(*                                                                  *)
(*  pem.s7i       Support for the PEM cryptographic file format.    *)
(*  Copyright (C) 2022, 2023  Thomas Mertes                         *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  This file is part of the Seed7 Runtime Library.                 *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is free software; you can             *)
(*  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU     *)
(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(*  Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your      *)
(*  option) any later version.                                      *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is distributed in the hope that it    *)
(*  will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the      *)
(*  PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more    *)
(*  details.                                                        *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General       *)
(*  Public License along with this program; if not, write to the    *)
(*  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,             *)
(*  Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.                       *)
(*                                                                  *)

include "encoding.s7i";

const string: PEM_HEADER_START is "-----BEGIN ";
const string: PEM_HEADER_END   is "-----";
const string: PEM_FOOTER_START is "-----END ";

const type: pemHeaderHash is hash[string] string;

 *  Type to describe the contents of a PEM cryptographic file.
const type: pemObject is new struct
    var string: pemType is "";
    var string: content is "";
    var pemHeaderHash: headers is pemHeaderHash.value;
  end struct;

 *  Create a PEM object from ''pemType'' and ''content''.
 *   pemObject("CERTIFICATE", certificateBytes);
 *  @param pemType Tyoe of the PEM object.
 *  @param content String of bytes with the content of the PEM object.
const func pemObject: pemObject (in string: pemType, in string: content) is func
    var pemObject: pemObj is pemObject.value;
    pemObj.pemType := pemType;
    pemObj.content := content;
  end func;

 *  Convert a PEM object to a string with PEM data.
 *  PEM data consists of a head, base64 encoded content and a footer.
 *  E.g.:
 *   -----BEGIN aPemType-----
 *   <base64 encoded data>
 *   -----END aPemType-----
 *  @param pemObj PEM object with valid type and content.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR If PEM content contains characters beyond '\255;'.
const func string: str (in pemObject: pemObj) is
  return PEM_HEADER_START & pemObj.pemType & PEM_HEADER_END & "\n" &
         toBase64(pemObj.content) & "\n" &
         PEM_FOOTER_START & pemObj.pemType & PEM_HEADER_END & "\n";

 *  Convert a string with PEM data to a PEM object.
 *  PEM data consists of a head, base64 encoded content and a footer.
 *  E.g.:
 *   -----BEGIN aPemType-----
 *   <base64 encoded data>
 *   -----END aPemType-----
 *  @param pemData String which contains PEM data.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR If string does not contain PEM data.
const func pemObject: pemObject (in string: pemData) is func
    var pemObject: pemObj is pemObject.value;
    var integer: pos1 is 0;
    var integer: pos2 is 0;
    var string: pemType is "";
    var string: footer is "";
    if startsWith(pemData, PEM_HEADER_START) then
      pos1 := succ(length(PEM_HEADER_START));
      pos2 := pos(pemData, PEM_HEADER_END, pos1);
      if pos2 <> 0 then
        pemType := pemData[pos1 .. pred(pos2)];
        pos1 := pos2 + length(PEM_HEADER_END);
        footer := PEM_FOOTER_START & pemType & PEM_HEADER_END;
        pos2 := pos(pemData, footer, pos1);
        if pos2 <> 0 then
          # Remove line endings at the end of the base64 encoded data.
          until pos2 = 0 or (pemData[pos2] <> '\n' and pemData[pos2] <> '\r');
          pemObj.pemType := pemType;
          pemObj.content := fromBase64(pemData[pos1 .. pos2]);
          raise RANGE_ERROR;
        end if;
        raise RANGE_ERROR;
      end if;
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Read the next PEM object from the given ''pemFile''.
 *   aPemObject := readPemObject(pemFile);
 *   while aPemObject <> pemObject.value do
 *     ...
 *     aPemObject := readPemObject(pemFile);
 *   end while;
 *  @param pemFile File that contains PEM objects.
 *  @return A PEM object with PEM type and content, or
 *          or a PEM object with empty type and content
 *          if the file in not in PEM format.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR If the PEM data is not in Base64 format.
const func pemObject: readPemObject (inout file: pemFile) is func
    var pemObject: pemObj is pemObject.value;
    var string: line is "";
    var string: pemType is "";
    var string: base64 is "";
    var integer: colonPos is 0;
    var string: headerKey is "";
    var string: headerValue is "";
      line := getln(pemFile);
    until (startsWith(line, PEM_HEADER_START) and
           endsWith(line, PEM_HEADER_END)) or eof(pemFile);
    if not eof(pemFile) then
      pemType := line[succ(length(PEM_HEADER_START)) .. length(line) - length(PEM_HEADER_END)];
      line := getln(pemFile);
      colonPos := pos(line, ':');
      while not (startsWith(line, PEM_FOOTER_START) or eof(pemFile)) and
          colonPos <> 0 do
        # Process encapsulated header field.
        headerKey := line[.. pred(colonPos)];
        headerValue := line[succ(colonPos) ..];
        line := getln(pemFile);
        while startsWith(line, " ") do
          headerValue &:= "\n" & line[2 ..];
          line := getln(pemFile);
        end while;
        # writeln(headerKey <& ":" <& headerValue);
        pemObj.headers @:= [headerKey] headerValue;
        colonPos := pos(line, ':');
      end while;
      if line = "" then
        line := getln(pemFile);
      end if;
      while not (startsWith(line, PEM_FOOTER_START) or eof(pemFile)) do
        base64 &:= line;
        line := getln(pemFile);
      end while;
      if line = PEM_FOOTER_START & pemType & PEM_HEADER_END then
        pemObj.pemType := pemType;
        pemObj.content := fromBase64(base64);
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;