var typeReferenceHash: createFunction is typeReferenceHash.EMPTY_HASH;
var boolean_type_hash: create_declared is boolean_type_hash.EMPTY_HASH;
var boolean_type_hash: create_prototype_declared is boolean_type_hash.EMPTY_HASH;
var string_type_hash: parametersOfHshCreate is string_type_hash.EMPTY_HASH;
const proc: process_create_declaration (in type: object_type,
inout expr_type: c_expr) is forward;
const proc: process_create_call (in type: object_type,
in string: param_b, inout string: expr) is forward;
const func string: process_arr_alloc (in type: object_type, in string: variableName,
in boolean: useFreelist, in string: diagnosticLine) is func
var string: allocExpr is "";
const integer: maxFlistLen is 1 << 16;
if useFreelist then
allocExpr := diagnosticLine;
allocExpr &:= "flist_";
allocExpr &:= str(typeNumber(object_type));
allocExpr &:= " != NULL ? (";
allocExpr &:= variableName;
allocExpr &:= "=(";
allocExpr &:= type_name(object_type);
allocExpr &:= ")(flist_";
allocExpr &:= str(typeNumber(object_type));
allocExpr &:= "), ";
allocExpr &:= "flist_";
allocExpr &:= str(typeNumber(object_type));
allocExpr &:= "=flist_";
allocExpr &:= str(typeNumber(object_type));
allocExpr &:= "->next, ";
allocExpr &:= "flist_allowed_";
allocExpr &:= str(typeNumber(object_type));
allocExpr &:= "++, ";
allocExpr &:= variableName;
allocExpr &:= "->min_position=";
allocExpr &:= integerLiteral(array_minIdx[object_type]);
allocExpr &:= ", ";
allocExpr &:= variableName;
allocExpr &:= "->max_position=";
allocExpr &:= integerLiteral(array_maxIdx[object_type]);
allocExpr &:= ") : (\n";
allocExpr &:= diagnosticLine;
allocExpr &:= variableName;
allocExpr &:= "=(";
allocExpr &:= type_name(object_type);
allocExpr &:= ")arrMalloc(";
allocExpr &:= integerLiteral(array_minIdx[object_type]);
allocExpr &:= ", ";
allocExpr &:= integerLiteral(array_maxIdx[object_type]);
allocExpr &:= "),\n";
allocExpr &:= diagnosticLine;
allocExpr &:= "unlikely(flist_was_full_";
allocExpr &:= str(typeNumber(object_type));
allocExpr &:= ") ? (";
allocExpr &:= "flist_was_full_";
allocExpr &:= str(typeNumber(object_type));
allocExpr &:= "=0, ";
allocExpr &:= "flist_allowed_";
allocExpr &:= str(typeNumber(object_type));
allocExpr &:= "<";
allocExpr &:= str(maxFlistLen);
allocExpr &:= " ? ";
allocExpr &:= "flist_allowed_";
allocExpr &:= str(typeNumber(object_type));
allocExpr &:= "<<=1 : 0) : 0)";
allocExpr &:= diagnosticLine;
allocExpr &:= variableName;
allocExpr &:= "=(";
allocExpr &:= type_name(object_type);
allocExpr &:= ")arrMalloc(b->min_position, b->max_position)";
end if;
end func;
const proc: process_arr_create_declaration (in type: object_type,
inout expr_type: c_expr) is func
var string: diagnosticLine is "";
var string: select_value is "";
var boolean: useFreelist is FALSE;
if object_type in createFunction then
diagnosticLine := diagnosticLine(createFunction[object_type]);
end if;
select_value := select_value_from_rtlObjectStruct(array_element[object_type]);
process_create_declaration(array_element[object_type], c_expr);
if fixArrayFreelist and
object_type in array_minIdx and object_type in array_maxIdx and
array_maxIdx[object_type] -
array_minIdx[object_type] < ARRAY_FREELIST_LIMIT then
useFreelist := TRUE;
if object_type not in flist_declared then
declare_free_list(object_type, diagnosticLine, c_expr);
end if;
end if;
c_expr.expr &:= diagnosticLine;
c_expr.expr &:= "static ";
c_expr.expr &:= type_name(object_type);
c_expr.expr &:= " create_";
c_expr.expr &:= str(typeNumber(object_type));
c_expr.expr &:= " (const_";
c_expr.expr &:= type_name(object_type);
c_expr.expr &:= " b)\n";
c_expr.expr &:= diagnosticLine;
c_expr.expr &:= "{\n";
c_expr.expr &:= diagnosticLine;
c_expr.expr &:= type_name(object_type);
c_expr.expr &:= " a;\n";
c_expr.expr &:= diagnosticLine;
define_array_size_variable(object_type, c_expr);
c_expr.expr &:= diagnosticLine;
c_expr.expr &:= process_arr_alloc(object_type, "a", useFreelist, diagnosticLine);
c_expr.expr &:= ";\n";
c_expr.expr &:= diagnosticLine;
if array_element[object_type] in typeCategory and
