(*                                                                  *)
(*  sql_base.s7i  Base SQL access library                           *)
(*  Copyright (C) 2013, 2014  Thomas Mertes                         *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  This file is part of the Seed7 Runtime Library.                 *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is free software; you can             *)
(*  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU     *)
(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(*  Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your      *)
(*  option) any later version.                                      *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is distributed in the hope that it    *)
(*  will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the      *)
(*  PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more    *)
(*  details.                                                        *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General       *)
(*  Public License along with this program; if not, write to the    *)
(*  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,             *)
(*  Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.                       *)
(*                                                                  *)

include "float.s7i";
include "time.s7i";
include "duration.s7i";
include "bigint.s7i";
include "bigrat.s7i";
include "bstring.s7i";

 *  Enumeration type to describe database drivers.
 *  * NO_DB No database
 *  * DB_MYSQL MySql/MariaDb
 *  * DB_OCI Oracle
 *  * DB_ODBC Odbc
 *  * DB_FIRE Firebird/Interbase
 *  * DB_DB2 Db2
 *  * DB_SQL_SERVER SQL Server
 *  * DB_TDS Tabular Data Stream
 *  * DB_INFORMIX Informix
const type: dbCategory is new enum
  end enum;

const func string: str (in dbCategory: driver) is
  return literal(driver);

const func dbCategory: dbCategory (in string: name) is func
    var dbCategory: driver is NO_DB;
    var string: ucName is "";
    ucName := upper(name);
    if  ucName = "MYSQL" or
        ucName = "MY" then
      driver := DB_MYSQL;
    elsif ucName = "SQLITE" or
          ucName = "LITE" then
      driver := DB_SQLITE;
    elsif ucName = "POSTGRESQL" or
          ucName = "POST" then
      driver := DB_POSTGRESQL;
    elsif ucName = "ORACLE" or
          ucName = "OCI" then
      driver := DB_OCI;
    elsif ucName = "ODBC" then
      driver := DB_ODBC;
    elsif ucName = "FIRE" or
          ucName = "FIREBIRD" or
          ucName = "INTERBASE" then
      driver := DB_FIRE;
    elsif ucName = "DB2" then
      driver := DB_DB2;
    elsif ucName = "SQLSRV" or
          ucName = "SQL_SERVER" or
          ucName = "SQL SERVER" then
      driver := DB_SQL_SERVER;
    elsif ucName = "TDS" then
      driver := DB_TDS;
    elsif ucName = "INFORMIX" then
      driver := DB_INFORMIX;
    end if;
  end func;

const func dbCategory: (attr dbCategory) parse (in string: name) is
  return dbCategory(name);


 *  Abstract data type to store database connections.
const type: database is newtype;


const proc: (ref database: dest) ::= (ref database: source)    is action "SQL_CREATE_DB";
const proc: destroy (ref database: aValue)                     is action "SQL_DESTR_DB";
const proc: (inout database: dest) := (ref database: source)   is action "SQL_CPY_DB";

const func database: _GENERATE_EMPTY_DATABASE                  is action "SQL_EMPTY_DB";

 *  Default value of ''database'' (empty database).
const database: (attr database) . value                        is _GENERATE_EMPTY_DATABASE;

 *  Check if two database connections are equal.
 *  @return TRUE if the two database connections are equal,
 *          FALSE otherwise.
const func boolean: (in database: db1) = (in database: db2)    is action "SQL_EQ_DB";

 *  Check if two database connections are not equal.
 *  @return FALSE if the two database connections are equal,
 *          TRUE otherwise.
const func boolean: (in database: db1) <> (in database: db2)   is action "SQL_NE_DB";

const func integer: DRIVER_NUM (in database: db)               is action "SQL_DRIVER";

 *  Abstract data type to store a prepared sql statement.
const type: sqlStatement is newtype;


const proc: (ref sqlStatement: dest) ::= (ref sqlStatement: source)      is action "SQL_CREATE_STMT";
const proc: destroy (ref sqlStatement: aValue)                           is action "SQL_DESTR_STMT";
const proc: (inout sqlStatement: dest) := (ref sqlStatement: source)     is action "SQL_CPY_STMT";

const func sqlStatement: _GENERATE_EMPTY_STATEMENT                       is action "SQL_EMPTY_STMT";

 *  Default value of ''sqlStatement'' (empty prepared sql statement).
const sqlStatement: (attr sqlStatement) . value                          is _GENERATE_EMPTY_STATEMENT;

