(*                                                                  *)
(*  scanfile.s7i  File scanner functions                            *)
(*  Copyright (C) 2007 - 2013, 2019 - 2021, 2023  Thomas Mertes     *)
(*                2024  Thomas Mertes                               *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  This file is part of the Seed7 Runtime Library.                 *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is free software; you can             *)
(*  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU     *)
(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(*  Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your      *)
(*  option) any later version.                                      *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is distributed in the hope that it    *)
(*  will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the      *)
(*  PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more    *)
(*  details.                                                        *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General       *)
(*  Public License along with this program; if not, write to the    *)
(*  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,             *)
(*  Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.                       *)
(*                                                                  *)

include "file.s7i";
include "chartype.s7i";

 *  Skips a possibly nested comment from a [[file]].
 *  The comment starts with (* and ends with *) . When the function
 *  is called it is assumed that inFile.bufferChar contains the '*'
 *  of the comment start. When the function is left the character
 *  after ')' is in inFile.bufferChar.
const proc: skipComment (inout file: inFile) is func
    var char: character is ' ';
    character := getc(inFile);
        while character not in special_comment_char do
          character := getc(inFile);
        end while;
        if character = '(' then
          character := getc(inFile);
          if character = '*' then
            character := getc(inFile);
          end if;
        end if;
      until character = '*' or character = EOF;
      if character <> EOF then
        character := getc(inFile);
      end if;
    until character = ')' or character = EOF;
    if character = EOF then
      inFile.bufferChar := EOF;
      inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
    end if;
  end func; # skipComment

 *  Reads a possibly nested comment from a [[file]].
 *  The comment starts with (* and ends with *) . When the function
 *  is called it is assumed that inFile.bufferChar contains the '*'
 *  of the comment start. When the function is left the character
 *  after ')' is in inFile.bufferChar.
 *  @return the content of the comment, including the introducing (*
 *          and the ending *) .
const func string: getComment (inout file: inFile) is func
    var string: symbol is "(*";
    var char: character is ' ';
    character := getc(inFile);
        while character not in special_comment_char do
          symbol &:= character;
          character := getc(inFile);
        end while;
        if character = '(' then
          character := getc(inFile);
          if character = '*' then
            symbol &:= getComment(inFile);
            character := inFile.bufferChar;
            symbol &:= "(";
          end if;
        end if;
      until character = '*' or character = EOF;
      if character <> EOF then
        symbol &:= character;
        character := getc(inFile);
      end if;
    until character = ')' or character = EOF;
    if character = EOF then
      inFile.bufferChar := EOF;
      symbol &:= character;
      inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
    end if;
  end func; # getComment

 *  Skips a classic C comment from a [[file]].
 *  The comment starts with /* and ends with */ . In a classic
 *  C comment no nesting of comments is allowed. When the function
 *  is called it is assumed that inFile.bufferChar contains the '*'
 *  of the comment start. When the function is left the character
 *  after '/' is in inFile.bufferChar.
const proc: skipClassicComment (inout file: inFile) is func
    var char: character is ' ';
    character := getc(inFile);
      while character <> '*' and character <> EOF do
        character := getc(inFile);
      end while;
      character := getc(inFile);
    until character = '/' or character = EOF;
    inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
  end func;

 *  Skips a line comment from a [[file]].
 *  A line comment starts with an introducing character (like '#')
 *  and ends with the end of the line. When the function is called
 *  it is assumed that the introducing character (e.g. '#') is in
 *  inFile.bufferChar. When the function is left the line end
 *  character ('\n' or [[char#EOF|EOF]]) is in inFile.bufferChar.
const proc: skipLineComment (inout file: inFile) is func
    var char: character is ' ';
      character := getc(inFile);
    until character = '\n' or character = EOF;
    inFile.bufferChar := character;
  end func; # skipLineComment

 *  Reads a line comment from a [[file]].
 *  A line comment starts with an introducing character (like '#')
 *  and ends with the end of the line. When the function is called
 *  it is assumed that the introducing character (e.g. '#') is in
 *  inFile.bufferChar. When the function is left the line end
 *  character ('\n' or [[char#EOF|EOF]]) is in inFile.bufferChar.
 *  @return the content of the comment, including the start marker
 *          (e.g. '#') but without line end character ('\n', or
 *          [[char#EOF|EOF]]).
const func string: getLineComment (inout file: inFile) is func
    var string: symbol is "";
    var char: character is ' ';
    symbol := str(inFile.bufferChar);
    character := getc(inFile);
    while character <> '\n' and character <> EOF do
      symbol &:= character;
      character := getc(inFile);
    end while;
    inFile.bufferChar := character;
  end func; # getLineComment

