(*                                                                  *)
(*  keybd.s7i     Read from keyboard without buffering and echo     *)
(*  Copyright (C) 1993, 1994, 2005  Thomas Mertes                   *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  This file is part of the Seed7 Runtime Library.                 *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is free software; you can             *)
(*  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU     *)
(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(*  Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your      *)
(*  option) any later version.                                      *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is distributed in the hope that it    *)
(*  will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the      *)
(*  PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more    *)
(*  details.                                                        *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General       *)
(*  Public License along with this program; if not, write to the    *)
(*  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,             *)
(*  Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.                       *)
(*                                                                  *)

include "file.s7i";
include "null_file.s7i";

 *  Interface type describing keyboard [[file|files]].
 *  This interface is implemented with ''console_keybd_file'' and
 *  ''graph_keybd_file''.
const type: keyboard_file is subtype file;

(* Procedures granted for every keyboard_file *)

# The function keypressed() is deprecated. Use inputReady() instead.
const func boolean: keypressed (in keyboard_file: keybd) is DYNAMIC;

 *  Determine if a given ''button'' is currently pressed.
 *  This function can determine if the last key read by ''getc''
 *  from the graphic keyboard is still pressed:
 *   buttonPressed(KEYBOARD, KEY_MOUSE1)
 *  The function can determine if num-lock, shift-lock or scroll-lock is
 *  currently active:
 *   buttonPressed(KEYBOARD, KEY_SHIFT_LOCK_ON)
 *  If a button is pressed together with a modifier key (SHIFT, CTRL, ALT)
 *  ''getc'' returns a character like KEY_CTL_MOUSE1. But no character
 *  constants are defined for combinations with two modifier keys (there
 *  is no KEY_SFT_CTL_MOUSE1). With ''buttonPressed'' it is possible to
 *  recogize if two modifier key are combined with a key. E.g.:
 *   aKey := getc(KEYBOARD);
 *   if (aKey = KEY_CTL_MOUSE1 and buttonPressed(KEYBOARD, KEY_SHIFT)) or
 *      (akey = KEY_SFT_MOUSE1 and buttonPressed(KEYBOARD, KEY_CONTROL)) then
 *     ...
 *  Note that ''buttonPressed'' does not actually read something so using
 *  ''buttonPressed'' alone will not work. Instead ''buttonPressed'' must be
 *  combined with ''getc'', which does the reading.
 *   command := getc(KEYBOARD);
 *   if command = KEY_MOUSE1 then
 *     while buttonPressed(KEYBOARD, KEY_MOUSE1) do
 *       ... do something as long as KEY_MOUSE1 is pressed ...
 *     end while;
 *     # KEY_MOUSE1 has been released.
 *   end if;
 *  @return TRUE if ''button'' is currently pressed,
 *          FALSE otherwise.
const func boolean: buttonPressed (in keyboard_file: keybd, in char: button) is DYNAMIC;

 *  X position of the mouse cursor when a button was pressed.
 *  The functions ''clickedXPos'' and ''clickedYPos'' can be used to
 *  determine which position was "clicked".
 *  @return the X position of the mouse cursor at the time when
 *          the last button was pressed.
const func integer: clickedXPos (in keyboard_file: keybd) is DYNAMIC;

 *  Y position of the mouse cursor when a button was pressed.
 *  The functions ''clickedXPos'' and ''clickedYPos'' can be used to
 *  determine which position was "clicked".
 *  @return the Y position of the mouse cursor at the time when
 *          the last button was pressed.
const func integer: clickedYPos (in keyboard_file: keybd) is DYNAMIC;

const type: console_keybd_file is sub null_file struct
  end struct;

type_implements_interface(console_keybd_file, keyboard_file);

