const func type: hashset (in type: baseType) is func
var type: setType is void;
var type: tupleType is void;
var type: array_type is void;
setType := get_type(getfunc(hashset(attr baseType)));
if setType = void then
setType := newtype;
const boolean: isSetType (attr setType) is TRUE;
const type: hashset (attr baseType) is setType;
const type: base_type (attr setType) is baseType;
const reference: (attr setType) . keyCreate is getfunc((ref baseType: dest) ::= (in baseType: source));
const reference: (attr setType) . keyDestroy is getfunc(destroy(ref baseType: aValue));
const reference: (attr setType) . keyCopy is getfunc((inout baseType: dest) := (in baseType: source));
const reference: (attr setType) . keyCompare is getfunc(compare(in baseType: key1, in baseType: key2));
const reference: (attr setType) . dataCreate is getfunc((ref boolean: dest) ::= (in boolean: source));
const reference: (attr setType) . dataDestroy is getfunc(destroy(ref boolean: aValue));
const reference: (attr setType) . dataCopy is getfunc((inout boolean: dest) := (in boolean:source));
const proc: CREATE (ref setType: dest, in setType: source,
in reference: keyCreate, in reference: keyDestroy,
in reference: dataCreate, in reference: dataDestroy) is action "HSH_CREATE";
const proc: DESTROY (ref setType: oldSet, in reference: keyDestroy,
in reference: dataDestroy) is action "HSH_DESTR";
const proc: COPY (inout setType: dest, in setType: source,
in reference: keyCreate, in reference: keyDestroy,
in reference: dataCreate, in reference: dataDestroy) is action "HSH_CPY";
const proc: FOR_KEY (inout baseType: variable, in setType: aSet,
in proc: statements, in reference: keyCopy) is action "HSH_FOR_KEY";
const func array baseType: KEYS (in setType: aSet, in reference: keyCreate,
in reference: keyDestroy) is action "HSH_KEYS";
const proc: (ref setType: dest) ::= (in setType: source) is func
CREATE(dest, source, setType.keyCreate, setType.keyDestroy,
setType.dataCreate, setType.dataDestroy);
end func;
const proc: destroy (ref setType: oldSet) is func
DESTROY(oldSet, setType.keyDestroy, setType.dataDestroy);
end func;
const proc: (inout setType: dest) := (in setType: source) is func
COPY(dest, source, setType.keyCreate, setType.keyDestroy,
setType.dataCreate, setType.dataDestroy);
end func;
const boolean: isBitset (attr setType) is FALSE;
const func setType: (attr setType) . _GENERATE_EMPTY_SET is action "HSH_EMPTY";
const setType: (attr setType) . EMPTY_SET is setType._GENERATE_EMPTY_SET;
const setType: (attr setType) . value is setType._GENERATE_EMPTY_SET;
const func integer: card (in setType: aSet) is action "HSH_LNG";
const func baseType: rand (in setType: aSet) is action "HSH_RAND_KEY";
const proc: INCL (inout setType: aSet, in baseType: hashKey,
in boolean: data, in integer: hashCode,
in reference: keyCompare, in reference: keyCreate,
in reference: dataCreate, in reference: dataCopy) is action "HSH_INCL";
const proc: EXCL (inout setType: aSet, in baseType: hashKey,
in integer: hashCode, in reference: keyCompare,
in reference: keyDestroy, in reference: dataDestroy) is action "HSH_EXCL";
const func boolean: CONTAINS (in setType: aSet, in baseType: hashKey,
in integer: hashCode,
in reference: keyCompare) is action "HSH_CONTAINS";
const func boolean: (in baseType: aValue) in (in setType: aSet) is
return CONTAINS(aSet, aValue, hashCode(aValue), setType.keyCompare);
const func boolean: (in baseType: aValue) not in (in setType: aSet) is
return not CONTAINS(aSet, aValue, hashCode(aValue), setType.keyCompare);
const proc: incl (inout setType: aSet, in baseType: aValue) is func
INCL(aSet, aValue, TRUE, hashCode(aValue), setType.keyCompare,
setType.keyCreate, setType.dataCreate, setType.dataCopy);
end func;
const proc: excl (inout setType: aSet, in baseType: aValue) is func
EXCL(aSet, aValue, hashCode(aValue), setType.keyCompare,
setType.keyDestroy, setType.dataDestroy);
end func;
const proc: (inout setType: aSet) @:= [ (in baseType: aValue) ] (in boolean: isElement) is func
if isElement then
INCL(aSet, aValue, TRUE, hashCode(aValue), setType.keyCompare,
setType.keyCreate, setType.dataCreate, setType.dataCopy);
EXCL(aSet, aValue, hashCode(aValue), setType.keyCompare,
setType.keyDestroy, setType.dataDestroy);
end if;
end func;
const proc: for (inout baseType: variable) range (in setType: aSet) do
(in proc: statements)
end for is func