 *  Reads a sequence of digits from a [[file]].
 *  When the function is called it is assumed that inFile.bufferChar
 *  contains the first character to be handled. When the function is
 *  left inFile.bufferChar contains the character after the digits.
 *   f := initScan("12");   getDigits(f) returns "12" and f.bufferChar = EOF
 *   f := initScan("12ab"); getDigits(f) returns "12" and f.bufferChar = 'a'
 *   f := initScan("ab");   getDigits(f) returns ""   and f.bufferChar = 'a'
 *   f := initScan(" 12");  getDigits(f) returns ""   and f.bufferChar = ' '
 *  @return the digit sequence, and
 *          "" if no digit was found.
const func string: getDigits (inout file: inFile) is func
    var string: symbol is "";
    var char: character is ' ';
    if inFile.bufferChar in digit_char then
      symbol := str(inFile.bufferChar);
      character := getc(inFile);
      while character in digit_char do
        symbol &:= character;
        character := getc(inFile);
      end while;
      inFile.bufferChar := character;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Reads a sequence of hexadecimal digits from a [[file]].
 *  When the function is called it is assumed that inFile.bufferChar
 *  contains the first character to be handled. When the function is
 *  left inFile.bufferChar contains the character after the hexadecimal digits.
 *   f := initScan("1f");  getHexDigits(f) returns "1f" and f.bufferChar = EOF
 *   f := initScan("1ag"); getHexDigits(f) returns "1a" and f.bufferChar = 'g'
 *   f := initScan("gx");  getHexDigits(f) returns ""   and f.bufferChar = 'g'
 *   f := initScan(" 1a"); getHexDigits(f) returns ""   and f.bufferChar = ' '
 *  @return the digit sequence, and
 *          "" if no digit was found.
const func string: getHexDigits (inout file: inFile) is func
    var string: symbol is "";
    var char: character is ' ';
    if inFile.bufferChar in hexdigit_char then
      symbol := str(inFile.bufferChar);
      character := getc(inFile);
      while character in hexdigit_char do
        symbol &:= character;
        character := getc(inFile);
      end while;
      inFile.bufferChar := character;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Reads a decimal integer with optional sign from a [[file]].
 *  A decimal integer accepted by ''getInteger'' consists of an optional
 *  + or - sign followed by a possibly empty sequence of digits. Because
 *  of the LL(1) approach, a sign without following digits is accepted.
 *  When the function is called it is assumed that inFile.bufferChar
 *  contains the first character to be handled. When the function is
 *  left inFile.bufferChar contains the character after the integer.
 *   f := initScan("123*2"); getInteger(f) returns "123" and f.bufferChar = '*'
 *   f := initScan("+1-2");  getInteger(f) returns "+1"  and f.bufferChar = '-'
 *   f := initScan("-2+3");  getInteger(f) returns "-2"  and f.bufferChar = '+'
 *   f := initScan("+-0");   getInteger(f) returns "+"   and f.bufferChar = '-'
 *   f := initScan("pi");    getInteger(f) returns ""    and f.bufferChar = 'p'
 *  @return the decimal integer string, and
 *          "" if no integer was found.
const func string: getInteger (inout file: inFile) is func
    var string: symbol is "";
    var char: character is ' ';
    character := inFile.bufferChar;
    if character in digit_char or (character = '-' or character = '+') then
      symbol := str(inFile.bufferChar);
      character := getc(inFile);
      while character in digit_char do
        symbol &:= character;
        character := getc(inFile);
      end while;
      inFile.bufferChar := character;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Reads a numeric literal (integer, bigInteger or float literal) from a [[file]].
 *  When the function is called it is assumed that the introducing
 *  digit is in inFile.bufferChar. When the function is left the
 *  character after the literal is in inFile.bufferChar.
 *   f := initScan("1x");     getNumber(f) returns "1"      and f.bufferChar = 'x'
 *   f := initScan("1.0+");   getNumber(f) returns "1.0"    and f.bufferChar = '+'
 *   f := initScan("1.0E1-"); getNumber(f) returns "1.0E1"  and f.bufferChar = '-'
 *   f := initScan("1.0e-1"); getNumber(f) returns "1.0e-1" and f.bufferChar = EOF
 *   f := initScan("2#101*"); getNumber(f) returns "2#101"  and f.bufferChar = '*'
 *   f := initScan("1e2y");   getNumber(f) returns "1e2"    and f.bufferChar = 'y'
 *   f := initScan("1E+3z");  getNumber(f) returns "1E+3"   and f.bufferChar = 'z'
 *   f := initScan("1234_/"); getNumber(f) returns "1234_"  and f.bufferChar = '/'
 *  @return The function returns the numeric literal.
const func string: getNumber (inout file: inFile) is func
    var string: symbol is "";
    var char: character is ' ';
    symbol := str(inFile.bufferChar);
    character := getc(inFile);
    while character in digit_char do
      symbol &:= character;
      character := getc(inFile);
    end while;
    if character = '.' then
      # float literal
      symbol &:= character;
      character := getc(inFile);
      while character in digit_char do
        symbol &:= character;
        character := getc(inFile);
      end while;
      if character = 'E' or character = 'e' then
        symbol &:= character;
        character := getc(inFile);
        if character = '+' then
          symbol &:= character;
          character := getc(inFile);
        elsif character = '-' then
          symbol &:= character;
          character := getc(inFile);
        end if;
        while character in digit_char do
          symbol &:= character;
          character := getc(inFile);
        end while;
      end if;
    elsif character = '#' then
      # based integer literal
      symbol &:= character;
      character := getc(inFile);
      while character in alphanum_char do
        symbol &:= character;
        character := getc(inFile);
      end while;
    elsif character = 'E' or character = 'e' then
      # integer literal with exponent
      symbol &:= character;
      character := getc(inFile);
      if character = '+' then
        symbol &:= character;
        character := getc(inFile);
      elsif character = '-' then
        symbol &:= character;
        character := getc(inFile);
      end if;
      while character in digit_char do
        symbol &:= character;
        character := getc(inFile);
      end while;
    elsif character = '_' then
      # bigInteger literal
      symbol &:= character;
      character := getc(inFile);
    end if;
    inFile.bufferChar := character;
  end func;

 *  Reads a sequence of non digits from a [[file]].
 *  When the function is called it is assumed that inFile.bufferChar
 *  contains the first character to be handled. When the function is
 *  left inFile.bufferChar contains a digit or [[char#EOF|EOF]].
 *   f := initScan("1+2");  getNonDigits(f) returns ""   and f.bufferChar = '1'
 *   f := initScan(" 1+2"); getNonDigits(f) returns " "  and f.bufferChar = '1'
 *   f := initScan("-1+2"); getNonDigits(f) returns "-"  and f.bufferChar = '1'
 *   f := initScan("a+2");  getNonDigits(f) returns "a+" and f.bufferChar = '2'
 *  @return the non digit sequence, and
 *          "" if a digit was found.
const func string: getNonDigits (inout file: inFile) is func
    var string: symbol is "";
    var char: character is ' ';
    if inFile.bufferChar not in digit_char then
      symbol := str(inFile.bufferChar);
      character := getc(inFile);
      while character not in digit_char do
        symbol &:= character;
        character := getc(inFile);
      end while;
      inFile.bufferChar := character;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Reads a text quoted with characters like " and ' from a [[file]].
 *  The introducing and the closing quoting character must be identical.
 *  When the function is called it is assumed that inFile.bufferChar
 *  contains the introducing quoting character (which can be any
 *  character). When the function is left inFile.bufferChar contains the
 *  character after the closing quoting character.
 *   f := initScan("'ab'+"); getQuotedText(f) returns "ab" and f.bufferChar = '+'
 *   f := initScan("''=a");  getQuotedText(f) returns ""   and f.bufferChar = '='
 *   f := initScan("\"A\""); getQuotedText(f) returns "A"  and f.bufferChar = EOF
 *   f := initScan("\"\"?"); getQuotedText(f) returns ""   and f.bufferChar = '?'
 *   f := initScan(":ab:5"); getQuotedText(f) returns "ab" and f.bufferChar = '5'
 *   f := initScan("+XY");   getQuotedText(f) returns "XY" and f.bufferChar = EOF
 *  @return the quoted text without introducing or closing
 *          characters ( " or ' ).
const func string: getQuotedText (inout file: inFile) is func
    var string: symbol is "";
    var char: quoteChar is ' ';
    var char: character is ' ';
    quoteChar := inFile.bufferChar;
    character := getc(inFile);
    while character <> quoteChar and character <> EOF do
      symbol &:= character;
      character := getc(inFile);
    end while;
    inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
  end func;

