(*                                                                  *)
(*  bmp.s7i       Support for the BMP image file format.            *)
(*  Copyright (C) 2001, 2005, 2007, 2013  Thomas Mertes             *)
(*  Copyright (C) 2021 - 2024  Thomas Mertes                        *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  This file is part of the Seed7 Runtime Library.                 *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is free software; you can             *)
(*  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU     *)
(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(*  Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your      *)
(*  option) any later version.                                      *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is distributed in the hope that it    *)
(*  will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the      *)
(*  PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more    *)
(*  details.                                                        *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General       *)
(*  Public License along with this program; if not, write to the    *)
(*  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,             *)
(*  Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.                       *)
(*                                                                  *)

include "draw.s7i";
include "bin64.s7i";
include "jpeg.s7i";
include "png.s7i";
include "pixelimage.s7i";

const string: BMP_MAGIC is "BM";

const integer: BMP_FILE_HEADER_SIZE is 14;

# Sizes of DIB header variants:
const integer: BMP_COREHEADER             is  12;
const integer: BMP_INFOHEADER_OS22X_SHORT is  16;
const integer: BMP_INFOHEADER             is  40;
const integer: BMP_INFOHEADER_V2          is  52;
const integer: BMP_INFOHEADER_V3          is  56;
const integer: BMP_INFOHEADER_OS22X       is  64;
const integer: BMP_INFOHEADER_V4          is 108;
const integer: BMP_INFOHEADER_V5          is 124;

# Compression methods:
const integer: BMP_BI_RGB            is  0;
const integer: BMP_BI_RLE8           is  1;
const integer: BMP_BI_RLE4           is  2;
const integer: BMP_BI_BITFIELDS      is  3;
const integer: BMP_BI_JPEG           is  4;
const integer: BMP_BI_PNG            is  5;
const integer: BMP_BI_ALPHABITFIELDS is  6;
const integer: BMP_BI_CMYK           is 11;
const integer: BMP_BI_CMYKRLE8       is 12;
const integer: BMP_BI_CMYKRLE4       is 13;

const type: bmpColorBitfield is new struct
    var integer: mask is 0;
    var integer: rShift is 0;
    var integer: scale is 0;
  end struct;

const type: bmpHeader is new struct
    var integer: bmpFileSize is 0;
    var integer: offset is 0;
    var integer: calculatedOffset is 0;
    var integer: dibHeaderSize is 0;
    var integer: width is 0;
    var integer: height is 0;
    var integer: planes is 0;
    var integer: bitsPerPixel is 0;
    var integer: compressionMethod is BMP_BI_RGB;
    var integer: rawDataSize is 0;
    var integer: horizontalResolution is 0;
    var integer: verticalResolution is 0;
    var integer: paletteColors is 0;
    var integer: importantColors is 0;
    var bmpColorBitfield: redBitfield is bmpColorBitfield.value;
    var bmpColorBitfield: greenBitfield is bmpColorBitfield.value;
    var bmpColorBitfield: blueBitfield is bmpColorBitfield.value;
    var bmpColorBitfield: alphaBitfield is bmpColorBitfield.value;
    var integer: colorSpace is 0;
    var array integer: colorSpaceEndpoints is 0 times 0;
    var integer: redGamma is 0;
    var integer: greenGamma is 0;
    var integer: blueGamma is 0;
    var colorLookupTable: palette is colorLookupTable.value;
  end struct;

const func bmpColorBitfield: bmpColorBitfield (in integer: mask) is func
    var bmpColorBitfield: bitfield is bmpColorBitfield.value;
    bitfield.mask   := mask;
    bitfield.rShift := lowestSetBit(bitfield.mask);
    bitfield.scale  := pred(2 ** (bitLength(bitfield.mask) - bitfield.rShift));
    bitfield.rShift := max(0, bitfield.rShift);
  end func;

const func string: str (in bmpColorBitfield: bitfield) is
  return "(" <& bitfield.mask radix 2 lpad0 32 <&
        ", " <& bitfield.rShift lpad 2 <&
        ", " <& bitfield.scale <& ")";

const func integer: toColor (in bmpColorBitfield: bitfield, in integer: pixelColor) is
  return 65535 * (integer(bin64(pixelColor) & bin64(bitfield.mask)) >> bitfield.rShift) div bitfield.scale;