 *  Check if two prepared sql statements are equal.
 *  @return TRUE if the two prepared sql statements are equal,
 *          FALSE otherwise.
const func boolean: (in sqlStatement: stmt1) = (in sqlStatement: stmt2)  is action "SQL_EQ_STMT";

 *  Check if two prepared sql statements are not equal.
 *  @return FALSE if the two prepared sql statements are equal,
 *          TRUE otherwise.
const func boolean: (in sqlStatement: stmt1) <> (in sqlStatement: stmt2) is action "SQL_NE_STMT";

const proc: BIND_BIG_RAT (in sqlStatement: statement, in integer: pos,
    in bigInteger: numerator, in bigInteger: denominator)                is action "SQL_BIND_BIGRAT";

const proc: BIND_TIME (in sqlStatement: statement, in integer: pos,
    in integer: year, in integer: month, in integer: day,
    in integer: hour, in integer: minute, in integer: second,
    in integer: micro_second, in integer: timeZone)                      is action "SQL_BIND_TIME";

const proc: BIND_DURATION (in sqlStatement: statement, in integer: pos,
    in integer: year, in integer: month, in integer: day,
    in integer: hour, in integer: minute, in integer: second,
    in integer: micro_second)                                            is action "SQL_BIND_DURATION";

const proc: COLUMN_BIG_RAT (in sqlStatement: statement, in integer: column,
    inout bigInteger: numerator, inout bigInteger: denominator)          is action "SQL_COLUMN_BIGRAT";

const proc: COLUMN_TIME (in sqlStatement: statement, in integer: column,
    inout integer: year, inout integer: month, inout integer: day,
    inout integer: hour, inout integer: minute, inout integer: second,
    inout integer: micro_second, inout integer: timeZone,
    inout boolean: daylightSavingTime)                                   is action "SQL_COLUMN_TIME";

const proc: COLUMN_DURATION (in sqlStatement: statement, in integer: column,
    inout integer: year, inout integer: month, inout integer: day,
    inout integer: hour, inout integer: minute, inout integer: second,
    inout integer: micro_second)                                         is action "SQL_COLUMN_DURATION";

const func database: openDatabase (DB_MYSQL, in string: host,
                                   in integer: port, in string: dbName,
                                   in string: user, in string: password) is action "SQL_OPEN_MY";

const func database: openDatabase (DB_SQLITE, in string: host,
                                   in integer: port, in string: dbName,
                                   in string: user, in string: password) is action "SQL_OPEN_LITE";

const func database: openDatabase (DB_POSTGRESQL, in string: host,
                                   in integer: port, in string: dbName,
                                   in string: user, in string: password) is action "SQL_OPEN_POST";

const func database: openDatabase (DB_OCI, in string: host,
                                   in integer: port, in string: dbName,
                                   in string: user, in string: password) is action "SQL_OPEN_OCI";

const func database: openDatabase (DB_FIRE, in string: host,
                                   in integer: port, in string: dbName,
                                   in string: user, in string: password) is action "SQL_OPEN_FIRE";

const func database: openDatabase (DB_DB2, in string: host,
                                   in integer: port, in string: dbName,
                                   in string: user, in string: password) is action "SQL_OPEN_DB2";

const func database: openDatabase (DB_SQL_SERVER, in string: host,
                                   in integer: port, in string: dbName,
                                   in string: user, in string: password) is action "SQL_OPEN_SQLSRV";

const func database: openDatabase (DB_TDS, in string: host,
                                   in integer: port, in string: dbName,
                                   in string: user, in string: password) is action "SQL_OPEN_TDS";

 *  Open database with ''host'', ''port'', ''dbName'' ''user'' and ''password''.
 *  @param driver Database driver to be used.
 *  @param host The host can be specified by name, with an IPv4 address or with
 *         an IPv6 address. If ''host'' is empty it is assumed to be "localhost".
 *  @param port The port to be used to access the database. If ''port'' is
 *         zero the default port of the database or driver is used.
 *  @param dbName The name of the database at the specified ''host''.
 *  @param user Database user name.
 *  @param password Database password.
 *  @return the database connection.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR If dbPath, user or password cannot be converted to
 *                         the character set of the database.
 *  @exception DATABASE_ERROR If the DLL of the database could not be found, or
 *                            the connection to the database failed.
const func database: openDatabase (in dbCategory: driver, in string: host,
                                   in integer: port, in string: dbName,
                                   in string: user, in string: password) is DYNAMIC;