 *  Read a simple [[string]] literal from a [[file]].
 *  A simple string literal is enclosed in delimiter characters
 *  (e.g. " or ' ). Delimiter characters within the simple string
 *  literal must be doubled. A simple string literal does not
 *  support an escape character. All characters, including control
 *  characters (e.g. linefeed) are allowed inside a simple string
 *  literal. When the function is called it is assumed that
 *  inFile.bufferChar contains the introducing delimiter character.
 *  When the function is left the character after the closing
 *  delimiter character is in inFile.bufferChar.
 *   f := initScan("\"\"");        getSimpleStringLiteral(f) = "\"\""     and f.bufferChar = EOF
 *   f := initScan("\"\"x");       getSimpleStringLiteral(f) = "\"\""     and f.bufferChar = 'x'
 *   f := initScan("\"\"\"");      getSimpleStringLiteral(f) = "\"\"\""   and f.bufferChar = EOF
 *   f := initScan("\"\"\"\"");    getSimpleStringLiteral(f) = "\"\"\""   and f.bufferChar = EOF
 *   f := initScan("\"a\"\"\"");   getSimpleStringLiteral(f) = "\"a\"\""  and f.bufferChar = EOF
 *   f := initScan("\"\"\"b\"");   getSimpleStringLiteral(f) = "\"\"b\""  and f.bufferChar = EOF
 *   f := initScan("\"a\"\"b\"");  getSimpleStringLiteral(f) = "\"a\"b\"" and f.bufferChar = EOF
 *   f := initScan("\"\"\"\"x");   getSimpleStringLiteral(f) = "\"\"\""   and f.bufferChar = 'x'
 *   f := initScan("\"a\"\"\"x");  getSimpleStringLiteral(f) = "\"a\"\""  and f.bufferChar = 'x'
 *   f := initScan("\"\"\"b\"x");  getSimpleStringLiteral(f) = "\"\"b\""  and f.bufferChar = 'x'
 *   f := initScan("\"a\"\"b\"x"); getSimpleStringLiteral(f) = "\"a\"b\"" and f.bufferChar = 'x'
 *  @return the string literal including the introducing and
 *          closing delimiter character. Double delimiter chars in
 *          the literal are converted to single delimiter chars.
const func string: getSimpleStringLiteral (inout file: inFile) is func
    var string: symbol is "";
    var char: delimiter is ' ';
    var char: character is ' ';
    delimiter := inFile.bufferChar;
    symbol := str(delimiter);
      character := getc(inFile);
      while character <> delimiter and character <> EOF do
        symbol &:= character;
        character := getc(inFile);
      end while;
      if character = delimiter then
        character := getc(inFile);
        if character = delimiter then
          symbol &:= character;
        end if;
      end if;
    until character <> delimiter;
    symbol &:= delimiter;
    inFile.bufferChar := character;
  end func;

 *  Reads an escape sequence from ''inFile'' and appends it to ''symbol''.
 *  The function accepts escape sequences from character and string
 *  literals. When the function is called it is assumed that the
 *  introducing \ is in inFile.bufferChar. When the function is left
 *  the character after the escape sequence is in inFile.bufferChar.
 *  The complete escape sequence including the introducing \ is
 *  appended to ''symbol''.
const proc: getEscapeSequence (inout file: inFile, inout string: symbol) is func
    var char: character is ' ';
    symbol &:= "\\";
    character := getc(inFile);
    if character = '\n' or character = ' ' or character = '\t' or character = '\r' then
        symbol &:= character;
        character := getc(inFile);
      until character <> '\n' and character <> ' ' and character <> '\t' and character <> '\r';
      if character = '\\' then
        symbol &:= character;
        character := getc(inFile);
      end if;
    elsif character in digit_char then
      inFile.bufferChar := character;
      symbol &:= getNumber(inFile);
      character := inFile.bufferChar;
      if character = ';' then
        symbol &:= character;
        character := getc(inFile);
      end if;
    elsif character <> EOF then
      symbol &:= character;
      character := getc(inFile);
    end if;
    inFile.bufferChar := character;
  end func;

 *  Reads a character literal from a [[file]].
 *  When the function is called it is assumed that the introducing '
 *  is in inFile.bufferChar. When the function is left the character
 *  after the closing ' is in inFile.bufferChar.
 *  @return the character literal including the introducing ' and
 *          the closing ' .
const func string: getCharLiteral (inout file: inFile) is func
    var string: symbol is "'";
    var char: character is ' ';
    character := getc(inFile);
    if character <> '\n' and character <> '\r' and character <> EOF then
      if character = '\\' then
          getEscapeSequence(inFile, symbol);
          character := inFile.bufferChar;
        until character <> '\\';
        symbol &:= character;
        character := getc(inFile);
      end if;
      if character <> '\'' then
        if character <> '\n' and character <> '\r' and character <> EOF then
            symbol &:= character;
            character := getc(inFile);
          until character = '\'' or
              character = '\n' or
              character = '\r' or
              character = EOF;
          if character = '\'' then
            symbol &:= character;
            character := getc(inFile);
          end if;
        end if;
        symbol &:= character;
        character := getc(inFile);
      end if;
    end if;
    inFile.bufferChar := character;
  end func;

 *  Read a [[string]] literal from a [[file]].
 *  When the function is called it is assumed that the introducing "
 *  is in inFile.bufferChar. When the function is left the character
 *  after the closing " is in inFile.bufferChar.
 *  @return the string literal including the introducing " and the
 *          closing " .
const func string: getStringLiteral (inout file: inFile) is func
    var string: symbol is "\"";
    var char: character is ' ';
    var boolean: reading_string is TRUE;
    character := getc(inFile);
      while character in no_escape_char do
        symbol &:= character;
        character := getc(inFile);
      end while;
      if character = '\"' then
        symbol &:= character;
        character := getc(inFile);
        if character = '\"' then
          symbol &:= character;
          character := getc(inFile);
          reading_string := FALSE;
        end if;
      elsif character = '\\' then
        getEscapeSequence(inFile, symbol);
        character := inFile.bufferChar;
      elsif character = '\n' or character = '\r' or character = EOF then
        reading_string := FALSE;
          symbol &:= character;
          character := getc(inFile);
        until character >= ' ' or character <= '~' or character = EOF;
      end if;
    until not reading_string;
    inFile.bufferChar := character;
  end func;

