(*                                                                  *)
(*  des.s7i       DES (Data Encryption Standard) cipher support.    *)
(*  Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015, 2021, 2023  Thomas Mertes            *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  This file is part of the Seed7 Runtime Library.                 *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is free software; you can             *)
(*  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU     *)
(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(*  Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your      *)
(*  option) any later version.                                      *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is distributed in the hope that it    *)
(*  will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the      *)
(*  PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more    *)
(*  details.                                                        *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General       *)
(*  Public License along with this program; if not, write to the    *)
(*  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,             *)
(*  Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.                       *)
(*                                                                  *)

include "bin32.s7i";
include "bytedata.s7i";
include "cipher.s7i";

const integer: DES_KS_SIZE is 32;

const type: desSubKeyType is array [DES_KS_SIZE] bin32;

 *  [[cipher|cipherState]] implementation type describing the state of a DES cipher.
 *  The data is encrypted / decrypted with the DES (Data Encryption
 *  Standard) block cipher.
const type: desState is sub noCipherState struct
    var desSubKeyType: encryptionSubKey is desSubKeyType.value;
    var desSubKeyType: decryptionSubKey is desSubKeyType.value;
    var string: cipherBlock is "";
  end struct;

type_implements_interface(desState, cipherState);

 *  Block size used by the DES (Data Encryption Standard) block cipher.
 *  @return the block size used by the DES cipher.
const func integer: blockSize (DES) is 8;

const func desSubKeyType: setDesKey (in string: desKey) is func
    var desSubKeyType: subKey is desSubKeyType.value;
    const array integer: pc1 is [] (                       # Permuted choice table (key)
        57, 49, 41, 33, 25, 17,  9,  1, 58, 50, 42, 34, 26, 18,
        10,  2, 59, 51, 43, 35, 27, 19, 11,  3, 60, 52, 44, 36,
        63, 55, 47, 39, 31, 23, 15,  7, 62, 54, 46, 38, 30, 22,
        14,  6, 61, 53, 45, 37, 29, 21, 13,  5, 28, 20, 12,  4);
    const array integer: pc2 is [] (                       # Permuted choice key (table)
        14, 17, 11, 24,  1,  5,  3, 28, 15,  6, 21, 10,
        23, 19, 12,  4, 26,  8, 16,  7, 27, 20, 13,  2,
        41, 52, 31, 37, 47, 55, 30, 40, 51, 45, 33, 48,
        44, 49, 39, 56, 34, 53, 46, 42, 50, 36, 29, 32);
    const array bin32: bytebit is [] (                     # Bit 0 is left-most in byte
        bin32(8#200), bin32(8#100), bin32(8#40), bin32(8#20),
        bin32(8#10), bin32(8#4), bin32(8#2), bin32(8#1));
    const array integer: totrot is [] (                    # Number left rotations of pc1
        1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 28);
    var array boolean: pc1m is [0 .. 55] times FALSE;      # Place to modify pc1 into
    var array boolean: pcr is [0 .. 55] times FALSE;       # Place to rotate pc1 into
    var array bin32: ks is [0 .. 7] times bin32.value;
    var integer: i is 0;
    var integer: j is 0;
    var integer: l is 0;
    var integer: m is 0;
    for j range 0 to 55 do                                 # Convert pc1 to bits of key
        l := pc1[succ(j)] - 1;                             # Integer bit location
        m := succ(l mod 8);                                # Find bit
        pc1m[j] := (bin32(desKey[succ(l >> 3)]) &          # Find which key byte l is in
            bytebit[m]) <> bin32(0);                       # and which bit of that byte
                                                           # and store 1-bit result
    end for;
    for i range 0 to 15 do                                 # Key chunk for each iteration
      ks := [0 .. 7] times bin32.value;                    # Clear key schedule
      for j range 0 to 55 do                               # Rotate pc1 the right amount
        l := j + totrot[succ(i)];
        if j < 28 and l < 28 or j >= 28 and l < 56 then
          pcr[j] := pc1m[l];
          pcr[j] := pc1m[l - 28];
        end if;
      end for;
      # Rotate left and right halves independently
      for j range 0 to 47 do                               # Select bits individually
        # Check bit that goes to ks[j]
        if pcr[pc2[succ(j)] - 1] then
          # Mask it in if it's there
          l := succ(j rem 6);
          ks[j div 6] |:= bytebit[l] >> 2;
        end if;
      end for;
      # Now convert to odd/even interleaved form for use in F
      subKey[2*i + 1] := ks[0] << 24 |
                         ks[2] << 16 |
                         ks[4] <<  8 |
      subKey[2*i + 2] := ks[1] << 24 |
                         ks[3] << 16 |
                         ks[5] <<  8 |
    end for;
  end func;

