStream,
    in bzip2BlockHeader: blockHeader, in bzip2HuffmanDecoder: decoder,
    inout string: byteStri, inout bzip2CodeFrequencies: codeFrequencies) is func
    var bzip2DecoderState: state is bzip2DecoderState.value;
    var bzip2MtfBlockStartTable: mtfBlockStart is bzip2MtfBlockStartTable.value;
    var bzip2MtfDataType: mtfData is bzip2MtfDataType.value;
    var integer: huffmanSymbol is 0;
    var integer: repeatFactor is 0;
    var integer: bitPos is 0;
    var integer: mtfCode is 0;
    var integer: code is 0;
    initMoveToFront(mtfBlockStart, mtfData);
    huffmanSymbol := getHuffmanSymbol(compressedStream, decoder, state);
    while huffmanSymbol <> blockHeader.endOfData do
      if huffmanSymbol <= BZIP2_RUN_B then
        # Repeat the last code according to the RUN_A/RUN_B repeat factor
        repeatFactor := 0;
        bitPos := 0;
          repeatFactor +:= succ(huffmanSymbol) << bitPos;
          huffmanSymbol := getHuffmanSymbol(compressedStream, decoder, state);
        until huffmanSymbol > BZIP2_RUN_B;
        codeFrequencies[code] +:= repeatFactor;
        byteStri &:= str(char(code)) mult repeatFactor;
      else  # huffmanSymbol in {2 .. 256} holds
        # Move-to-front encoded data
        mtfCode := decodeMoveToFront(pred(huffmanSymbol), mtfBlockStart, mtfData);
        code := blockHeader.mapToUsedByteCode[mtfCode];
        byteStri &:= char(code);
        huffmanSymbol := getHuffmanSymbol(compressedStream, decoder, state);
      end if;
    end while;
  end func;

#  Create an array with the sum of code frequencies.
#  Each element in the resulting array contains the sum of all
#  code frequencies with lower codes.
#   codeFrequencies:    2, 3, 7,  5,  4, ...
#   codeFrequenciesSum: 0, 2, 5, 12, 17, ...
#  The sum of code frequencies is used in the inverse BWT transform.
const func bzip2CodeFrequencies: computeFrequenciesSum (
    in bzip2CodeFrequencies: codeFrequencies) is func
    var bzip2CodeFrequencies: codeFrequenciesSum is bzip2CodeFrequencies.value;
    var integer: index is 0;
    var integer: codeFrequency is 0;
    var integer: sumOfFrequencies is 0;
    for codeFrequency key index range codeFrequencies do
      codeFrequenciesSum[index] := sumOfFrequencies;
      sumOfFrequencies +:= codeFrequency;
    end for;
  end func;

const func bzip2NextByteIndex: inverseBurrowsWheelerTransform (in string: byteStri,
    in bzip2CodeFrequencies: codeFrequencies) is func
    var bzip2NextByteIndex: nextByteIndex is bzip2NextByteIndex.value;
    var bzip2CodeFrequencies: codeFrequenciesSum is bzip2CodeFrequencies.value;
    var char: aByte is ' ';
    var integer: byteIndex is 0;
    var integer: index is 0;
    codeFrequenciesSum := computeFrequenciesSum(codeFrequencies);
    nextByteIndex := bzip2NextByteIndex[.. pred(length(byteStri))] times 0;
    for aByte range byteStri do
      index := codeFrequenciesSum[ord(aByte)];
      nextByteIndex[index] := byteIndex;
    end for;
  end func;

#  Get the next byte from the BWT encoded sequence in byteStri.
#  The currentByteIndex is advanced to the next position.
#  The BWT encoded data is a closed cycle. The end of the data is
#  reached if currentByteIndex is advanced to the first position
#  again.
const func char: getBwtByte (in string: byteStri,
    in bzip2NextByteIndex: nextByteIndex, inout integer: currentByteIndex) is func
    var char: aByte is ' ';
    aByte := byteStri[succ(currentByteIndex)];
    currentByteIndex := nextByteIndex[currentByteIndex];
  end func;