 *  Reads a sequence of letters from a [[file]].
 *  When the function is called it is assumed that inFile.bufferChar
 *  contains the first character to be handled. When the function is
 *  left inFile.bufferChar contains the character after the letters.
 *   f := initScan("test");   getLetters(f) returns "test" and f.bufferChar = EOF
 *   f := initScan("test1");  getLetters(f) returns "test" and f.bufferChar = '1'
 *   f := initScan("test+1"); getLetters(f) returns "test" and f.bufferChar = '+'
 *   f := initScan("+1");     getLetters(f) returns ""     and f.bufferChar = '+'
 *  @return the letter sequence, and
 *          "" if no letter was found.
const func string: getLetters (inout file: inFile) is func
    var string: symbol is "";
    var char: character is ' ';
    if inFile.bufferChar in letter_char then
      symbol := str(inFile.bufferChar);
      character := getc(inFile);
      while character in letter_char do
        symbol &:= character;
        character := getc(inFile);
      end while;
      inFile.bufferChar := character;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Reads an alphanumeric name from a [[file]].
 *  A name consists of a letter or underscore followed by letters,
 *  digits or underscores. When the function is called it is assumed
 *  that inFile.bufferChar contains the first character to be handled.
 *  When the function is left inFile.bufferChar contains the character
 *  after the name.
 *   f := initScan("test");   getName(f) returns "test"  and f.bufferChar = EOF
 *   f := initScan("test1");  getName(f) returns "test1" and f.bufferChar = EOF
 *   f := initScan("test+1"); getName(f) returns "test"  and f.bufferChar = '+'
 *   f := initScan("+1");     getName(f) returns ""      and f.bufferChar = '+'
 *  @return the name, and
 *          "" if no letter or underscore was found.
const func string: getName (inout file: inFile) is func
    var string: symbol is "";
    var char: character is ' ';
    if inFile.bufferChar in name_start_char then
      symbol := str(inFile.bufferChar);
      character := getc(inFile);
      while character in name_char do
        symbol &:= character;
        character := getc(inFile);
      end while;
      inFile.bufferChar := character;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Skips space characters from a [[file]].
 *  When the function is called it is assumed that inFile.bufferChar
 *  contains the first character to be handled. When the function is
 *  left inFile.bufferChar does not contain a space character.
 *   f := initScan("  ok"); skipSpace(f); afterwards f.bufferChar = 'o'
 *   f := initScan("   ");  skipSpace(f); afterwards f.bufferChar = EOF
 *   f := initScan("ok ");  skipSpace(f); afterwards f.bufferChar = 'o'
const proc: skipSpace (inout file: inFile) is func
    var char: ch is ' ';
    ch := inFile.bufferChar;
    while ch = ' ' do
      ch := getc(inFile);
    end while;
    inFile.bufferChar := ch;
  end func;

 *  Skips space and tab characters from a [[file]].
 *  When the function is called it is assumed that inFile.bufferChar
 *  contains the first character to be handled. When the function is
 *  left inFile.bufferChar contains the character after the
 *  sequence of space and tab characters.
 *   f := initScan("\t x"); skipSpaceOrTab(f); afterwards f.bufferChar = 'x'
 *   f := initScan("\t  "); skipSpaceOrTab(f); afterwards f.bufferChar = EOF
 *   f := initScan("abc "); skipSpaceOrTab(f); afterwards f.bufferChar = 'a'
const proc: skipSpaceOrTab (inout file: inFile) is func
    while inFile.bufferChar in space_or_tab do
      inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
    end while;
  end func;

 *  Skips whitespace characters from a [[file]].
 *  When the function is called it is assumed that inFile.bufferChar
 *  contains the first character to be handled. When the function is
 *  left inFile.bufferChar contains the character after the
 *  whitespace characters.
 *   f := initScan("\t\n\r X"); skipWhiteSpace(f); afterwards f.bufferChar = 'X'
 *   f := initScan("\t\n\r ");  skipWhiteSpace(f); afterwards f.bufferChar = EOF
 *   f := initScan("X ");       skipWhiteSpace(f); afterwards f.bufferChar = 'X'
const proc: skipWhiteSpace (inout file: inFile) is func
    while inFile.bufferChar in white_space_char do
      inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
    end while;
  end func;

 *  Skips characters from the set ''whiteSpaceChar'' from a [[file]].
 *  When the function is called it is assumed that inFile.bufferChar
 *  contains the first character to be handled. When the function is
 *  left inFile.bufferChar contains the character after the
 *  whitespace characters.
const proc: skipWhiteSpace (inout file: inFile, in set of char: whiteSpaceChar) is func
    while inFile.bufferChar in whiteSpaceChar do
      inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
    end while;
  end func;

 *  Reads whitespace characters from a [[file]].
 *  When the function is called it is assumed that inFile.bufferChar
 *  contains the first character to be handled. When the function is
 *  left inFile.bufferChar contains the character after the
 *  whitespace characters.
 *   f := initScan("\t X"); getWhiteSpace(f) returns "\t "  and f.bufferChar = 'X'
 *   f := initScan("\r\n"); getWhiteSpace(f) returns "\r\n" and f.bufferChar = EOF
 *   f := initScan("X ");   getWhiteSpace(f) returns ""     and f.bufferChar = 'X'
 *  @return the string of whitespace characters, and
 *          "" if no whitespace character was found.
const func string: getWhiteSpace (inout file: inFile) is func
    var string: symbol is "";
    while inFile.bufferChar in white_space_char do
      symbol &:= inFile.bufferChar;
      inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
    end while;
  end func;

 *  Reads a white space delimited word from a [[file]].
 *  Before reading the word it skips whitespace characters. A word is
 *  a sequence of characters which does not contain a whitespace
 *  character. When the function is called it is assumed that
 *  inFile.bufferChar contains the first character to be handled.
 *  When the function is left inFile.bufferChar contains the
 *  character after the word.
 *   f := initScan(" ab");  getWord(f) returns "ab" and f.bufferChar = EOF
 *   f := initScan(" ab "); getWord(f) returns "ab" and f.bufferChar = ' '
 *   f := initScan("ab\t"); getWord(f) returns "ab" and f.bufferChar = '\t'
 *  @return the word, and "" if no word was found.
const func string: getWord (inout file: inFile) is func
    var string: aWord is "";
    var char: character is ' ';
    character := inFile.bufferChar;
    while character in white_space_char do
      character := getc(inFile);
    end while;
    if character <> EOF then
        aWord &:= character;
        character := getc(inFile);
      until character in white_space_char or character = EOF;
    end if;
    inFile.bufferChar := character;
  end func;

 *  Reads a word consisting of ''wordChars'' from a [[file]].
 *  Before reading the word it skips non-''wordChars'' characters.
 *  A word is a sequence of ''wordChars'' characters. When the function
 *  is called it is assumed that inFile.bufferChar contains the first
 *  character to be handled. When the function is left inFile.bufferChar
 *  contains the character after the word.
 *   f := initScan(" a1");  getWord(f, alphanum_char) returns "a1" and f.bufferChar = EOF
 *   f := initScan("-a2."); getWord(f, alphanum_char) returns "a2" and f.bufferChar = '.'
 *   f := initScan("=a3,"); getWord(f, alphanum_char) returns "a3" and f.bufferChar = ','
 *   f := initScan("a4\t"); getWord(f, alphanum_char) returns "a4" and f.bufferChar = '\t'
 *   f := initScan(", a5"); getWord(f, alphanum_char) returns "a5" and f.bufferChar = EOF
 *  @return the word, and "" if no word was found.
const func string: getWord (inout file: inFile, in set of char: wordChars) is func
    var string: aWord is "";
    var char: character is ' ';
    character := inFile.bufferChar;
    while character not in wordChars do
      character := getc(inFile);
    end while;
    if character <> EOF then
        aWord &:= character;
        character := getc(inFile);
      until character not in wordChars or character = EOF;
    end if;
    inFile.bufferChar := character;
  end func;

 *  Skips a line from a [[file]].
 *  When the function is called it is assumed that inFile.bufferChar
 *  contains the first character to be handled. When the function is
 *  left the line end character ('\n' or [[char#EOF|EOF]]) is in
 *  inFile.bufferChar. If inFile.bufferChar already contains a
 *  line end character ('\n' or [[char#EOF|EOF]]) nothing is done.
const proc: skipLine (inout file: inFile) is func
    var char: character is ' ';
    character := inFile.bufferChar;
    while character <> '\n' and character <> EOF do
      character := getc(inFile);
    end while;
    inFile.bufferChar := character;
  end func;