const func desSubKeyType: reverseKeyScheduleOrder (in desSubKeyType: subKey) is func
    var desSubKeyType: reversedKey is desSubKeyType.value;
    var integer: i is 0;
    for i range 1 to 32 step 2 do
      reversedKey[i]     := subKey[DES_KS_SIZE - i];
      reversedKey[i + 1] := subKey[DES_KS_SIZE - i + 1];
    end for;
  end func;

 *  Set key and initialization vector for the DES (Data Encryption Standard) block cipher.
 *  @param desKey The key to be used for DES.
 *  @param initializationVector The initialisation vector (IV) for DES.
 *  @return the DES cipher state.
const func desState: setDesKey (in string: desKey, in string: initializationVector) is func
    var desState: state is desState.value;
    state.encryptionSubKey := setDesKey(desKey);
    state.decryptionSubKey := reverseKeyScheduleOrder(state.encryptionSubKey);
    state.cipherBlock := initializationVector;
  end func;

 *  Set key and initialization vector for the DES (Data Encryption Standard) block cipher.
 *  @param cipherKey The key to be used for DES.
 *  @param initializationVector The initialisation vector (IV) for DES.
 *  @return the initial ''cipherState'' of a DES cipher.
const func cipherState: setCipherKey (DES, in string: cipherKey,
    in string: initializationVector) is
  return toInterface(setDesKey(cipherKey, initializationVector));