 *  Open ODBC database with ''odbcDriver'', ''server'', ''dbName'' ''user'' and ''password''.
 *  @param driver Database driver to be used (DB_ODBC).
 *  @param odbcDriver The name of the ODBC driver (e.g.: "sqlserver").
 *  @param server The database server to be used.
 *  @param dbName The name of the database at the specified ''server''.
 *  @param user Database user name.
 *  @param password Database password.
 *  @return the database connection.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR If dbPath, user or password cannot be converted to
 *                         the character set of the database.
 *  @exception DATABASE_ERROR If the DLL of the database could not be found, or
 *                            the connection to the database failed.
const func database: openDatabase (DB_ODBC, in string: odbcDriver,
                                   in string: server, in string: dbName,
                                   in string: user, in string: password) is action "SQL_OPEN_ODBC";

 *  Open Informix database with ''host'', ''port'', ''server'', ''dbName'' ''user'' and ''password''.
 *  @param driver Database driver to be used (DB_INFORMIX).
 *  @param host The host can be specified by name, with an IPv4 address or with
 *         an IPv6 address. If ''host'' is empty it is assumed to be "localhost".
 *  @param port The port to be used to access the database. If ''port'' is
 *         zero the default port of the database or driver is used.
 *  @param server The database server to be used.
 *  @param dbName The name of the database at the specified ''server''.
 *  @param user Database user name.
 *  @param password Database password.
 *  @return the database connection.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR If dbPath, user or password cannot be converted to
 *                         the character set of the database.
 *  @exception DATABASE_ERROR If the DLL of the database could not be found, or
 *                            the connection to the database failed.
const func database: openDatabase (DB_INFORMIX, in string: host,
                                   in integer: port, in string: server,
                                   in string: dbName,
                                   in string: user, in string: password) is action "SQL_OPEN_INFORMIX";

const func database: openDatabase (DB_INFORMIX, in string: host,
                                   in integer: port, in string: dbName,
                                   in string: user, in string: password) is func
    var database: db is database.value;
    var integer: slashPos is 0;
    var string: server is "";
    var string: databaseName is "";
    slashPos := pos(dbName, '/');
    if slashPos <> 0 then
      server := dbName[.. pred(slashPos)];
      databaseName := dbName[succ(slashPos) ..];
      server := dbName;
      databaseName := dbName;
    end if;
    db := openDatabase(DB_INFORMIX, host, port, server, databaseName, user, password);
  end func;

