(*                                                                  *)
(*  jpeg.s7i      Support for the JPEG image file format            *)
(*  Copyright (C) 2021 - 2024  Thomas Mertes                        *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  This file is part of the Seed7 Runtime Library.                 *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is free software; you can             *)
(*  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU     *)
(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(*  Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your      *)
(*  option) any later version.                                      *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is distributed in the hope that it    *)
(*  will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the      *)
(*  PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more    *)
(*  details.                                                        *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General       *)
(*  Public License along with this program; if not, write to the    *)
(*  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,             *)
(*  Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.                       *)
(*                                                                  *)

include "bytedata.s7i";
include "bitdata.s7i";
include "huffman.s7i";
include "draw.s7i";
include "pixelimage.s7i";
include "exif.s7i";

const string: JPEG_MAGIC is "\16#ff;\16#d8;\16#ff;";  # Start of image (SOI) + ff

const char: JPEG_MARKER_START is '\16#ff;';
const char: JPEG_SOF0   is '\16#c0;';  # Start Of Frame (Baseline)
const char: JPEG_SOF1   is '\16#c1;';  # Start Of Frame (Extended sequential)
const char: JPEG_SOF2   is '\16#c2;';  # Start Of Frame (Progressive)
const char: JPEG_DHT    is '\16#c4;';  # Define Huffman Table
const char: JPEG_SOI    is '\16#d8;';  # Start Of Image
const char: JPEG_EOI    is '\16#d9;';  # End Of Image
const char: JPEG_SOS    is '\16#da;';  # Start Of Scan
const char: JPEG_DQT    is '\16#db;';  # Define Quantization Table
const char: JPEG_DRI    is '\16#dd;';  # Define Restart Interval
const char: JPEG_APP0   is '\16#e0;';  # Application Segment 0
const char: JPEG_APP15  is '\16#ef;';  # Application Segment 15
const char: JPEG_COM    is '\16#fe;';  # Comment
const char: JPEG_FILLER is '\16#ff;';  # Fill byte (ignored)

const integer: JPEG_SOF_HEADER_FIXED_SIZE is 8;

const integer: JPEG_BLOCK_SIZE is 64;

const integer: JPEG_COMPTYPE_LUMA        is 1;
const integer: JPEG_COMPTYPE_CHROMA_BLUE is 2;
const integer: JPEG_COMPTYPE_CHROMA_RED  is 3;

const type: jpegComponentTypeMap is hash [integer] integer;

const type: jpegComponent is new struct
    var integer: quantizationTableIndex is 0;
  end struct;

const type: jpegScan is new struct
    var integer: componentId is 0;
    var integer: dcHuffmanTableIndex is 0;
    var integer: acHuffmanTableIndex is 0;
  end struct;

const type: dataBlockType is array [JPEG_BLOCK_SIZE] integer;
const type: twoDataBlocksArray is array [1 .. 2] dataBlockType;
const type: fourDataBlocksArray is array [1 .. 4] dataBlockType;
const type: jpegComponentArray is array [1 ..] jpegComponent;
const type: jpegScanArray is array [1 ..] jpegScan;
const type: fourHuffmanDecoders is array [1 .. 4] msbHuffmanDecoder;

const type: jpegHeader is new struct
    var integer: precision is 0;
    var integer: width is 0;
    var integer: height is 0;
    var integer: framebytes is 0;
    var jpegComponentTypeMap: componentType is jpegComponentTypeMap.value;
    var fourDataBlocksArray: quantizationTable is fourDataBlocksArray.value;
    var jpegComponentArray: component is jpegComponentArray.value;
    var jpegScanArray: scan is jpegScanArray.value;
    var fourHuffmanDecoders: dcDecoder is fourHuffmanDecoders.value;
    var fourHuffmanDecoders: acDecoder is fourHuffmanDecoders.value;
    var dataBlockType: lumaQuantization is dataBlockType.value;
    var dataBlockType: chromaBlueQuantization is dataBlockType.value;
    var dataBlockType: chromaRedQuantization is dataBlockType.value;
    var integer: restartInterval is 0;
    var integer: numberOfScans is 0;
    var integer: startOfSpectral is 0;
    var integer: endOfSpectral is 0;
    var integer: approximationLow is 0;
    var integer: approximationHigh is 0;
    var boolean: progressive is FALSE;
    var integer: vertical is 0;
    var integer: horizontal is 0;
    var integer: numLuma is 0;
    var integer: unitLines is 0;
    var integer: unitColumns is 0;
    var integer: blockLines is 0;
    var integer: blockColumns is 0;
    var exifDataType: exifData is exifDataType.value;
  end struct;

const type: jpegMinimumCodedUnit is new struct
    var fourDataBlocksArray: luma is fourDataBlocksArray.value;
    var twoDataBlocksArray: chroma is twoDataBlocksArray.value;
  end struct;

const integer: CHROMA_BLUE is 1;
const integer: CHROMA_RED  is 2;

const proc: readStartOfFrame (inout file: jpegFile, inout jpegHeader: header) is func
    var string: stri is "";
    var integer: length is 0;
    var integer: numComponents is 0;
    var string: componentData is "";
    var integer: componentId is 0;
    var integer: sampling is 0;
    var integer: index is 0;
    stri := gets(jpegFile, JPEG_SOF_HEADER_FIXED_SIZE);
    if length(stri) = JPEG_SOF_HEADER_FIXED_SIZE then
      length           := bytes2Int(stri[1 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, BE);
      header.precision := bytes2Int(stri[3 fixLen 1], UNSIGNED, BE);
      header.height    := bytes2Int(stri[4 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, BE);
      header.width     := bytes2Int(stri[6 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, BE);
      numComponents    := bytes2Int(stri[8 fixLen 1], UNSIGNED, BE);
      header.framebytes := header.width * header.height * numComponents;
      header.component := jpegComponentArray[.. numComponents] times jpegComponent.value;
      componentData := gets(jpegFile, numComponents * 3);
      if length(componentData) = numComponents * 3 then
        for index range 1 to numComponents do
          componentId := ord(componentData[1 + pred(index) * 3]);
          header.componentType @:= [componentId] index;
          sampling := ord(componentData[2 + pred(index) * 3]);
          if index = JPEG_COMPTYPE_LUMA then
            header.vertical := sampling mod 16;
            header.horizontal := sampling >> 4;
            if header.vertical > 2 or header.horizontal > 2 then
              raise RANGE_ERROR;
            end if;
          elsif sampling <> 16#11 or index > JPEG_COMPTYPE_CHROMA_RED then
            raise RANGE_ERROR;
          end if;
          header.component[index].quantizationTableIndex :=
              ord(componentData[3 + pred(index) * 3]) + 1;
        end for;
        header.numLuma := header.vertical * header.horizontal;
        header.unitLines := succ(pred(header.height) mdiv (8 * header.vertical));
        header.unitColumns := succ(pred(header.width) mdiv (8 * header.horizontal));
        header.blockLines := succ(pred(header.height) mdiv 8);
        header.blockColumns := succ(pred(header.width) mdiv 8);
        if length <> JPEG_SOF_HEADER_FIXED_SIZE + numComponents * 3 then
          raise RANGE_ERROR;
        end if;
        raise RANGE_ERROR;
      end if;
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    end if;
  end func;