const array array bin32: spBox is [] (
  [0] (bin32(16#01010400), bin32(16#00000000), bin32(16#00010000), bin32(16#01010404),
       bin32(16#01010004), bin32(16#00010404), bin32(16#00000004), bin32(16#00010000),
       bin32(16#00000400), bin32(16#01010400), bin32(16#01010404), bin32(16#00000400),
       bin32(16#01000404), bin32(16#01010004), bin32(16#01000000), bin32(16#00000004),
       bin32(16#00000404), bin32(16#01000400), bin32(16#01000400), bin32(16#00010400),
       bin32(16#00010400), bin32(16#01010000), bin32(16#01010000), bin32(16#01000404),
       bin32(16#00010004), bin32(16#01000004), bin32(16#01000004), bin32(16#00010004),
       bin32(16#00000000), bin32(16#00000404), bin32(16#00010404), bin32(16#01000000),
       bin32(16#00010000), bin32(16#01010404), bin32(16#00000004), bin32(16#01010000),
       bin32(16#01010400), bin32(16#01000000), bin32(16#01000000), bin32(16#00000400),
       bin32(16#01010004), bin32(16#00010000), bin32(16#00010400), bin32(16#01000004),
       bin32(16#00000400), bin32(16#00000004), bin32(16#01000404), bin32(16#00010404),
       bin32(16#01010404), bin32(16#00010004), bin32(16#01010000), bin32(16#01000404),
       bin32(16#01000004), bin32(16#00000404), bin32(16#00010404), bin32(16#01010400),
       bin32(16#00000404), bin32(16#01000400), bin32(16#01000400), bin32(16#00000000),
       bin32(16#00010004), bin32(16#00010400), bin32(16#00000000), bin32(16#01010004)),
  [0] (bin32(16#80108020), bin32(16#80008000), bin32(16#00008000), bin32(16#00108020),
       bin32(16#00100000), bin32(16#00000020), bin32(16#80100020), bin32(16#80008020),
       bin32(16#80000020), bin32(16#80108020), bin32(16#80108000), bin32(16#80000000),
       bin32(16#80008000), bin32(16#00100000), bin32(16#00000020), bin32(16#80100020),
       bin32(16#00108000), bin32(16#00100020), bin32(16#80008020), bin32(16#00000000),
       bin32(16#80000000), bin32(16#00008000), bin32(16#00108020), bin32(16#80100000),
       bin32(16#00100020), bin32(16#80000020), bin32(16#00000000), bin32(16#00108000),
       bin32(16#00008020), bin32(16#80108000), bin32(16#80100000), bin32(16#00008020),
       bin32(16#00000000), bin32(16#00108020), bin32(16#80100020), bin32(16#00100000),
       bin32(16#80008020), bin32(16#80100000), bin32(16#80108000), bin32(16#00008000),
       bin32(16#80100000), bin32(16#80008000), bin32(16#00000020), bin32(16#80108020),
       bin32(16#00108020), bin32(16#00000020), bin32(16#00008000), bin32(16#80000000),
       bin32(16#00008020), bin32(16#80108000), bin32(16#00100000), bin32(16#80000020),
       bin32(16#00100020), bin32(16#80008020), bin32(16#80000020), bin32(16#00100020),
       bin32(16#00108000), bin32(16#00000000), bin32(16#80008000), bin32(16#00008020),
       bin32(16#80000000), bin32(16#80100020), bin32(16#80108020), bin32(16#00108000)),
  [0] (bin32(16#00000208), bin32(16#08020200), bin32(16#00000000), bin32(16#08020008),
       bin32(16#08000200), bin32(16#00000000), bin32(16#00020208), bin32(16#08000200),
       bin32(16#00020008), bin32(16#08000008), bin32(16#08000008), bin32(16#00020000),
       bin32(16#08020208), bin32(16#00020008), bin32(16#08020000), bin32(16#00000208),
       bin32(16#08000000), bin32(16#00000008), bin32(16#08020200), bin32(16#00000200),
       bin32(16#00020200), bin32(16#08020000), bin32(16#08020008), bin32(16#00020208),
       bin32(16#08000208), bin32(16#00020200), bin32(16#00020000), bin32(16#08000208),
       bin32(16#00000008), bin32(16#08020208), bin32(16#00000200), bin32(16#08000000),
       bin32(16#08020200), bin32(16#08000000), bin32(16#00020008), bin32(16#00000208),
       bin32(16#00020000), bin32(16#08020200), bin32(16#08000200), bin32(16#00000000),
