(*                                                                  *)
(*  showtls.s7i   Show TLS messages. Use it to debug tls.s7i.       *)
(*  Copyright (C) 2013 - 2020, 2022  Thomas Mertes                  *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  This file is part of the Seed7 Runtime Library.                 *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is free software; you can             *)
(*  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU     *)
(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(*  Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your      *)
(*  option) any later version.                                      *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is distributed in the hope that it    *)
(*  will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the      *)
(*  PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more    *)
(*  details.                                                        *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General       *)
(*  Public License along with this program; if not, write to the    *)
(*  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,             *)
(*  Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.                       *)
(*                                                                  *)

include "tls.s7i";

const proc: showChangeCipherSpec (in string: stri) is func
    writeln("type: " <& ord(stri[6]));
  end func;

const proc: showAlert (in string: stri) is func
    writeln("Version: " <& ord(stri[2]) <& "." <& ord(stri[3]));
    writeln("Length: " <& bytes2Int(stri[4 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, BE));
    writeln("level: " <& ord(stri[6]));
    write("description: " <& ord(stri[7]));
    case ord(stri[7]) of
      when {  0}: write(" - close_notify");
      when { 10}: write(" - unexpected_message");
      when { 20}: write(" - bad_record_mac");
      when { 21}: write(" - decryption_failed");
      when { 22}: write(" - record_overflow");
      when { 30}: write(" - decompression_failure");
      when { 40}: write(" - handshake_failure");
      when { 41}: write(" - no_certificate");
      when { 42}: write(" - bad_certificate");
      when { 43}: write(" - unsupported_certificate");
      when { 44}: write(" - certificate_revoked");
      when { 45}: write(" - certificate_expired");
      when { 46}: write(" - certificate_unknown");
      when { 47}: write(" - illegal_parameter");
      when { 48}: write(" - unknown_ca");
      when { 49}: write(" - access_denied");
      when { 50}: write(" - decode_error");
      when { 51}: write(" - decrypt_error");
      when { 60}: write(" - export_restriction");
      when { 70}: write(" - protocol_version");
      when { 71}: write(" - insufficient_security");
      when { 80}: write(" - internal_error");
      when { 86}: write(" - inappropriate_fallback");
      when { 90}: write(" - user_canceled");
      when {100}: write(" - no_renegotiation");
      when {109}: write(" - missing_extension");
      when {110}: write(" - unsupported_extension");
      when {111}: write(" - certificate_unobtainable");
      when {112}: write(" - unrecognized_name");
      when {113}: write(" - bad_certificate_status_response");
      when {114}: write(" - bad_certificate_hash_value");
    end case;
  end func;

