(*                                                                  *)
(*  http_response.s7i  Support for HTTP responses.                  *)
(*  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2017, 2021 - 2023  Thomas Mertes           *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  This file is part of the Seed7 Runtime Library.                 *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is free software; you can             *)
(*  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU     *)
(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(*  Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your      *)
(*  option) any later version.                                      *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is distributed in the hope that it    *)
(*  will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the      *)
(*  PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more    *)
(*  details.                                                        *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General       *)
(*  Public License along with this program; if not, write to the    *)
(*  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,             *)
(*  Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.                       *)
(*                                                                  *)

include "httpserv.s7i";
include "filesys.s7i";
include "osfiles.s7i";
include "shell.s7i";

 *  Data type describing the data source of a web server.
 *  It descibes the directory with the HTML files (usually htdocs), the
 *  directory with the CGI programs (usually cgi-bin) and the file system
 *  where the files are found. Additionally it defines also which directory
 *  from a HTTP request should be interpreted as CGI directory.
const type: httpResponseData is new struct
    var string: htdocs is "";
    var string: cgiDir is "";
    var string: cgiName is "";
    var fileSys: backendSys is fileSys.value;
  end struct;

 *  Create a web server data source from the given parameters.
 *  @param htdocs Path of the directory with the HTML files (htdocs directory).
 *  @param cgiDir Path of the directory with the CGI programs (cgi-bin directory).
 *  @param cgiName Name of the CGI directory in HTTP requests.
 *  @param backendSys File system where the ''htdocs'' and ''cgiDir'' files are found.
 *  @return a ''httpResponseData'' value with the given parameters.
const func httpResponseData: httpResponseData (in string: htdocs, in string: cgiDir,
    in string: cgiName, inout fileSys: backendSys) is func
    var httpResponseData: responseData is httpResponseData.value;
    responseData.htdocs := toAbsPath(getcwd(backendSys), htdocs);
    responseData.cgiDir := toAbsPath(getcwd(backendSys), cgiDir);
    responseData.cgiName := cgiName;
    responseData.backendSys := backendSys;
  end func;

const proc: sendHttpResponse (inout file: sock, in string: content,
    in var string: contentType, in array string: header) is func
    var string: line is "";
    var string: status is "";
    var string: response is "";
    # writeln("sendHttpResponse: len=" <& length(content) <& " " <& contentType);
    for line range header do
      if startsWith(line, "Status") then
        status := trim(line[succ(pos(line, ":")) ..]);
      elsif startsWith(line, "Content-Type") then
        contentType := trim(line[succ(pos(line, ":")) ..]);
      end if;
    end for;
    if status = "" then
      response &:= "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n";
      response &:= "HTTP/1.1 " <& status <& "\r\n";
    end if;
    response &:= "Server: Comanche\r\n";
    # response &:= "Transfer-Encoding: identity\r\n";
    response &:= "Cache-Control: max-age=259200\r\n";
    if contentType <> "" then
      response &:= "Content-Type: " <& contentType <& "\r\n";
    elsif startsWith(content, "\137;PNG") then
      response &:= "Content-Type: image/png\r\n";
    elsif startsWith(content, "GIF87a") or startsWith(content, "GIF89a") then
      response &:= "Content-Type: image/gif\r\n";
    elsif startsWith(content, "\16#ff;\16#d8;\16#ff;") then
      response &:= "Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n";
    elsif startsWith(content, "BM") then
      response &:= "Content-Type: image/bmp\r\n";
    elsif startsWith(content, "\0;\0;\1;\0;") then
      response &:= "Content-Type: image/x-icon\r\n";
    elsif startsWith(content, "II\42;\0;") or startsWith(content, "MM\0;\42;") then
      response &:= "Content-Type: image/tiff\r\n";
    elsif startsWith(content, "%PDF-") then
      response &:= "Content-Type: application/pdf\r\n";
    elsif startsWith(content, "\0;asm") then
      response &:= "Content-Type: application/wasm\r\n";
    elsif pos(content, "<html") = 0 then
      response &:= "Content-Type: text/html\r\n";
      response &:= "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n";
    end if;
    # writeln("Content-Length: " <& length(content));
    response &:= "Content-Length: " <& length(content) <& "\r\n";
    for line range header do
      if not startsWith(line, "Content-Type") and
          not startsWith(line, "Connection") then
        response &:= line <& "\r\n";
      end if;
    end for;
    response &:= "Connection: keep-alive\r\n";
    response &:= "\r\n";
    response &:= content;
      write(sock, response);
      catch FILE_ERROR: close(sock);
    end block;
  end func;