const proc: readBitMasks (inout file: bmpFile, inout bmpHeader: header) is func
    var integer: numOfBitMaskBytes is 0;
    var string: stri is "";
    if header.compressionMethod = BMP_BI_BITFIELDS or
        header.compressionMethod = BMP_BI_ALPHABITFIELDS then
      numOfBitMaskBytes := header.compressionMethod = BMP_BI_BITFIELDS ? 12 : 16;
      stri := gets(bmpFile, numOfBitMaskBytes);
      if length(stri) = numOfBitMaskBytes then
        header.calculatedOffset +:= numOfBitMaskBytes;
        header.redBitfield   := bmpColorBitfield(bytes2Int(stri[1 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE));
        header.greenBitfield := bmpColorBitfield(bytes2Int(stri[5 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE));
        header.blueBitfield  := bmpColorBitfield(bytes2Int(stri[9 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE));
        if header.compressionMethod = BMP_BI_ALPHABITFIELDS then
          header.alphaBitfield  := bmpColorBitfield(bytes2Int(stri[13 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE));
        end if;
        raise RANGE_ERROR;
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;

const proc: showHeader (in bmpHeader: header) is func
    writeln("bmpFileSize: " <& header.bmpFileSize);
    writeln("offset: " <& header.offset);
    writeln("dibHeaderSize: " <& header.dibHeaderSize);
    writeln("width: " <& header.width);
    writeln("height: " <& header.height);
    writeln("planes: " <& header.planes);
    writeln("bitsPerPixel: " <& header.bitsPerPixel);
    writeln("compressionMethod: " <& header.compressionMethod);
    writeln("rawDataSize: " <& header.rawDataSize);
    writeln("horizontalResolution: " <& header.horizontalResolution);
    writeln("verticalResolution: " <& header.verticalResolution);
    writeln("paletteColors: " <& header.paletteColors);
    writeln("importantColors: " <& header.importantColors);
    writeln("redBitfield:   " <& str(header.redBitfield));
    writeln("greenBitfield: " <& str(header.greenBitfield));
    writeln("blueBitfield:  " <& str(header.blueBitfield));
    writeln("colorSpace: " <& bytes(header.colorSpace, UNSIGNED, BE));
    writeln("redGamma: " <& header.redGamma);
    writeln("greenGamma: " <& header.greenGamma);
    writeln("blueGamma: " <& header.blueGamma);
  end func;

const proc: readDibHeader (inout file: bmpFile, inout bmpHeader: header) is func
    var string: stri is "";
    stri := gets(bmpFile, header.dibHeaderSize - 4);
    if header.dibHeaderSize in {BMP_COREHEADER, BMP_INFOHEADER_OS22X_SHORT,
                                BMP_INFOHEADER, BMP_INFOHEADER_V2,
                                BMP_INFOHEADER_V3, BMP_INFOHEADER_OS22X,
                                BMP_INFOHEADER_V4, BMP_INFOHEADER_V5} and
        length(stri) = header.dibHeaderSize - 4 then
      header.calculatedOffset +:= header.dibHeaderSize;
      if header.dibHeaderSize = BMP_COREHEADER then
        header.width        := bytes2Int(stri[1 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
        header.height       := bytes2Int(stri[3 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
        header.planes       := bytes2Int(stri[5 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
        header.bitsPerPixel := bytes2Int(stri[7 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
      elsif header.dibHeaderSize = BMP_INFOHEADER_OS22X_SHORT then
        header.width        := bytes2Int(stri[ 1 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE);
        header.height       := bytes2Int(stri[ 5 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE);
        header.planes       := bytes2Int(stri[ 9 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
        header.bitsPerPixel := bytes2Int(stri[11 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
      else  # header.dibHeaderSize >= BMP_INFOHEADER
        header.width                := bytes2Int(stri[ 1 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE);
        header.height               := bytes2Int(stri[ 5 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE);
        header.planes               := bytes2Int(stri[ 9 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
        header.bitsPerPixel         := bytes2Int(stri[11 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
        header.compressionMethod    := bytes2Int(stri[13 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE);
        header.rawDataSize          := bytes2Int(stri[17 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE);
        header.horizontalResolution := bytes2Int(stri[21 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE);
        header.verticalResolution   := bytes2Int(stri[25 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE);
        header.paletteColors        := bytes2Int(stri[29 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE);
        header.importantColors      := bytes2Int(stri[33 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE);
        if header.dibHeaderSize = BMP_INFOHEADER then
          # The bit masks are optional and outside of the DIB header.
          readBitMasks(bmpFile, header);
        elsif header.dibHeaderSize = BMP_INFOHEADER_V2 or
            header.dibHeaderSize = BMP_INFOHEADER_V3 or
            header.dibHeaderSize >= BMP_INFOHEADER_V4 then
          # The bit masks are part of the DIB header.
          if header.compressionMethod = BMP_BI_BITFIELDS or
              header.compressionMethod = BMP_BI_ALPHABITFIELDS then
            header.redBitfield   := bmpColorBitfield(bytes2Int(stri[37 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE));
            header.greenBitfield := bmpColorBitfield(bytes2Int(stri[41 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE));
            header.blueBitfield  := bmpColorBitfield(bytes2Int(stri[45 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE));
            if header.compressionMethod = BMP_BI_ALPHABITFIELDS then
              header.alphaBitfield := bmpColorBitfield(bytes2Int(stri[49 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE));
            end if;
          end if;
          if header.dibHeaderSize >= BMP_INFOHEADER_V4 then
            header.colorSpace := bytes2Int(stri[ 53 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE);
            # writeln("Color Space endpoints: " <&hex(stri[57 fixLen 36]));
            header.redGamma   := bytes2Int(stri[ 93 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE);
            header.greenGamma := bytes2Int(stri[ 97 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE);
            header.blueGamma  := bytes2Int(stri[101 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE);
          end if;
        end if;
      end if;
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    end if;
  end func;