       bin32(16#00000200), bin32(16#00020008), bin32(16#08020208), bin32(16#08000200),
       bin32(16#08000008), bin32(16#00000200), bin32(16#00000000), bin32(16#08020008),
       bin32(16#08000208), bin32(16#00020000), bin32(16#08000000), bin32(16#08020208),
       bin32(16#00000008), bin32(16#00020208), bin32(16#00020200), bin32(16#08000008),
       bin32(16#08020000), bin32(16#08000208), bin32(16#00000208), bin32(16#08020000),
       bin32(16#00020208), bin32(16#00000008), bin32(16#08020008), bin32(16#00020200)),
  [0] (bin32(16#00802001), bin32(16#00002081), bin32(16#00002081), bin32(16#00000080),
       bin32(16#00802080), bin32(16#00800081), bin32(16#00800001), bin32(16#00002001),
       bin32(16#00000000), bin32(16#00802000), bin32(16#00802000), bin32(16#00802081),
       bin32(16#00000081), bin32(16#00000000), bin32(16#00800080), bin32(16#00800001),
       bin32(16#00000001), bin32(16#00002000), bin32(16#00800000), bin32(16#00802001),
       bin32(16#00000080), bin32(16#00800000), bin32(16#00002001), bin32(16#00002080),
       bin32(16#00800081), bin32(16#00000001), bin32(16#00002080), bin32(16#00800080),
       bin32(16#00002000), bin32(16#00802080), bin32(16#00802081), bin32(16#00000081),
       bin32(16#00800080), bin32(16#00800001), bin32(16#00802000), bin32(16#00802081),
       bin32(16#00000081), bin32(16#00000000), bin32(16#00000000), bin32(16#00802000),
       bin32(16#00002080), bin32(16#00800080), bin32(16#00800081), bin32(16#00000001),
       bin32(16#00802001), bin32(16#00002081), bin32(16#00002081), bin32(16#00000080),
       bin32(16#00802081), bin32(16#00000081), bin32(16#00000001), bin32(16#00002000),
       bin32(16#00800001), bin32(16#00002001), bin32(16#00802080), bin32(16#00800081),
       bin32(16#00002001), bin32(16#00002080), bin32(16#00800000), bin32(16#00802001),
       bin32(16#00000080), bin32(16#00800000), bin32(16#00002000), bin32(16#00802080)),
  [0] (bin32(16#00000100), bin32(16#02080100), bin32(16#02080000), bin32(16#42000100),
       bin32(16#00080000), bin32(16#00000100), bin32(16#40000000), bin32(16#02080000),
       bin32(16#40080100), bin32(16#00080000), bin32(16#02000100), bin32(16#40080100),
       bin32(16#42000100), bin32(16#42080000), bin32(16#00080100), bin32(16#40000000),
       bin32(16#02000000), bin32(16#40080000), bin32(16#40080000), bin32(16#00000000),
       bin32(16#40000100), bin32(16#42080100), bin32(16#42080100), bin32(16#02000100),
       bin32(16#42080000), bin32(16#40000100), bin32(16#00000000), bin32(16#42000000),
       bin32(16#02080100), bin32(16#02000000), bin32(16#42000000), bin32(16#00080100),
       bin32(16#00080000), bin32(16#42000100), bin32(16#00000100), bin32(16#02000000),
       bin32(16#40000000), bin32(16#02080000), bin32(16#42000100), bin32(16#40080100),
       bin32(16#02000100), bin32(16#40000000), bin32(16#42080000), bin32(16#02080100),
       bin32(16#40080100), bin32(16#00000100), bin32(16#02000000), bin32(16#42080000),
       bin32(16#42080100), bin32(16#00080100), bin32(16#42000000), bin32(16#42080100),
       bin32(16#02080000), bin32(16#00000000), bin32(16#40080000), bin32(16#42000000),
       bin32(16#00080100), bin32(16#02000100), bin32(16#40000100), bin32(16#00080000),
       bin32(16#00000000), bin32(16#40080000), bin32(16#02080100), bin32(16#40000100)),
  [0] (bin32(16#20000010), bin32(16#20400000), bin32(16#00004000), bin32(16#20404010),
       bin32(16#20400000), bin32(16#00000010), bin32(16#20404010), bin32(16#00400000),
       bin32(16#20004000), bin32(16#00404010), bin32(16#00400000), bin32(16#20000010),
       bin32(16#00400010), bin32(16#20004000), bin32(16#20000000), bin32(16#00004010),
       bin32(16#00000000), bin32(16#00400010), bin32(16#20004010), bin32(16#00004000),