const proc: readDefineHuffmanTable (inout file: jpegFile, inout jpegHeader: header) is func
    var string: stri is "";
    var integer: length is 0;
    var integer: pos is 1;
    var array integer: numberOfCodesWithLength is 16 times 0;
    var integer: maximumCodeLength is 0;
    var string: huffmanValues is "";
    var integer: aByte is 0;
    var integer: tableClass is 0;
    var integer: tableNumber is 0;
    var integer: numberOfCodes is 0;
    var integer: codeLength is 0;
    stri := gets(jpegFile, 2);
    if length(stri) = 2 then
      length := bytes2Int(stri, UNSIGNED, BE) - 2;
      stri := gets(jpegFile, length);
      if length(stri) = length then
        while pos < length do
          aByte := ord(stri[pos]);
          tableClass := aByte >> 4;
          tableNumber := succ(aByte mod 16);
          numberOfCodes := 0;
          maximumCodeLength := 0;
          for codeLength range 1 to 16 do
            numberOfCodesWithLength[codeLength] := ord(stri[pos]);
            if numberOfCodesWithLength[codeLength] <> 0 then
              maximumCodeLength := codeLength;
            end if;
            numberOfCodes +:= numberOfCodesWithLength[codeLength];
          end for;
          huffmanValues := stri[pos fixLen numberOfCodes];
          pos +:= numberOfCodes;
          if tableClass = 0 then
            header.dcDecoder[tableNumber] := createMsbHuffmanDecoder(maximumCodeLength,
                numberOfCodesWithLength, huffmanValues);
          elsif tableClass = 1 then
            header.acDecoder[tableNumber] := createMsbHuffmanDecoder(maximumCodeLength,
                numberOfCodesWithLength, huffmanValues);
            raise RANGE_ERROR;
          end if;
        end while;
        if pos <> succ(length) then
          raise RANGE_ERROR;
        end if;
        raise RANGE_ERROR;
      end if;
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    end if;
  end func;

const proc: readStartOfScan (inout file: jpegFile, inout jpegHeader: header) is func
    var string: stri is "";
    var integer: length is 0;
    var integer: pos is 1;
    var integer: index is 0;
    var integer: aByte is 0;
    stri := gets(jpegFile, 2);
    if length(stri) = 2 then
      length := bytes2Int(stri, UNSIGNED, BE) - 2;
      stri := gets(jpegFile, length);
      if length(stri) = length then
        if pos < length then
          header.numberOfScans := ord(stri[pos]);
          header.scan := jpegScanArray[.. header.numberOfScans] times jpegScan.value;
          for index range 1 to header.numberOfScans do
            header.scan[index].componentId := ord(stri[pos]);
            if header.scan[index].componentId not in header.componentType then
              raise RANGE_ERROR;
              aByte := ord(stri[pos]);
              header.scan[index].dcHuffmanTableIndex := succ(aByte >> 4);
              header.scan[index].acHuffmanTableIndex := succ(aByte mod 16);
            end if;
          end for;
          header.startOfSpectral := succ(ord(stri[pos]));
          header.endOfSpectral := succ(ord(stri[pos + 1]));
          aByte := ord(stri[pos + 2]);
          pos +:= 3;
          header.approximationHigh := aByte >> 4;
          header.approximationLow := aByte mod 16;
          if header.progressive and header.startOfSpectral = 1 and
              header.endOfSpectral <> 1 then
            raise RANGE_ERROR;
          end if;
          if header.startOfSpectral > header.endOfSpectral or
              header.endOfSpectral > JPEG_BLOCK_SIZE then
            raise RANGE_ERROR;
          end if;
          if header.startOfSpectral <> 1 and header.numberOfScans <> 1 then
            raise RANGE_ERROR;
          end if;
          if header.approximationHigh <> 0 and
              header.approximationHigh <> succ(header.approximationLow) then
            raise RANGE_ERROR;
          end if;
        end if;
        if pos <> succ(length) then
          raise RANGE_ERROR;
        end if;
        raise RANGE_ERROR;
      end if;
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    end if;
  end func;

const proc: readDefineQuantizationTable (inout file: jpegFile, inout jpegHeader: header) is func
    var string: stri is "";
    var integer: length is 0;
    var integer: pos is 1;
    var integer: aByte is 0;
    var integer: elementPrecision is 0;
    var integer: tableNumber is 0;
    var integer: index is 0;
    stri := gets(jpegFile, 2);
    if length(stri) = 2 then
      length := bytes2Int(stri, UNSIGNED, BE) - 2;
      stri := gets(jpegFile, length);
      if length(stri) = length then
        while pos < length do
          aByte := ord(stri[pos]);
          elementPrecision := aByte >> 4;
          tableNumber := succ(aByte mod 16);
          if elementPrecision = 0 then
            for index range 1 to JPEG_BLOCK_SIZE do
              header.quantizationTable[tableNumber][index] := ord(stri[pos]);
            end for;
          elsif elementPrecision = 1 then
            for index range 1 to JPEG_BLOCK_SIZE do
              header.quantizationTable[tableNumber][index] := bytes2Int(stri[pos fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, BE);
              pos +:= 2;
            end for;
            raise RANGE_ERROR;
          end if;
        end while;
        if pos <> succ(length) then
          raise RANGE_ERROR;
        end if;
        raise RANGE_ERROR;
      end if;
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    end if;
  end func;

const proc: readDefineRestartInterval (inout file: jpegFile, inout jpegHeader: header) is func
    var string: stri is "";
    var integer: length is 0;
    stri := gets(jpegFile, 4);
    if length(stri) = 4 then
      length := bytes2Int(stri[1 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, BE) - 2;
      if length = 2 then
        header.restartInterval := bytes2Int(stri[3 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, BE);
        raise RANGE_ERROR;
      end if;
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    end if;
  end func;

const proc: readApplicationSegment (inout file: jpegFile, in integer: appNumber,
    inout jpegHeader: header) is func
    var string: stri is "";
    var integer: length is 0;
    var string: data is "";
    var integer: pos is 1;
    var string: identifier is "";
    stri := gets(jpegFile, 2);
    if length(stri) = 2 then
      length := bytes2Int(stri, UNSIGNED, BE) - 2;
      data := gets(jpegFile, length);
      if length(data) = length then
        identifier := getAsciiz(data, pos);
        if appNumber = 1 and identifier = EXIF_MAGIC then
          readExifData(data[7 ..], header.exifData);
        end if;
        raise RANGE_ERROR;
      end if;
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    end if;
  end func;

const proc: readComment (inout file: jpegFile) is func
    var string: stri is "";
    var integer: length is 0;
    var string: data is "";
    stri := gets(jpegFile, 2);
    if length(stri) = 2 then
      length := bytes2Int(stri, UNSIGNED, BE) - 2;
      data := gets(jpegFile, length);
      if length(data) <> length then
        raise RANGE_ERROR;
      end if;
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    end if;
  end func;

#  Get a symbol with ''bitWidth'' bits from the ''stri'' bitstream.
#  Negative values are encoded with the highest bit set to zero.
const func integer: getSymbol (inout msbInBitStream: entropyCodedStream,
    in integer: bitWidth) is func
    var integer: symbol is 0;
    symbol := getBits(entropyCodedStream, bitWidth);
    if symbol < 1 << pred(bitWidth) then
      # Negative value
      symbol -:= pred(1 << bitWidth);
    end if;
  end func;

#  Read a block of IDCT coefficients.
#  There is one DC coefficient and 63 AC coefficients.
#  The DC coefficient (the first value) describes the average block value.
#  @param dataBlock Destination for the 64 coefficients.
#  @param dcDecoder Huffman decoder for the DC coefficient.
#  @param acDecoder Huffman decoder for the 63 AC coefficients.
const proc: readBlock (inout dataBlockType: dataBlock,
    inout msbInBitStream: entropyCodedStream, in msbHuffmanDecoder: dcDecoder,
    in msbHuffmanDecoder: acDecoder) is func
    var integer: bitWidth is 0;
    var integer: index is 1;
    var integer: aByte is 0;
    dataBlock := dataBlockType.value;
    bitWidth := getHuffmanSymbol(entropyCodedStream, dcDecoder);
    if bitWidth <> 0 then
      dataBlock[1] := getSymbol(entropyCodedStream, bitWidth);
    end if;
      aByte := getHuffmanSymbol(entropyCodedStream, acDecoder);
      index +:= succ(aByte >> 4);
      bitWidth := aByte mod 16;
      if bitWidth <> 0 then
        dataBlock[index] := getSymbol(entropyCodedStream, bitWidth);
        if index = JPEG_BLOCK_SIZE then
          aByte := 0;
        end if;
      end if;
    until aByte = 0;
  end func;