 *  Open the database ''dbPath'' with the specified ''user'' and ''password''.
 *  The ''dbPath'' can be in one of the forms:
 *  * host:port/dbName
 *  * host/dbName
 *  * dbName
 *  The ''host'' can be specified with name (e.g.: www.example.org), or with
 *  IPv4 address (e.g.: or as IPv6 address in colon notation
 *  (e.g.: [1234:feed::dead:beef]). Note that an IPv6 address must be enclosed
 *  in brackets.
 *  If ''driver'' is DB_ODBC the ''dbPath'' can be in one of the forms:
 *  * odbcDriver:dbServer/dbName
 *  * odbcDriver:dbServer
 *  * dbServer/dbName
 *  * odbcDataSourceName
 *  The ''odbcDriver'' can have a value like ''sqlserver''.
 *  If ''driver'' is DB_SQLITE the ''dbPath'' is the path of a database file:
 *  * sqlitePath
 *  The ''sqlitePath'' uses the Seed7 standard path representation.
 *  @param driver Database driver to be used.
 *  @param dbPath Database name in one of the forms listed above.
 *         If no host is specified the host "localhost" is used.
 *         If no port is specified the port of the database driver is used.
 *         If no odbcDriver is specified "sqlserver" is used.
 *  @param user Database user name.
 *  @param password Database password.
 *  @return the database connection.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR If dbPath, user or password cannot be converted to
 *                         the character set of the database.
 *  @exception DATABASE_ERROR If the DLL of the database could not be found, or
 *                            the connection to the database failed.
const func database: openDatabase (in dbCategory: driver, in string: dbPath,
                                   in string: user, in string: password) is func
    var database: db is database.value;
    var string: host is "";
    var string: port is "";
    var string: dbName is "";
    var string: odbcDriver is "";
    var string: dbServer is "";
    var integer: portNum is 0;
    var integer: slashPos is 0;
    var integer: rightBracketPos is 0;
    var integer: colonPos is 0;
    if driver = DB_ODBC then
      colonPos := pos(dbPath, ':');
      if colonPos <> 0 then
        odbcDriver := dbPath[.. pred(colonPos)];
        dbServer := dbPath[succ(colonPos) ..];
        slashPos := pos(dbServer, '/');
        if slashPos <> 0 then
          dbName := dbServer[succ(slashPos) ..];
          dbServer := dbServer[.. pred(slashPos)];
        end if;
        slashPos := pos(dbPath, '/');
        if slashPos <> 0 then
          odbcDriver := "sqlserver";
          dbServer := dbPath[.. pred(slashPos)];
          dbName := dbPath[succ(slashPos) ..];
          dbName := dbPath;
        end if;
      end if;
      db := openDatabase(DB_ODBC, odbcDriver, dbServer, dbName, user, password);
      slashPos := pos(dbPath, '/');
      if driver <> DB_SQLITE and slashPos <> 0 then
        dbName := dbPath[succ(slashPos) ..];
        host := dbPath[.. pred(slashPos)];
        if host <> "" and host[1] = '[' then
          rightBracketPos := pos(host, ']');
          if rightBracketPos <> 0 then
            if length(host) >= succ(rightBracketPos) and
                host[succ(rightBracketPos)] = ':' then
              port := host[rightBracketPos + 2 ..];
            end if;
            host := host[2 .. pred(rightBracketPos)];
            host := host[2 ..];
          end if;
          colonPos := pos(host, ':');
          if colonPos <> 0 then
            port := host[succ(colonPos) ..];
            host := host[.. pred(colonPos)];
          end if;
        end if;
        dbName := dbPath;
      end if;
      # writeln("host: " <& host);
      # writeln("port: " <& port);
      # writeln("dbName: " <& dbName);
      if port <> "" then
        portNum := integer(port);
      end if;
      db := openDatabase(driver, host, portNum, dbName, user, password);
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Open a database with the specified ''driver'' and ''connectStri''.
 *  The ''connectStri'' must be in one of the forms
 *  * user:password@dbPath
 *  * user@dbPath
 *  * dbPath
 *  The ''dbPath'' can be specified with host name ("e.g.: "www.example.org/myDb"),
 *  or with IPv4 address in standard dot notation (e.g.: "").
 *  Operating systems supporting IPv6 may also accept an IPv6 address
 *  in colon notation. Some databases allow also the specification of a port
 *  number (e.g.: "localhost:1234/myDb" or "[1234:feed::dead:beef]:1234/myDb", with
 *  an IPv6 address).
 *  @param driver Database driver to be used.
 *  @param connectStri Connection string in one of the forms listed above.
 *         If no user is specified the user "guest" is used.
 *         If no password is specified the password "guest" is used.
 *  @return the database connection.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR If dbPath, user or password cannot be converted to
 *                         the character set of the database.
 *  @exception DATABASE_ERROR If the DLL of the database could not be found, or
 *                            the connection to the database failed.
const func database: openDatabase (in dbCategory: driver,
                                   in string: connectStri) is func
    var database: db is database.value;
    var string: dbPath is "";
    var string: user is "guest";
    var string: password is "guest";
    var integer: atPos is 0;
    var integer: colonPos is 0;
    atPos := pos(connectStri, '@');
    if atPos <> 0 then
      user := connectStri[.. pred(atPos)];
      colonPos := pos(user, ':');
      if colonPos <> 0 then
        password := user[succ(colonPos) ..];
        user := user[.. pred(colonPos)];
      end if;
      dbPath := connectStri[succ(atPos) ..];
      dbPath := connectStri;
    end if;
    # writeln("dbPath: " <& dbPath);
    # writeln("user: " <& user);
    # writeln("password: " <& password);
    db := openDatabase(driver, dbPath, user, password);
  end func;

 *  Close the specified database ''db''.
 *  @param database Database to be closed.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR If the database was not open.
const proc: close (in database: db)                                                    is action "SQL_CLOSE";

 *  Create a prepared statement for the given database ''db''.
 *  @param db Database connection for which the prepared statement should
 *         be created.
 *  @param sqlStatementStri SQL statement in a string. For bind variables
 *         use a question mark (?).
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR If the database is not open.
const func sqlStatement: prepare (in database: db, in string: sqlStatementStri)        is action "SQL_PREPARE";

 *  Bind a bigInteger parameter to a prepared SQL statement.
 *  @param statement Prepared statement.
 *  @param pos Position of the bind variable (starting with 1).
 *  @param num Value for the binding.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR If the statement was not prepared or
 *                         if ''pos'' is negative or too big or
 *                         if ''num'' cannot be converted.
 *  @exception DATABASE_ERROR If a database function fails.
const proc: bind (inout sqlStatement: statement, in integer: pos, in bigInteger: num)  is action "SQL_BIND_BIGINT";