const proc: sendClientError (inout file: sock, in integer: statuscode,
    in string: message, in string: explanation) is func
    var string: response is "";
    var string: htmlMessage is "";
    htmlMessage := "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN\">\n\
                   \<title>" <& statuscode <& " " <& message <& "</title>\n\
                   \<h1>" <& message <& "</h1>\n\
                   \<p>" <& explanation <& "</p>\n\
    response := "HTTP/1.1 " <& statuscode <& " " <& message <& "\r\n\
                \Server: Comanche\r\n\
                \Transfer-Encoding: identity\r\n\
                \Content-Length: " <& length(htmlMessage) <& "\r\n\
                \Content-Type: text/html\r\n\
    response &:= htmlMessage;
    write(sock, response);
  end func;

const func string: callCgi (in httpResponseData: responseData, in string: filePath,
    in string: queryParams, in string: postParams, in string: cookies,
    inout array string: header) is func
    var string: response is "";
    var string: cgiPath is "";
    var string: tempInputName is "";
    var string: redirectPostParams is "";
    var file: script is STD_NULL;
    var string: shebangLine is "";
    var string: command is "";
    var file: cgiInput is STD_NULL;
    var file: cgiOutput is STD_NULL;
    var string: line is "";
    # writeln("callCgi " <& filePath <& " " <& queryParams);
    # writeln(postParams);
    cgiPath := toStdPath(responseData.cgiDir & filePath);
    setenv("QUERY_STRING", queryParams);
    setenv("CONTENT_LENGTH", str(length(postParams)));
    setenv("HTTP_COOKIE", cookies);
    setenv("DOCUMENT_ROOT", toOsPath(responseData.htdocs));
    if postParams <> "" then
      tempInputName := "cgiInput_" & str(rand(0, 99999));
      cgiInput := open(tempInputName, "w");
      writeln(cgiInput, postParams);
      # writeln(cgiInput, "*");
      redirectPostParams := " < " & toShellPath(tempInputName);
    end if;
    if endsWith(cgiPath, ".sd7") then
      cgiOutput := popen("./s7 -q " <& cgiPath & redirectPostParams, "r");
      script := open(cgiPath, "r");
      if script <> STD_NULL then
        shebangLine := getln(script);
        if startsWith(shebangLine, "#!") then
          command := shebangLine[3 ..];
        end if;
      end if;
      if command <> "" then
        # writeln(command & " " & toShellPath(cgiPath) & " " & queryParams & redirectPostParams);
        cgiOutput := popen(command & " " & toShellPath(cgiPath) & " " & queryParams & redirectPostParams, "r");
        cgiOutput := popen(cgiPath & redirectPostParams, "r");
      end if;
    end if;
    if cgiOutput <> STD_NULL then
      line := getln(cgiOutput);
      while line <> "" do
        # writeln("-> " <& line);
        header &:= line;
        line := getln(cgiOutput);
      end while;
      # writeln("->");
      response := gets(cgiOutput, 999999999);
      # writeln(length(response));
      # writeln("-> " <& literal(response));
      if postParams <> "" then
      end if;
    end if;
    if response = "" then
      header &:= "Status: 404 Not Found";
      header &:= "Content-Type: text/html";
      response := "<html><head>\n\
                  \<title>CGI Error</title>\n\
                  \<h1>CGI Error</h1>\n\
                  \<p>The requested CGI script " <& filePath <&
                  " could not be executed or did not produce any output.</p>\n\
                  \<p>Query params: " <& queryParams <& "</p>\n\
                  \<p>Post params: " <& postParams <& "</p>\n\
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Process a GET ''request'' and send a response to the ''request'' destination.
 *  If the ''request'' refers to a CGI the corresponding CGI program is executed.
 *  @param responseData The data source of a web server.