#  Decode the run-length encoded data.
#  A sequence of 4 identical bytes introduces a run-length encoding.
#  The 4 bytes are followed by a byte with a repeat factor.
#  The repeat factor determines how often the introducing byte
#  needs to be repeated additionally to the 4 introducing bytes.
const func string: runLengthDecoding (in string: byteStri,
    in bzip2NextByteIndex: nextByteIndex, in integer: bwtStartIndex) is func
    var string: uncompressed is "";
    var integer: currentByteIndex is 0;
    var integer: endByteIndex is 0;
    var char: aByte is ' ';
    var char: previousByte is ' ';
    var integer: runLength is 0;
    currentByteIndex := nextByteIndex[bwtStartIndex];
    endByteIndex := currentByteIndex;
    if byteStri <> "" then
      previousByte := getBwtByte(byteStri, nextByteIndex, currentByteIndex);
      if currentByteIndex <> endByteIndex then
          aByte := getBwtByte(byteStri, nextByteIndex, currentByteIndex);
          while aByte <> previousByte and currentByteIndex <> endByteIndex do
            uncompressed &:= previousByte;
            previousByte := aByte;
            aByte := getBwtByte(byteStri, nextByteIndex, currentByteIndex);
          end while;
          if currentByteIndex = endByteIndex then
            uncompressed &:= previousByte;
            uncompressed &:= aByte;
            runLength := 2;
              aByte := getBwtByte(byteStri, nextByteIndex, currentByteIndex);
            until aByte <> previousByte or runLength = 4 or currentByteIndex = endByteIndex;
            if aByte <> previousByte then
              uncompressed &:= str(previousByte) mult pred(runLength);
              if currentByteIndex = endByteIndex then
                uncompressed &:= aByte;
                previousByte := aByte;
              end if;
            elsif currentByteIndex <> endByteIndex then
              runLength +:= ord(getBwtByte(byteStri, nextByteIndex, currentByteIndex));
              uncompressed &:= str(previousByte) mult runLength;
              if currentByteIndex <> endByteIndex then
                previousByte := getBwtByte(byteStri, nextByteIndex, currentByteIndex);
              end if;
              uncompressed &:= str(previousByte) mult runLength;
            end if;
          end if;
        until currentByteIndex = endByteIndex;
        uncompressed &:= previousByte;
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;

const func string: decompressBzip2Block (inout msbInBitStream: compressedStream) is func
    var string: uncompressed is "";
    var bzip2BlockHeader: blockHeader is bzip2BlockHeader.value;
    var bzip2HuffmanDecoder: decoder is bzip2HuffmanDecoder.value;
    var string: byteStri is "";
    var bzip2CodeFrequencies: codeFrequencies is bzip2CodeFrequencies.value;
    var bzip2NextByteIndex: nextByteIndex is bzip2NextByteIndex.value;
    blockHeader.storedCrc := getBits(compressedStream, 32);
    blockHeader.randomized := odd(getBit(compressedStream));
    blockHeader.bwtStartIndex := getBits(compressedStream, 24);
    readMappingTable(compressedStream, blockHeader);
    readHuffmanGroups(compressedStream, blockHeader);
    readSelectors(compressedStream, blockHeader, decoder);
    readHuffmanDecoders(compressedStream, blockHeader, decoder);
    processInputData(compressedStream, blockHeader, decoder, byteStri, codeFrequencies);
    nextByteIndex := inverseBurrowsWheelerTransform(byteStri, codeFrequencies);
    uncompressed := runLengthDecoding(byteStri, nextByteIndex, blockHeader.bwtStartIndex);
    if blockHeader.storedCrc <> ord(bzip2Crc32(uncompressed)) then
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    end if;
  end func;