#  Undo zigzagging of coefficients.
#  @param dataBlock 64 coefficients to dezigzag.
#  @return The dezigzagged coefficients.
const func dataBlockType: unzigzag (in dataBlockType: dataBlock) is func
    var dataBlockType: unzigzag is dataBlockType.value;
    const array integer: zigzag is [] (
         1,  2,  6,  7, 15, 16, 28, 29,
         3,  5,  8, 14, 17, 27, 30, 43,
         4,  9, 13, 18, 26, 31, 42, 44,
        10, 12, 19, 25, 32, 41, 45, 54,
        11, 20, 24, 33, 40, 46, 53, 55,
        21, 23, 34, 39, 47, 52, 56, 61,
        22, 35, 38, 48, 51, 57, 60, 62,
        36, 37, 49, 50, 58, 59, 63, 64);
    var integer: index is 0;
    for index range 1 to JPEG_BLOCK_SIZE do
      unzigzag[index] := dataBlock[zigzag[index]];
    end for;
  end func;

#  Fast inverse discrete cosine transform for a block line or block column.
#  For the internal calculation the values are scaled by 2048. At the end of
#  the function the scaling is reversed. This way the same function can be
#  used for lines and columns.
#  @param a1 .. a8 The coefficients of a line or column.
const proc: fastIdct8 (inout integer: a1, inout integer: a2, inout integer: a3,
    inout integer: a4, inout integer: a5, inout integer: a6, inout integer: a7,
    inout integer: a8) is func
    const integer: W1 is 2841;  # 2048 * sqrt(2.0) * cos(1 * PI / 16)
    const integer: W2 is 2676;  # 2048 * sqrt(2.0) * cos(2 * PI / 16)
    const integer: W3 is 2408;  # 2048 * sqrt(2.0) * cos(3 * PI / 16)
    const integer: W5 is 1609;  # 2048 * sqrt(2.0) * cos(5 * PI / 16)
    const integer: W6 is 1108;  # 2048 * sqrt(2.0) * cos(6 * PI / 16)
    const integer: W7 is  565;  # 2048 * sqrt(2.0) * cos(7 * PI / 16)
    var integer: x0 is 0;
    var integer: x1 is 0;
    var integer: x2 is 0;
    var integer: x3 is 0;
    var integer: x4 is 0;
    var integer: x5 is 0;
    var integer: x6 is 0;
    var integer: x7 is 0;
    var integer: x8 is 0;
    if a2 = 0 and a3 = 0 and a4 = 0 and a5 = 0 and a6 = 0 and a7 = 0 and a8 = 0 then
      a2 := a1;
      a3 := a1;
      a4 := a1;
      a5 := a1;
      a6 := a1;
      a7 := a1;
      a8 := a1;
      x0 := (a1 << 11) + 128;
      x1 := a5 << 11;
      x2 := a7;
      x3 := a3;
      x4 := a2;
      x5 := a8;
      x6 := a6;
      x7 := a4;

      # First stage
      x8 := W7 * (x4 + x5);
      x4 := x8 + (W1 - W7) * x4;
      x5 := x8 - (W1 + W7) * x5;
      x8 := W3 * (x6 + x7);
      x6 := x8 - (W3 - W5) * x6;
      x7 := x8 - (W3 + W5) * x7;

      # Second stage
      x8 := x0 + x1;
      x0 -:= x1;
      x1 := W6 * (x3 + x2);
      x2 := x1 - (W2 + W6) * x2;
      x3 := x1 + (W2 - W6) * x3;
      x1 := x4 + x6;
      x4 -:= x6;
      x6 := x5 + x7;
      x5 -:= x7;

      # Third stage
      x7 := x8 + x3;
      x8 -:= x3;
      x3 := x0 + x2;
      x0 -:= x2;
      x2 := (181 * (x4 + x5) + 128) >> 8;
      x4 := (181 * (x4 - x5) + 128) >> 8;

      # Fourth stage
      a1 := (x7 + x1) >> 11;
      a2 := (x3 + x2) >> 11;
      a3 := (x0 + x4) >> 11;
      a4 := (x8 + x6) >> 11;
      a5 := (x8 - x6) >> 11;
      a6 := (x0 - x4) >> 11;
      a7 := (x3 - x2) >> 11;
      a8 := (x7 - x1) >> 11;
    end if;
  end func;

#  Perform a fast 2d inverse discrete cosine transform for a 8x8 block.
#  @param dataBlock 64 coefficients to transform.
const proc: idct8x8 (inout dataBlockType: dataBlock) is func
    var integer: index is 0;
    for index range 1 to 57 step 8 do
                dataBlock[index + 1],
                dataBlock[index + 2],
                dataBlock[index + 3],
                dataBlock[index + 4],
                dataBlock[index + 5],
                dataBlock[index + 6],
                dataBlock[index + 7]);
    end for;
    for index range 1 to 8 do
                dataBlock[index + 8],
                dataBlock[index + 16],
                dataBlock[index + 24],
                dataBlock[index + 32],
                dataBlock[index + 40],
                dataBlock[index + 48],
                dataBlock[index + 56]);
    end for;
  end func;

#  Read and process a 8x8 block of IDCT coefficients.
#  This function is used for luma and chroma blocks.
#  The processed block contains luma or chroma values of an 8x8
#  area scaled with factor 8 to the range -1024 .. 1023.
#  The values are not clamped so they might also be higher or
#  lower than the limit.
const proc: processBlock (inout dataBlockType: dataBlock,
    inout msbInBitStream: entropyCodedStream, in msbHuffmanDecoder: dcDecoder,
    in msbHuffmanDecoder: acDecoder, in dataBlockType: quantizationTable,
    inout integer: diff) is func
    var integer: index is 0;
    readBlock(dataBlock, entropyCodedStream, dcDecoder, acDecoder);
    dataBlock[1] +:= diff;
    diff := dataBlock[1];
    for index range 1 to JPEG_BLOCK_SIZE do
      dataBlock[index] *:= quantizationTable[index];
    end for;
    dataBlock := unzigzag(dataBlock);
  end func;

const func integer: clampColor (in integer: col) is
  return (col < 0 ? 0 : (col > 255 ? 255 : col)) * 256;

#  Determine the pixel color from ''luminance'', ''chromaBlue'' and ''chromaRed''.
#  @param luminance Luminance scaled to 0 .. 255 (not clamped to it).
#  @param chromaBlue Blue croma scaled to -1024 .. 1023 (not clamped to it).
#  @param chromaRed Red croma scaled to -1024 .. 1023 (not clamped to it).
#  @return The pixel color in the RGB color space.
const func pixel: setPixel (in integer: luminance, in integer: chromaBlue, in integer: chromaRed) is
  return rgbPixel(clampColor(chromaRed * 359 mdiv 2048 + luminance),
                  clampColor(luminance - (chromaBlue * 88 + chromaRed * 183) mdiv 2048),
                  clampColor(chromaBlue * 454 mdiv 2048 + luminance));

const proc: colorMinimumCodedUnit11 (in jpegHeader: header, in dataBlockType: luma1,
    in dataBlockType: chromaBlue, in dataBlockType: chromaRed, inout pixelImage: image,
    in integer: mcuTopLine, in integer: mcuLeftColumn) is func
    var integer: line is 0;
    var integer: column is 0;
    var integer: columnBeyond is 0;
    var integer: dataIndex is 0;
    var integer: luminance is 0;
    line := mcuTopLine;
    column := mcuLeftColumn;
    columnBeyond := column + 8;
    for dataIndex range 1 to JPEG_BLOCK_SIZE do
      if line <= header.height and column <= header.width then
        luminance := luma1[dataIndex] mdiv 8 + 128;
        image[line][column] := setPixel(luminance, chromaBlue[dataIndex], chromaRed[dataIndex]);
      end if;
      if column = columnBeyond then
        column := mcuLeftColumn;
      end if;
    end for;
  end func;

