(*                                                                  *)
(*  gif.s7i       Support for the GIF image file format.            *)
(*  Copyright (C) 2021 - 2024  Thomas Mertes                        *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  This file is part of the Seed7 Runtime Library.                 *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is free software; you can             *)
(*  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU     *)
(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(*  Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your      *)
(*  option) any later version.                                      *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is distributed in the hope that it    *)
(*  will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the      *)
(*  PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more    *)
(*  details.                                                        *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General       *)
(*  Public License along with this program; if not, write to the    *)
(*  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,             *)
(*  Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.                       *)
(*                                                                  *)

include "bytedata.s7i";
include "draw.s7i";
include "lzw.s7i";
include "pixelimage.s7i";

const string: GIF_MAGIC_87 is "GIF87a";
const string: GIF_MAGIC_89 is "GIF89a";

const integer: GIF_SCREEN_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE is 7;
const integer: GIF_IMAGE_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE is 9;

const type: gifHeader is new struct
    var integer: screenWidth is 0;
    var integer: screenHeight is 0;
    var integer: bitsOfColorResolution is 0;
    var integer: globalBitsPerPixel is 0;
    var colorLookupTable: globalColorMap is colorLookupTable.value;
  end struct;

const type: gifImageHeader is new struct
    var integer: leftPosition is 0;
    var integer: topPosition is 0;
    var integer: width is 0;
    var integer: height is 0;
    var boolean: interlacedOrder is FALSE;
    var integer: bitsPerPixel is 0;
    var boolean: hasLocalColorMap is FALSE;
    var colorLookupTable: localColorMap is colorLookupTable.value;
  end struct;

const type: gifExtensions is new struct
    var integer: disposalMethod is 0;
    var boolean: userInputFlag is FALSE;
    var boolean: transparentColorFlag is FALSE;
    var integer: delayTime is 0;
    var integer: transparentColorIndex is 0;
    var boolean: loopCountPresent is FALSE;
    var integer: loopCount is 0;
  end struct;

const proc: readHeader (inout file: gifFile, inout gifHeader: header) is func
    var string: screenDescriptor is "";
    var boolean: globalColorMapFollows is FALSE;
    var integer: maxColorMapIndex is 0;
    var integer: colorMapIndex is 0;
    var string: rgbData is "";
    var integer: byteIndex is 1;
    screenDescriptor := gets(gifFile, GIF_SCREEN_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE);
    if length(screenDescriptor) = GIF_SCREEN_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE then
      header.screenWidth := bytes2Int(screenDescriptor[1 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
      header.screenHeight := bytes2Int(screenDescriptor[3 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
      globalColorMapFollows := ord(screenDescriptor[5]) >= 128;
      header.bitsOfColorResolution := succ((ord(screenDescriptor[5]) >> 4) mod 8);
      header.globalBitsPerPixel := succ(ord(screenDescriptor[5]) mod 8);
      # writeln("screenWidth: " <& header.screenWidth);
      # writeln("screenHeight: " <& header.screenHeight);
      # writeln("globalColorMapFollows: " <& globalColorMapFollows);
      # writeln("bitsOfColorResolution: " <& header.bitsOfColorResolution);
      # writeln("globalBitsPerPixel: " <& header.globalBitsPerPixel);
      if globalColorMapFollows then
        maxColorMapIndex := pred(2 ** header.globalBitsPerPixel);
        header.globalColorMap := colorLookupTable[.. maxColorMapIndex] times pixel.value;
        rgbData := gets(gifFile, succ(maxColorMapIndex) * 3);
        for colorMapIndex range 0 to maxColorMapIndex do
          header.globalColorMap[colorMapIndex] := rgbPixel(ord(rgbData[byteIndex]) * 256,
                                                           ord(rgbData[succ(byteIndex)]) * 256,
                                                           ord(rgbData[byteIndex + 2]) * 256);
          byteIndex +:= 3;
        end for;
      end if;
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    end if;
  end func;