 *  Read a character from the console keyboard file.
 *  The function works synchronous. This means that it might wait (block)
 *  until a key has been pressed. The function returns a normal Unicode
 *  character or a special code (which may be or may not be a Unicode
 *  character) for cursor- and function-keys. Character constants are
 *  defined for various keys such as KEY_CTL_J for newline and KEY_ESC
 *  for the ESCAPE key. If a button is pressed together with a modifier
 *  key (SHIFT, CTRL, ALT) ''getc'' returns a character like KEY_CTL_A
 *  or KEY_ALT_A. No character constants are defined for combinations
 *  with two modifier keys (there is no KEY_SFT_CTL_A).
 *  @return the character read.
const func char: getc (in console_keybd_file: keybd)                           is action "KBD_GETC";

 *  Read a string with maximum length from the console keyboard file.
 *  @return the string read.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR The parameter ''maxLength'' is negative.
const func string: gets (in console_keybd_file: keybd, in integer: maxLength)  is action "KBD_GETS";

const func char: raw_getc (in console_keybd_file: keybd)                       is action "KBD_RAW_GETC";
const func string: line_read (in console_keybd_file: keybd,
                              inout char: terminationChar)                     is action "KBD_LINE_READ";
const func string: word_read (in console_keybd_file: keybd,
                              inout char: terminationChar)                     is action "KBD_WORD_READ";

 *  Determine if at least one character can be read without blocking.
 *  Blocking means that ''getc'' would wait until a key has been pressed.
 *  @return TRUE if a character is available at the console keyboard file
 *          FALSE otherwise.
const func boolean: inputReady (in console_keybd_file: keybd)                  is action "KBD_INPUT_READY";

# The function keypressed() is deprecated. Use inputReady() instead.
const func boolean: keypressed (in console_keybd_file: keybd)                  is action "KBD_INPUT_READY";

 *  Keyboard file describing the console keyboard.
 *  The console keyboard belongs to a text/console window.
 *  Characters typed at the keyboard are queued (first in first out)
 *  and can be read directly, without the need to press ENTER or
 *  RETURN. There is also no possibility to correct a key, once it
 *  is pressed. Additionally KEYBOARD does not echo the characters.
var console_keybd_file: CONSOLE_KEYBOARD is console_keybd_file.value;

const func string: getk (in console_keybd_file: keybd) is func
    var string: rawKey is "";
    rawKey := str(raw_getc(keybd));
    while inputReady(keybd) do
      rawKey &:= str(raw_getc(keybd));
    end while;
  end func;

 *  Read a word from the console keyboard file.
 *  Before reading the word it skips spaces and tabs. The function
 *  accepts words ending with " ", "\t", "\n", "\r\n" or [[char#EOF|EOF]].
 *  The word ending characters are not copied into the string.
 *  That means that the "\r" of a "\r\n" sequence is silently removed.
 *  When the function is left keybd.bufferChar contains ' ',
 *  '\t', '\n' or [[char#EOF|EOF]].
 *  @return the word read.
const func string: getwd (inout console_keybd_file: keybd) is func
    var string: stri is "";
    stri := word_read(keybd, keybd.bufferChar);
  end func;

 *  Read a line from the console keyboard file.
 *  The function accepts lines ending with "\n", "\r\n" or [[char#EOF|EOF]].
 *  The line ending characters are not copied into the string.
 *  That means that the "\r" of a "\r\n" sequence is silently removed.
 *  When the function is left keybd.bufferChar contains '\n' or
 *  [[char#EOF|EOF]].
 *  @return the line read.
const func string: getln (inout console_keybd_file: keybd) is func
    var string: stri is "";
    stri := line_read(keybd, keybd.bufferChar);
  end func;

const type: graph_keybd_file is sub null_file struct
  end struct;

type_implements_interface(graph_keybd_file, keyboard_file);

 *  Read a character from the graphic keyboard or mouse.
 *  The function works synchronous. This means that it might wait (block)
 *  until a key has been pressed. The function returns a normal Unicode
 *  character or a special code (which may be or may not be a Unicode
 *  character) for cursor-, function- and mouse-keys. Character constants
 *  are defined for various keys such as KEY_CTL_J for newline and
 *  KEY_MOUSE1 for the first mouse key. If a button is pressed together
 *  with a modifier key (SHIFT, CTRL, ALT) ''getc'' returns a character
 *  like KEY_CTL_MOUSE1. No character constants are defined for
 *  combinations with two modifier keys (there is no KEY_SFT_CTL_MOUSE1).
 *  The function ''buttonPressed'' can be used to read such combinations.
 *  @return the character read.
const func char: getc (in graph_keybd_file: keybd)                             is action "GKB_GETC";