 *  @param request The [[httpserv#httpRequest|httpRequest]] (GET) to be processed.
const proc: processGet (inout httpResponseData: responseData,
    inout httpRequest: request) is func
    var string: filePath is "";
    var string: cookies is "";
    var array string: cgiHeader is 0 times "";
    var string: buffer is "";
    var string: contentType is "";
    # writeln("processGet " <& request.path);
    if "Cookie" in request.properties then
      cookies := request.properties["Cookie"];
    end if;
    if startsWith(request.path, responseData.cgiName) then
      setenv("REQUEST_METHOD", "GET");
      buffer := callCgi(responseData, request.path[length(responseData.cgiName) ..], request.queryStri,
                        "", cookies, cgiHeader);
      if buffer <> "" then
        sendHttpResponse(request.sock, buffer, "", cgiHeader);
      end if;
      filePath := toStdPath(responseData.htdocs & "/" & request.path);
      # writeln(literal(filePath));
      if fileType(responseData.backendSys, filePath) = FILE_ABSENT then
        if fileType(responseData.backendSys, filePath & ".html") <> FILE_ABSENT then
          filePath &:= ".html";
        elsif fileType(responseData.backendSys, filePath & ".htm") <> FILE_ABSENT then
          filePath &:= ".htm";
        end if;
      elsif fileType(responseData.backendSys, filePath) = FILE_DIR then
        if fileType(responseData.backendSys, filePath & "/index.html") <> FILE_ABSENT then
          filePath &:= "/index.html";
        elsif fileType(responseData.backendSys, filePath & "/index.htm") <> FILE_ABSENT then
          filePath &:= "/index.htm";
        end if;
      end if;
      if fileType(responseData.backendSys, filePath) = FILE_REGULAR then
        buffer := getFile(responseData.backendSys, filePath);
        buffer := "";
      end if;
      if buffer <> "" then
        if endsWith(filePath, ".htm") or endsWith(filePath, ".html") then
          contentType := "text/html";
        elsif endsWith(filePath, ".css") then
          contentType := "text/css";
        elsif endsWith(filePath, ".js") then
          contentType := "text/javascript";
        end if;
        sendHttpResponse(request.sock, buffer, contentType, 0 times "");
      end if;
    end if;
    if buffer = "" then
      sendClientError(request.sock, 404, "Not Found",
          "The requested URL " <& request.path <&
          " was not found on this server.");
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Process a POST ''request'' and send a response to the ''request'' destination.
 *  If the ''request'' refers to a CGI the corresponding CGI program is executed.
 *  @param responseData The data source of a web server.
 *  @param request The [[httpserv#httpRequest|httpRequest]] (POST) to be processed.
const proc: processPost (in httpResponseData: responseData,
    inout httpRequest: request) is func
    var string: cookies is "";
    var array string: cgiHeader is 0 times "";
    var string: buffer is "";
    # writeln("processPost " <& request.path);
    # writeln("queryStri: " <& request.queryStri);
    # writeln("postParams: " <& request.body);
    if "Cookie" in request.properties then
      cookies := request.properties["Cookie"];
    end if;
    if startsWith(request.path, responseData.cgiName) then
      setenv("REQUEST_METHOD", "POST");
      buffer := callCgi(responseData, request.path[length(responseData.cgiName) ..], request.queryStri,
                        request.body, cookies, cgiHeader);
    end if;
    if buffer <> "" then
      sendHttpResponse(request.sock, buffer, "", cgiHeader);
      sendClientError(request.sock, 404, "Not Found",
          "The requested URL " <& request.path <&
          " was not found on this server.");
    end if;
  end func;