 *  Reads a line from a [[file]].
 *  When the function is called it is assumed that inFile.bufferChar
 *  contains the first character to be handled. When the function is
 *  left the line end character ('\n' or [[char#EOF|EOF]]) is in
 *  inFile.bufferChar. A sequence of "\r\n" is interpreted as equal to '\n'.
 *  If inFile.bufferChar already contains a line end character
 *  ('\n' or [[char#EOF|EOF]]) nothing is done and the function returns "" .
 *  @return the line read, and
 *          "" if inFile.bufferChar contains '\n' or [[char#EOF|EOF]].
const func string: getLine (inout file: inFile) is func
    var string: symbol is "";
    var char: character is ' ';
    character := inFile.bufferChar;
    while character <> '\n' and character <> EOF do
      if character = '\r' then
        character := getc(inFile);
        if character <> '\n' then
          symbol &:= '\r';
        end if;
        symbol &:= character;
        character := getc(inFile);
      end if;
    end while;
    inFile.bufferChar := character;
  end func;

 *  Reads a symbol or a comment from a [[file]].
 *  Before reading the symbol or comment it skips whitespace
 *  characters. A symbol can be a literal (numeric, character or
 *  string), a name, a special symbol (sequence of special characters)
 *  or a parenthesis. A comment can be a normal comment or a line
 *  comment. When the function is called it is assumed that
 *  inFile.bufferChar contains a whitespace character or the first
 *  character of a symbol or comment. When the function is left the
 *  character after the symbol or comment is in inFile.bufferChar.
 *  @return the symbol or comment, and
 *          "" if [[char#EOF|EOF]] was reached.
const func string: getSymbolOrComment (inout file: inFile) is func
    var string: symbol is "";
    while inFile.bufferChar in white_space_char do
      inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
    end while;
    case inFile.bufferChar of
      when name_start_char:
        symbol := str(inFile.bufferChar);
        inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
        while inFile.bufferChar in name_char do
          symbol &:= inFile.bufferChar;
          inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
        end while;
      when special_char:
        symbol := str(inFile.bufferChar);
        inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
        while inFile.bufferChar in special_char do
          symbol &:= inFile.bufferChar;
          inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
        end while;
      when left_paren_char:
        inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
        if inFile.bufferChar = '*' then
          symbol := getComment(inFile);
          symbol := "(";
        end if;
      when other_paren_char:
        symbol := str(inFile.bufferChar);
        inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
      when digit_char:
        symbol := getNumber(inFile);
      when single_quotation_char:
        symbol := getCharLiteral(inFile);
      when double_quotation_char:
        symbol := getStringLiteral(inFile);
      when sharp_char:
        symbol := getLineComment(inFile);
      when {EOF}:
        symbol := "";
        symbol := str(inFile.bufferChar);
        inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
    end case;
  end func;

 *  Reads a symbol from a [[file]].
 *  Before reading the symbol it skips whitespace characters and
 *  comments (normal comments and line comments). A symbol can be a
 *  literal (numeric, character or string), a name, a special symbol
 *  (sequence of special characters) or a parenthesis. When the
 *  function is called it is assumed that inFile.bufferChar contains
 *  a whitespace character or the first character of a symbol or
 *  comment. When the function is left the character after the symbol
 *  is in inFile.bufferChar.
 *  @return the symbol, and
 *          "" if [[char#EOF|EOF]] was reached.
const func string: getSymbol (inout file: inFile) is func
    var string: symbol is "";
    while inFile.bufferChar in white_space_char do
      inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
    end while;
    case inFile.bufferChar of
      when name_start_char:
        symbol := str(inFile.bufferChar);
        inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
        while inFile.bufferChar in name_char do
          symbol &:= inFile.bufferChar;
          inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
        end while;
      when special_char:
        symbol := str(inFile.bufferChar);
        inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
        while inFile.bufferChar in special_char do
          symbol &:= inFile.bufferChar;
          inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
        end while;
      when left_paren_char:
        inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
        if inFile.bufferChar = '*' then
          symbol := getSymbol(inFile);
          symbol := "(";
        end if;
      when other_paren_char:
        symbol := str(inFile.bufferChar);
        inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
      when digit_char:
        symbol := getNumber(inFile);
      when single_quotation_char:
        symbol := getCharLiteral(inFile);
      when double_quotation_char:
        symbol := getStringLiteral(inFile);
      when sharp_char:
        symbol := getSymbol(inFile);
      when {EOF}:
        symbol := "";
        symbol := str(inFile.bufferChar);
        inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
    end case;
  end func;

 *  Reads a symbol, where html entities are allowed, from a [[file]].
 *  Before reading the symbol it skips whitespace characters and
 *  comments (normal comments and line comments). A symbol can be a
 *  literal (numeric, character or string), a name, a special symbol
 *  (sequence of special characters) or a parenthesis. Html entities
 *  in the file are treated as special characters. When the function
 *  is called it is assumed that inFile.bufferChar contains a
 *  whitespace character or the first character of a symbol or
 *  comment. When the function is left the character after the symbol
 *  is in inFile.bufferChar.
 *  @return the symbol, and
 *          "" if [[char#EOF|EOF]] was reached.
const func string: getSymbolWithHtmlEntities (inout file: inFile) is func
    var string: symbol is "";
    while inFile.bufferChar in white_space_char do
      inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
    end while;
    case inFile.bufferChar of
      when name_start_char:
        symbol := str(inFile.bufferChar);
        inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
        while inFile.bufferChar in name_char do
          symbol &:= inFile.bufferChar;
          inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
        end while;
      when special_char:
        if inFile.bufferChar = '&' then
            symbol &:= inFile.bufferChar;
            inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
          until inFile.bufferChar = ';';
        end if;
        symbol := str(inFile.bufferChar);
        inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
        while inFile.bufferChar in special_char do
          if inFile.bufferChar = '&' then
              symbol &:= inFile.bufferChar;
              inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
            until inFile.bufferChar = ';';
          end if;
          symbol &:= inFile.bufferChar;
          inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
        end while;
      when left_paren_char:
        inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
        if inFile.bufferChar = '*' then
          symbol := getSymbol(inFile);
          symbol := "(";
        end if;
      when other_paren_char:
        symbol := str(inFile.bufferChar);
        inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
      when digit_char:
        symbol := getNumber(inFile);
      when single_quotation_char:
        symbol := getCharLiteral(inFile);
      when double_quotation_char:
        symbol := getStringLiteral(inFile);
      when sharp_char:
        symbol := getSymbol(inFile);
      when {EOF}:
        symbol := "";
        symbol := str(inFile.bufferChar);
        inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
    end case;
  end func;