 *  Read a string with maximum length from the graphic keyboard file.
 *  @return the string read.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR The parameter ''maxLength'' is negative.
const func string: gets (in graph_keybd_file: keybd, in integer: maxLength)    is action "GKB_GETS";

 *  Determine if a given ''button'' is currently pressed.
 *  This function can determine if the last key read by ''getc''
 *  from the graphic keyboard is still pressed:
 *   buttonPressed(KEYBOARD, KEY_MOUSE1)
 *  The function can determine if num-lock, shift-lock or scroll-lock is
 *  currently active:
 *   buttonPressed(KEYBOARD, KEY_SHIFT_LOCK_ON)
 *  If a button is pressed together with a modifier key (SHIFT, CTRL, ALT)
 *  ''getc'' returns a character like KEY_CTL_MOUSE1. But no character
 *  constants are defined for combinations with two modifier keys (there
 *  is no KEY_SFT_CTL_MOUSE1). With ''buttonPressed'' it is possible to
 *  recogize if two modifier key are combined with a key. E.g.:
 *   aKey := getc(KEYBOARD);
 *   if (aKey = KEY_CTL_MOUSE1 and buttonPressed(KEYBOARD, KEY_SHIFT)) or
 *      (akey = KEY_SFT_MOUSE1 and buttonPressed(KEYBOARD, KEY_CONTROL)) then
 *     ...
 *  Note that ''buttonPressed'' does not actually read something so using
 *  ''buttonPressed'' alone will not work. Instead ''buttonPressed'' must be
 *  combined with ''getc'', which does the reading.
 *   command := getc(KEYBOARD);
 *   if command = KEY_MOUSE1 then
 *     while buttonPressed(KEYBOARD, KEY_MOUSE1) do
 *       ... do something as long as KEY_MOUSE1 is pressed ...
 *     end while;
 *     # KEY_MOUSE1 has been released.
 *   end if;
 *  @return TRUE if ''button'' is currently pressed,
 *          FALSE otherwise.
const func boolean: buttonPressed (in graph_keybd_file: keybd, in char: button)  is action "GKB_BUTTON_PRESSED";

 *  X position of the mouse cursor when a button was pressed.
 *  The functions ''clickedXPos'' and ''clickedYPos'' can be used to
 *  determine which position was "clicked".
 *  @return the X position of the mouse cursor at the time when
 *          the last button was pressed.
const func integer: clickedXPos (in graph_keybd_file: keybd)                   is action "GKB_CLICKED_XPOS";

 *  Y position of the mouse cursor when a button was pressed.
 *  The functions ''clickedXPos'' and ''clickedYPos'' can be used to
 *  determine which position was "clicked".
 *  @return the Y position of the mouse cursor at the time when
 *          the last button was pressed.
const func integer: clickedYPos (in graph_keybd_file: keybd)                   is action "GKB_CLICKED_YPOS";

const func char: raw_getc (in graph_keybd_file: keybd)                         is action "GKB_RAW_GETC";
const func string: line_read (in graph_keybd_file: keybd,
                              inout char: terminationChar)                     is action "GKB_LINE_READ";
const func string: word_read (in graph_keybd_file: keybd,
                              inout char: terminationChar)                     is action "GKB_WORD_READ";

 *  Determine if at least one character can be read without blocking.
 *  Blocking means that ''getc'' would wait until a key has been pressed.
 *  @return TRUE if a character is available at the graphic keyboard file
 *          FALSE otherwise.
const func boolean: inputReady (in graph_keybd_file: keybd)                    is action "GKB_INPUT_READY";