const proc: showExtensions (in string: stri, inout integer: pos) is func
    var integer: extensionBytes is 0;
    var integer: beyond is 0;
    var integer: index is 0;
    var integer: extensionType is 0;
    var integer: dataSize is 0;
    var string: data is "";
    var integer: dataPos is 0;
    var boolean: dataWritten is FALSE;
    extensionBytes := bytes2Int(stri[pos fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, BE);
    writeln("Extension bytes: " <& extensionBytes);
    pos +:= 2;
    beyond := pos + extensionBytes;
    index := 1;
    while pos < beyond do
      write("Extension-" <& index <& ": ");
      extensionType := bytes2Int(stri[pos fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, BE);
      pos +:= 2;
      dataSize := bytes2Int(stri[pos fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, BE);
      pos +:= 2;
      data := stri[pos len dataSize];
      pos +:= dataSize;
      dataWritten := FALSE;
      case extensionType of
        when {SERVER_NAME}:                            writeln("server_name");
        when {MAX_FRAGMENT_LENGTH}:                    writeln("max_fragment_length");
        when {CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_URL}:                 writeln("client_certificate_url");
        when {TRUSTED_CA_KEYS}:                        writeln("trusted_ca_keys");
        when {TRUNCATED_HMAC}:                         writeln("truncated_hmac");
        when {STATUS_REQUEST}:                         writeln("status_request");
        when {USER_MAPPING}:                           writeln("user_mapping");
        when {CLIENT_AUTHZ}:                           writeln("client_authz");
        when {SERVER_AUTHZ}:                           writeln("server_authz");
        when {CERT_TYPE}:                              writeln("cert_type");
        when {ELLIPTIC_CURVES}:                        writeln("elliptic_curves");
          dataPos := 1;
          write(bytes2Int(data[dataPos fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, BE) mdiv 2 <& " curve numbers:");
          dataPos +:= 2;
          while dataPos < length(data) do
            write(" " <& bytes2Int(data[dataPos fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, BE));
            dataPos +:= 2;
          end while;
          dataWritten := TRUE;
        when {EC_POINT_FORMATS}:                       writeln("ec_point_formats");
        when {SRP}:                                    writeln("srp");
        when {SIGNATURE_ALGORITHMS}:                   writeln("signature_algorithms");
          dataPos := 1;
          write(bytes2Int(data[dataPos fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, BE) mdiv 2 <& " signature algorithms:");
          dataPos +:= 2;
          while dataPos < length(data) do
            write(" " <& bytes2Int(data[dataPos fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, BE) radix 16 lpad0 4);
            dataPos +:= 2;
          end while;
          dataWritten := TRUE;
        when {USE_SRTP}:                               writeln("use_srtp");
        when {HEARTBEAT}:                              writeln("heartbeat");
        when {APPLICATION_LAYER_PROTOCOL_NEGOTIATION}: writeln("application_layer_protocol_negotiation");
        when {STATUS_REQUEST_V2}:                      writeln("status_request_v2");
        when {SIGNED_CERTIFICATE_TIMESTAMP}:           writeln("signed_certificate_timestamp");
        when {CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_TYPE}:                writeln("client_certificate_type");
        when {SERVER_CERTIFICATE_TYPE}:                writeln("server_certificate_type");
        when {PADDING}:                                writeln("padding");
        when {ENCRYPT_THEN_MAC}:                       writeln("encrypt_then_mac");
        when {EXTENDED_MASTER_SECRET}:                 writeln("extended_master_secret");
        when {TOKEN_BINDING}:                          writeln("token_binding");
        when {CACHED_INFO}:                            writeln("cached_info");
        when {TLS_LTS}:                                writeln("tls_lts");
        when {COMPRESS_CERTIFICATE}:                   writeln("compress_certificate");
        when {RECORD_SIZE_LIMIT}:                      writeln("record_size_limit");
        when {PWD_PROTECT}:                            writeln("pwd_protect");
        when {PWD_CLEAR}:                              writeln("pwd_clear");
        when {PASSWORD_SALT}:                          writeln("password_salt");
        when {TICKET_PINNING}:                         writeln("ticket_pinning");
        when {TLS_CERT_WITH_EXTERN_PSK}:               writeln("tls_cert_with_extern_psk");
        when {DELEGATED_CREDENTIAL}:                   writeln("delegated_credential");
        when {SESSION_TICKET_TLS}:                     writeln("SessionTicket TLS");
        when {PRE_SHARED_KEY}:                         writeln("pre_shared_key");
        when {EARLY_DATA}:                             writeln("early_data");
        when {SUPPORTED_VERSIONS}:                     writeln("supported_versions");
        when {COOKIE}:                                 writeln("cookie");
        when {PSK_KEY_EXCHANGE_MODES}:                 writeln("psk_key_exchange_modes");
        when {CERTIFICATE_AUTHORITIES}:                writeln("certificate_authorities");
        when {OID_FILTERS}:                            writeln("oid_filters");
        when {POST_HANDSHAKE_AUTH}:                    writeln("post_handshake_auth");
        when {SIGNATURE_ALGORITHMS_CERT}:              writeln("signature_algorithms_cert");
        when {KEY_SHARE}:                              writeln("key_share");
        when {TRANSPARENCY_INFO}:                      writeln("transparency_info");
        when {CONNECTION_ID}:                          writeln("connection_id");
        when {EXTERNAL_ID_HASH}:                       writeln("external_id_hash");
        when {EXTERNAL_SESSION_ID}:                    writeln("external_session_id");
        when {NEXT_PROTOCOL_NEGOTIATION}:              writeln("next_protocol_negotiation");
        when {RENEGOTIATION_INFO}:                     writeln("renegotiation_info");
        when {16#0a0a, 16#1a1a, 16#2a2a, 16#3a3a,
              16#4a4a, 16#5a5a, 16#6a6a, 16#7a7a,
              16#8a8a, 16#9a9a, 16#aaaa, 16#baba,
              16#caca, 16#dada, 16#eaea, 16#fafa}:
                                                       writeln("GREASE extension");
          writeln("GREASE value: " <& extensionType <&
                  " (16#" <& extensionType radix 16 lpad0 4 <& ")");
          if data <> "" then
            writeln("Data: " <& literal(data));
          end if;
          dataWritten := TRUE;
        otherwise:                                     writeln(extensionType);
      end case;
      if not dataWritten then
        writeln("Data: " <& literal(data));
      end if;
    end while;
  end func;