const func string: bzip2Decompress (in string: stri) is func
    var string: uncompressed is "";
    var bzip2Header: header is bzip2Header.value;
    var msbInBitStream: compressedStream is msbInBitStream.value;
    var integer: blockMagic is 0;
    header := readBzip2Header(stri);
    if header.magic = BZIP2_MAGIC then
      compressedStream := openMsbInBitStream(stri);
      ignore(gets(compressedStream, 4));
      blockMagic := getBits(compressedStream, 32) << 16 +
                    getBits(compressedStream, 16);
      while blockMagic = BZIP2_BLOCK_HEADER_MAGIC do
        uncompressed &:= decompressBzip2Block(compressedStream);
        blockMagic := getBits(compressedStream, 32) << 16 +
                      getBits(compressedStream, 16);
      end while;
      if blockMagic <> BZIP2_EOS_MAGIC then
        raise RANGE_ERROR;
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Decompress a file that was compressed with BZIP2.
 *  BZIP2 is a file format used for compression.
 *  @return the uncompressed string.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR If ''compressed'' is not in BZIP2 format.
const func string: bzip2Decompress (inout file: compressed) is func
    var string: uncompressed is "";
    var bzip2Header: header is bzip2Header.value;
    var msbInBitStream: compressedStream is msbInBitStream.value;
    var integer: blockMagic is 0;
    header := readBzip2Header(compressed);
    if header.magic = BZIP2_MAGIC then
      compressedStream := openMsbInBitStream(compressed);
      blockMagic := getBits(compressedStream, 32) << 16 +
                    getBits(compressedStream, 16);
      while blockMagic = BZIP2_BLOCK_HEADER_MAGIC do
        uncompressed &:= decompressBzip2Block(compressedStream);
        blockMagic := getBits(compressedStream, 32) << 16 +
                      getBits(compressedStream, 16);
      end while;
      if blockMagic <> BZIP2_EOS_MAGIC then
        raise RANGE_ERROR;
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  [[file|File]] implementation type to decompress a BZIP2 file.
 *  BZIP2 is a file format used for compression.
const type: bzip2File is sub null_file struct
    var msbInBitStream: compressedStream is msbInBitStream.value;
    var integer: blockMagic is 0;
    var string: uncompressed is "";
    var integer: position is 1;
  end struct;

type_implements_interface(bzip2File, file);

 *  Open a BZIP2 file for reading (decompression).
 *  BZIP2 is a file format used for compression. Reading from
 *  the file delivers decompressed data. Writing is not supported.
 *  @return the file opened, or [[null_file#STD_NULL|STD_NULL]]
 *          if the file is not in BZIP2 format.
const func file: openBzip2File (inout file: compressed, READ) is func
    var file: newFile is STD_NULL;
    var bzip2Header: header is bzip2Header.value;
    var bzip2File: new_bzip2File is bzip2File.value;
    header := readBzip2Header(compressed);
    if header.magic = BZIP2_MAGIC then
      new_bzip2File.compressedStream := openMsbInBitStream(compressed);
      new_bzip2File.blockMagic :=
          getBits(new_bzip2File.compressedStream, 32) << 16 +
          getBits(new_bzip2File.compressedStream, 16);
      newFile := toInterface(new_bzip2File);
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Close a ''bzip2File''.
const proc: close (in bzip2File: aFile) is noop;