# The function keypressed() is deprecated. Use inputReady() instead.
const func boolean: keypressed (in graph_keybd_file: keybd)                    is action "GKB_INPUT_READY";

 *  Keyboard file describing the graphic keyboard.
 *  The graphic keyboard belongs to a graphic window.
 *  Characters typed at the keyboard are queued (first in first out)
 *  and can be read directly, without the need to press ENTER or
 *  RETURN. There is also no possibility to correct a key, once it
 *  is pressed. Additionally KEYBOARD does not echo the characters.
var graph_keybd_file: GRAPH_KEYBOARD is graph_keybd_file.value;

const func string: getk (in graph_keybd_file: keybd) is func
    var string: rawKey is "";
    rawKey := str(raw_getc(keybd));
    while inputReady(keybd) do
      rawKey &:= str(raw_getc(keybd));
    end while;
  end func;

 *  Read a word from the graphic keyboard file.
 *  Before reading the word it skips spaces and tabs. The function
 *  accepts words ending with " ", "\t", "\n", "\r\n" or [[char#EOF|EOF]].
 *  The word ending characters are not copied into the string.
 *  That means that the "\r" of a "\r\n" sequence is silently removed.
 *  When the function is left keybd.bufferChar contains ' ',
 *  '\t', '\n' or [[char#EOF|EOF]].
 *  @return the word read.
const func string: getwd (inout graph_keybd_file: keybd) is func
    var string: stri is "";
    stri := word_read(keybd, keybd.bufferChar);
  end func;

 *  Read a line from the graphic keyboard file.
 *  The function accepts lines ending with "\n", "\r\n" or [[char#EOF|EOF]].
 *  The line ending characters are not copied into the string.
 *  That means that the "\r" of a "\r\n" sequence is silently removed.
 *  When the function is left keybd.bufferChar contains '\n' or
 *  [[char#EOF|EOF]].
 *  @return the line read.
const func string: getln (inout graph_keybd_file: keybd) is func
    var string: stri is "";
    stri := line_read(keybd, keybd.bufferChar);
  end func;

 *  Variable describing the keyboard.
 *  Characters typed at the keyboard are queued (first in first out)
 *  and can be read directly, without the need to press ENTER or
 *  RETURN. There is also no possibility to correct a key, once it
 *  is pressed. Additionally KEYBOARD does not echo the characters.
 *  KEYBOARD delivers cursor keys and function keys as single
 *  characters (e.g. KEY_LEFT or KEY_F1).
 *  This variable is initialized with CONSOLE_KEYBOARD.
 *  If a program wants to work with the graphic keyboard,
 *  the following assignment is necessary:
var keyboard_file: KEYBOARD is CONSOLE_KEYBOARD;

const char: KEY_CTL_A is        '\1;';
const char: KEY_CTL_B is        '\2;';
const char: KEY_CTL_C is        '\3;';
const char: KEY_CTL_D is        '\4;';
const char: KEY_CTL_E is        '\5;';
const char: KEY_CTL_F is        '\6;';
const char: KEY_CTL_G is        '\7;';
const char: KEY_CTL_H is        '\8;';
const char: KEY_BS is           '\8;';
const char: KEY_CTL_I is        '\9;';
const char: KEY_TAB is          '\9;';
const char: KEY_CTL_J is       '\10;';
const char: KEY_NL is          '\10;';
const char: KEY_CTL_K is       '\11;';
const char: KEY_CTL_L is       '\12;';
const char: KEY_CTL_M is       '\13;';
const char: KEY_CR is          '\13;';
const char: KEY_CTL_N is       '\14;';
const char: KEY_CTL_O is       '\15;';
const char: KEY_CTL_P is       '\16;';
const char: KEY_CTL_Q is       '\17;';
const char: KEY_CTL_R is       '\18;';
const char: KEY_CTL_S is       '\19;';
const char: KEY_CTL_T is       '\20;';
const char: KEY_CTL_U is       '\21;';
const char: KEY_CTL_V is       '\22;';
const char: KEY_CTL_W is       '\23;';
const char: KEY_CTL_X is       '\24;';
const char: KEY_CTL_Y is       '\25;';
const char: KEY_CTL_Z is       '\26;';
const char: KEY_ESC is         '\27;';