 *  Reads a HTML tag, a symbol or a comment from a [[file]].
 *  Before reading the HTML tag, symbol or comment it skips whitespace
 *  characters. A HTML tag starts with < and ends with > . A symbol
 *  can be a literal (numeric, character or string), a name, a special
 *  symbol (sequence of special characters) or a parenthesis.
 *  A comment can be a normal comment or a line comment. Html entities
 *  in the file are treated as special characters. When the function
 *  is called it is assumed that inFile.bufferChar contains a
 *  whitespace character, an introducing < of a HTML tag or the first
 *  character of a symbol or a comment. When the function is left the
 *  character after the HTML tag, symbol or comment is in
 *  inFile.bufferChar.
 *  @return the HTML tag, symbol or comment, and
 *          "" if [[char#EOF|EOF]] was reached.
const func string: getHtmlTagSymbolOrComment (inout file: inFile) is func
    var string: symbol is "";
    while inFile.bufferChar in white_space_char do
      inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
    end while;
    case inFile.bufferChar of
      when name_start_char:
        symbol := str(inFile.bufferChar);
        inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
        while inFile.bufferChar in name_char do
          symbol &:= inFile.bufferChar;
          inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
        end while;
      when special_html_char:
        if inFile.bufferChar = '&' then
            symbol &:= inFile.bufferChar;
            inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
          until inFile.bufferChar = ';';
        end if;
        symbol &:= inFile.bufferChar;
        inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
        while inFile.bufferChar in special_html_char do
          if inFile.bufferChar = '&' then
              symbol &:= inFile.bufferChar;
              inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
            until inFile.bufferChar = ';';
          end if;
          symbol &:= inFile.bufferChar;
          inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
        end while;
      when left_paren_char:
        inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
        if inFile.bufferChar = '*' then
          symbol := getComment(inFile);
          symbol := "(";
        end if;
      when other_paren_char:
        symbol := str(inFile.bufferChar);
        inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
      when left_angle_bracket:
          symbol &:= inFile.bufferChar;
          inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
        until inFile.bufferChar = '>' or inFile.bufferChar = EOF;
        if inFile.bufferChar <> EOF then
          symbol &:= inFile.bufferChar;
          inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
        end if;
      when digit_char:
        symbol := getNumber(inFile);
      when single_quotation_char:
        symbol := getCharLiteral(inFile);
      when double_quotation_char:
        symbol := getStringLiteral(inFile);
      when sharp_char:
        symbol := getLineComment(inFile);
      when {EOF}:
        symbol := "";
        symbol := str(inFile.bufferChar);
        inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
    end case;
  end func;

 *  Skips an XML comment from a [[file]].
 *  The XML comment starts with <!-- and ends with --> . When the
 *  function is called it is assumed that the character in
 *  inFile.bufferChar is the last '-' of the introducing <!-- .
 *  When the function is left the character after --> is in
 *  inFile.bufferChar.
const proc: skipXmlComment (inout file: inFile) is func
    var char: character is ' ';
    var boolean: endOfCommentReached is FALSE;
    character := getc(inFile);
      while character <> '-' and character <> EOF do
        character := getc(inFile);
      end while;
      if character = '-' then
        character := getc(inFile);
        if character = '-' then
            character := getc(inFile);
          until character <> '-';
          if character = '>' then
            character := getc(inFile);
            endOfCommentReached := TRUE;
          end if;
        end if;
      end if;
    until endOfCommentReached or character = EOF;
    inFile.bufferChar := character;
  end func;