       bin32(16#00404000), bin32(16#20004010), bin32(16#00000010), bin32(16#20400010),
       bin32(16#20400010), bin32(16#00000000), bin32(16#00404010), bin32(16#20404000),
       bin32(16#00004010), bin32(16#00404000), bin32(16#20404000), bin32(16#20000000),
       bin32(16#20004000), bin32(16#00000010), bin32(16#20400010), bin32(16#00404000),
       bin32(16#20404010), bin32(16#00400000), bin32(16#00004010), bin32(16#20000010),
       bin32(16#00400000), bin32(16#20004000), bin32(16#20000000), bin32(16#00004010),
       bin32(16#20000010), bin32(16#20404010), bin32(16#00404000), bin32(16#20400000),
       bin32(16#00404010), bin32(16#20404000), bin32(16#00000000), bin32(16#20400010),
       bin32(16#00000010), bin32(16#00004000), bin32(16#20400000), bin32(16#00404010),
       bin32(16#00004000), bin32(16#00400010), bin32(16#20004010), bin32(16#00000000),
       bin32(16#20404000), bin32(16#20000000), bin32(16#00400010), bin32(16#20004010)),
  [0] (bin32(16#00200000), bin32(16#04200002), bin32(16#04000802), bin32(16#00000000),
       bin32(16#00000800), bin32(16#04000802), bin32(16#00200802), bin32(16#04200800),
       bin32(16#04200802), bin32(16#00200000), bin32(16#00000000), bin32(16#04000002),
       bin32(16#00000002), bin32(16#04000000), bin32(16#04200002), bin32(16#00000802),
       bin32(16#04000800), bin32(16#00200802), bin32(16#00200002), bin32(16#04000800),
       bin32(16#04000002), bin32(16#04200000), bin32(16#04200800), bin32(16#00200002),
       bin32(16#04200000), bin32(16#00000800), bin32(16#00000802), bin32(16#04200802),
       bin32(16#00200800), bin32(16#00000002), bin32(16#04000000), bin32(16#00200800),
       bin32(16#04000000), bin32(16#00200800), bin32(16#00200000), bin32(16#04000802),
       bin32(16#04000802), bin32(16#04200002), bin32(16#04200002), bin32(16#00000002),
       bin32(16#00200002), bin32(16#04000000), bin32(16#04000800), bin32(16#00200000),
       bin32(16#04200800), bin32(16#00000802), bin32(16#00200802), bin32(16#04200800),
       bin32(16#00000802), bin32(16#04000002), bin32(16#04200802), bin32(16#04200000),
       bin32(16#00200800), bin32(16#00000000), bin32(16#00000002), bin32(16#04200802),
       bin32(16#00000000), bin32(16#00200802), bin32(16#04200000), bin32(16#00000800),
       bin32(16#04000002), bin32(16#04000800), bin32(16#00000800), bin32(16#00200002)),
  [0] (bin32(16#10001040), bin32(16#00001000), bin32(16#00040000), bin32(16#10041040),
       bin32(16#10000000), bin32(16#10001040), bin32(16#00000040), bin32(16#10000000),
       bin32(16#00040040), bin32(16#10040000), bin32(16#10041040), bin32(16#00041000),
       bin32(16#10041000), bin32(16#00041040), bin32(16#00001000), bin32(16#00000040),
       bin32(16#10040000), bin32(16#10000040), bin32(16#10001000), bin32(16#00001040),
       bin32(16#00041000), bin32(16#00040040), bin32(16#10040040), bin32(16#10041000),
       bin32(16#00001040), bin32(16#00000000), bin32(16#00000000), bin32(16#10040040),
       bin32(16#10000040), bin32(16#10001000), bin32(16#00041040), bin32(16#00040000),
       bin32(16#00041040), bin32(16#00040000), bin32(16#10041000), bin32(16#00001000),
       bin32(16#00000040), bin32(16#10040040), bin32(16#00001000), bin32(16#00041040),
       bin32(16#10001000), bin32(16#00000040), bin32(16#10000040), bin32(16#10040000),
       bin32(16#10040040), bin32(16#10000000), bin32(16#00040000), bin32(16#10001040),
       bin32(16#00000000), bin32(16#10041040), bin32(16#00040040), bin32(16#10000040),
       bin32(16#10040000), bin32(16#10001000), bin32(16#10001040), bin32(16#00000000),
       bin32(16#10041040), bin32(16#00041000), bin32(16#00041000), bin32(16#00001040),
       bin32(16#00001040), bin32(16#00040040), bin32(16#10000000), bin32(16#10041000)));