(* KEYCODE_BASE is beyond the range of Unicode characters *)
const integer: KEYCODE_BASE is 16#110000;

const char: KEY_ALT_A      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +   1);
const char: KEY_ALT_B      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +   2);
const char: KEY_ALT_C      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +   3);
const char: KEY_ALT_D      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +   4);
const char: KEY_ALT_E      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +   5);
const char: KEY_ALT_F      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +   6);
const char: KEY_ALT_G      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +   7);
const char: KEY_ALT_H      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +   8);
const char: KEY_ALT_I      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +   9);
const char: KEY_ALT_J      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  10);
const char: KEY_ALT_K      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  11);
const char: KEY_ALT_L      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  12);
const char: KEY_ALT_M      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  13);
const char: KEY_ALT_N      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  14);
const char: KEY_ALT_O      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  15);
const char: KEY_ALT_P      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  16);
const char: KEY_ALT_Q      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  17);
const char: KEY_ALT_R      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  18);
const char: KEY_ALT_S      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  19);
const char: KEY_ALT_T      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  20);
const char: KEY_ALT_U      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  21);
const char: KEY_ALT_V      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  22);
const char: KEY_ALT_W      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  23);
const char: KEY_ALT_X      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  24);
const char: KEY_ALT_Y      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  25);
const char: KEY_ALT_Z      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  26);
const char: KEY_CTL_0      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  38);
const char: KEY_CTL_1      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  39);
const char: KEY_CTL_2      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  40);
const char: KEY_CTL_3      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  41);
const char: KEY_CTL_4      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  42);
const char: KEY_CTL_5      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  43);
const char: KEY_CTL_6      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  44);
const char: KEY_CTL_7      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  45);
const char: KEY_CTL_8      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  46);
const char: KEY_CTL_9      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  47);
const char: KEY_ALT_0      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  48);
const char: KEY_ALT_1      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  49);
const char: KEY_ALT_2      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  50);
const char: KEY_ALT_3      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  51);
const char: KEY_ALT_4      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  52);
const char: KEY_ALT_5      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  53);
const char: KEY_ALT_6      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  54);
const char: KEY_ALT_7      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  55);
const char: KEY_ALT_8      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  56);
const char: KEY_ALT_9      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  57);
const char: KEY_F1         is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  64);
const char: KEY_F2         is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  65);
const char: KEY_F3         is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  66);
const char: KEY_F4         is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  67);
const char: KEY_F5         is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  68);
const char: KEY_F6         is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  69);
const char: KEY_F7         is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  70);
const char: KEY_F8         is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  71);
const char: KEY_F9         is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  72);
const char: KEY_F10        is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  73);
const char: KEY_F11        is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  74);
const char: KEY_F12        is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  75);
const char: KEY_SFT_F1     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  80);
const char: KEY_SFT_F2     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  81);
const char: KEY_SFT_F3     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  82);
const char: KEY_SFT_F4     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  83);
const char: KEY_SFT_F5     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  84);
const char: KEY_SFT_F6     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  85);
const char: KEY_SFT_F7     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  86);
const char: KEY_SFT_F8     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  87);
const char: KEY_SFT_F9     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  88);
const char: KEY_SFT_F10    is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  89);
const char: KEY_SFT_F11    is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  90);
const char: KEY_SFT_F12    is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  91);
const char: KEY_CTL_F1     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  96);
const char: KEY_CTL_F2     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  97);
const char: KEY_CTL_F3     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  98);
const char: KEY_CTL_F4     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE +  99);
const char: KEY_CTL_F5     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 100);
const char: KEY_CTL_F6     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 101);
const char: KEY_CTL_F7     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 102);
