const type: STRUCT is newtype;
const proc: (ref STRUCT: dest) ::= (in STRUCT: source) is action "SCT_CREATE";
const proc: destroy (ref STRUCT: aValue) is action "SCT_DESTR";
const proc: (inout STRUCT: dest) := (in STRUCT: source) is action "SCT_CPY";
const func integer: length (in STRUCT: aStruct) is action "SCT_LNG";
const func STRUCT: (in STRUCT: struct1) & (in STRUCT: struct2) is action "SCT_CAT";
const proc: incl (inout STRUCT: aStruct, in reference: anElem) is action "SCT_INCL";
const func STRUCT: empty (attr STRUCT) is action "SCT_EMPTY";
const func ref_list: declare_elements (ref proc: elem_decl) is action "DCL_ELEMENTS";
const type: structElementTypeListType is array [1 ..] type;
const type: structElementNameListType is array [1 ..] string;
const func type: new struct (ref proc: elem_decl) end struct is func
var type: structType is void;
var type: ptrType is void;
var type: varptrType is void;
var ref_list: elem_list is ref_list.EMPTY;
var STRUCT: struct_value is empty(STRUCT);
var integer: number is 0;
var reference: elem_obj is NIL;
var structElementTypeListType: element_types is structElementTypeListType.value;
var structElementNameListType: element_names is structElementNameListType.value;
structType := newtype;
ptrType := ptr structType;
varptrType := varptr structType;
elem_list := declare_elements(elem_decl);
const boolean: isStructType (attr structType) is TRUE;
const type: base_type (attr structType) is void;
const proc: (ref structType param) ::= (in structType param) is action "SCT_CREATE";
const proc: destroy (ref structType param) is action "SCT_DESTR";
const proc: (inout structType: dest) := (in structType: source) is action "SCT_CPY";
const func ptrType: alloc (in structType param) is action "SCT_ALLOC";
const func varptrType: varalloc (in structType param) is action "SCT_ALLOC";
const func structType: (attr structType) conv (in STRUCT param) is action "SCT_CONV";
const func STRUCT: (attr STRUCT) conv (in structType param) is action "SCT_CONV";
for number range 1 to length(elem_list) do
elem_obj := elem_list[number];
if is_symb(elem_obj) then
incl(struct_value, elem_obj);
const func getType(elem_obj): (in structType param) . (symb elem_obj) is action "SCT_SELECT";
const varfunc getType(elem_obj): (inout structType param) . (symb elem_obj) is action "SCT_SELECT";
const func getType(elem_obj): (in ptrType param) -> (symb elem_obj) is action "REF_SELECT";
const varfunc getType(elem_obj): (in varptrType param) -> (symb elem_obj) is action "REF_SELECT";
element_types &:= getType(elem_obj);
element_names &:= str(elem_obj);
end if;
end for;
const structElementTypeListType: elementTypes (attr structType) is element_types;
const structElementNameListType: elementNames (attr structType) is element_names;
const structType: (attr structType) . value is structType conv struct_value;
end func;
const func type: new struct end struct is func
var type: structType is void;
var type: ptrType is void;
var type: varptrType is void;
structType := newtype;
ptrType := ptr structType;
varptrType := varptr structType;
const boolean: isStructType (attr structType) is TRUE;
const type: base_type (attr structType) is void;
const proc: (ref structType param) ::= (in structType param) is action "SCT_CREATE";
const proc: destroy (ref structType param) is action "SCT_DESTR";
const proc: (inout structType: dest) := (in structType: source) is action "SCT_CPY";
const func ptrType: alloc (in structType param) is action "SCT_ALLOC";
const func varptrType: varalloc (in structType param) is action "SCT_ALLOC";
const func structType: (attr structType) conv (in STRUCT param) is action "SCT_CONV";
const func STRUCT: (attr STRUCT) conv (in structType param) is action "SCT_CONV";
const structElementTypeListType: elementTypes (attr structType) is structElementTypeListType.value;
const structElementNameListType: elementNames (attr structType) is structElementNameListType.value;
const structType: (attr structType) . value is structType conv empty(STRUCT);
end func;
const func type: new (in type: baseType) struct (ref proc: elem_decl) end struct is func
var type: structType is void;
var type: ptrType is void;
var type: varptrType is void;
var ref_list: elem_list is ref_list.EMPTY;
var STRUCT: struct_value is empty(STRUCT);
var integer: number is 0;
var reference: elem_obj is NIL;
var structElementTypeListType: element_types is structElementTypeListType.value;
var structElementNameListType: element_names is structElementNameListType.value;
structType := subtype baseType;
ptrType := ptr structType;
varptrType := varptr structType;
elem_list := declare_elements(elem_decl);
const boolean: isStructType (attr structType) is TRUE;
const proc: (ref structType param) ::= (in structType param) is action "SCT_CREATE";
const proc: destroy (ref structType param) is action "SCT_DESTR";
const proc: (inout structType: dest) := (in structType: source) is action "SCT_CPY";
const func ptrType: alloc (in structType param) is action "SCT_ALLOC";
const func varptrType: varalloc (in structType param) is action "SCT_ALLOC";
const func structType: (attr structType) conv (in STRUCT param) is action "SCT_CONV";
const func STRUCT: (attr STRUCT) conv (in structType param) is action "SCT_CONV";
for number range 1 to length(elem_list) do