typeCategory[array_element[object_type]] in simpleValueType then
c_expr.expr &:= "memcpy(a->arr, b->arr, size * sizeof(genericType));\n";
c_expr.expr &:= "while (size != 0) {\n";
c_expr.expr &:= diagnosticLine;
c_expr.expr &:= "size--;\n";
c_expr.expr &:= diagnosticLine;
c_expr.expr &:= "a->arr[size]";
c_expr.expr &:= select_value;
c_expr.expr &:= "=";
"b->arr[size]" & select_value, c_expr.expr);
c_expr.expr &:= ";\n";
c_expr.expr &:= diagnosticLine;
c_expr.expr &:= "}\n";
end if;
c_expr.expr &:= diagnosticLine;
c_expr.expr &:= "return a;\n";
c_expr.expr &:= diagnosticLine;
c_expr.expr &:= "}\n";
c_expr.expr &:= noDiagnosticLine;
c_expr.expr &:= "\n";
create_declared @:= [object_type] TRUE;
end func;
const func string: process_sct_alloc (in type: object_type, in string: variableName,
in integer: numElements, in string: diagnosticLine) is func
var string: allocExpr is "";
const integer: maxFlistLen is 1 << 16;
if structFreelist then
allocExpr := diagnosticLine;
allocExpr &:= "flist_";
allocExpr &:= str(typeNumber(object_type));
allocExpr &:= " != NULL ? (";
allocExpr &:= variableName;
allocExpr &:= "=(";
allocExpr &:= type_name(object_type);
allocExpr &:= ")(flist_";
allocExpr &:= str(typeNumber(object_type));
allocExpr &:= "), ";
allocExpr &:= "flist_";
allocExpr &:= str(typeNumber(object_type));
allocExpr &:= "=flist_";
allocExpr &:= str(typeNumber(object_type));
allocExpr &:= "->next, ";
allocExpr &:= "flist_allowed_";
allocExpr &:= str(typeNumber(object_type));
allocExpr &:= "++) : (\n";
end if;
allocExpr &:= diagnosticLine;
allocExpr &:= variableName;
allocExpr &:= "=(";
allocExpr &:= type_name(object_type);
allocExpr &:= ")malloc(sizeof(struct rtlStructStruct) - sizeof(rtlObjectType) + ";
allocExpr &:= str(numElements);
allocExpr &:= " * sizeof(rtlObjectType)),\n";
allocExpr &:= diagnosticLine;
allocExpr &:= "(unlikely(";
allocExpr &:= variableName;
allocExpr &:= " == NULL) ? ";
allocExpr &:= "intRaiseError(MEMORY_ERROR) ";
allocExpr &:= ": 0)";
if structFreelist then
allocExpr &:= ",\n";
allocExpr &:= diagnosticLine;
allocExpr &:= "unlikely(flist_was_full_";
allocExpr &:= str(typeNumber(object_type));
allocExpr &:= ") ? (";
allocExpr &:= "flist_was_full_";
allocExpr &:= str(typeNumber(object_type));
allocExpr &:= "=0, ";
allocExpr &:= "flist_allowed_";
allocExpr &:= str(typeNumber(object_type));
allocExpr &:= "<";
allocExpr &:= str(maxFlistLen);
allocExpr &:= " ? ";
allocExpr &:= "flist_allowed_";
allocExpr &:= str(typeNumber(object_type));
allocExpr &:= "<<=1 : 0) : 0)";
end if;
end func;
const proc: process_sct_create_declaration (in type: object_type,
inout expr_type: c_expr) is func
var string: diagnosticLine is "";
var integer: structSize is 0;
var integer: elementIndex is 0;
var string: select_value is "";
if object_type in createFunction then
diagnosticLine := diagnosticLine(createFunction[object_type]);
end if;
if object_type in struct_size then
structSize := struct_size[object_type];
end if;
for elementIndex range 0 to pred(structSize) do
process_create_declaration(struct_element_type[object_type][elementIndex], c_expr);
end for;
if structFreelist and object_type not in flist_declared then
declare_free_list(object_type, diagnosticLine, c_expr);
end if;
c_expr.expr &:= diagnosticLine;
c_expr.expr &:= "static ";
c_expr.expr &:= type_name(object_type);
c_expr.expr &:= " create_";
c_expr.expr &:= str(typeNumber(object_type));
c_expr.expr &:= " (const_";
c_expr.expr &:= type_name(object_type);
c_expr.expr &:= " b)\n";
c_expr.expr &:= diagnosticLine;
c_expr.expr &:= "{\n";
c_expr.expr &:= diagnosticLine;
c_expr.expr &:= type_name(object_type);
c_expr.expr &:= " a;\n";
c_expr.expr &:= process_sct_alloc(object_type, "a", structSize, diagnosticLine);
c_expr.expr &:= ";\n";
c_expr.expr &:= diagnosticLine;
c_expr.expr &:= "a->usage_count = 1;\n";
c_expr.expr &:= diagnosticLine;
c_expr.expr &:= "a->type_num = b->type_num;\n";
for elementIndex range 0 to pred(structSize) do
select_value := select_value_from_rtlObjectStruct(struct_element_type[object_type][elementIndex]);
c_expr.expr &:= diagnosticLine;