const proc: colorMinimumCodedUnit12 (in jpegHeader: header, in dataBlockType: luma1,
    in dataBlockType: luma2, in dataBlockType: chromaBlue, in dataBlockType: chromaRed,
    inout pixelImage: image, in integer: mcuTopLine, in integer: mcuLeftColumn) is func
    var integer: blockLine is 0;
    var integer: blockColumn is 0;
    var integer: blockColumnMax is 0;
    var integer: line is 1;
    var integer: column is 1;
    var integer: dataIndex is 0;
    var integer: luminance is 0;
    blockColumnMax := min(7, header.width - mcuLeftColumn);
    for blockLine range 0 to 7 do
      line := mcuTopLine + blockLine;
      if line <= header.height then
        for blockColumn range 0 to blockColumnMax do
          column := mcuLeftColumn + blockColumn;
          luminance := luma1[blockLine * 8 + blockColumn + 1] mdiv 8 + 128;
          dataIndex := succ(blockLine mdiv 2 * 8 + blockColumn);
          image[line][column] := setPixel(luminance, chromaBlue[dataIndex], chromaRed[dataIndex]);
        end for;
      end if;
    end for;
    for blockLine range 8 to 15 do
      line := mcuTopLine + blockLine;
      if line <= header.height then
        for blockColumn range 0 to blockColumnMax do
          column := mcuLeftColumn + blockColumn;
          luminance := luma2[(blockLine - 8) * 8 + blockColumn + 1] mdiv 8 + 128;
          dataIndex := succ(blockLine mdiv 2 * 8 + blockColumn);
          image[line][column] := setPixel(luminance, chromaBlue[dataIndex], chromaRed[dataIndex]);
        end for;
      end if;
    end for;
  end func;

const proc: colorMinimumCodedUnit21 (in jpegHeader: header, in dataBlockType: luma1,
    in dataBlockType: luma2, in dataBlockType: chromaBlue, in dataBlockType: chromaRed,
    inout pixelImage: image, in integer: mcuTopLine, in integer: mcuLeftColumn) is func
    var integer: blockLine is 0;
    var integer: blockColumn is 0;
    var integer: blockColumnMax1 is 0;
    var integer: blockColumnMax2 is 0;
    var integer: line is 1;
    var integer: column is 1;
    var integer: dataIndex is 0;
    var integer: luminance is 0;
    blockColumnMax1 := min(7, header.width - mcuLeftColumn);
    blockColumnMax2 := min(15, header.width - mcuLeftColumn);
    for blockLine range 0 to min(7, header.height - mcuTopLine) do
      line := mcuTopLine + blockLine;
      for blockColumn range 0 to blockColumnMax1 do
        column := mcuLeftColumn + blockColumn;
        luminance := luma1[blockLine * 8 + blockColumn + 1] mdiv 8 + 128;
        dataIndex := succ(blockLine * 8 + blockColumn mdiv 2);
        image[line][column] := setPixel(luminance, chromaBlue[dataIndex], chromaRed[dataIndex]);
      end for;
      for blockColumn range 8 to blockColumnMax2 do
        column := mcuLeftColumn + blockColumn;
        luminance := luma2[blockLine * 8 + blockColumn - 8 + 1] mdiv 8 + 128;
        dataIndex := succ(blockLine * 8 + blockColumn mdiv 2);
        image[line][column] := setPixel(luminance, chromaBlue[dataIndex], chromaRed[dataIndex]);
      end for;
    end for;
  end func;

const proc: colorMinimumCodedUnit22 (in jpegHeader: header, in dataBlockType: luma1,
    in dataBlockType: luma2, in dataBlockType: luma3, in dataBlockType: luma4,
    in dataBlockType: chromaBlue, in dataBlockType: chromaRed, inout pixelImage: image,
    in integer: mcuTopLine, in integer: mcuLeftColumn) is func
    var integer: blockLine is 0;
    var integer: blockColumn is 0;
    var integer: blockColumnMax1 is 0;
    var integer: blockColumnMax2 is 0;
    var integer: line is 1;
    var integer: column is 1;
    var integer: dataIndex is 0;
    var integer: luminance is 0;
    blockColumnMax1 := min(7, header.width - mcuLeftColumn);
    blockColumnMax2 := min(15, header.width - mcuLeftColumn);
    for blockLine range 0 to 7 do
      line := mcuTopLine + blockLine;
      if line <= header.height then
        for blockColumn range 0 to blockColumnMax1 do
          column := mcuLeftColumn + blockColumn;
          luminance := luma1[blockLine * 8 + blockColumn + 1] mdiv 8 + 128;
          dataIndex := succ(blockLine mdiv 2 * 8 + blockColumn mdiv 2);
          image[line][column] := setPixel(luminance, chromaBlue[dataIndex], chromaRed[dataIndex]);
        end for;
        for blockColumn range 8 to blockColumnMax2 do
          column := mcuLeftColumn + blockColumn;
          luminance := luma2[blockLine * 8 + blockColumn - 8 + 1] mdiv 8 + 128;
          dataIndex := succ(blockLine mdiv 2 * 8 + blockColumn mdiv 2);
          image[line][column] := setPixel(luminance, chromaBlue[dataIndex], chromaRed[dataIndex]);
        end for;
      end if;
    end for;
    for blockLine range 8 to 15 do
      line := mcuTopLine + blockLine;
      if line <= header.height then
        for blockColumn range 0 to blockColumnMax1 do
          column := mcuLeftColumn + blockColumn;
          luminance := luma3[(blockLine - 8) * 8 + blockColumn + 1] mdiv 8 + 128;
          dataIndex := succ(blockLine mdiv 2 * 8 + blockColumn mdiv 2);
          image[line][column] := setPixel(luminance, chromaBlue[dataIndex], chromaRed[dataIndex]);
        end for;
        for blockColumn range 8 to blockColumnMax2 do
          column := mcuLeftColumn + blockColumn;
          luminance := luma4[(blockLine - 8) * 8 + blockColumn - 8 + 1] mdiv 8 + 128;
          dataIndex := succ(blockLine mdiv 2 * 8 + blockColumn mdiv 2);
          image[line][column] := setPixel(luminance, chromaBlue[dataIndex], chromaRed[dataIndex]);
        end for;
      end if;
    end for;
  end func;

const proc: setupQuantization (inout jpegHeader: header) is func
    header.lumaQuantization := header.quantizationTable[header.component[1].quantizationTableIndex];
    if length(header.component) >= 2 then
      header.chromaBlueQuantization := header.quantizationTable[header.component[2].quantizationTableIndex];
      if length(header.component) >= 3 then
        header.chromaRedQuantization := header.quantizationTable[header.component[3].quantizationTableIndex];
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;

#  Read an entropy coded segment.
#  The start of the next segment (e.g. Reset) ends the entropy coded segment.
#  In the segment the sequence "\16#ff;\0;" is replaced by "\16#ff;".
#  The segment ends, if a "\16#ff;" is not followed by "\0;" (introducing
#  the start of the next segment). The char after "\16#ff;" is stored in
#  bufferChar.
const func string: readEntropyCodedSegment (inout file: jpegFile) is func
    var string: ecsData is "";
      ecsData &:= getTerminatedString(jpegFile, JPEG_MARKER_START);
      if jpegFile.bufferChar = JPEG_MARKER_START then
        jpegFile.bufferChar := getc(jpegFile);
        if jpegFile.bufferChar = '\0;' then
          ecsData &:= JPEG_MARKER_START;
        end if;
      end if;
    until jpegFile.bufferChar <> '\0;';
  end func;