elem_obj := elem_list[number];
if is_symb(elem_obj) then
incl(struct_value, elem_obj);
const func getType(elem_obj): (in structType param) . (symb elem_obj) is action "SCT_SELECT";
const varfunc getType(elem_obj): (inout structType param) . (symb elem_obj) is action "SCT_SELECT";
const func getType(elem_obj): (in ptrType param) -> (symb elem_obj) is action "REF_SELECT";
const varfunc getType(elem_obj): (in varptrType param) -> (symb elem_obj) is action "REF_SELECT";
element_types &:= getType(elem_obj);
element_names &:= str(elem_obj);
end if;
end for;
const structElementTypeListType: elementTypes (attr structType) is element_types;
const structElementNameListType: elementNames (attr structType) is element_names;
const structType: (attr structType) . value is structType conv struct_value;
end func;
const func type: new (in type: baseType) struct end struct is func
var type: structType is void;
var type: ptrType is void;
var type: varptrType is void;
structType := subtype baseType;
ptrType := ptr structType;
varptrType := varptr structType;
const boolean: isStructType (attr structType) is TRUE;
const proc: (ref structType param) ::= (in structType param) is action "SCT_CREATE";
const proc: destroy (ref structType param) is action "SCT_DESTR";
const proc: (inout structType: dest) := (in structType: source) is action "SCT_CPY";
const func ptrType: alloc (in structType param) is action "SCT_ALLOC";
const func varptrType: varalloc (in structType param) is action "SCT_ALLOC";
const func structType: (attr structType) conv (in STRUCT param) is action "SCT_CONV";
const func STRUCT: (attr STRUCT) conv (in structType param) is action "SCT_CONV";
const structElementTypeListType: elementTypes (attr structType) is structElementTypeListType.value;
const structElementNameListType: elementNames (attr structType) is structElementNameListType.value;
const structType: (attr structType) . value is structType conv empty(STRUCT);
end func;
const func type: sub (in type: baseType) struct (ref proc: elem_decl) end struct is func
var type: structType is void;
var type: ptrType is void;
var type: varptrType is void;
var ref_list: elem_list is ref_list.EMPTY;
var STRUCT: struct_value is empty(STRUCT);
var integer: number is 0;
var reference: elem_obj is NIL;
var structElementTypeListType: element_types is structElementTypeListType.value;
var structElementNameListType: element_names is structElementNameListType.value;
structType := subtype baseType;
ptrType := ptr structType;
varptrType := varptr structType;
elem_list := declare_elements(elem_decl);
const boolean: isStructType (attr structType) is TRUE;
const proc: (ref structType param) ::= (in structType param) is action "SCT_CREATE";
const proc: destroy (ref structType param) is action "SCT_DESTR";
const proc: (inout structType: dest) := (in structType: source) is action "SCT_CPY";
const func ptrType: alloc (in structType param) is action "SCT_ALLOC";
const func varptrType: varalloc (in structType param) is action "SCT_ALLOC";
const func structType: (attr structType) conv (in STRUCT param) is action "SCT_CONV";
const func STRUCT: (attr STRUCT) conv (in structType param) is action "SCT_CONV";
for number range 1 to length(elem_list) do
elem_obj := elem_list[number];
if is_symb(elem_obj) then
incl(struct_value, elem_obj);
const func getType(elem_obj): (in structType param) . (symb elem_obj) is action "SCT_SELECT";
const varfunc getType(elem_obj): (inout structType param) . (symb elem_obj) is action "SCT_SELECT";
const func getType(elem_obj): (in ptrType param) -> (symb elem_obj) is action "REF_SELECT";
const varfunc getType(elem_obj): (in varptrType param) -> (symb elem_obj) is action "REF_SELECT";
element_types &:= getType(elem_obj);
element_names &:= str(elem_obj);
end if;
end for;
const structElementTypeListType: elementTypes (attr structType) is elementTypes(baseType) & element_types;
const structElementNameListType: elementNames (attr structType) is elementNames(baseType) & element_names;
const structType: (attr structType) . value is structType conv (STRUCT conv (baseType.value) & struct_value);
end func;
const func type: sub (in type: baseType) struct end struct is func
var type: structType is void;
var type: ptrType is void;
var type: varptrType is void;
structType := subtype baseType;
ptrType := ptr structType;
varptrType := varptr structType;
const boolean: isStructType (attr structType) is TRUE;
const proc: (ref structType param) ::= (in structType param) is action "SCT_CREATE";
const proc: destroy (ref structType param) is action "SCT_DESTR";
const proc: (inout structType: dest) := (in structType: source) is action "SCT_CPY";
const func ptrType: alloc (in structType param) is action "SCT_ALLOC";
const func varptrType: varalloc (in structType param) is action "SCT_ALLOC";
const func structType: (attr structType) conv (in STRUCT param) is action "SCT_CONV";
const func STRUCT: (attr STRUCT) conv (in structType param) is action "SCT_CONV";
const structElementTypeListType: elementTypes (attr structType) is elementTypes(baseType);
const structElementNameListType: elementNames (attr structType) is elementNames(baseType);
const structType: (attr structType) . value is structType conv (STRUCT conv (baseType.value));
end func;