c_expr.expr &:= "a->stru[" & str(elementIndex) & "]" & select_value & "=";
"b->stru[" & str(elementIndex) & "]" & select_value, c_expr.expr);
c_expr.expr &:= ";\n";
end for;
c_expr.expr &:= diagnosticLine;
c_expr.expr &:= "return a;\n";
c_expr.expr &:= diagnosticLine;
c_expr.expr &:= "}\n";
c_expr.expr &:= noDiagnosticLine;
c_expr.expr &:= "\n";
create_declared @:= [object_type] TRUE;
end func;
const proc: process_hsh_create_declaration (in type: object_type,
inout expr_type: c_expr) is func
var string: diagnosticLine is "";
if object_type in createFunction then
diagnosticLine := diagnosticLine(createFunction[object_type]);
end if;
c_expr.expr &:= diagnosticLine;
c_expr.expr &:= "static ";
c_expr.expr &:= type_name(object_type);
c_expr.expr &:= " create_";
c_expr.expr &:= str(typeNumber(object_type));
c_expr.expr &:= " (const_";
c_expr.expr &:= type_name(object_type);
c_expr.expr &:= " b)\n";
c_expr.expr &:= diagnosticLine;
c_expr.expr &:= "{\n";
c_expr.expr &:= diagnosticLine;
c_expr.expr &:= "return hshCreate(b";
c_expr.expr &:= parametersOfHshCreate[object_type];
c_expr.expr &:= ");\n";
c_expr.expr &:= diagnosticLine;
c_expr.expr &:= "}\n";
c_expr.expr &:= noDiagnosticLine;
c_expr.expr &:= "\n";
create_declared @:= [object_type] TRUE;
end func;
const proc: declare_create_prototype (in type: object_type,
inout expr_type: c_expr) is func
if object_type not in create_prototype_declared then
declare_type_if_necessary(object_type, c_expr);
c_expr.expr &:= "static ";
c_expr.expr &:= type_name(object_type);
c_expr.expr &:= " create_";
c_expr.expr &:= str(typeNumber(object_type));
c_expr.expr &:= " (";
if useConstPrefix(object_type) then
c_expr.expr &:= "const_";
end if;
c_expr.expr &:= type_name(object_type);
c_expr.expr &:= ");\n\n";
create_prototype_declared @:= [object_type] TRUE;
end if;
end func;
const proc: process_create_declaration (in type: object_type,
inout expr_type: c_expr) is func
if object_type not in create_declared then
if object_type in typeCategory then
case typeCategory[object_type] of
if object_type in array_element then
process_arr_create_declaration(object_type, c_expr);
declare_create_prototype(object_type, c_expr);
end if;
process_sct_create_declaration(object_type, c_expr);
if object_type in parametersOfHshCreate then
process_hsh_create_declaration(object_type, c_expr);
declare_create_prototype(object_type, c_expr);
end if;
create_declared @:= [object_type] TRUE;
end case;
declare_create_prototype(object_type, c_expr);
end if;
end if;
end func;
const proc: declare_missing_create_declarations (inout expr_type: c_expr) is func
var type: object_type is void;
for key object_type range create_prototype_declared do
process_create_declaration(object_type, c_expr);
end for;
end func;
const proc: process_create_call (in type: object_type,
in string: param_b, inout string: expr) is func
if object_type in typeCategory then
case typeCategory[object_type] of
when simpleValueType: expr &:= param_b;
when {BIGINTOBJECT}: expr &:= "bigCreate(" & param_b & ")";
when {STRIOBJECT}: expr &:= "strCreate(" & param_b & ")";
when {BSTRIOBJECT}: expr &:= "bstCreate(" & param_b & ")";
when {FILEOBJECT}: expr &:= "filCreate(" & param_b & ")";
when {SETOBJECT}: expr &:= "setCreate(" & param_b & ")";
when {POLLOBJECT}: expr &:= "polCreate(" & param_b & ")";
when {REFLISTOBJECT}: expr &:= "rflCreate(" & param_b & ")";
when {WINOBJECT}: expr &:= "drwCreate(" & param_b & ")";
when {POINTLISTOBJECT}: expr &:= "bstCreate(" & param_b & ")";
when {PROCESSOBJECT}: expr &:= "pcsCreate(" & param_b & ")";
when {PROGOBJECT}: expr &:= "prgCreate(" & param_b & ")";
when {DATABASEOBJECT}: expr &:= "sqlCreateDb(" & param_b & ")";
when {SQLSTMTOBJECT}: expr &:= "sqlCreateStmt(" & param_b & ")";
when {INTERFACEOBJECT}: expr &:= "itfCreate(" & param_b & ")";
expr &:= "create_";
expr &:= str(typeNumber(object_type));
expr &:= "(";
expr &:= param_b;
expr &:= ")";
end case;
expr &:= "create_";
expr &:= str(typeNumber(object_type));
expr &:= "((";
expr &:= type_name(object_type);
expr &:= ")(";
expr &:= param_b;
expr &:= "))";
end if;
end func;