 *  Bind a bigRational parameter to a prepared SQL statement.
 *  @param statement Prepared statement.
 *  @param pos Position of the bind variable (starting with 1).
 *  @param bigRatData Value for the binding.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR If the statement was not prepared or
 *                         if ''pos'' is negative or too big or
 *                         if ''bigRatData'' cannot be converted.
 *  @exception DATABASE_ERROR If a database function fails.
const proc: bind (inout sqlStatement: statement, in integer: pos, in bigRational: bigRatData) is func
    BIND_BIG_RAT(statement, pos,
                 bigRatData.numerator, bigRatData.denominator);
  end func;

 *  Bind a boolean parameter to a prepared SQL statement.
 *  @param statement Prepared statement.
 *  @param pos Position of the bind variable (starting with 1).
 *  @param flag Value for the binding.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR If the statement was not prepared or
 *                         if ''pos'' is negative or too big or
 *                         if ''flag'' cannot be converted.
 *  @exception DATABASE_ERROR If a database function fails.
const proc: bind (inout sqlStatement: statement, in integer: pos, in boolean: flag)    is action "SQL_BIND_BOOL";

 *  Bind a bstring parameter to a prepared SQL statement.
 *  @param statement Prepared statement.
 *  @param pos Position of the bind variable (starting with 1).
 *  @param bstri Value for the binding.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR If the statement was not prepared or
 *                         if ''pos'' is negative or too big or
 *                         if ''bstri'' cannot be converted.
 *  @exception DATABASE_ERROR If a database function fails.
const proc: bind (inout sqlStatement: statement, in integer: pos, in bstring: bstri)   is action "SQL_BIND_BSTRI";

 *  Bind a float parameter to a prepared SQL statement.
 *  @param statement Prepared statement.
 *  @param pos Position of the bind variable (starting with 1).
 *  @param number Value for the binding.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR If the statement was not prepared or
 *                         if ''pos'' is negative or too big or
 *                         if ''number'' cannot be converted.
 *  @exception DATABASE_ERROR If a database function fails.
const proc: bind (inout sqlStatement: statement, in integer: pos, in float: number)    is action "SQL_BIND_FLOAT";

 *  Bind an integer parameter to a prepared SQL statement.
 *  @param statement Prepared statement.
 *  @param pos Position of the bind variable (starting with 1).
 *  @param number Value for the binding.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR If the statement was not prepared or
 *                         if ''pos'' is negative or too big or
 *                         if ''number'' cannot be converted.
 *  @exception DATABASE_ERROR If a database function fails.
const proc: bind (inout sqlStatement: statement, in integer: pos, in integer: number)  is action "SQL_BIND_INT";

 *  Bind a NULL parameter to a prepared SQL statement.
 *  @param statement Prepared statement.
 *  @param pos Position of the bind variable (starting with 1).
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR If the statement was not prepared or
 *                         if ''pos'' is negative or too big.
 *  @exception DATABASE_ERROR If a database function fails.
const proc: bind (inout sqlStatement: statement, in integer: pos, NULL)                is action "SQL_BIND_NULL";

 *  Bind a string parameter to a prepared SQL statement.
 *  @param statement Prepared statement.
 *  @param pos Position of the bind variable (starting with 1).
 *  @param stri Value for the binding.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR If the statement was not prepared or
 *                         if ''pos'' is negative or too big or
 *                         if ''stri'' cannot be converted.
 *  @exception DATABASE_ERROR If a database function fails.
const proc: bind (inout sqlStatement: statement, in integer: pos, in string: stri)     is action "SQL_BIND_STRI";

 *  Bind a time parameter to a prepared SQL statement.
 *  @param statement Prepared statement.
 *  @param pos Position of the bind variable (starting with 1).
 *  @param timeData Value for the binding.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR If the statement was not prepared or
 *                         if ''pos'' is negative or too big or
 *                         if ''timeData'' cannot be converted.
 *  @exception DATABASE_ERROR If a database function fails.
const proc: bind (inout sqlStatement: statement, in integer: pos, in time: timeData) is func
    BIND_TIME(statement, pos,
    timeData.year, timeData.month, timeData.day,
    timeData.hour, timeData.minute, timeData.second,
    timeData.micro_second, timeData.timeZone);
  end func;

 *  Bind a duration parameter to a prepared SQL statement.
 *  @param statement Prepared statement.
 *  @param pos Position of the bind variable (starting with 1).
 *  @param durationData Value for the binding.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR If the statement was not prepared or
 *                         if ''pos'' is negative or too big or
 *                         if ''durationData'' cannot be converted.
 *  @exception DATABASE_ERROR If a database function fails.
const proc: bind (inout sqlStatement: statement, in integer: pos, in duration: durationData) is func
    BIND_DURATION(statement, pos,
    getYears(durationData), getMonths(durationData), durationData.day,
    durationData.hour, durationData.minute, durationData.second,
  end func;