const proc: readImageHeader (inout file: gifFile, inout gifImageHeader: header) is func
    var string: imageDescriptor is "";
    var integer: maxColorMapIndex is 0;
    var integer: colorMapIndex is 0;
    var string: rgbData is "";
    var integer: byteIndex is 1;
    imageDescriptor := gets(gifFile, GIF_IMAGE_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE);
    if length(imageDescriptor) = GIF_IMAGE_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE then
      header.leftPosition := bytes2Int(imageDescriptor[1 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
      header.topPosition := bytes2Int(imageDescriptor[3 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
      header.width := bytes2Int(imageDescriptor[5 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
      header.height := bytes2Int(imageDescriptor[7 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
      header.hasLocalColorMap := ord(imageDescriptor[9]) >= 128;
      header.interlacedOrder := (ord(imageDescriptor[9]) >> 6) mod 2 <> 0;
      header.bitsPerPixel := succ(ord(imageDescriptor[9]) mod 8);
      # writeln("leftPosition: " <& header.leftPosition);
      # writeln("topPosition: " <& header.topPosition);
      # writeln("width: " <& header.width);
      # writeln("height: " <& header.height);
      # writeln("hasLocalColorMap: " <& header.hasLocalColorMap);
      # writeln("interlacedOrder: " <& header.interlacedOrder);
      # writeln("bitsPerPixel: " <& header.bitsPerPixel);
      if header.hasLocalColorMap then
        maxColorMapIndex := pred(2 ** header.bitsPerPixel);
        header.localColorMap := colorLookupTable[.. maxColorMapIndex] times pixel.value;
        rgbData := gets(gifFile, succ(maxColorMapIndex) * 3);
        for colorMapIndex range 0 to maxColorMapIndex do
          header.localColorMap[colorMapIndex] := rgbPixel(ord(rgbData[byteIndex]) * 256,
                                                          ord(rgbData[succ(byteIndex)]) * 256,
                                                          ord(rgbData[byteIndex + 2]) * 256);
          byteIndex +:= 3;
        end for;
      end if;
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    end if;
  end func;

const func string: readSubBlockSeries (inout file: gifFile) is func
    var string: data is "";
    var integer: blockSize is 0;
    blockSize := ord(getc(gifFile));
    while blockSize <> 0 do
      data &:= gets(gifFile, blockSize);
      blockSize := ord(getc(gifFile));
    end while;
  end func;

const proc: readExtensionBlock (inout file: gifFile, inout gifExtensions: extensions) is func
    var char: typeOfExtension is ' ';
    var integer: dataSize is 0;
    var string: extensionData is "";
    typeOfExtension := getc(gifFile);
    # writeln("typeOfExtension: " <& ord(typeOfExtension));
    extensionData := readSubBlockSeries(gifFile);
    # writeln("extensionData: " <& literal(extensionData));
    case ord(typeOfExtension) of
      when {16#f9}: # Graphic Control Extension
        extensions.disposalMethod := (ord(extensionData[1]) >> 2) mod 8;
        extensions.userInputFlag := odd(ord(extensionData[1]) >> 1);
        extensions.transparentColorFlag := odd(ord(extensionData[1]));
        extensions.delayTime := bytes2Int(extensionData[2 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
        if extensions.transparentColorFlag then
          extensions.transparentColorIndex := ord(extensionData[4]);
        end if;
        # writeln("disposalMethod: " <& extensions.disposalMethod);
        # writeln("userInputFlag: " <& extensions.userInputFlag);
        # writeln("transparentColorFlag: " <& extensions.transparentColorFlag);
        # writeln("delayTime: " <& extensions.delayTime);
        # writeln("transparentColorIndex: " <& extensions.transparentColorIndex);
      when {16#ff}: # Application Extension
        if startsWith(extensionData, "NETSCAPE2.0\1;") or
            startsWith(extensionData, "ANIMEXTS1.0\1;") then
          # Looping Application Extension
          extensions.loopCountPresent := TRUE;
          extensions.loopCount := bytes2Int(extensionData[13 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
        elsif startsWith(extensionData, "NETSCAPE2.0\2;") then
          # Buffering Application Extension
        end if;
      when {16#fe}: # Comment Extension
      when {16#01}: # Plain Text Extension
      otherwise: # Unknown extension
        raise RANGE_ERROR;
    end case;
  end func;