const proc: loadMonochromeImage (inout file: jpegFile, in jpegHeader: header,
    in msbHuffmanDecoder: dcLumaTable, in msbHuffmanDecoder: acLumaTable,
    inout pixelImage: image) is func
    var string: entropyCodedSegment is "";
    var msbInBitStream: entropyCodedStream is msbInBitStream.value;
    var integer: mcuTopLine is 0;
    var integer: mcuLeftColumn is 0;
    var integer: line is 0;
    var integer: mcuCount is -1;
    var integer: diffLuminance is 0;
    var dataBlockType: luma is dataBlockType.value;
    var integer: blockLine is 0;
    var integer: blockLineMax is 0;
    var integer: blockColumn is 0;
    var integer: blockColumnMax is 0;
    var integer: grayIntensity is 0;
    entropyCodedSegment := readEntropyCodedSegment(jpegFile);
    entropyCodedStream := openMsbInBitStream(entropyCodedSegment);
    if header.restartInterval <> 0 then
      mcuCount := header.restartInterval;
    end if;
    image := pixelImage[.. header.height] times
             pixelArray[.. header.width] times pixel.value;
    for mcuTopLine range 1 to header.height step 8 do
      blockLineMax := min(7, header.height - mcuTopLine);
      for mcuLeftColumn range 1 to header.width step 8 do
        if header.restartInterval <> 0 then
          if mcuCount = 0 then
            entropyCodedSegment := readEntropyCodedSegment(jpegFile);
            entropyCodedStream := openMsbInBitStream(entropyCodedSegment);
            diffLuminance := 0;
            mcuCount := header.restartInterval;
          end if;
        end if;
        processBlock(luma, entropyCodedStream, dcLumaTable, acLumaTable,
                     header.lumaQuantization, diffLuminance);
        blockColumnMax := min(7, header.width - mcuLeftColumn);
        for blockLine range 0 to blockLineMax do
          line := mcuTopLine + blockLine;
          for blockColumn range 0 to blockColumnMax do
            grayIntensity := clampColor(luma[succ(blockLine * 8 + blockColumn)] mdiv 8 + 128);
            image[line][mcuLeftColumn + blockColumn] :=
                rgbPixel(grayIntensity, grayIntensity, grayIntensity);
          end for;
        end for;
      end for;
    end for;
  end func;

const proc: loadColorImage (inout file: jpegFile, in jpegHeader: header,
    in msbHuffmanDecoder: dcLumaTable, in msbHuffmanDecoder: acLumaTable,
    in msbHuffmanDecoder: dcChromaBlueTable, in msbHuffmanDecoder: acChromaBlueTable,
    in msbHuffmanDecoder: dcChromaRedTable, in msbHuffmanDecoder: acChromaRedTable,
    inout pixelImage: image) is func
    var string: entropyCodedSegment is "";
    var msbInBitStream: entropyCodedStream is msbInBitStream.value;
    var integer: line is 0;
    var integer: column is 0;
    var integer: mcuCount is -1;
    var integer: index is 0;
    var integer: diffLuminance is 0;
    var integer: diffChromaBlue is 0;
    var integer: diffChromaRed is 0;
    var array dataBlockType: luma is 4 times dataBlockType.value;
    var dataBlockType: chromaBlue is dataBlockType.value;
    var dataBlockType: chromaRed is dataBlockType.value;
    entropyCodedSegment := readEntropyCodedSegment(jpegFile);
    entropyCodedStream := openMsbInBitStream(entropyCodedSegment);
    if header.restartInterval <> 0 then
      mcuCount := header.restartInterval;
    end if;
    image := pixelImage[.. header.height] times
             pixelArray[.. header.width] times pixel.value;
    for line range 1 to header.height step header.vertical * 8 do
      for column range 1 to header.width step header.horizontal * 8 do
        if header.restartInterval <> 0 then
          if mcuCount = 0 then
            entropyCodedSegment := readEntropyCodedSegment(jpegFile);
            entropyCodedStream := openMsbInBitStream(entropyCodedSegment);
            diffLuminance := 0;
            diffChromaBlue := 0;
            diffChromaRed := 0;
            mcuCount := header.restartInterval;
          end if;
        end if;
        for index range 1 to header.numLuma do
          processBlock(luma[index], entropyCodedStream, dcLumaTable, acLumaTable,
                       header.lumaQuantization, diffLuminance);
        end for;
        processBlock(chromaBlue, entropyCodedStream, dcChromaBlueTable, acChromaBlueTable,
                     header.chromaBlueQuantization, diffChromaBlue);
        processBlock(chromaRed, entropyCodedStream, dcChromaRedTable, acChromaRedTable,
                     header.chromaRedQuantization, diffChromaRed);
        if header.horizontal = 1 then
          if header.vertical = 1 then
            colorMinimumCodedUnit11(header, luma[1], chromaBlue, chromaRed,
                                    image, line, column);
            colorMinimumCodedUnit12(header, luma[1], luma[2],
                                    chromaBlue, chromaRed, image, line, column);
          end if;
          if header.vertical = 1 then
            colorMinimumCodedUnit21(header, luma[1], luma[2],
                                    chromaBlue, chromaRed, image, line, column);
            colorMinimumCodedUnit22(header, luma[1], luma[2], luma[3], luma[4],
                                    chromaBlue, chromaRed, image, line, column);
          end if;
        end if;
      end for;
    end for;
  end func;

const proc: loadImage (inout file: jpegFile, in jpegHeader: header,
    inout pixelImage: image) is func
    var integer: dcLumaIndex is 0;
    var integer: acLumaIndex is 0;
    var integer: dcCbIndex is 0;
    var integer: acCbIndex is 0;
    var integer: dcCrIndex is 0;
    var integer: acCrIndex is 0;
    if header.componentType[header.scan[1].componentId] <> JPEG_COMPTYPE_LUMA then
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    end if;
    dcLumaIndex := header.scan[1].dcHuffmanTableIndex;
    acLumaIndex := header.scan[1].acHuffmanTableIndex;
    if header.numberOfScans = 1 then
      loadMonochromeImage(jpegFile, header, header.dcDecoder[dcLumaIndex],
                          header.acDecoder[acLumaIndex], image);
    elsif header.numberOfScans = 3 then
      if header.componentType[header.scan[2].componentId] <> JPEG_COMPTYPE_CHROMA_BLUE or
          header.componentType[header.scan[3].componentId] <> JPEG_COMPTYPE_CHROMA_RED then
        raise RANGE_ERROR;
      end if;
      dcCbIndex  := header.scan[2].dcHuffmanTableIndex;
      acCbIndex  := header.scan[2].acHuffmanTableIndex;
      dcCrIndex  := header.scan[3].dcHuffmanTableIndex;
      acCrIndex  := header.scan[3].acHuffmanTableIndex;
      loadColorImage(jpegFile, header,
                     header.dcDecoder[dcLumaIndex], header.acDecoder[acLumaIndex],
                     header.dcDecoder[dcCbIndex], header.acDecoder[acCbIndex],
                     header.dcDecoder[dcCrIndex], header.acDecoder[acCrIndex],
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    end if;
  end func;

const func PRIMITIVE_WINDOW: loadSequential (inout file: jpegFile, in jpegHeader: header) is func
    var pixelImage: image is pixelImage.value;
    loadImage(jpegFile, header, image);
    if header.exifData.orientation > EXIF_ORIENTATION_NORMAL and
        header.exifData.orientation < EXIF_ORIENTATION_UNDEFINED then
      changeOrientation(image, header.exifData.orientation);
    end if;
    pixmap := getPixmap(image);
  end func;

