(*                                                                  *)
(*  deflate.s7i   Deflate compression algorithm                     *)
(*  Copyright (C) 2013, 2015, 2020, 2023, 2024  Thomas Mertes       *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  This file is part of the Seed7 Runtime Library.                 *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is free software; you can             *)
(*  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU     *)
(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(*  Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your      *)
(*  option) any later version.                                      *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is distributed in the hope that it    *)
(*  will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the      *)
(*  PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more    *)
(*  details.                                                        *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General       *)
(*  Public License along with this program; if not, write to the    *)
(*  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,             *)
(*  Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.                       *)
(*                                                                  *)

include "bitdata.s7i";

const proc: putLiteralOrLength (inout string: stri, inout integer: bitPos,
    in integer: literalOrLength) is func
    if literalOrLength <= 143 then
      putBitsLsb(stri, bitPos, reverseBits[8][literalOrLength + 2#00110000], 8);
    elsif literalOrLength <= 255 then
      putBitsLsb(stri, bitPos, reverseBits[9][literalOrLength + 2#110010000 - 144], 9);
    elsif literalOrLength <= 279 then
      putBitsLsb(stri, bitPos, reverseBits[7][literalOrLength - 256], 7);
      putBitsLsb(stri, bitPos, reverseBits[8][literalOrLength + 2#11000000 - 280], 8);
    end if;
  end func;

const proc: putLength (inout string: stri, inout integer: bitPos, in integer: length) is func
    if length <= 10 then
      putLiteralOrLength(stri, bitPos, 254 + length);
    elsif length <= 18 then
      putLiteralOrLength(stri, bitPos, 265 + ((length - 11) >> 1));
      putBitLsb(stri, bitPos, (length - 11) mod 2);
    elsif length <= 34 then
      putLiteralOrLength(stri, bitPos, 269 + ((length - 19) >> 2));
      putBitsLsb(stri, bitPos, (length - 19) mod 4, 2);
    elsif length <= 66 then
      putLiteralOrLength(stri, bitPos, 273 + ((length - 35) >> 3));
      putBitsLsb(stri, bitPos, (length - 35) mod 8, 3);
    elsif length <= 130 then
      putLiteralOrLength(stri, bitPos, 277 + ((length - 67) >> 4));
      putBitsLsb(stri, bitPos, (length - 67) mod 16, 4);
    elsif length <= 257 then
      putLiteralOrLength(stri, bitPos, 281 + ((length - 131) >> 5));
      putBitsLsb(stri, bitPos, (length - 131) mod 32, 5);
    elsif length = 258 then
      putLiteralOrLength(stri, bitPos, 285);
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    end if;
  end func;

const proc: putDistance (inout string: stri, inout integer: bitPos, in integer: distance) is func
    if distance <= 4 then
      putBitsLsb(stri, bitPos, reverseBits[5][pred(distance)], 5);
    elsif distance <= 8 then
      putBitsLsb(stri, bitPos, reverseBits[5][4 + ((distance - 5) >> 1)], 5);
      putBitLsb(stri, bitPos, (distance - 5) mod 2);
    elsif distance <= 16 then
      putBitsLsb(stri, bitPos, reverseBits[5][6 + ((distance - 9) >> 2)], 5);
      putBitsLsb(stri, bitPos, (distance - 9) mod 4, 2);
    elsif distance <= 32 then
      putBitsLsb(stri, bitPos, reverseBits[5][8 + ((distance - 17) >> 3)], 5);
      putBitsLsb(stri, bitPos, (distance - 17) mod 8, 3);
    elsif distance <= 64 then
      putBitsLsb(stri, bitPos, reverseBits[5][10 + ((distance - 33) >> 4)], 5);
      putBitsLsb(stri, bitPos, (distance - 33) mod 16, 4);
    elsif distance <= 128 then
      putBitsLsb(stri, bitPos, reverseBits[5][12 + ((distance - 65) >> 5)], 5);
      putBitsLsb(stri, bitPos, (distance - 65) mod 32, 5);
    elsif distance <= 256 then
      putBitsLsb(stri, bitPos, reverseBits[5][14 + ((distance - 129) >> 6)], 5);
      putBitsLsb(stri, bitPos, (distance - 129) mod 64, 6);
    elsif distance <= 512 then
      putBitsLsb(stri, bitPos, reverseBits[5][16 + ((distance - 257) >> 7)], 5);
      putBitsLsb(stri, bitPos, (distance - 257) mod 128, 7);
    elsif distance <= 1024 then
      putBitsLsb(stri, bitPos, reverseBits[5][18 + ((distance - 513) >> 8)], 5);
      putBitsLsb(stri, bitPos, (distance - 513) mod 256, 8);
    elsif distance <= 2048 then
      putBitsLsb(stri, bitPos, reverseBits[5][20 + ((distance - 1025) >> 9)], 5);
      putBitsLsb(stri, bitPos, (distance - 1025) mod 512, 9);
    elsif distance <= 4096 then
      putBitsLsb(stri, bitPos, reverseBits[5][22 + ((distance - 2049) >> 10)], 5);
      putBitsLsb(stri, bitPos, (distance - 2049) mod 1024, 10);
    elsif distance <= 8192 then
      putBitsLsb(stri, bitPos, reverseBits[5][24 + ((distance - 4097) >> 11)], 5);
      putBitsLsb(stri, bitPos, (distance - 4097) mod 2048, 11);
    elsif distance <= 16384 then
      putBitsLsb(stri, bitPos, reverseBits[5][26 + ((distance - 8193) >> 12)], 5);
      putBitsLsb(stri, bitPos, (distance - 8193) mod 4096, 12);
    elsif distance <= 32768 then
      putBitsLsb(stri, bitPos, reverseBits[5][28 + ((distance - 16385) >> 13)], 5);
      putBitsLsb(stri, bitPos, (distance - 16385) mod 8192, 13);
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    end if;
  end func;