FOR_KEY(variable, aSet, statements, setType.keyCopy);
end func;
const func array baseType: toArray (in setType: aSet) is
return KEYS(aSet, setType.keyCreate, setType.keyDestroy);
const func setType: (in setType: set1) | (in setType: set2) is func
var setType: union is setType.EMPTY_SET;
var baseType: element is baseType.value;
union := set1;
for element range set2 do
incl(union, element);
end for;
end func;
const func setType: (in setType: set1) & (in setType: set2) is func
var setType: intersection is setType.EMPTY_SET;
var baseType: element is baseType.value;
for element range set1 do
if element in set2 then
incl(intersection, element);
end if;
end for;
end func;
const func setType: (in setType: set1) >< (in setType: set2) is func
var setType: difference is setType.EMPTY_SET;
var baseType: element is baseType.value;
for element range set1 do
if element not in set2 then
incl(difference, element);
end if;
end for;
for element range set2 do
if element not in set1 then
incl(difference, element);
end if;
end for;
end func;
const func setType: (in setType: set1) - (in setType: set2) is func
var setType: difference is setType.EMPTY_SET;
var baseType: element is baseType.value;
difference := set1;
for element range set2 do
excl(difference, element);
end for;
end func;
const proc: (inout setType: dest) |:= (in setType: set2) is func
var baseType: element is baseType.value;
for element range set2 do
incl(dest, element);
end for;
end func;
const proc: (inout setType: dest) &:= (in setType: set2) is func
var setType: intersection is setType.EMPTY_SET;
var baseType: element is baseType.value;
for element range dest do
if element in set2 then
incl(intersection, element);
end if;
end for;
dest := intersection;
end func;
const proc: (inout setType: dest) -:= (in setType: set2) is func
var baseType: element is baseType.value;
for element range set2 do
excl(dest, element);
end for;
end func;
const func boolean: (in setType: set1) = (in setType: set2) is func
var boolean: isEqual is TRUE;
var baseType: element is baseType.value;
for element range set1 do
if element not in set2 then
isEqual := FALSE;
end if;
end for;
for element range set2 do
if element not in set1 then
isEqual := FALSE;
end if;
end for;
end func;
const func boolean: (in setType: set1) <> (in setType: set2) is
return not set1 = set2;
const func boolean: (in setType: set1) < (in setType: set2) is func
var boolean: isProperSubset is TRUE;
var baseType: element is baseType.value;
var boolean: isEqual is TRUE;
for element range set1 do
if element not in set2 then
isProperSubset := FALSE;
end if;
end for;
for element range set2 do
if element not in set1 then
isEqual := FALSE;
end if;
end for;
isProperSubset := isProperSubset and not isEqual;
end func;
const func boolean: (in setType: set1) > (in setType: set2) is func
var boolean: isProperSuperset is TRUE;
var baseType: element is baseType.value;
var boolean: isEqual is TRUE;
for element range set2 do
if element not in set1 then
isProperSuperset := FALSE;
end if;
end for;
for element range set1 do
if element not in set2 then
isEqual := FALSE;
end if;
end for;
isProperSuperset := isProperSuperset and not isEqual;
end func;
const func boolean: (in setType: set1) <= (in setType: set2) is func
var boolean: isSubset is TRUE;
var baseType: element is baseType.value;
for element range set1 do
if element not in set2 then
isSubset := FALSE;
end if;
end for;
end func;
const func boolean: (in setType: set1) >= (in setType: set2) is func
var boolean: isSuperset is TRUE;
var baseType: element is baseType.value;
for element range set2 do
if element not in set1 then
isSuperset := FALSE;
end if;
end for;
end func;
const func setType: { (in baseType: value) } is func
var setType: aSet is setType.EMPTY_SET;
incl(aSet, value);
end func;
tupleType := tuple baseType;
array_type := array baseType;
const func setType: { (in tupleType: value) } is func
var setType: aSet is setType.EMPTY_SET;
var integer: number is 0;
for number range 1 to length([] value) do
incl(aSet, ([] value)[number]);
end for;
end func;
if getobj(str(ref baseType: setElement)) <> NIL then
const func string: str (in setType: aSet) is func
var string: stri is "{";
var baseType: setElement is baseType.value;
for setElement range aSet do
if stri <> "{" then
stri &:= ", ";
end if;
stri &:= str(setElement);
end for;
stri &:= "}";
end func;
end if;
end global;
end if;
end func;