 *  Execute the specified prepared SQL ''statement''.
 *  Bind variable can be assigned with the function ''bind'' before
 *  ''execute'' is called.
 *  @param statement Prepared statement, which should be executed.
 *  @exception DATABASE_ERROR If a database function fails.
const proc: execute (inout sqlStatement: statement)                                    is action "SQL_EXECUTE";

 *  Fetch a row from the result data of an executed ''statement''.
 *  After the ''statement'' has been executed successfully the
 *  function ''fetch'' can be used to get the first and further
 *  rows of the statements result data. The columns of the
 *  result data can be obtained with the ''column'' functions.
 *  @param statement Prepared statement, which has been executed.
 *  @return TRUE if a row of result data could be fetched successfully.
 *          FALSE if no more result data is available.
 *  @exception DATABASE_ERROR If a database function fails.
const func boolean: fetch (in sqlStatement: statement)                                 is action "SQL_FETCH";

 *  Get the specified column of fetched data as [[bigint|bigInteger]].
 *  If the column data is NULL it is interpreted as 0_.
 *  The function [[#isNull(in_sqlStatement,in_integer)|isNull]] can distinguish NULL from 0_.
 *  @param statement Prepared statement for which data was fetched.
 *  @param column Number of the column (starting with 1).
 *  @return the column data converted to a [[bigint|bigInteger]] or
 *          0_, if the column data is NULL.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR If the statement was not prepared or
 *                         if no data was successfully fetched or
 *                         if the specified column does not exist or
 *                         if the column cannot be converted.
 *  @exception DATABASE_ERROR If a database function fails.
const func bigInteger: column (in sqlStatement: statement, in integer: column,
                               attr bigInteger)                                        is action "SQL_COLUMN_BIGINT";

 *  Get the specified column of fetched data as [[bigrat|bigRational]].
 *  If the column data is NULL it is interpreted as 0_/1_.
 *  The function [[#isNull(in_sqlStatement,in_integer)|isNull]] can distinguish NULL from 0_/1_.
 *  @param statement Prepared statement for which data was fetched.
 *  @param column Number of the column (starting with 1).
 *  @return the column data converted to a [[bigrat|bigRational]] or
 *          0_/1_, if the column data is NULL.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR If the statement was not prepared or
 *                         if no data was successfully fetched or
 *                         if the specified column does not exist or
 *                         if the column cannot be converted.
 *  @exception DATABASE_ERROR If a database function fails.
const func bigRational: column (in sqlStatement: statement, in integer: column,
                                attr bigRational) is func
    var bigRational: rationalData is bigRational.value;
    COLUMN_BIG_RAT(statement, column,
        rationalData.numerator, rationalData.denominator);
  end func;

 *  Get the specified column of fetched data as [[boolean]].
 *  If the column data is NULL it is interpreted as FALSE.
 *  The function [[#isNull(in_sqlStatement,in_integer)|isNull]] can distinguish NULL from FALSE.
 *  @param statement Prepared statement for which data was fetched.
 *  @param column Number of the column (starting with 1).
 *  @return the column data converted to a [[boolean]] or
 *          FALSE, if the column data is NULL.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR If the statement was not prepared or
 *                         if no data was successfully fetched or
 *                         if the specified column does not exist or
 *                         if the column cannot be converted.
 *  @exception DATABASE_ERROR If a database function fails.
const func boolean:    column (in sqlStatement: statement, in integer: column,
                               attr boolean)                                           is action "SQL_COLUMN_BOOL";

 *  Get the specified column of fetched data as [[bstring]].
 *  If the column data is NULL it is interpreted as empty bstring.
 *  The function [[#isNull(in_sqlStatement,in_integer)|isNull]] can distinguish NULL from an empty bstring.
 *  @param statement Prepared statement for which data was fetched.
 *  @param column Number of the column (starting with 1).
 *  @return the column data converted to a [[bstring]] or
 *          an empty bstring, if the column data is NULL.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR If the statement was not prepared or
 *                         if no data was successfully fetched or
 *                         if the specified column does not exist or
 *                         if the column cannot be converted.
 *  @exception DATABASE_ERROR If a database function fails.
const func bstring:    column (in sqlStatement: statement, in integer: column,
                               attr bstring)                                           is action "SQL_COLUMN_BSTRI";