#  Read the DC coefficient of a block.
const proc: readDcValue (inout integer: dcCoefficient,
    inout msbInBitStream: entropyCodedStream, in msbHuffmanDecoder: dcDecoder,
    inout integer: diff, in integer: approximationLow) is func

    var integer: bitWidth is 0;
    var integer: aValue is 0;
    bitWidth := getHuffmanSymbol(entropyCodedStream, dcDecoder);
    if bitWidth <> 0 then
      aValue := getSymbol(entropyCodedStream, bitWidth);
    end if;
    aValue +:= diff;
    diff := aValue;
    dcCoefficient := aValue << approximationLow;
  end func;

const proc: readLumaDcOfAllBlocks (inout file: jpegFile, in jpegHeader: header,
    in msbHuffmanDecoder: dcDecoder, inout array array jpegMinimumCodedUnit: mcuImage) is func
    var string: entropyCodedSegment is "";
    var msbInBitStream: entropyCodedStream is msbInBitStream.value;
    var integer: line is 0;
    var integer: column is 0;
    var integer: index is 0;
    var integer: diffLuminance is 0;
    var integer: mcuCount is -1;
    entropyCodedSegment := readEntropyCodedSegment(jpegFile);
    entropyCodedStream := openMsbInBitStream(entropyCodedSegment);
    if header.restartInterval <> 0 then
      mcuCount := header.restartInterval;
    end if;
    for line range 1 to header.blockLines do
      for column range 1 to header.blockColumns do
        if header.restartInterval <> 0 then
          if mcuCount = 0 then
            entropyCodedSegment := readEntropyCodedSegment(jpegFile);
            entropyCodedStream := openMsbInBitStream(entropyCodedSegment);
            diffLuminance := 0;
            mcuCount := header.restartInterval;
          end if;
        end if;
        index := succ(2 * (pred(line) mod header.vertical) + pred(column) mod header.horizontal);
        readDcValue(mcuImage[succ(pred(line) mdiv header.vertical)]
                            [succ(pred(column) mdiv header.horizontal)].luma[index][1],
                    entropyCodedStream, dcDecoder, diffLuminance, header.approximationLow);
      end for;
    end for;
  end func;

const proc: readDcValuesOfAllBlocks (inout file: jpegFile, in jpegHeader: header,
    in integer: dcLumaIndex, in integer: dcCbIndex, in integer: dcCrIndex,
    inout array array jpegMinimumCodedUnit: mcuImage) is func
    var string: entropyCodedSegment is "";
    var msbInBitStream: entropyCodedStream is msbInBitStream.value;
    var integer: line is 0;
    var integer: column is 0;
    var integer: index is 0;
    var integer: diffLuminance is 0;
    var integer: diffChromaBlue is 0;
    var integer: diffChromaRed is 0;
    var integer: mcuCount is -1;
    entropyCodedSegment := readEntropyCodedSegment(jpegFile);
    entropyCodedStream := openMsbInBitStream(entropyCodedSegment);
    if header.restartInterval <> 0 then
      mcuCount := header.restartInterval;
    end if;
    for line range 1 to header.unitLines do
      for column range 1 to header.unitColumns do
        if header.restartInterval <> 0 then
          if mcuCount = 0 then
            entropyCodedSegment := readEntropyCodedSegment(jpegFile);
            entropyCodedStream := openMsbInBitStream(entropyCodedSegment);
            diffLuminance := 0;
            diffChromaBlue := 0;
            diffChromaRed := 0;
            mcuCount := header.restartInterval;
          end if;
        end if;
        if dcLumaIndex <> 0 then
          for index range 1 to header.numLuma do
                        entropyCodedStream, header.dcDecoder[dcLumaIndex],
                        diffLuminance, header.approximationLow);
          end for;
        end if;
        if dcCbIndex <> 0 then
                      entropyCodedStream, header.dcDecoder[dcCbIndex],
                      diffChromaBlue, header.approximationLow);
        end if;
        if dcCrIndex <> 0 then
                      entropyCodedStream, header.dcDecoder[dcCrIndex],
                      diffChromaRed, header.approximationLow);
        end if;
      end for;
    end for;
  end func;

const proc: refineDcValuesOfAllBlocks (inout file: jpegFile, in jpegHeader: header,
    in integer: dcLumaIndex, in integer: dcCbIndex, in integer: dcCrIndex,
    inout array array jpegMinimumCodedUnit: mcuImage) is func
    var string: entropyCodedSegment is "";
    var msbInBitStream: entropyCodedStream is msbInBitStream.value;
    var integer: line is 0;
    var integer: column is 0;
    var integer: index is 0;
    var integer: mcuCount is -1;
    entropyCodedSegment := readEntropyCodedSegment(jpegFile);
    entropyCodedStream := openMsbInBitStream(entropyCodedSegment);
    if header.restartInterval <> 0 then
      mcuCount := header.restartInterval;
    end if;
    for line range 1 to header.unitLines do
      for column range 1 to header.unitColumns do
        if header.restartInterval <> 0 then
          if mcuCount = 0 then
            entropyCodedSegment := readEntropyCodedSegment(jpegFile);
            entropyCodedStream := openMsbInBitStream(entropyCodedSegment);
            mcuCount := header.restartInterval;
          end if;
        end if;
        if dcLumaIndex <> 0 then
          for index range 1 to header.numLuma do
            if getBit(entropyCodedStream) <> 0 then
              mcuImage[line][column].luma[index][1] +:= 1 << header.approximationLow;
            end if;
          end for;
        end if;
        if dcCbIndex <> 0 then
          if getBit(entropyCodedStream) <> 0 then
            mcuImage[line][column].chroma[CHROMA_BLUE][1] +:= 1 << header.approximationLow;
          end if;
        end if;
        if dcCrIndex <> 0 then
          if getBit(entropyCodedStream) <> 0 then
            mcuImage[line][column].chroma[CHROMA_RED][1] +:= 1 << header.approximationLow;
          end if;
        end if;
      end for;
    end for;
  end func;

#  Read the AC coefficients of a block.
const proc: readBlockAc (inout dataBlockType: dataBlock,
    inout msbInBitStream: entropyCodedStream, in msbHuffmanDecoder: acDecoder,
    in integer: startOfSpectral, in integer: endOfSpectral,
    inout integer: eobRunLength, in integer: approximationLow) is func
    var integer: bitWidth is 0;
    var integer: index is 1;
    var integer: aByte is 0;
    var integer: zeros is 0;
    var integer: bits is 0;
    index := pred(startOfSpectral);
      aByte := getHuffmanSymbol(entropyCodedStream, acDecoder);
      zeros := aByte >> 4;
      bitWidth := aByte mod 16;
      if bitWidth = 0 then
        if zeros = 15 then
          index +:= 16;
          if index >= JPEG_BLOCK_SIZE then
            raise RANGE_ERROR;
          end if;
          eobRunLength := 1 << zeros;
          if zeros <> 0 then
            bits := getBits(entropyCodedStream, zeros);
            eobRunLength +:= bits;
          end if;
          aByte := 0;
        end if;
        index +:= succ(zeros);
        dataBlock[index] := getSymbol(entropyCodedStream, bitWidth) << approximationLow;
        if index = endOfSpectral then
          aByte := 0;
        end if;
      end if;
    until aByte = 0;
  end func;

const proc: readLumaAcOfAllBlocks (inout file: jpegFile, in jpegHeader: header,
    in msbHuffmanDecoder: acDecoder, inout array array jpegMinimumCodedUnit: mcuImage) is func
    var string: entropyCodedSegment is "";
    var msbInBitStream: entropyCodedStream is msbInBitStream.value;
    var integer: line is 0;
    var integer: column is 0;
    var integer: index is 0;
    var integer: mcuCount is -1;
    var integer: eobRunLength is 0;
    entropyCodedSegment := readEntropyCodedSegment(jpegFile);
    entropyCodedStream := openMsbInBitStream(entropyCodedSegment);
    if header.restartInterval <> 0 then
      mcuCount := header.restartInterval;
    end if;
    for line range 1 to header.blockLines do
      for column range 1 to header.blockColumns do
        if header.restartInterval <> 0 then
          if mcuCount = 0 then
            entropyCodedSegment := readEntropyCodedSegment(jpegFile);
            entropyCodedStream := openMsbInBitStream(entropyCodedSegment);
            mcuCount := header.restartInterval;
          end if;
        end if;
        if eobRunLength > 0 then
          index := succ(2 * (pred(line) mod header.vertical) + pred(column) mod header.horizontal);
          readBlockAc(mcuImage[succ(pred(line) mdiv header.vertical)]
                              [succ(pred(column) mdiv header.horizontal)].luma[index],
                      entropyCodedStream, acDecoder, header.startOfSpectral, header.endOfSpectral,
                      eobRunLength, header.approximationLow);
        end if;
      end for;
    end for;
  end func;