 *  Read a character from a ''bzip2File''.
 *  @return the character read.
const func char: getc (inout bzip2File: inFile) is func
    var char: charRead is ' ';
    while inFile.position > length(inFile.uncompressed) and
        inFile.blockMagic = BZIP2_BLOCK_HEADER_MAGIC do
      inFile.uncompressed &:= decompressBzip2Block(inFile.compressedStream);
      inFile.blockMagic := getBits(inFile.compressedStream, 32) << 16 +
                           getBits(inFile.compressedStream, 16);
    end while;
    if inFile.position <= length(inFile.uncompressed) then
      charRead := inFile.uncompressed[inFile.position];
    elsif inFile.blockMagic <> BZIP2_EOS_MAGIC then
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
      charRead := EOF;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Read a string with maximum length from a ''bzip2File''.
 *  @return the string read.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR The parameter ''maxLength'' is negative.
const func string: gets (inout bzip2File: inFile, in integer: maxLength) is func
    var string: striRead is "";
    if maxLength <= 0 then
      if maxLength <> 0 then
        raise RANGE_ERROR;
      end if;
      while maxLength > succ(length(inFile.uncompressed) - inFile.position) and
          inFile.blockMagic = BZIP2_BLOCK_HEADER_MAGIC do
        inFile.uncompressed &:= decompressBzip2Block(inFile.compressedStream);
        inFile.blockMagic := getBits(inFile.compressedStream, 32) << 16 +
                             getBits(inFile.compressedStream, 16);
      end while;
      if maxLength <= succ(length(inFile.uncompressed) - inFile.position) then
        striRead := inFile.uncompressed[inFile.position fixLen maxLength];
        inFile.position +:= maxLength;
      elsif inFile.blockMagic <> BZIP2_EOS_MAGIC then
        raise RANGE_ERROR;
        striRead := inFile.uncompressed[inFile.position ..];
        inFile.position := succ(length(inFile.uncompressed));
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Determine the end-of-file indicator.
 *  The end-of-file indicator is set if at least one request to read
 *  from the file failed.
 *  @return TRUE if the end-of-file indicator is set, FALSE otherwise.
const func boolean: eof (in bzip2File: inFile) is
  return inFile.position > length(inFile.uncompressed) and
         inFile.blockMagic <> BZIP2_BLOCK_HEADER_MAGIC;

 *  Determine if at least one character can be read successfully.
 *  This function allows a file to be handled like an iterator.
 *  @return FALSE if ''getc'' would return EOF, TRUE otherwise.
const func boolean: hasNext (inout bzip2File: inFile) is func
    var boolean: hasNext is FALSE;
    while inFile.position > length(inFile.uncompressed) and
        inFile.blockMagic = BZIP2_BLOCK_HEADER_MAGIC do
      inFile.uncompressed &:= decompressBzip2Block(inFile.compressedStream);
      inFile.blockMagic := getBits(inFile.compressedStream, 32) << 16 +
                           getBits(inFile.compressedStream, 16);
    end while;
    if inFile.blockMagic <> BZIP2_EOS_MAGIC then
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
      hasNext := inFile.position <= length(inFile.uncompressed);
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Obtain the length of a file.
 *  The file length is measured in bytes.
 *  @return the length of a file, or 0 if it cannot be obtained.
const func integer: length (inout bzip2File: aFile) is func
    var integer: length is 0;
    while aFile.blockMagic = BZIP2_BLOCK_HEADER_MAGIC do
      aFile.uncompressed &:= decompressBzip2Block(aFile.compressedStream);
      aFile.blockMagic := getBits(aFile.compressedStream, 32) << 16 +
                          getBits(aFile.compressedStream, 16);
    end while;
    if aFile.blockMagic <> BZIP2_EOS_MAGIC then
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
      length := length(aFile.uncompressed);
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Determine if the file ''aFile'' is seekable.
 *  If a file is seekable the functions ''seek'' and ''tell''
 *  can be used to set and and obtain the current file position.
 *  @return TRUE, since a ''bzip2File'' is seekable.
const boolean: seekable (in bzip2File: aFile) is TRUE;

 *  Set the current file position.
 *  The file position is measured in bytes from the start of the file.
 *  The first byte in the file has the position 1.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR The file position is negative or zero.
const proc: seek (inout bzip2File: aFile, in integer: position) is func
    if position <= 0 then
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
      aFile.position := position;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Obtain the current file position.
 *  The file position is measured in bytes from the start of the file.
 *  The first byte in the file has the position 1.
 *  @return the current file position.
const func integer: tell (in bzip2File: aFile) is
  return aFile.position;