const proc: showClientHello (in string: stri, inout integer: pos) is func
    var integer: length is 0;
    var integer: beyond is 0;
    var integer: vectorLen is 0;
    var integer: index is 0;
    length := bytes2Int(stri[pos fixLen 3], UNSIGNED, BE);
    pos +:= 3;
    writeln("Length: " <& length);
    beyond := pos + length;
    writeln("Bytes there: " <& length(stri) - pos + 1);
    writeln("Version: " <& ord(stri[pos]) <& "." <& ord(stri[succ(pos)]));
    pos +:= 2;
    writeln("Random: " <& hex(stri[12 len 32]));
    pos +:= 32;
    vectorLen := ord(stri[pos]);
    writeln("SessionId: " <& hex(stri[pos len vectorLen]));
    pos +:= vectorLen;
    vectorLen := bytes2Int(stri[pos fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, BE) mdiv 2;
    writeln("Number of Ciphers: " <& vectorLen);
    pos +:= 2;
    for index range 1 to vectorLen do
      writeln("Cipher-" <& index <& ": " <&
              bytes2Int(stri[pos fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, BE) radix 16 lpad0 4);
      pos +:= 2;
    end for;
    vectorLen := ord(stri[pos]);
    writeln("Number of CompressionMethods: " <& vectorLen);
    for index range 1 to vectorLen do
      writeln("CompressionMethod-" <& index <& ": " <& ord(stri[pos]));
    end for;
    if pos <= beyond - 2 then
      showExtensions(stri, pos);
    end if;
    writeln("Final pos: " <& pos);
    writeln("Leftover bytes: " <& literal(stri[pos ..]));
  end func;

const proc: showServerHello (in string: stri, inout integer: pos) is func
    var integer: length is 0;
    var integer: beyond is 0;
    var integer: sessionIdLen is 0;
    length := bytes2Int(stri[pos fixLen 3], UNSIGNED, BE);
    pos +:= 3;
    writeln("Length: " <& length);
    beyond := pos + length;
    writeln("Bytes there: " <& length(stri) - pos + 1);
    writeln("Version: " <& ord(stri[pos]) <& "." <& ord(stri[succ(pos)]));
    pos +:= 2;
    writeln("Random: " <& hex(stri[12 len 32]));
    pos +:= 32;
    sessionIdLen := ord(stri[pos]);
    writeln("SessionId: " <& hex(stri[pos len sessionIdLen]));
    pos +:= sessionIdLen;
    writeln("Cipher: " <&
            bytes2Int(stri[pos fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, BE) radix 16 lpad0 4);
    pos +:= 2;
    writeln("CompressionMethod: " <& ord(stri[pos]));
    if pos <= beyond - 2 then
      showExtensions(stri, pos);
    end if;
    writeln("Final pos: " <& pos);
    writeln("Leftover bytes: " <& literal(stri[pos ..]));
  end func;