const char: KEY_CTL_F8     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 103);
const char: KEY_CTL_F9     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 104);
const char: KEY_CTL_F10    is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 105);
const char: KEY_CTL_F11    is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 106);
const char: KEY_CTL_F12    is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 107);
const char: KEY_ALT_F1     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 112);
const char: KEY_ALT_F2     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 113);
const char: KEY_ALT_F3     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 114);
const char: KEY_ALT_F4     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 115);
const char: KEY_ALT_F5     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 116);
const char: KEY_ALT_F6     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 117);
const char: KEY_ALT_F7     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 118);
const char: KEY_ALT_F8     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 119);
const char: KEY_ALT_F9     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 120);
const char: KEY_ALT_F10    is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 121);
const char: KEY_ALT_F11    is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 122);
const char: KEY_ALT_F12    is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 123);
const char: KEY_LEFT           is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 160);
const char: KEY_RIGHT          is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 161);
const char: KEY_UP             is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 162);
const char: KEY_DOWN           is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 163);
const char: KEY_HOME           is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 164);
const char: KEY_END            is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 165);
const char: KEY_PGUP           is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 166);
const char: KEY_PGDN           is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 167);
const char: KEY_INS            is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 168);
const char: KEY_DEL            is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 169);
const char: KEY_PAD_CENTER     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 170);
const char: KEY_SFT_LEFT       is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 176);
const char: KEY_SFT_RIGHT      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 177);
const char: KEY_SFT_UP         is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 178);
const char: KEY_SFT_DOWN       is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 179);
const char: KEY_SFT_HOME       is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 180);
const char: KEY_SFT_END        is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 181);
const char: KEY_SFT_PGUP       is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 182);
const char: KEY_SFT_PGDN       is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 183);
const char: KEY_SFT_INS        is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 184);
const char: KEY_SFT_DEL        is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 185);
const char: KEY_SFT_PAD_CENTER is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 186);
const char: KEY_CTL_LEFT       is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 192);
const char: KEY_CTL_RIGHT      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 193);
const char: KEY_CTL_UP         is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 194);
const char: KEY_CTL_DOWN       is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 195);
const char: KEY_CTL_HOME       is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 196);
const char: KEY_CTL_END        is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 197);
const char: KEY_CTL_PGUP       is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 198);
const char: KEY_CTL_PGDN       is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 199);
const char: KEY_CTL_INS        is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 200);
const char: KEY_CTL_DEL        is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 201);
const char: KEY_CTL_PAD_CENTER is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 202);
const char: KEY_ALT_LEFT       is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 208);
const char: KEY_ALT_RIGHT      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 209);
const char: KEY_ALT_UP         is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 210);
const char: KEY_ALT_DOWN       is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 211);
const char: KEY_ALT_HOME       is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 212);
const char: KEY_ALT_END        is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 213);
const char: KEY_ALT_PGUP       is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 214);
const char: KEY_ALT_PGDN       is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 215);
const char: KEY_ALT_INS        is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 216);
const char: KEY_ALT_DEL        is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 217);
const char: KEY_ALT_PAD_CENTER is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 218);
const char: KEY_MENU           is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 228);
const char: KEY_PRINT          is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 229);
const char: KEY_PAUSE          is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 230);
const char: KEY_SFT_NL         is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 240);
const char: KEY_SFT_BS         is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 241);
const char: KEY_SFT_TAB        is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 242);
const char: KEY_BACKTAB        is KEY_SFT_TAB;
const char: KEY_SFT_ESC        is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 243);
const char: KEY_SFT_MENU       is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 244);
const char: KEY_SFT_PRINT      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 245);
const char: KEY_SFT_PAUSE      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 246);
const char: KEY_CTL_NL         is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 256);
const char: KEY_CTL_BS         is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 257);
const char: KEY_CTL_TAB        is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 258);
const char: KEY_CTL_ESC        is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 259);
