(*                                                                  *)
(*  ref_list.s7i  Reference list support library                    *)
(*  Copyright (C) 1989 - 2012  Thomas Mertes                        *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  This file is part of the Seed7 Runtime Library.                 *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is free software; you can             *)
(*  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU     *)
(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(*  Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your      *)
(*  option) any later version.                                      *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is distributed in the hope that it    *)
(*  will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the      *)
(*  PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more    *)
(*  details.                                                        *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General       *)
(*  Public License along with this program; if not, write to the    *)
(*  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,             *)
(*  Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.                       *)
(*                                                                  *)

 *  Type to describe a list of ''reference'' objects.
const type: ref_list is subtype object;


const proc: (ref ref_list: dest) ::= (in ref_list: source)               is action "RFL_CREATE";
const proc: destroy (ref ref_list: aValue)                               is action "RFL_DESTR";
const proc: (inout ref_list: dest) := (in ref_list: source)              is action "RFL_CPY";

const func ref_list: _GENERATE_EMPTY_REFLIST                             is action "RFL_EMPTY";
const ref_list: (attr ref_list) . EMPTY                                  is _GENERATE_EMPTY_REFLIST;

 *  Default value of ''ref_list'' (ref_list.EMPTY).
const ref_list: (attr ref_list) . value                                  is ref_list.EMPTY;

 *  Append the ref_list ''extension'' to ''dest''.
 *  @exception MEMORY_ERROR Not enough memory for the concatenated
 *             ref_list.
const proc: (inout ref_list: dest) &:= (in ref_list: extension)          is action "RFL_APPEND";

 *  Assign reference ''source'' to the ''position'' of the ''dest''.
 *   A @:= [B] C;
 *  is equivalent to
 *   A := A[..pred(B)] & make_list(C) & A[succ(B)..];
 *  @exception INDEX_ERROR If ''position'' is negative or zero, or
 *             an element beyond ''dest'' would be overwritten
 *             (''position'' > length(''dest'') holds).
const proc: (inout ref_list: dest) @:=
             [ (in integer: position) ] (in reference: source)           is action "RFL_ELEMCPY";

 *  Create ref_list with the given ''element''.
 *  @return a ''ref_list'' of length 1 with the given element.
 *  @exception MEMORY_ERROR Not enough memory to represent the result.
const func ref_list: make_list (in reference: element)                   is action "RFL_MKLIST";

 *  Check if two ref_lists are equal.
 *  @return TRUE if both ref_lists are equal,
 *          FALSE otherwise.
const func boolean: (in ref_list: refList1) = (in ref_list: refList2)    is action "RFL_EQ";

 *  Check if two ref_lists are not equal.
 *  @return FALSE if both ref_lists are equal,
 *          TRUE otherwise.
const func boolean: (in ref_list: refList1) <> (in ref_list: refList2)   is action "RFL_NE";

 *  Access one element from the ''ref_list'' ''aRefList''.
 *  @return the element with the specified ''index'' from ''aRefList''.
 *  @exception INDEX_ERROR If the index is less than 1 or
 *             greater than the length of the ''ref_list''.
const func reference: (in ref_list: aRefList) [ (in integer: index) ]    is action "RFL_IDX";

 *  Get a sublist from ''aRefList'' beginning at a ''start'' position.
 *  The first element in a ''ref_list'' has the position 1.
 *  @return the sublist beginning at the ''start'' position.
 *  @exception MEMORY_ERROR Not enough memory to represent the result.
const func ref_list: (in ref_list: aRefList) [ (in integer: start) .. ]  is action "RFL_TAIL";

 *  Get a sublist from ''aRefList'' ending at a ''stop'' position.
 *  The first element in a ''ref_list'' has the position 1.
 *  @return the substring ending at the ''stop'' position.
 *  @exception MEMORY_ERROR Not enough memory to represent the result.
const func ref_list: (in ref_list: aRefList) [ .. (in integer: stop) ]   is action "RFL_HEAD";

 *  Get a sublist from a ''start'' position to a ''stop'' position.
 *  The first element in a ''ref_list'' has the position 1.
 *  @return the substring from position start to stop.
 *  @exception MEMORY_ERROR Not enough memory to represent the result.
const func ref_list: (in ref_list: aRefList) [ (in integer: start) ..
                                               (in integer: stop) ]      is action "RFL_RANGE";

 *  Concatenate two ref_lists.
 *  @return the result of the concatenation.
 *  @exception MEMORY_ERROR Not enough memory to represent the result.
const func ref_list: (in ref_list: refList1) & (in ref_list: refList2)   is action "RFL_CAT";

 *  Membership test for a ''ref_list''.
 *  Determine if ''aRefList'' contains ''element''.
 *  @return TRUE if ''element'' is a member of  ''aRefList'',
 *          FALSE otherwise.
const func boolean: (in reference: element) in (in ref_list: aRefList)   is action "RFL_ELEM";

 *  Negated membership test for a ''ref_list''.
 *  Determine if ''aRefList'' does not contain ''element''.
 *  @return FALSE if ''element'' is a member of  ''aRefList'',
 *          TRUE otherwise.
const func boolean: (in reference: element) not in (in ref_list: aRefList) is action "RFL_NOT_ELEM";

 *  Search for the first occurrence of ''searched'' in ''main''.
 *  The first element in a ''ref_list'' has the position 1.
 *  @return the position of ''searched'' or 0 if ''main''
 *          does not contain ''searched''.
const func integer: pos (in ref_list: main, in reference: searched)      is action "RFL_POS";

 *  Search for ''searched'' in ''main'' at or after ''start''.
 *  The search begins at position ''start'' and proceeds to the
 *  end. The first element in a ''ref_list'' has the position 1.
 *  The pos function is designed to allow loops like:
 *   index := pos(aList, aReference);
 *   while index <> 0 do
 *     # Do something with index
 *     index := pos(aList, aReference, succ(index));
 *   end while;
 *  @return the position of ''searched'' or 0 if ''main''
 *          does not contain ''searched'' at or after ''start''.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR ''start'' <= 0 holds.
const func integer: pos (in ref_list: main, in reference: searched,
                         in integer: start)                              is action "RFL_IPOS";

const proc: incl (in ref_list: aRefList, in reference: element)          is action "RFL_INCL";
const proc: excl (in ref_list: aRefList, in reference: element)          is action "RFL_EXCL";

 *  Determine the length of a ''ref_list''.
 *  @return the length of the ''ref_list''.
const func integer: length (in ref_list: aRefList)                       is action "RFL_LNG";

const proc: TRACE_LIST (in ref_list: aRefList)                           is action "RFL_TRACE";

 *  For-loop where ''forVar'' loops over the elements of ''aRefList''.
const proc: for (inout reference: forVar) range (in ref_list: aRefList) do
              (in proc: statement)
            end for                                                      is action "RFL_FOR";

 *  For-loop where ''forVar'' loops over the elements of ''aRefList''.
 *  Additionally a ''condition'' is checked before the statements in
 *  the loop body are executed.
const proc: for (inout reference: forVar) range (in ref_list: aRefList) until (ref func boolean: condition) do
              (in proc: statement)
            end for                                                      is action "RFL_FOR_UNTIL";

const proc: for (inout reference: forVar) range (in ref_list: aRefList) until (ref varfunc boolean: condition) do
              (in proc: statement)
            end for                                                      is action "RFL_FOR_UNTIL";
const proc: for (inout reference: forVar) range (in ref_list: aRefList) until (ref boolean: condition) do
              (in proc: statement)
            end for                                                      is action "RFL_FOR_UNTIL";