 *  Shows the content of a X.509 public key certificate.
 *  This function can be used to debug the library tls.s7i.
const proc: showX509Cert (in x509Cert: cert) is func
    var tbsCertificateType: tbsCertificate is tbsCertificateType.value;
    var string: aKey is "";
    var integer: number is 0;
    var integer: pos is 1;
    var string: publicKey is "";
    tbsCertificate := cert.tbsCertificate;
    writeln("Version: " <& tbsCertificate.version);
    writeln("SerialNumber: " <& literal(tbsCertificate.serialNumber));
    writeln("Signature algorithm: " <& literal(tbsCertificate.signature.algorithm));
    writeln("Signature parameters: " <& literal(tbsCertificate.signature.parameters));
    for aKey range keys(tbsCertificate.issuer) do
      writeln("Issuer " <& literal(aKey) <& ": " <& tbsCertificate.issuer[aKey]);
    end for;
    writeln("Valid not before: " <& tbsCertificate.validity.notBefore);
    writeln("Valid not after: " <& tbsCertificate.validity.notAfter);
    for aKey range keys(tbsCertificate.subject) do
      writeln("Subject " <& literal(aKey) <& ": " <& tbsCertificate.subject[aKey]);
    end for;
    writeln("Algorithm: " <& literal(tbsCertificate.subjectPublicKeyInfo.algorithm.algorithm));
    write("Algorithm: ");
    for number range decodeObjectIdentifier(tbsCertificate.subjectPublicKeyInfo.algorithm.algorithm) do
      write(number <& " ");
    end for;
    writeln("Algorithm parameters: " <& literal(tbsCertificate.subjectPublicKeyInfo.algorithm.parameters));
    write("Algorithm parameters: ");
    if tbsCertificate.subjectPublicKeyInfo.algorithm.parameters <> "" then
      for number range decodeObjectIdentifier(tbsCertificate.subjectPublicKeyInfo.algorithm.parameters) do
        write(number <& " ");
      end for;
    end if;
    writeln("Public key: " <& literal(tbsCertificate.subjectPublicKeyInfo.subjectPublicKey));
    publicKey := tbsCertificate.subjectPublicKeyInfo.subjectPublicKey;
    writeln("Length of public key: " <& length(publicKey));
    if tbsCertificate.subjectPublicKeyInfo.algorithm.algorithm = RSA_ENCRYPTION_OID then
      while pos < length(publicKey) do
        printAsn1(publicKey, pos);
      end while;
      writeln("rsa public key modulus:  " <& tbsCertificate.subjectPublicKeyInfo.publicRsaKey.modulus radix 16);
      writeln("rsa public modulus len:  " <& bitLength(tbsCertificate.subjectPublicKeyInfo.publicRsaKey.modulus));
      writeln("rsa public key exponent: " <& tbsCertificate.subjectPublicKeyInfo.publicRsaKey.exponent radix 16);
    elsif tbsCertificate.subjectPublicKeyInfo.algorithm.algorithm = EC_PUBLIC_KEY then
      writeln("Elliptic curve: " <&
      writeln("publicEccKey.x: " <& tbsCertificate.subjectPublicKeyInfo.publicEccKey.x radix 16);
      writeln("publicEccKey.y: " <& tbsCertificate.subjectPublicKeyInfo.publicEccKey.y radix 16);
    end if;
  end func;