const char: KEY_CTL_MENU       is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 260);
const char: KEY_CTL_PRINT      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 261);
const char: KEY_CTL_PAUSE      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 262);
const char: KEY_ALT_NL         is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 272);
const char: KEY_ALT_BS         is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 273);
const char: KEY_ALT_TAB        is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 274);
const char: KEY_ALT_ESC        is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 275);
const char: KEY_ALT_MENU       is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 276);
const char: KEY_ALT_PRINT      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 277);
const char: KEY_ALT_PAUSE      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 278);
const char: KEY_SCRLUP         is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 288);
const char: KEY_SCRLDN         is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 289);
const char: KEY_INSLN          is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 290);
const char: KEY_DELLN          is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 291);
const char: KEY_ERASE          is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 292);
const char: KEY_NULCHAR        is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 293);
const char: KEY_NULLCMD        is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 294);
const char: KEY_REDRAW         is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 295);
const char: KEY_MOUSE1         is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 304);
const char: KEY_MOUSE2         is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 305);
const char: KEY_MOUSE3         is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 306);
const char: KEY_MOUSE4         is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 307);
const char: KEY_MOUSE5         is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 308);
const char: KEY_MOUSE_FWD      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 309);
const char: KEY_MOUSE_BACK     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 310);
const char: KEY_SFT_MOUSE1     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 320);
const char: KEY_SFT_MOUSE2     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 321);
const char: KEY_SFT_MOUSE3     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 322);
const char: KEY_SFT_MOUSE4     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 323);
const char: KEY_SFT_MOUSE5     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 324);
const char: KEY_SFT_MOUSE_FWD  is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 325);
const char: KEY_SFT_MOUSE_BACK is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 326);
const char: KEY_CTL_MOUSE1     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 336);
const char: KEY_CTL_MOUSE2     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 337);
const char: KEY_CTL_MOUSE3     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 338);
const char: KEY_CTL_MOUSE4     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 339);
const char: KEY_CTL_MOUSE5     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 340);
const char: KEY_CTL_MOUSE_FWD  is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 341);
const char: KEY_CTL_MOUSE_BACK is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 342);
const char: KEY_ALT_MOUSE1     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 352);
const char: KEY_ALT_MOUSE2     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 353);
const char: KEY_ALT_MOUSE3     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 354);
const char: KEY_ALT_MOUSE4     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 355);
const char: KEY_ALT_MOUSE5     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 356);
const char: KEY_ALT_MOUSE_FWD  is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 357);
const char: KEY_ALT_MOUSE_BACK is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 358);
const char: KEY_SHIFT          is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 368);
const char: KEY_LEFT_SHIFT     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 369);
const char: KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT    is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 370);
const char: KEY_CONTROL        is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 371);
const char: KEY_LEFT_CONTROL   is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 372);
const char: KEY_RIGHT_CONTROL  is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 373);
const char: KEY_ALT            is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 374);
const char: KEY_LEFT_ALT       is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 375);
const char: KEY_RIGHT_ALT      is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 376);
const char: KEY_SUPER          is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 377);
const char: KEY_LEFT_SUPER     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 378);
const char: KEY_RIGHT_SUPER    is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 379);
const char: KEY_SHIFT_LOCK     is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 383);
const char: KEY_SHIFT_LOCK_ON  is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 384);
const char: KEY_NUM_LOCK       is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 385);
const char: KEY_NUM_LOCK_ON    is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 386);
const char: KEY_SCROLL_LOCK    is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 387);
const char: KEY_SCROLL_LOCK_ON is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 388);
const char: KEY_CLOSE          is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 391);
const char: KEY_RESIZE         is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 392);
const char: KEY_UNDEF          is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 398);
const char: KEY_NONE           is chr(KEYCODE_BASE + 399);

 *  Read a char from ''inFile'' or return KEY_NONE if reading would wait (block).
 *  This function never waits until a character is received (it does not block).
 *  @return the char read from ''inFile'', or
 *          KEY_NONE IF no char is available.
const func char: getc (inout file: inFile, NO_WAIT) is
  return inputReady(inFile) ? getc(inFile) : KEY_NONE;

# The function busy_getc(aFile) is deprecated. Use getc(aFile, NO_WAIT) instead.
const func char: busy_getc (inout keyboard_file: keybd) is
  return inputReady(keybd) ? getc(keybd) : KEY_NONE;