 *  Reads an XML/HTML tag or the XML/HTML content text from a [[file]].
 *  An XML/HTML tag starts with < and ends with > . The content text
 *  starts with everything else and ends just before a < or with
 *  [[char#EOF|EOF]]. When the function is called it is assumed that
 *  inFile.bufferChar contains the introducing < of an XML/HTML tag or
 *  the first character of the content text. When the function is left
 *  the character after the XML/HTML tag or the content text is in
 *  inFile.bufferChar.
 *  @return the XML/HTML tag or XML/HTML content text, and
 *          "" if [[char#EOF|EOF]] was reached.
const func string: getXmlTagOrContent (inout file: inFile) is func
    var string: symbol is "";
    if inFile.bufferChar = '<' then
        symbol &:= inFile.bufferChar;
        inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
      until inFile.bufferChar = '>' or inFile.bufferChar = EOF;
      if inFile.bufferChar = '>' then
        symbol &:= inFile.bufferChar;
        inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
      end if;
    elsif inFile.bufferChar <> EOF then
        symbol &:= inFile.bufferChar;
        inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
      until inFile.bufferChar = '<' or inFile.bufferChar = EOF;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Reads a predefined XML entity from a [[file]].
 *  @return the predefined XML entity, and
 *          "" if [[char#EOF|EOF]] was reached.
const func string: getXmlCharacterReference (inout file: inFile) is func
    var string: symbol is "";
    inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
    if inFile.bufferChar = '#' then
      inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
      if inFile.bufferChar = 'x' then
        inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
        while inFile.bufferChar in hexdigit_char do
          symbol &:= inFile.bufferChar;
          inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
        end while;
        symbol := str(chr(integer(symbol, 16)));
        while inFile.bufferChar in digit_char do
          symbol &:= inFile.bufferChar;
          inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
        end while;
        symbol := str(chr(integer(symbol)));
      end if;
      while inFile.bufferChar <> ';' and inFile.bufferChar <> EOF do
        symbol &:= inFile.bufferChar;
        inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
      end while;
      if symbol = "amp" then
        symbol := "&";
      elsif symbol = "lt" then
        symbol := "<";
      elsif symbol = "gt" then
        symbol := ">";
      elsif symbol = "apos" then
        symbol := "'";
      elsif symbol = "quot" then
        symbol := "\"";
        symbol := "&" & symbol & ";";
      end if;
    end if;
    if inFile.bufferChar = ';' then
      inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Read the content text of a CDATA section.
 *  In a CDATA section the text between <![CDATA[ and ]]> is considered
 *  content text. Inside a CDATA section the characters < and & have no
 *  special meaning. All occurances of < and & inside CDATA are returned
 *  as &lt; and &amp; respectively. When the function is called it is
 *  assumed that inFile.bufferChar contains the first character after
 *  the introducing <![CDATA[ sequence or [[char#EOF|EOF]]. When the
 *  function is left inFile.bufferChar contains the character after
 *  the final ]]> sequence or [[char#EOF|EOF]].
 *  @param inFile Input file
 *  @return the content text of the CDATA section that has been read.
const func string: getXmlCdataContent (inout file: inFile) is func
    var string: cdata is "";
    var char: character is ' ';
    character := inFile.bufferChar;
        while character <> ']' and character <> EOF do
          if character = '<' then
            cdata &:= "&lt;";
          elsif character = '&' then
            cdata &:= "&amp;";
            cdata &:= character;
          end if;
          character := getc(inFile);
        end while;
        if character = ']' then
          character := getc(inFile);
          if character <> ']' then
            cdata &:= ']';
          end if;
        end if;
      until character = ']' or character = EOF;
      if character = ']' then
        character := getc(inFile);
        if character <> '>' then
          cdata &:= "]]";
        end if;
      end if;
    until character = '>' or character = EOF;
    if character = '>' then
      inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
      inFile.bufferChar := EOF;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Reads an XML/HTML tag head or an XML/HTML content from a [[file]].
 *  Examples of XML/HTML tag heads are:
 *   <html
 *   <meta
 *   <table
 *   </span
 *  Before reading a tag head or content, it skips whitespace
 *  characters and XML comments. An XML/HTML tag head starts
 *  with < and ends before a > or a / or a whitespace character
 *  or [[char#EOF|EOF]]. The content text starts with a non whitespace
 *  character and ends just before a < or [[char#EOF|EOF]]. Content
 *  text can be also in a CDATA section. In a CDATA section the text
 *  between <![CDATA[ and ]]> is considered content text. Inside a
 *  CDATA section the characters < and & have no special meaning. All
 *  occurances of < and & inside CDATA are returned as &lt; and &amp;
 *  respectively. When the function is called it is assumed that
 *  inFile.bufferChar contains either a whitespace character, the
 *  introducing < of an XML/HTML tag or the first character of the
 *  content text. When the function is left, the character after the
 *  XML/HTML tag head or the content text is in inFile.bufferChar.
 *  Text between <!-- and --> is considered an XML comment. An XML
 *  comment is ignored and getXmlTagHeadOrContent() is called recursive.
 *  The function can be used as follows:
 *   symbol := getXmlTagHeadOrContent(inFile);
 *   if startsWith(symbol, "</") then
 *     ... handle the XML/HTML end-tag ...
 *   elsif startsWith(symbol, "<") then
 *     ... handle the attributes of the XML/HTML start-tag ...
 *   else
 *     ... handle the content text ...
 *   end if;
 *  @param inFile Input file
 *  @return the XML/HTML tag head or XML/HTML content text, and
 *          "" if [[char#EOF|EOF]] was reached.
const func string: getXmlTagHeadOrContent (inout file: inFile) is func
    var string: symbol is "";
    var boolean: finished is FALSE;
    while inFile.bufferChar in white_space_char do
      inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
    end while;
    if inFile.bufferChar = '<' then
      inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
      if inFile.bufferChar = '!' then
        inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
        if inFile.bufferChar = '-' then
          inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
          if inFile.bufferChar = '-' then
            symbol := getXmlTagHeadOrContent(inFile);
            finished  := TRUE;
            symbol := "<!-";
          end if;
        elsif inFile.bufferChar = '[' then
          symbol := "<![";
          inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
          while inFile.bufferChar in letter_char do
            symbol &:= inFile.bufferChar;
            inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
          end while;
          if symbol = "<![CDATA" and inFile.bufferChar = '[' then
            inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
            symbol := getXmlCdataContent(inFile);
            if symbol = "" then
              symbol := getXmlTagHeadOrContent(inFile);
            end if;
            finished  := TRUE;
          end if;
          symbol := "<!";
        end if;
      elsif inFile.bufferChar = '/' then
        symbol := "</";
        inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
        symbol := "<";
      end if;
      if not finished then
        if isLetter(inFile.bufferChar) or inFile.bufferChar = '_' then
            symbol &:= inFile.bufferChar;
            inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
          until inFile.bufferChar in white_space_char or
              inFile.bufferChar = '>' or inFile.bufferChar = '/' or
              inFile.bufferChar = EOF;
          symbol := "&lt;" & symbol[2 ..];
          while inFile.bufferChar <> '<' and inFile.bufferChar <> EOF do
            symbol &:= inFile.bufferChar;
            inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
          end while;
        end if;
      end if;
    elsif inFile.bufferChar <> EOF then
        symbol &:= inFile.bufferChar;
        inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
      until inFile.bufferChar = '<' or inFile.bufferChar = EOF;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Reads a symbol which can appear inside an XML/HTML tag from a [[file]].
 *  Before reading the symbol it skips whitespace characters. A symbol
 *  inside an XML/HTML tag can be a name, a string literal (quoted with "
 *  or ' ), the equals sign (=), the end of tag character (>), the slash
 *  character (/) or a special symbol (a sequence of characters that
 *  does not include the character > or a whitespace character). Special
 *  symbols can only appear in HTML tags. When the function is called it
 *  is assumed that inFile.bufferChar contains a whitespace character or
 *  the first character of a symbol. When the function is left
 *  inFile.bufferChar contains the character after the XML/HTML symbol
 *  or [[char#EOF|EOF]].
 *  @param inFile Input file
 *  @return the symbol, and
 *          "" if [[char#EOF|EOF]] was reached.
const func string: getSymbolInXmlTag (inout file: inFile) is func
    var string: symbol is "";
    var char: character is ' ';
    character := inFile.bufferChar;
    while character in white_space_char do
      character := getc(inFile);
    end while;
    case character of
      when html_name_start_char:
          symbol &:= character;
          character := getc(inFile);
        until character not in html_name_char;
      when double_quotation_char:
          symbol &:= character;
          character := getc(inFile);
        until character = '"' or character = EOF;
        character := getc(inFile);
      when single_quotation_char:
          symbol &:= character;
          character := getc(inFile);
        until character = ''' or character = EOF;
        character := getc(inFile);
      when equals_or_end_tag:
        symbol &:= character;
        character := getc(inFile);
      when {EOF}:
        symbol := "";
          symbol &:= character;
          character := getc(inFile);
        until character in white_space_or_end_tag or
            character = EOF;
    end case;
    inFile.bufferChar := character;
  end func;

 *  Skips beyond an XML Tag in a [[file]].
 *  When the function is left the character after '>' is in
 *  inFile.bufferChar.
const proc: skipXmlTag (inout file: inFile) is func
    var string: symbol is "";
      symbol := getSymbolInXmlTag(inFile);
    until symbol = ">" or symbol = "";
  end func;

 *  Skips beyond an XML Tag in a [[file]].
 *  The parameter ''symbol'' is used to provide the current symbol
 *  which possibly can be ">" or "". When the function is left the
 *  character after '>' is in inFile.bufferChar.
const proc: skipXmlTag (inout file: inFile, in var string: symbol) is func
    while symbol <> ">" and symbol <> "" do
      symbol := getSymbolInXmlTag(inFile);
    end while;
  end func;