const proc: showCertificate (in string: stri, inout integer: pos) is func
    var integer: length is 0;
    var integer: sequenceLen is 0;
    var integer: certLen is 0;
    var integer: index is 1;
    var x509Cert: cert is x509Cert.value;
    var array x509Cert: certList is 0 times x509Cert.value;
    writeln("certificate: " <& literal(stri));
    length := bytes2Int(stri[pos fixLen 3], UNSIGNED, BE);
    pos +:= 3;
    writeln("Length: " <& length);
    writeln("Bytes there: " <& length(stri) - pos + 1);
    sequenceLen := bytes2Int(stri[pos fixLen 3], UNSIGNED, BE);
    pos +:= 3;
    writeln("Sequence length: " <& sequenceLen);
    writeln("Bytes there: " <& length(stri) - pos + 1);
    while pos <= 3 + sequenceLen do
      certLen := bytes2Int(stri[pos fixLen 3], UNSIGNED, BE);
      pos +:= 3;
      writeln("ASN.1Cert-" <& index <& " length: " <& certLen);
      writeln("ASN.1Cert-" <& index <& ": " <& literal(stri[pos len certLen]));
      # Activate if details of the ASN should be printed:
      # printAsn1(stri[pos len certLen]);
      cert := getX509Cert(stri[pos len certLen]);
      certList &:= cert;
      pos +:= certLen;
    end while;
    writeln("Final pos: " <& pos);
    writeln("Leftover bytes: " <& literal(stri[pos ..]));
    for index range 1 to pred(length(certList)) do
      writeln("validate Cert-" <& index <& " with Cert-" <& succ(index));
      writeln(validateSignature(certList[index], certList[succ(index)].tbsCertificate.subjectPublicKeyInfo));
    end for;
    # writeln("validate Cert-" <& length(certList) <& " with Cert-" <& length(certList));
    # writeln(validateSignature(certList[length(certList)], certList[length(certList)].tbsCertificate.subjectPublicKeyInfo.publicRsaKey));
    # publicKey := certList[1].tbsCertificate.subjectPublicKeyInfo.publicRsaKey;
  end func;

const proc: showServerKeyExchange (in string: stri, inout integer: pos) is func
    var integer: length is 0;
    var integer: beyond is 0;
    var integer: curveNumber is 0;
    var ellipticCurve: curve is ellipticCurve.value;
    var integer: pointLength is 0;
    var string: pointData is "";
    var ecPoint: publicEccKey is ecPoint.value;
    var integer: signatureAlgorithm is 0;
    var integer: signatureLength is 0;
    var integer: intLength is 0;
    var string: signatureStri is "";
    length := bytes2Int(stri[pos fixLen 3], UNSIGNED, BE);
    pos +:= 3;
    writeln("Length: " <& length);
    beyond := pos + length;
    writeln("Bytes there: " <& length(stri) - pos + 1);
    # if parameters.key_exchange_algorithm = EC_DIFFIE_HELLMAN then
      if stri[pos] = NAMED_CURVE then
        curveNumber := bytes2Int(stri[pos fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, BE);
        pos +:= 2;
        writeln("named curve: " <& curveNumber);
        if curveNumber >= minIdx(curveByNumber) and curveNumber <= maxIdx(curveByNumber) then
          curve := curveByNumber[curveNumber];
        end if;
        pointLength := ord(stri[pos]);
        writeln("pointLength: " <& pointLength);
        pointData := stri[pos len pointLength];
        writeln("publicEccKey: " <& hex(pointData));
        publicEccKey := ecPointDecode(curve, pointData);
        writeln("publicEccKey.x: " <& publicEccKey.x radix 16);
        writeln("publicEccKey.y: " <& publicEccKey.y radix 16);
        pos +:= pointLength;
        signatureAlgorithm := bytes2Int(stri[pos fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, BE);
        writeln("signatureAlgorithm: " <& signatureAlgorithm radix 16 lpad0 4);
        pos +:= 2;
        signatureLength := bytes2Int(stri[pos fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, BE);
        writeln("signatureLength: " <& signatureLength);
        pos +:= 2;
        signatureStri := stri[pos len signatureLength];
        writeln("signatureStri: " <& hex(signatureStri));
        pos +:= signatureLength;
      end if;
    # end if;
    writeln("Final pos: " <& pos);
    writeln("Leftover bytes: " <& literal(stri[pos ..]));
  end func;