const proc: initialPermutation (inout bin32: left, inout bin32: right) is func
    var bin32: work is bin32.value;
    right := rotLeft(right, 4);

    work := (left >< right) & bin32(16#f0f0f0f0);
    left ><:= work;
    right := rotRight(right >< work, 20);

    work := (left >< right) & bin32(16#ffff0000);
    left ><:= work;
    right := rotRight(right >< work, 18);

    work := (left >< right) & bin32(16#33333333);
    left ><:= work;
    right := rotRight(right >< work, 6);

    work := (left >< right) & bin32(16#00ff00ff);
    left ><:= work;
    right := rotLeft(right >< work, 9);

    work := (left >< right) & bin32(16#aaaaaaaa);
    left := rotLeft(left >< work, 1);
    right ><:= work;
  end func;

const proc: finalPermutation (inout bin32: left, inout bin32: right) is func
    var bin32: work is bin32.value;
    right := rotRight(right, 1);

    work := (left >< right) & bin32(16#aaaaaaaa);
    left := rotRight(left >< work, 9);
    right ><:= work;

    work := (left >< right) & bin32(16#00ff00ff);
    left := rotLeft(left >< work, 6);
    right ><:= work;

    work := (left >< right) & bin32(16#33333333);
    left := rotLeft(left >< work, 18);
    right ><:= work;

    work := (left >< right) & bin32(16#ffff0000);
    left := rotLeft(left >< work, 20);
    right ><:= work;

    work := (left >< right) & bin32(16#f0f0f0f0);
    left := rotRight(left >< work, 4);
    right ><:= work;
  end func;

const func string: processDesBlock (in desSubKeyType: subKey, in string: inData) is func
    var string: outData is "";
    var bin32: left is bin32.value;
    var bin32: right is bin32.value;
    var integer: work is 0;
    var integer: idx is 0;
    left  := bin32(bytes2Int(inData[1 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, BE));
    right := bin32(bytes2Int(inData[5 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, BE));
    initialPermutation(left, right);

    for idx range 1 to 8 do
      work := ord(rotRight(right, 4) >< subKey[4 * idx - 3]);
      left ><:=  spBox[7][ work        mod 64] ><
                 spBox[5][(work >>  8) mod 64] ><
                 spBox[3][(work >> 16) mod 64] ><
                 spBox[1][(work >> 24) mod 64];
      work := ord(right >< subKey[4 * idx - 2]);
      left ><:=  spBox[8][ work        mod 64] ><
                 spBox[6][(work >>  8) mod 64] ><
                 spBox[4][(work >> 16) mod 64] ><
                 spBox[2][(work >> 24) mod 64];
      work := ord(rotRight(left, 4) >< subKey[4 * idx - 1]);
      right ><:= spBox[7][ work        mod 64] ><
                 spBox[5][(work >>  8) mod 64] ><
                 spBox[3][(work >> 16) mod 64] ><
                 spBox[1][(work >> 24) mod 64];
      work := ord(left >< subKey[4 * idx]);
      right ><:= spBox[8][ work        mod 64] ><
                 spBox[6][(work >>  8) mod 64] ><
                 spBox[4][(work >> 16) mod 64] ><
                 spBox[2][(work >> 24) mod 64];
    end for;

    finalPermutation(left, right);
    outData := bytes(ord(right), UNSIGNED, BE, 4) &
               bytes(ord(left),  UNSIGNED, BE, 4);
  end func;

 *  Encode a string with the DES (Data Encryption Standard) block cipher.
 *  @return the encoded string.
const func string: encode (inout desState: state, in string: plaintext) is func
    var string: encoded is "";
    var integer: index is 0;
    var integer: subIndex is 0;
    var string: dataBlock is "";
    var string: cipherBlock is "";
    for index range 1 to length(plaintext) step blockSize(DES) do
      dataBlock := "";
      for subIndex range 1 to blockSize(DES) do
        dataBlock &:= chr(ord(bin32(plaintext[pred(index + subIndex)]) ><
      end for;
      cipherBlock := processDesBlock(state.encryptionSubKey, dataBlock);
      state.cipherBlock := cipherBlock;
      encoded &:= cipherBlock;
    end for;
  end func;

 *  Decode a string with the DES (Data Encryption Standard) block cipher.
 *  @return the decoded string.
const func string: decode (inout desState: state, in string: encoded) is func
    var string: plaintext is "";
    var integer: index is 0;
    var integer: subIndex is 0;
    var string: cipherBlock is "";
    var string: dataBlock is "";
    var string: plainBlock is "";
    for index range 1 to length(encoded) step blockSize(DES) do
      cipherBlock := encoded[index fixLen blockSize(DES)];
      dataBlock := processDesBlock(state.decryptionSubKey, cipherBlock);
      for subIndex range 1 to blockSize(DES) do
        plaintext &:= chr(ord(bin32(dataBlock[subIndex]) ><
      end for;
      state.cipherBlock := cipherBlock;
    end for;
  end func;