const proc: readChromaAcOfAllBlocks (inout file: jpegFile, in jpegHeader: header,
    in msbHuffmanDecoder: acDecoder, inout array array jpegMinimumCodedUnit: mcuImage,
    in integer: chromaIndex) is func
    var string: entropyCodedSegment is "";
    var msbInBitStream: entropyCodedStream is msbInBitStream.value;
    var integer: line is 0;
    var integer: column is 0;
    var integer: mcuCount is -1;
    var integer: eobRunLength is 0;
    entropyCodedSegment := readEntropyCodedSegment(jpegFile);
    entropyCodedStream := openMsbInBitStream(entropyCodedSegment);
    if header.restartInterval <> 0 then
      mcuCount := header.restartInterval;
    end if;
    for line range 1 to header.unitLines do
      for column range 1 to header.unitColumns do
        if header.restartInterval <> 0 then
          if mcuCount = 0 then
            entropyCodedSegment := readEntropyCodedSegment(jpegFile);
            entropyCodedStream := openMsbInBitStream(entropyCodedSegment);
            mcuCount := header.restartInterval;
          end if;
        end if;
        if eobRunLength > 0 then
                      entropyCodedStream, acDecoder, header.startOfSpectral,
                      header.endOfSpectral, eobRunLength,
        end if;
      end for;
    end for;
  end func;

const proc: refineNonZeroes (inout dataBlockType: dataBlock,
    inout msbInBitStream: entropyCodedStream, inout integer: spectral,
    in integer: endOfSpectral, in var integer: numberOfZeros,
    in integer: delta) is func
    var boolean: enoughZeros is FALSE;
    var integer: bit is 0;
    while spectral <= endOfSpectral and not enoughZeros do
      if dataBlock[spectral] = 0 then
        if numberOfZeros = 0 then
          enoughZeros := TRUE;
        end if;
        bit := getBit(entropyCodedStream);
        if bit <> 0 then
          if dataBlock[spectral] >= 0 then
            dataBlock[spectral] +:= delta;
            dataBlock[spectral] -:= delta;
          end if;
        end if;
      end if;
    end while;
  end func;

#  Refine the AC coefficients of a block.
const proc: refineBlockAc (inout dataBlockType: dataBlock,
    inout msbInBitStream: entropyCodedStream, in msbHuffmanDecoder: acDecoder,
    in integer: startOfSpectral, in integer: endOfSpectral,
    inout integer: eobRunLength, in integer: delta) is func
    var integer: spectral is 0;
    var integer: coefficient is 0;
    var integer: bit is 0;
    var integer: aByte is 0;
    var integer: zeros is 0;
    var integer: bitWidth is 0;
    var integer: bits is 0;
    spectral := startOfSpectral;
    while spectral <= endOfSpectral and eobRunLength = 0 do
      coefficient := 0;
      aByte := getHuffmanSymbol(entropyCodedStream, acDecoder);
      zeros := aByte >> 4;
      bitWidth := aByte mod 16;
      if bitWidth = 0 then
        if zeros <> 15 then
          eobRunLength := 1 << zeros;
          if zeros <> 0 then
            bits := getBits(entropyCodedStream, zeros);
            eobRunLength +:= bits;
          end if;
        end if;
      elsif bitWidth = 1 then
        coefficient := delta;
        bit := getBit(entropyCodedStream);
        if bit = 0 then
          coefficient := -coefficient;
        end if;
        raise RANGE_ERROR;
      end if;
      if eobRunLength = 0 then
        refineNonZeroes(dataBlock, entropyCodedStream, spectral, endOfSpectral, zeros, delta);
        if spectral > endOfSpectral then
          raise RANGE_ERROR;
        end if;
        if coefficient <> 0 then
          dataBlock[spectral] := coefficient;
        end if;
      end if;
    end while;
    if eobRunLength > 0 then
      refineNonZeroes(dataBlock, entropyCodedStream, spectral, endOfSpectral, -1, delta);
    end if;
  end func;

const proc: refineLumaAcOfAllBlocks (inout file: jpegFile, in jpegHeader: header,
    in msbHuffmanDecoder: acDecoder, inout array array jpegMinimumCodedUnit: mcuImage) is func
    var string: entropyCodedSegment is "";
    var msbInBitStream: entropyCodedStream is msbInBitStream.value;
    var integer: line is 0;
    var integer: column is 0;
    var integer: index is 0;
    var integer: mcuCount is -1;
    var integer: eobRunLength is 0;
    entropyCodedSegment := readEntropyCodedSegment(jpegFile);
    entropyCodedStream := openMsbInBitStream(entropyCodedSegment);
    if header.restartInterval <> 0 then
      mcuCount := header.restartInterval;
    end if;
    for line range 1 to header.blockLines do
      for column range 1 to header.blockColumns do
        if header.restartInterval <> 0 then
          if mcuCount = 0 then
            entropyCodedSegment := readEntropyCodedSegment(jpegFile);
            entropyCodedStream := openMsbInBitStream(entropyCodedSegment);
            mcuCount := header.restartInterval;
          end if;
        end if;
        index := succ(2 * (pred(line) mod header.vertical) + pred(column) mod header.horizontal);
        refineBlockAc(mcuImage[succ(pred(line) mdiv header.vertical)]
                              [succ(pred(column) mdiv header.horizontal)].luma[index],
                      entropyCodedStream, acDecoder, header.startOfSpectral,
                      header.endOfSpectral, eobRunLength,
                      1 << header.approximationLow);
      end for;
    end for;
  end func;

const proc: refineChromaAcOfAllBlocks (inout file: jpegFile, in jpegHeader: header,
    in msbHuffmanDecoder: acDecoder, inout array array jpegMinimumCodedUnit: mcuImage,
    in integer: chromaIndex) is func
    var string: entropyCodedSegment is "";
    var msbInBitStream: entropyCodedStream is msbInBitStream.value;
    var integer: line is 0;
    var integer: column is 0;
    var integer: mcuCount is -1;
    var integer: eobRunLength is 0;
    entropyCodedSegment := readEntropyCodedSegment(jpegFile);
    entropyCodedStream := openMsbInBitStream(entropyCodedSegment);
    if header.restartInterval <> 0 then
      mcuCount := header.restartInterval;
    end if;
    for line range 1 to header.unitLines do
      for column range 1 to header.unitColumns do
        if header.restartInterval <> 0 then
          if mcuCount = 0 then
            entropyCodedSegment := readEntropyCodedSegment(jpegFile);
            entropyCodedStream := openMsbInBitStream(entropyCodedSegment);
            mcuCount := header.restartInterval;
          end if;
        end if;
                      entropyCodedStream, acDecoder, header.startOfSpectral,
                      header.endOfSpectral, eobRunLength,
                      1 << header.approximationLow);
      end for;
    end for;
  end func;