const proc: fillGifImage8Bit (inout pixelImage: image, in string: pixelData,
    in colorLookupTable: palette, in gifImageHeader: imageHeader) is func
    var char: colorIndex is '\0;';
    var integer: line is 0;
    var integer: column is 0;
    var integer: columnBeyond is 0;
    # writeln("length(pixelData): " <& length(pixelData));
    # writeln("height: " <& imageHeader.height);
    # writeln("width: " <& imageHeader.width);
    # writeln("no transparent color");
    line := succ(imageHeader.topPosition);
    column := succ(imageHeader.leftPosition);
    columnBeyond := succ(imageHeader.leftPosition + imageHeader.width);
    for colorIndex range pixelData do
      image[line][column] := palette[ord(colorIndex)];
      if column = columnBeyond then
        column := succ(imageHeader.leftPosition);
      end if;
    end for;
  end func;

const proc: fillGifImage8Bit (inout pixelImage: image, in string: pixelData,
    in colorLookupTable: palette, in integer: transparentColorIndex,
    in gifImageHeader: imageHeader) is func
    var char: colorIndex is '\0;';
    var integer: line is 0;
    var integer: column is 0;
    var integer: columnBeyond is 0;
    # writeln("length(pixelData): " <& length(pixelData));
    # writeln("height: " <& imageHeader.height);
    # writeln("width: " <& imageHeader.width);
    # writeln("transparentColorIndex: " <& ord(transparentColorIndex));
    line := succ(imageHeader.topPosition);
    column := succ(imageHeader.leftPosition);
    columnBeyond := succ(imageHeader.leftPosition + imageHeader.width);
    for colorIndex range pixelData do
      if ord(colorIndex) <> transparentColorIndex then
        image[line][column] := palette[ord(colorIndex)];
      end if;
      if column = columnBeyond then
        column := succ(imageHeader.leftPosition);
      end if;
    end for;
  end func;

const proc: fillGifImage8BitInterlaced (inout pixelImage: image,
    in string: pixelData, in colorLookupTable: palette,
    in gifImageHeader: imageHeader) is func
    var char: colorIndex is '\0;';
    var integer: line is 0;
    var integer: lineBeyond is 0;
    var integer: lineDelta is 8;
    var integer: column is 0;
    var integer: columnBeyond is 0;
    var integer: interlace is 1;
    # writeln("length(pixelData): " <& length(pixelData));
    # writeln("height: " <& imageHeader.height);
    # writeln("width: " <& imageHeader.width);
    # writeln("no transparent color");
    line := succ(imageHeader.topPosition);
    lineBeyond := succ(imageHeader.topPosition + imageHeader.height);
    column := succ(imageHeader.leftPosition);
    columnBeyond := succ(imageHeader.leftPosition + imageHeader.width);
    for colorIndex range pixelData do
      image[line][column] := palette[ord(colorIndex)];
      if column = columnBeyond then
        line +:= lineDelta;
        if line >= lineBeyond then
          case interlace of
            when {2}: line := imageHeader.topPosition + 5;
                      lineDelta := 8;
            when {3}: line := imageHeader.topPosition + 3;
                      lineDelta := 4;
            when {4}: line := imageHeader.topPosition + 2;
                      lineDelta := 2;
          end case;
        end if;
        column := succ(imageHeader.leftPosition);
      end if;
    end for;
  end func;

const proc: fillGifImage8BitInterlaced (inout pixelImage: image,
    in string: pixelData, in colorLookupTable: palette,
    in integer: transparentColorIndex, in gifImageHeader: imageHeader) is func
    var char: colorIndex is '\0;';
    var integer: line is 0;
    var integer: lineBeyond is 0;
    var integer: lineDelta is 8;
    var integer: column is 0;
    var integer: columnBeyond is 0;
    var integer: interlace is 1;
    # writeln("length(pixelData): " <& length(pixelData));
    # writeln("height: " <& imageHeader.height);
    # writeln("width: " <& imageHeader.width);
    # writeln("transparentColorIndex: " <& ord(transparentColorIndex));
    line := succ(imageHeader.topPosition);
    lineBeyond := succ(imageHeader.topPosition + imageHeader.height);
    column := succ(imageHeader.leftPosition);
    columnBeyond := succ(imageHeader.leftPosition + imageHeader.width);
    for colorIndex range pixelData do
      if ord(colorIndex) <> transparentColorIndex then
        image[line][column] := palette[ord(colorIndex)];
      end if;
      if column = columnBeyond then
        line +:= lineDelta;
        if line >= lineBeyond then
          case interlace of
            when {2}: line := imageHeader.topPosition + 5;
                      lineDelta := 8;
            when {3}: line := imageHeader.topPosition + 3;
                      lineDelta := 4;
            when {4}: line := imageHeader.topPosition + 2;
                      lineDelta := 2;
          end case;
        end if;
        column := succ(imageHeader.leftPosition);
      end if;
    end for;
  end func;