 *  Get the specified column of fetched data as [[duration]].
 *  If the column data is NULL it is interpreted as empty duration.
 *  The function [[#isNull(in_sqlStatement,in_integer)|isNull]] can distinguish NULL from an empty duration.
 *  @param statement Prepared statement for which data was fetched.
 *  @param column Number of the column (starting with 1).
 *  @return the column data converted to a [[duration]] or
 *          an empty duration, if the column data is NULL.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR If the statement was not prepared or
 *                         if no data was successfully fetched or
 *                         if the specified column does not exist or
 *                         if the column cannot be converted.
 *  @exception DATABASE_ERROR If a database function fails.
const func duration: column (in sqlStatement: statement, in integer: column,
                         attr duration) is func
    var duration: durationData is duration.value;
    COLUMN_DURATION(statement, column,
        durationData.year_365, durationData.month_30, durationData.day,
        durationData.hour, durationData.minute, durationData.second,
  end func;

 *  Get the specified column of fetched data as [[float]].
 *  If the column data is NULL it is interpreted as 0.0.
 *  The function [[#isNull(in_sqlStatement,in_integer)|isNull]] can distinguish NULL from 0.0.
 *  @param statement Prepared statement for which data was fetched.
 *  @param column Number of the column (starting with 1).
 *  @return the column data converted to a [[float]] or
 *          0.0, if the column data is NULL.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR If the statement was not prepared or
 *                         if no data was successfully fetched or
 *                         if the specified column does not exist or
 *                         if the column cannot be converted.
 *  @exception DATABASE_ERROR If a database function fails.
const func float:      column (in sqlStatement: statement, in integer: column,
                               attr float)                                             is action "SQL_COLUMN_FLOAT";

 *  Get the specified column of fetched data as [[integer]].
 *  If the column data is NULL it is interpreted as 0.
 *  The function [[#isNull(in_sqlStatement,in_integer)|isNull]] can distinguish NULL from 0.
 *  @param statement Prepared statement for which data was fetched.
 *  @param column Number of the column (starting with 1).
 *  @return the column data converted to an [[integer]] or
 *          0, if the column data is NULL.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR If the statement was not prepared or
 *                         if no data was successfully fetched or
 *                         if the specified column does not exist or
 *                         if the column cannot be converted.
 *  @exception DATABASE_ERROR If a database function fails.
const func integer:    column (in sqlStatement: statement, in integer: column,
                               attr integer)                                           is action "SQL_COLUMN_INT";

 *  Get the specified column of fetched data as [[string]].
 *  If the column data is NULL it is interpreted as "".
 *  The function [[#isNull(in_sqlStatement,in_integer)|isNull]] can distinguish NULL from "".
 *  @param statement Prepared statement for which data was fetched.
 *  @param column Number of the column (starting with 1).
 *  @return the column data converted to a [[string]] or
 *          "", if the column data is NULL.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR If the statement was not prepared or
 *                         if no data was successfully fetched or
 *                         if the specified column does not exist or
 *                         if the column cannot be converted.
 *  @exception DATABASE_ERROR If a database function fails.
const func string:     column (in sqlStatement: statement, in integer: column,
                               attr string)                                            is action "SQL_COLUMN_STRI";

 *  Get the specified column of fetched data as [[time]].
 *  If the column data is NULL it is interpreted as 0-01-01 00:00:00.
 *  The function [[#isNull(in_sqlStatement,in_integer)|isNull]] can distinguish NULL from 0-01-01 00:00:00.
 *  @param statement Prepared statement for which data was fetched.
 *  @param column Number of the column (starting with 1).
 *  @return the column data converted to a [[time]] or
 *          0-01-01 00:00:00, if the column data is NULL.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR If the statement was not prepared or
 *                         if no data was successfully fetched or
 *                         if the specified column does not exist or
 *                         if the column cannot be converted.
 *  @exception DATABASE_ERROR If a database function fails.
const func time: column (in sqlStatement: statement, in integer: column,
                         attr time) is func
    var time: timeData is time.value;
    COLUMN_TIME(statement, column,
        timeData.year, timeData.month, timeData.day,
        timeData.hour, timeData.minute, timeData.second,
        timeData.micro_second, timeData.timeZone,
  end func;

 *  Determine if the specified column of fetched data is NULL.
 *  @param statement Prepared statement for which data was fetched.
 *  @param column Number of the column (starting with 1).
 *  @return TRUE if the column data is NULL,
 *          FALSE otherwise.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR If the statement was not prepared or
 *                         if no data was successfully fetched or
 *                         if the specified column does not exist.
const func boolean: isNull (in sqlStatement: statement, in integer: column)            is action "SQL_IS_NULL";