const proc: showCertificateRequest (in string: stri, inout integer: pos) is func
    var string: version is "";
    var integer: length is 0;
    var integer: certificateTypesLength is 0;
    var integer: supportedSignatureAlgorithmsLength is 0;
    var integer: certificateAuthoritiesLength is 0;
    var string: certificateAuthorities is "";
    var integer: index is 0;
    version := stri[pos - 5 len 2];
    writeln("Version: " <& ord(stri[pos - 5]) <& "." <& ord(stri[pos - 4]));
    length := bytes2Int(stri[pos fixLen 3], UNSIGNED, BE);
    pos +:= 3;
    writeln("length: " <& length);
    writeln("Bytes there: " <& length(stri) - pos + 1);
    certificateTypesLength := ord(stri[pos]);
    writeln("certificateTypesLength: " <& certificateTypesLength);
    for index range 1 to certificateTypesLength do
      writeln("ClientCertificateType " <& index <& ": " <& ord(stri[pos]));
    end for;
    if version >= TLS_1_2 then
      supportedSignatureAlgorithmsLength := bytes2Int(stri[pos fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, BE);
      pos +:= 2;
      writeln("supportedSignatureAlgorithmsLength: " <& supportedSignatureAlgorithmsLength);
      for index range 1 to supportedSignatureAlgorithmsLength div 2 do
        writeln(" supportedSignatureAlgorithm " <& index <& ": " <&
                ord(stri[pos]) lpad0 2 <& " " <& ord(stri[succ(pos)]) lpad0 2);
        pos +:= 2;
      end for;
    end if;
    certificateAuthoritiesLength := bytes2Int(stri[pos fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, BE);
    pos +:= 2;
    writeln("certificateAuthoritiesLength: " <& certificateAuthoritiesLength);
    certificateAuthorities := stri[pos len certificateAuthoritiesLength];
    pos +:= certificateAuthoritiesLength;
    writeln("Final pos: " <& pos);
    writeln("Leftover bytes: " <& literal(stri[pos ..]));
  end func;

const proc: showServerHelloDone (in string: stri, inout integer: pos) is func
    var integer: length is 0;
    length := bytes2Int(stri[pos fixLen 3], UNSIGNED, BE);
    pos +:= 3;
    writeln("Length: " <& length);
    writeln("Bytes there: " <& length(stri) - pos + 1);
    writeln("Final pos: " <& pos);
    writeln("Leftover bytes: " <& literal(stri[pos ..]));
  end func;

const proc: showCertificateVerify (in string: stri, inout integer: pos) is func
    var integer: length is 0;
    length := bytes2Int(stri[pos fixLen 3], UNSIGNED, BE);
    pos +:= 3;
    writeln("Length: " <& length);
    writeln("Bytes there: " <& length(stri) - pos + 1);
    writeln("Data: " <& literal(stri[pos len length]));
    pos +:= length;
    writeln("Final pos: " <& pos);
    writeln("Leftover bytes: " <& literal(stri[pos ..]));
  end func;

const proc: showClientKeyExchange (in string: stri, inout integer: pos) is func
    var integer: length is 0;
    length := bytes2Int(stri[pos fixLen 3], UNSIGNED, BE);
    pos +:= 3;
    writeln("Length: " <& length);
    writeln("Bytes there: " <& length(stri) - pos + 1);
    writeln("exchange_keys: " <& hex(stri[pos len length]));
    pos +:= length;
    writeln("Final pos: " <& pos);
    writeln("Leftover bytes: " <& literal(stri[pos ..]));
  end func;

const proc: showFinished (in string: stri, inout integer: pos) is func
    var integer: length is 0;
    length := bytes2Int(stri[pos fixLen 3], UNSIGNED, BE);
    pos +:= 3;
    writeln("Length: " <& length);
    writeln("Bytes there: " <& length(stri) - pos + 1);
    writeln("verify_data: " <& hex(stri[pos len length]));
    pos +:= length;
    writeln("Final pos: " <& pos);
    writeln("Leftover bytes: " <& literal(stri[pos ..]));
  end func;