 *  Reads a GIF file into a pixmap.
 *  @param gifFile File that contains a GIF image.
 *  @return A pixmap with the GIF image, or
 *          PRIMITIVE_WINDOW.value if the file does
 *          not contain a GIF magic number.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR The file is not in the GIF file format.
const func PRIMITIVE_WINDOW: readGif (inout file: gifFile) is func
    var string: magic is "";
    var gifHeader: header is gifHeader.value;
    var gifImageHeader: imageHeader is gifImageHeader.value;
    var gifExtensions: extensions is gifExtensions.value;
    var char: sentinel is ' ';
    var integer: initialNumberOfLzwBits is 0;
    var string: uncompressed is "";
    var pixelImage: image is pixelImage.value;
    magic := gets(gifFile, length(GIF_MAGIC_87));
    if magic = GIF_MAGIC_87 or magic = GIF_MAGIC_89 then
      readHeader(gifFile, header);
      image := pixelImage[.. header.screenHeight] times
               pixelArray[.. header.screenWidth] times pixel.value;
      sentinel := getc(gifFile);
      while sentinel <> ';' do
        if sentinel = '!' then
          readExtensionBlock(gifFile, extensions);
        elsif sentinel = ',' then
          readImageHeader(gifFile, imageHeader);
          initialNumberOfLzwBits := ord(getc(gifFile));
          uncompressed := lzwDecompressLsb(readSubBlockSeries(gifFile),
          if imageHeader.hasLocalColorMap then
            if extensions.transparentColorFlag then
              if imageHeader.interlacedOrder then
                fillGifImage8BitInterlaced(image, uncompressed, imageHeader.localColorMap,
                                 extensions.transparentColorIndex, imageHeader);
                fillGifImage8Bit(image, uncompressed, imageHeader.localColorMap,
                                 extensions.transparentColorIndex, imageHeader);
              end if;
              if imageHeader.interlacedOrder then
                fillGifImage8BitInterlaced(image, uncompressed,
                                           imageHeader.localColorMap, imageHeader);
                fillGifImage8Bit(image, uncompressed, imageHeader.localColorMap,
              end if;
            end if;
            if extensions.transparentColorFlag then
              if imageHeader.interlacedOrder then
                fillGifImage8BitInterlaced(image, uncompressed, header.globalColorMap,
                                 extensions.transparentColorIndex, imageHeader);
                fillGifImage8Bit(image, uncompressed, header.globalColorMap,
                                 extensions.transparentColorIndex, imageHeader);
              end if;
              if imageHeader.interlacedOrder then
                fillGifImage8BitInterlaced(image, uncompressed,
                                           header.globalColorMap, imageHeader);
                fillGifImage8Bit(image, uncompressed, header.globalColorMap,
              end if;
            end if;
          end if;
          extensions.transparentColorFlag := FALSE;
          raise RANGE_ERROR;
        end if;
        sentinel := getc(gifFile);
      end while;
      pixmap := getPixmap(image);
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Reads a GIF file with the given ''gifFileName'' into a pixmap.
 *  @param gifFileName Name of the GIF file.
 *  @return A pixmap with the GIF image, or
 *          PRIMITIVE_WINDOW.value if the file cannot be opened or
 *          does not contain a GIF magic number.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR The file is not in the GIF file format.
const func PRIMITIVE_WINDOW: readGif (in string: gifFileName) is func
    var file: gifFile is STD_NULL;
    gifFile := open(gifFileName, "r");
    if gifFile <> STD_NULL then
      pixmap := readGif(gifFile);
    end if;
  end func;