 *  Get the current auto-commit mode for the specified database 'database'.
const func boolean: getAutoCommit (in database: db)                                    is action "SQL_GET_AUTO_COMMIT";

 *  Set the auto-commit mode for the specified database 'database'.
const proc: setAutoCommit (in database: db, in boolean: autoCommit)                    is action "SQL_SET_AUTO_COMMIT";

 *  Execute a commit statement for the specified database ''db''.
const proc: commit (in database: db)                                                   is action "SQL_COMMIT";

 *  Execute a rollback statement for the specified database ''db''.
const proc: rollback (in database: db)                                                 is action "SQL_ROLLBACK";

 *  Return the number of columns in the result data of a ''statement''.
 *  It is not necessary to ''execute'' the prepared statement, before
 *  ''columnCount'' is called.
 *  @param statement Prepared statement.
const func integer: columnCount (in sqlStatement: statement)                           is action "SQL_STMT_COLUMN_COUNT";

 *  Return the name of a column in the result data of a ''statement''.
 *  It is not necessary to ''execute'' the prepared statement, before
 *  ''columnName'' is called.
 *  @param statement Prepared statement.
 *  @param column Number of the column (starting with 1).
const func string: columnName (in sqlStatement: statement, in integer: column)         is action "SQL_STMT_COLUMN_NAME";

const proc: execute (in database: db, in string: sqlStatementStri) is func
    var sqlStatement: statement is sqlStatement.value;
    statement := prepare(db, sqlStatementStri);
  end func;

const func string: libFunction (DATABASE_ERROR)                                        is action "SQL_ERR_LIB_FUNC";
const func string: dbFunction (DATABASE_ERROR)                                         is action "SQL_ERR_DB_FUNC";
const func integer: errCode (DATABASE_ERROR)                                           is action "SQL_ERR_CODE";
const func string: errMessage (DATABASE_ERROR)                                         is action "SQL_ERR_MESSAGE";

const func dbCategory: driver (in database: db) is
  return dbCategory conv DRIVER_NUM(db);

const func boolean: quoteTableNames (in dbCategory: databaseKind) is func
    var boolean: quoteTableNames is FALSE;
    case databaseKind of
      when {DB_MYSQL}:      quoteTableNames := TRUE;
      when {DB_SQLITE}:     quoteTableNames := TRUE;
      when {DB_POSTGRESQL}: quoteTableNames := TRUE;
      when {DB_OCI}:        quoteTableNames := TRUE;
      when {DB_FIRE}:       quoteTableNames := TRUE;
      when {DB_SQL_SERVER}: quoteTableNames := TRUE;
      when {DB_DB2}:        quoteTableNames := TRUE;
      when {DB_INFORMIX}:   quoteTableNames := FALSE;
    end case;
  end func;

const func string: tableNamesCommand (in database: currDb,
    in dbCategory: databaseKind) is func
    var string: getTableNames is "";
    case databaseKind of
      when {DB_MYSQL}:      getTableNames := "show tables";
      when {DB_SQLITE}:     getTableNames := "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'";
      when {DB_POSTGRESQL}: getTableNames := "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema='public'";
      when {DB_OCI}:        getTableNames := "SELECT table_name FROM user_tables";
      when {DB_ODBC}:       getTableNames := "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables";
      when {DB_FIRE}:       getTableNames := "SELECT rdb$relation_name FROM rdb$relations \
                                             \WHERE rdb$view_blr IS NULL AND (rdb$system_flag IS NULL OR rdb$system_flag = 0)";
      when {DB_DB2}:        getTableNames := "SELECT tabname FROM syscat.tables WHERE type = 'T' AND \
                                             \tabschema=(SELECT current_schema FROM sysibm.sysdummy1)";
      # when {DB_DB2}:        getTableNames := "SELECT name FROM sysibm.systables WHERE type = 'T'";
      when {DB_SQL_SERVER}: getTableNames := "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables";
      when {DB_INFORMIX}:   getTableNames := "SELECT tabname FROM informix.systables";
    end case;
  end func;

const func array string: getTableNames (in database: currDb,
    in dbCategory: databaseKind) is func
    var array string: tableNames is 0 times "";
    var string: getTableNames is "";
    var sqlStatement: tableList is sqlStatement.value;
    var string: tableName is "";
    getTableNames := tableNamesCommand(currDb, databaseKind);
    tableList := prepare(currDb, getTableNames);
    while fetch(tableList) do
      tableName := column(tableList, 1, string);
      tableNames &:= tableName;
    end while;
  end func;