include "draw.s7i";
const func color: charColor (in char: ch, in color: background) is func
var color: col is black;
case ch of
when {' '}: col := background;
when {'R'}: col := light_red;
when {'G'}: col := light_green;
when {'B'}: col := light_blue;
when {'Y'}: col := yellow;
when {'M'}: col := light_magenta;
when {'O'}: col := orange;
when {'r'}: col := dark_red;
when {'g'}: col := dark_green;
when {'n'}: col := dark_blue;
when {'m'}: col := dark_magenta;
when {'c'}: col := light_cyan;
when {'L'}: col := lavender;
when {'W'}: col := white;
when {'X'}: col := black;
when {'x'}: col := light_gray;
when {'y'}: col := middle_gray;
when {'d'}: col := dark_gray;
when {'b'}: col := brown;
when {'p'}: col := pink;
when {'P'}: col := light_pink;
when {'i'}: col := mint;
when {'f'}: col := forestgreen;
when {'l'}: col := middle_blue;
otherwise: col := black;
end case;
end func;
const func PRIMITIVE_WINDOW: createPixmap (in array string: pattern,
in integer: scale, in color: background) is func
var integer: height is 0;
var integer: width is 0;
var integer: line is 0;
var integer: column is 0;
height := length(pattern);
width := length(pattern[1]);
pixmap := newPixmap(width * scale, height * scale);
clear(pixmap, background);
for line range 1 to height do
for column range 1 to width do
rect(pixmap, pred(column) * scale, pred(line) * scale,
scale, scale, charColor(pattern[line][column], background));
end for;
end for;
end func;
const proc: drawPattern (inout PRIMITIVE_WINDOW: win, in integer: xPos,
in integer: yPos, in array string: pattern, in integer: scale,
in color: background) is func
var integer: height is 0;
var integer: width is 0;
var integer: lin is 0;
var integer: col is 0;
var integer: xPosition is 0;
var integer: yPosition1 is 0;
var integer: yPosition2 is 0;
var integer: line1 is 0;
var integer: line2 is 0;
height := length(pattern);
width := length(pattern[1]);
for lin range 1 to height mdiv 2 do
xPosition := xPos;
yPosition1 := yPos + (height mdiv 2 - lin) * scale;
yPosition2 := yPos + pred(height mdiv 2 + lin) * scale;
line1 := succ(height mdiv 2 - lin);
line2 := height mdiv 2 + lin;
for col range 1 to width do
rect(win, xPosition,
scale, scale,
charColor(pattern[line1][col], background));
rect(win, xPosition,
scale, scale,
charColor(pattern[line2][col], background));
xPosition +:= scale;
end for;
end for;
end func;