const type: lookupDict is hash [string] integer;
const type: slidingWindowType is array [0 .. 32767] integer;

const type: deflateData is new struct
    var integer: uPos is 1;
    var integer: bitPos is 0;
    var lookupDict: dictionary is lookupDict.value;
    var slidingWindowType: slidingWindow is slidingWindowType times -32768;
  end struct;

const proc: deflate (inout deflateData: deflateState, in string: uncompressed,
    in integer: limit, inout string: compressed) is func
    var integer: pos is 0;
    var string: threeChars is "";
    var integer: posFound is 0;
    var integer: dictionaryPosFound is 0;
    var integer: length is 0;
    var integer: maxLength is 0;
    var integer: nextPos is 0;
    pos := deflateState.uPos;
    while pos <= limit do
      if pos < pred(length(uncompressed)) then
        posFound := update(deflateState.dictionary, uncompressed[pos fixLen 3], pos);
        if posFound <> pos and posFound >= pos - 32768 then
          maxLength := 258;
          if length(uncompressed) - pos < maxLength then
            maxLength := length(uncompressed) - pos;
          end if;
          length := 3;
          while length < maxLength and
                uncompressed[pos + length] = uncompressed[posFound + length] do
          end while;
          dictionaryPosFound := posFound;
          nextPos := deflateState.slidingWindow[posFound mod 32768];
          while nextPos >= pos - 32768 and length < maxLength do
            if uncompressed[nextPos + 3 len length - 2] = uncompressed[pos + 3 len length - 2] then
              posFound := nextPos;
              while length < maxLength and
                    uncompressed[pos + length] = uncompressed[posFound + length] do
              end while;
            end if;
            nextPos := deflateState.slidingWindow[nextPos mod 32768];
          end while;
          deflateState.slidingWindow[pos mod 32768] := dictionaryPosFound;
          if length > 3 or pos - posFound <= 4096 then
            putLength(compressed, deflateState.bitPos, length);
            putDistance(compressed, deflateState.bitPos, pos - posFound);
            nextPos := pos + length;
            while pos < nextPos do
              if pos < pred(length(uncompressed)) then
                posFound := update(deflateState.dictionary, uncompressed[pos fixLen 3], pos);
                if posFound <> pos then
                  deflateState.slidingWindow[pos mod 32768] := posFound;
                end if;
              end if;
            end while;
            putLiteralOrLength(compressed, deflateState.bitPos, ord(uncompressed[pos]));
          end if;
          # Not necessary to update slidingWindow, since it is already outdated.
          putLiteralOrLength(compressed, deflateState.bitPos, ord(uncompressed[pos]));
        end if;
        putLiteralOrLength(compressed, deflateState.bitPos, ord(uncompressed[pos]));
      end if;
    end while;
    deflateState.uPos := pos;
  end func;

const proc: beginDeflateBlock (inout deflateData: deflateState,
    inout string: compressed, in boolean: bfinal) is func
    putBitLsb(compressed, deflateState.bitPos, ord(bfinal));
    putBitsLsb(compressed, deflateState.bitPos, 1, 2);       # btype:  Fixed Huffman codes
  end func;

const proc: endDeflateBlock (inout deflateData: deflateState, inout string: compressed) is func
    putLiteralOrLength(compressed, deflateState.bitPos, 256);
  end func;

const proc: closeDeflateBlock (inout deflateData: deflateState, in string: uncompressed,
    inout string: compressed) is func
    deflate(deflateState, uncompressed, length(uncompressed), compressed);
    endDeflateBlock(deflateState, compressed);
  end func;

 *  Compress a string with the DEFLATE algorithm.
 *  DEFLATE is a compression algorithm that uses a combination of
 *  the LZ77 algorithm and Huffman coding.
const proc: deflateBlock (in string: uncompressed, inout string: compressed,
    in boolean: bfinal) is func
    var deflateData: deflateState is deflateData.value;
    beginDeflateBlock(deflateState, compressed, bfinal);
    deflate(deflateState, uncompressed, length(uncompressed), compressed);
    endDeflateBlock(deflateState, compressed);
  end func;

const proc: deflateBlock (inout file: inFile, inout string: compressed,
    inout integer: bitPos, in boolean: bfinal) is func
    var deflateData: deflateState is deflateData.value;
    var string: uncompressed is "";
    beginDeflateBlock(deflateState, compressed, bfinal);
    uncompressed := gets(inFile, 4096);
    while hasNext(inFile) do
      deflate(deflateState, uncompressed, length(uncompressed) - 258, compressed);
      uncompressed &:= gets(inFile, 4096);
    end while;
    deflate(deflateState, uncompressed, length(uncompressed), compressed);
    endDeflateBlock(deflateState, compressed);
  end func;

const func string: deflate (in string: uncompressed) is func
    var string: compressed is "";
    deflateBlock(uncompressed, compressed, TRUE);
  end func;