 *  Shows the content of a TLS handshake message.
 *  This function can be used to debug the library tls.s7i.
const proc: showHandshakeMsg (in string: stri, in var integer: pos) is func
    var char: handshakeType is ' ';
    handshakeType := stri[pos];
    write("HandshakeType: ");
    if handshakeType = CLIENT_HELLO then
      showClientHello(stri, pos);
    elsif handshakeType = SERVER_HELLO then
      showServerHello(stri, pos);
    elsif handshakeType = CERTIFICATE then
      showCertificate(stri, pos);
    elsif handshakeType = SERVER_KEY_EXCHANGE then
      showServerKeyExchange(stri, pos);
    elsif handshakeType = CERTIFICATE_REQUEST then
      showCertificateRequest(stri, pos);
    elsif handshakeType = SERVER_HELLO_DONE then
      showServerHelloDone(stri, pos);
    elsif handshakeType = CERTIFICATE_VERIFY then
      showCertificateVerify(stri, pos);
    elsif handshakeType = CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE then
      showClientKeyExchange(stri, pos);
    elsif handshakeType = FINISHED then
      showFinished(stri, pos);
    end if;
  end func;

const proc: showHandshake (in string: stri) is func
    writeln("Version: " <& ord(stri[2]) <& "." <& ord(stri[3]));
    writeln("Length: " <& bytes2Int(stri[4 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, BE));
    writeln("Bytes there: " <& length(stri) - 5);
    if bytes2Int(stri[4 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, BE) <> length(stri) - 5 then
      writeln(" ***** TLS record length not ok");
    end if;
    if bytes2Int(stri[7 fixLen 3], UNSIGNED, BE) > length(stri) - 9 then
      writeln(" ***** TLS handshake length not ok");
      writeln("handshake length field: " <& literal(stri[7 len 3]));
      writeln("handshake length from field: " <& bytes2Int(stri[7 fixLen 3], UNSIGNED, BE));
      writeln("actual length: " <& length(stri) - 9);
      writeln("record length field: " <& literal(stri[4 len 2]));
      writeln("HandshakeType: " <& ord(stri[6]));
      showHandshakeMsg(stri, 6);
    end if;
  end func;

const proc: showApplicationData (in string: stri) is func
    writeln("application data");
    writeln("Version: " <& ord(stri[2]) <& "." <& ord(stri[3]));
    writeln("Length: " <& bytes2Int(stri[4 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, BE));
    writeln("Bytes there: " <& length(stri) - 5);
    writeln("Data: " <& literal(stri[6 ..]));
  end func;

 *  Shows the content of a TLS message.
 *  This function can be used to debug the library tls.s7i.
const proc: showTlsMsg (in string: stri) is func
    writeln("MsgLength: " <& length(stri));
    if length(stri) <> 0 then
      write("ContentType: ");
      if stri[1] = CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC then
      elsif stri[1] = ALERT then
      elsif stri[1] = HANDSHAKE then
      elsif stri[1] = APPLICATION_DATA then
        writeln("Final pos: 1");
        writeln("Leftover bytes: " <& literal(stri));
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Shows the message type of a TLS message.
 *  This function can be used to debug the library tls.s7i.
const proc: showTlsMsgType (in string: stri) is func
    if length(stri) <> 0 then
      if stri[1] = CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC then
      elsif stri[1] = ALERT then
      elsif stri[1] = HANDSHAKE then
        if stri[6] = CLIENT_HELLO then
        elsif stri[6] = SERVER_HELLO then
        elsif stri[6] = SESSION_TICKET then
        elsif stri[6] = CERTIFICATE then
        elsif stri[6] = SERVER_KEY_EXCHANGE then
        elsif stri[6] = CERTIFICATE_REQUEST then
        elsif stri[6] = SERVER_HELLO_DONE then
        elsif stri[6] = CERTIFICATE_VERIFY then
        elsif stri[6] = CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE then
        elsif stri[6] = FINISHED then
          writeln("Handshake " <& ord(stri[6]));
        end if;
      elsif stri[1] = APPLICATION_DATA then
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;