 *  Reads name and value of an attribute inside an XML tag from a [[file]].
 *  The function skips possible leading whitespace characters. Attribute
 *  name and value are returned in ''attributeName'' and ''attributeValue''
 *  respectively. Attribute assignments can have the following forms:
 *   aName="aValue"
 *   aName='aValue'
 *  Surrounding single or double quotes of the attribute value are omitted.
 *  It is a syntax error if an attribute value is not quoted. White
 *  space characters before and after the = are ignored. XML entities
 *  in ''attributeValue'' are left as is. If no more attributes are
 *  present in the XML tag ''attributeName'' is set to "". In this case
 *  ''attributeValue'' contains the end of the XML tag (">" or "/>") and
 *  inFile.bufferChar contains the character after the closing '>'.
 *  If a syntax error occurs the function skips beyond the end of
 *  the XML tag (inFile.bufferChar contains the character after the
 *  closing '>'). To indicate the syntax error ''attributeName'' is
 *  set to "" and ''attributeValue'' is set to a symbol shortly before
 *  the error (this will never be ">" or "/>"). The attributes of
 *  an XML start-tag or empty-element tag can be processed with:
 *   getNextXmlAttribute(inFile, attributeName, attributeValue);
 *   while attributeName <> "" do
 *     ... process the current attribute ...
 *     getNextXmlAttribute(inFile, attributeName, attributeValue);
 *   end while;
 *   if attributeValue = "/>" then
 *     ... this is an empty-element tag ...
 *   elsif attributeValue = ">" then
 *     ... this is a start-tag ...
 *   else
 *     ... there is a syntax error ...
 *   end if;
 *  @param inFile Input file
 *  @param attributeName Destination for the attribute name.
 *  @param attributeValue Destination for the attribute value:
const proc: getNextXmlAttribute (inout file: inFile,
    inout string: attributeName, inout string: attributeValue) is func
    attributeName := getSymbolInXmlTag(inFile);
    if attributeName = "/" then
      attributeName := "";
      attributeValue := getSymbolInXmlTag(inFile);
      if attributeValue = ">" then
        attributeValue := "/>";
        attributeValue := "/";
        skipXmlTag(inFile, attributeValue);
      end if;
    elsif attributeName = ">" then
      attributeName := "";
      attributeValue := ">";
      attributeValue := getSymbolInXmlTag(inFile);
      if attributeValue = "=" then
        attributeValue := getSymbolInXmlTag(inFile);
        if  startsWith(attributeValue, "\"") or
            startsWith(attributeValue, "'") then
          attributeValue := attributeValue[2 ..];
          attributeValue := attributeName;
          attributeName := "";
          skipXmlTag(inFile, attributeValue);
        end if;
        attributeValue := attributeName;
        attributeName := "";
        skipXmlTag(inFile, attributeValue);
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Reads a HTML tag attribute value from a [[file]].
 *  Before reading the value it skips whitespace characters. A HTML
 *  tag attribute value can be quoted with " or ' or it is terminated
 *  with the character > or a whitespace character. When the function
 *  is called it is assumed that inFile.bufferChar contains a
 *  whitespace character or the first character of a value. When the
 *  function is left inFile.bufferChar contains the character after
 *  the XML/HTML attribute value or [[char#EOF|EOF]].
 *  @param inFile Input file
 *  @return the attribute value, and
 *          "" if the end of the HTML tag or [[char#EOF|EOF]] is
 *              directly after the skipped whitespace characters.
const func string: getHtmlAttributeValue (inout file: inFile) is func
    var string: attributeValue is "";
    while inFile.bufferChar in white_space_char do
      inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
    end while;
    case inFile.bufferChar of
      when double_quotation_char:
          attributeValue &:= inFile.bufferChar;
          inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
        until inFile.bufferChar = '"' or inFile.bufferChar = EOF;
        inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
      when single_quotation_char:
          attributeValue &:= inFile.bufferChar;
          inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
        until inFile.bufferChar = ''' or inFile.bufferChar = EOF;
        inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
      when {'>', EOF}:
          attributeValue &:= inFile.bufferChar;
          inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
        until inFile.bufferChar in white_space_or_end_tag or
            inFile.bufferChar = EOF;
    end case;
  end func;

 *  Reads name and value of an attribute inside a HTML tag from a [[file]].
 *  The function skips possible leading whitespace characters. Attribute
 *  name and value are returned in ''attributeName'' and ''attributeValue''
 *  respectively. Attribute assignments can have the following forms:
 *   aName="aValue"
 *   aName='aValue'
 *   aName=aValue
 *   aName
 *  Possible surrounding single or double quotes of the attribute value
 *  are omitted. White space characters before and after the = are
 *  ignored. HTML entities in ''attributeValue'' are left as is.
 *  If no more attributes are present in the HTML tag ''attributeName''
 *  is set to "". In this case ''attributeValue'' contains the end of
 *  the HTML tag (">" or "/>") and inFile.bufferChar contains the
 *  character after the closing '>'. The attributes of a HTML
 *  start-tag or empty-element tag can be processed with:
 *   getNextHtmlAttribute(inFile, attributeName, attributeValue);
 *   while attributeName <> "" do
 *     ... process the current attribute ...
 *     getNextHtmlAttribute(inFile, attributeName, attributeValue);
 *   end while;
 *   if attributeValue = "/>" then
 *     ... this is an empty-element tag ...
 *   else  # attributeValue = ">"
 *     ... this is a start-tag ...
 *   end if;
 *  @param inFile Input file
 *  @param attributeName Destination for the attribute name.
 *  @param attributeValue Destination for the attribute value:
const proc: getNextHtmlAttribute (inout file: inFile,
    inout string: attributeName, inout string: attributeValue) is func
    attributeName := getSymbolInXmlTag(inFile);
    if attributeName = "/" and inFile.bufferChar = '>' then
      inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
      attributeName := "";
      attributeValue := "/>";
    elsif attributeName = ">" then
      attributeName := "";
      attributeValue := ">";
      if inFile.bufferChar = '=' then
        inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
        attributeValue := getHtmlAttributeValue(inFile);
        if  startsWith(attributeValue, "\"") or
            startsWith(attributeValue, "'") then
          attributeValue := attributeValue[2 ..];
        end if;
        attributeValue := "";
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Reads a simple symbol from a [[file]].
 *  Before reading the simple symbol it skips whitespace characters.
 *  A simple symbol can be an integer literal, a name, a special
 *  symbol (sequence of special characters) or a parenthesis.
 *  Note that string, char and float literals are not recognized as
 *  simple symbol.
 *  @return the simple symbol, and
 *          "" if [[char#EOF|EOF]] was reached.
const func string: getSimpleSymbol (inout file: inFile) is func
    var string: symbol is "";
    while inFile.bufferChar in white_space_char do
      inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
    end while;
    case inFile.bufferChar of
      when name_start_char:
        symbol := str(inFile.bufferChar);
        inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
        while inFile.bufferChar in name_char do
          symbol &:= inFile.bufferChar;
          inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
        end while;
      when extended_special_char:
        symbol := str(inFile.bufferChar);
        inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
        while inFile.bufferChar in extended_special_char do
          symbol &:= inFile.bufferChar;
          inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
        end while;
      when paren_char:
        symbol := str(inFile.bufferChar);
        inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
      when digit_char:
        symbol := str(inFile.bufferChar);
        inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
        while inFile.bufferChar in digit_char do
          symbol &:= inFile.bufferChar;
          inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
        end while;
      when {EOF}:
        symbol := "";
        symbol := str(inFile.bufferChar);
        inFile.bufferChar := getc(inFile);
    end case;
  end func;