const proc: loadProgressive (inout file: jpegFile, in jpegHeader: header,
    inout array array jpegMinimumCodedUnit: mcuImage) is func
    var integer: dcLumaIndex is 0;
    var integer: dcCbIndex is 0;
    var integer: dcCrIndex is 0;
    var integer: acLumaIndex is 0;
    var integer: acCbIndex is 0;
    var integer: acCrIndex is 0;
    var integer: index is 0;
    for index range 1 to header.numberOfScans do
      case header.componentType[header.scan[index].componentId] of
        when {JPEG_COMPTYPE_LUMA}:
          dcLumaIndex := header.scan[index].dcHuffmanTableIndex;
          acLumaIndex := header.scan[index].acHuffmanTableIndex;
          dcCbIndex  := header.scan[index].dcHuffmanTableIndex;
          acCbIndex  := header.scan[index].acHuffmanTableIndex;
          dcCrIndex  := header.scan[index].dcHuffmanTableIndex;
          acCrIndex  := header.scan[index].acHuffmanTableIndex;
          raise RANGE_ERROR;
      end case;
    end for;
    if header.startOfSpectral = 1 and header.endOfSpectral = 1 then
      if header.approximationHigh = 0 then
        if dcLumaIndex <> 0 and dcCbIndex = 0 and dcCrIndex = 0 then
          readLumaDcOfAllBlocks(jpegFile, header, header.dcDecoder[dcLumaIndex],
          readDcValuesOfAllBlocks(jpegFile, header, dcLumaIndex,
                                  dcCbIndex, dcCrIndex, mcuImage);
        end if;
        refineDcValuesOfAllBlocks(jpegFile, header, dcLumaIndex,
                                  dcCbIndex, dcCrIndex, mcuImage);
      end if;
    elsif header.approximationHigh = 0 then
      if acLumaIndex <> 0 then
        readLumaAcOfAllBlocks(jpegFile, header, header.acDecoder[acLumaIndex],
      elsif acCbIndex <> 0 then
        readChromaAcOfAllBlocks(jpegFile, header, header.acDecoder[acCbIndex],
                                mcuImage, CHROMA_BLUE);
      elsif acCrIndex <> 0 then
        readChromaAcOfAllBlocks(jpegFile, header, header.acDecoder[acCrIndex],
                                mcuImage, CHROMA_RED);
      end if;
      if acLumaIndex <> 0 then
        refineLumaAcOfAllBlocks(jpegFile, header, header.acDecoder[acLumaIndex],
      elsif acCbIndex <> 0 then
        refineChromaAcOfAllBlocks(jpegFile, header, header.acDecoder[acCbIndex],
                                  mcuImage, CHROMA_BLUE);
      elsif acCrIndex <> 0 then
        refineChromaAcOfAllBlocks(jpegFile, header, header.acDecoder[acCrIndex],
                                  mcuImage, CHROMA_RED);
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;

#  Process a 8x8 block of IDCT coefficients.
#  This function is used for luma and chroma blocks.
#  The resulting block contains luma or chroma values of an 8x8
#  area scaled with factor 8 to the range -1024 .. 1023.
#  The values are not clamped so they might also be higher or
#  lower than the limit.
const proc: processBlock (inout dataBlockType: dataBlock, in dataBlockType: quantizationTable) is func
    var integer: index is 0;
    for index range 1 to JPEG_BLOCK_SIZE do
      dataBlock[index] *:= quantizationTable[index];
    end for;
    dataBlock := unzigzag(dataBlock);
  end func;

const proc: colorMinimumCodedUnit (in jpegHeader: header,
    inout jpegMinimumCodedUnit: minimumCodedUnit,
    in dataBlockType: lumaQuantization, in dataBlockType: chromaBlueQuantization,
    in dataBlockType: chromaRedQuantization, inout pixelImage: image,
    in integer: line, in integer: column) is func
    var integer: index is 0;
    for index range 1 to header.numLuma do
      processBlock(minimumCodedUnit.luma[index], lumaQuantization);
    end for;
    processBlock(minimumCodedUnit.chroma[CHROMA_BLUE], chromaBlueQuantization);
    processBlock(minimumCodedUnit.chroma[CHROMA_RED], chromaRedQuantization);

    if header.horizontal = 1 then
      if header.vertical = 1 then
        colorMinimumCodedUnit11(header, minimumCodedUnit.luma[1],
                                image, line, column);
        colorMinimumCodedUnit12(header, minimumCodedUnit.luma[1],
                                image, line, column);
      end if;
      if header.vertical = 1 then
        colorMinimumCodedUnit21(header, minimumCodedUnit.luma[1],
                                image, line, column);
        colorMinimumCodedUnit22(header, minimumCodedUnit.luma[1],
                                image, line, column);
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;

const func PRIMITIVE_WINDOW: colorAllMinimumCodedUnits (in jpegHeader: header,
    inout array array jpegMinimumCodedUnit: mcuImage, in dataBlockType: lumaQuantization,
    in dataBlockType: chromaBlueQuantization, in dataBlockType: chromaRedQuantization) is func
    var integer: line is 0;
    var integer: column is 0;
    var pixelImage: image is pixelImage.value;
    image := pixelImage[.. header.height] times
             pixelArray[.. header.width] times pixel.value;
    for line range 1 to length(mcuImage) do
      for column range 1 to length(mcuImage[line]) do
        colorMinimumCodedUnit(header, mcuImage[line][column],
                              lumaQuantization, chromaBlueQuantization,
                              chromaRedQuantization, image,
                              succ(pred(line) * 8 * header.vertical),
                              succ(pred(column) * 8 * header.horizontal));
      end for;
    end for;
    if header.exifData.orientation > EXIF_ORIENTATION_NORMAL and
        header.exifData.orientation < EXIF_ORIENTATION_UNDEFINED then
      changeOrientation(image, header.exifData.orientation);
    end if;
    pixmap := getPixmap(image);
  end func;

 *  Reads a JPEG file into a pixmap.
 *  @param jpegFile File that contains a JPEG image.
 *  @return A pixmap with the JPEG image, or
 *          PRIMITIVE_WINDOW.value if the file does
 *          not contain a JPEG magic number.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR The file is not in the JPEG file format.
const func PRIMITIVE_WINDOW: readJpeg (inout file: jpegFile) is func
    var string: magic is "";
    var boolean: readMarker is TRUE;
    var char: segmentMarker is ' ';
    var boolean: endOfImage is FALSE;
    var jpegHeader: header is jpegHeader.value;
    var array array jpegMinimumCodedUnit: mcuImage is 0 times 0 times jpegMinimumCodedUnit.value;
    magic := gets(jpegFile, length(JPEG_MAGIC));
    if magic = JPEG_MAGIC then
      # Start Of Image (SOI)
        if readMarker then
          segmentMarker := getc(jpegFile);
        end if;
        readMarker := TRUE;
        case segmentMarker of
          when {JPEG_SOF0, JPEG_SOF1}:
            readStartOfFrame(jpegFile, header);
          when {JPEG_SOF2}:
            readStartOfFrame(jpegFile, header);
            header.progressive := TRUE;
            mcuImage := header.unitLines times header.unitColumns times jpegMinimumCodedUnit.value;
          when {JPEG_DHT}:
            readDefineHuffmanTable(jpegFile, header);
          when {JPEG_EOI}:
            # End Of Image
            endOfImage := TRUE;
            readMarker := FALSE;
          when {JPEG_SOS}:
            readStartOfScan(jpegFile, header);
            if header.progressive then
              loadProgressive(jpegFile, header, mcuImage);
              pixmap := loadSequential(jpegFile, header);
            end if;
            segmentMarker := jpegFile.bufferChar;
            readMarker := FALSE;
          when {JPEG_DQT}:
            readDefineQuantizationTable(jpegFile, header);
          when {JPEG_DRI}:
            readDefineRestartInterval(jpegFile, header);
          when {JPEG_APP0 .. JPEG_APP15}:
            readApplicationSegment(jpegFile, ord(segmentMarker) - ord(JPEG_APP0), header);
          when {JPEG_COM}:
          when {JPEG_FILLER}:
            # Fill byte (16#ff), which is ignored.
            segmentMarker := getc(jpegFile);
            readMarker := FALSE;
            raise RANGE_ERROR;
        end case;
        if readMarker and getc(jpegFile) <> JPEG_MARKER_START then
          raise RANGE_ERROR;
        end if;
      until endOfImage;
      if header.progressive then
        pixmap := colorAllMinimumCodedUnits(header, mcuImage,
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Reads a JPEG file with the given ''jpegFileName'' into a pixmap.
 *  @param jpegFileName Name of the JPEG file.
 *  @return A pixmap with the JPEG image, or
 *          PRIMITIVE_WINDOW.value if the file cannot be opened or
 *          does not contain a JPEG magic number.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR The file is not in the JPEG file format.
const func PRIMITIVE_WINDOW: readJpeg (in string: jpegFileName) is func
    var file: jpegFile is STD_NULL;
    jpegFile := open(jpegFileName, "r");
    if jpegFile <> STD_NULL then
      pixmap := readJpeg(jpegFile);
    end if;
  end func;