const proc: readHeader (inout file: bmpFile, inout bmpHeader: header) is func
    const integer: STRI_SIZE is BMP_FILE_HEADER_SIZE - length(BMP_MAGIC) + 4;
    var string: stri is "";
    stri := gets(bmpFile, STRI_SIZE);
    if length(stri) = STRI_SIZE then
      header.calculatedOffset := BMP_FILE_HEADER_SIZE;
      header.bmpFileSize   := bytes2Int(stri[ 1 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE);
      # Ignore 4 reserved bytes.
      header.offset        := bytes2Int(stri[ 9 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE);
      header.dibHeaderSize := bytes2Int(stri[13 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE);
      readDibHeader(bmpFile, header);
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    end if;
  end func;

const proc: computeNumberOfPaletteColors (inout bmpHeader: header,
    in integer: colorEntrySize) is func
    if header.calculatedOffset < header.offset then
      header.paletteColors :=
          (header.offset - header.calculatedOffset) mdiv colorEntrySize;
    elsif header.offset = 0 then
      header.paletteColors := 2 ** header.bitsPerPixel;
    end if;
  end func;

const proc: readPaletteData (inout file: bmpFile, inout bmpHeader: header,
    in integer: colorEntrySize) is func
    var integer: numOfPaletteBytes is 0;
    var string: stri is "";
    var integer: index is 0;
    var integer: byteIndex is 1;
    numOfPaletteBytes := header.paletteColors * colorEntrySize;
    header.paletteColors := min(header.paletteColors, 256);
    header.palette := colorLookupTable[.. pred(header.paletteColors)] times pixel.value;
    stri := gets(bmpFile, numOfPaletteBytes);
    if length(stri) = numOfPaletteBytes then
      header.calculatedOffset +:= numOfPaletteBytes;
      for index range 0 to pred(header.paletteColors) do
        header.palette[index] := rgbPixel(ord(stri[byteIndex + 2]) * 256,
                                          ord(stri[succ(byteIndex)]) * 256,
                                          ord(stri[byteIndex]) * 256);
        byteIndex +:= colorEntrySize;
      end for;
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    end if;
  end func;

const proc: readPalette (inout file: bmpFile, inout bmpHeader: header) is func
    var integer: colorEntrySize is 0;
    colorEntrySize := header.dibHeaderSize = BMP_COREHEADER ? 3 : 4;
    if header.bitsPerPixel <> 0 and header.bitsPerPixel <= 8 and
        header.paletteColors = 0 then
      computeNumberOfPaletteColors(header, colorEntrySize);
    end if;
    if header.paletteColors > 0 then
      readPaletteData(bmpFile, header, colorEntrySize);
    end if;
  end func;

const proc: readBmpImage1Bit (inout file: bmpFile, inout bmpHeader: header,
    inout pixelImage: image) is func
    var string: stri is "";
    var integer: padding is 0;
    var integer: line is 0;
    var integer: column is 0;
    var integer: byteIndex is 0;
    var integer: currentByte is 0;
    var integer: rshift is 0;
    padding := -succ(pred(header.width) mdiv 8) mod 4;
    for line range header.height downto 1 do
      stri := gets(bmpFile, succ(pred(header.width) mdiv 8) + padding);
      byteIndex := 1;
      for column range 1 to (header.width - 7) step 8 do
        currentByte := ord(stri[byteIndex]);
        image[line][column]       := header.palette[ currentByte >> 7];
        image[line][succ(column)] := header.palette[(currentByte >> 6) mod 2];
        image[line][column + 2]   := header.palette[(currentByte >> 5) mod 2];
        image[line][column + 3]   := header.palette[(currentByte >> 4) mod 2];
        image[line][column + 4]   := header.palette[(currentByte >> 3) mod 2];
        image[line][column + 5]   := header.palette[(currentByte >> 2) mod 2];
        image[line][column + 6]   := header.palette[(currentByte >> 1) mod 2];
        image[line][column + 7]   := header.palette[ currentByte       mod 2];
      end for;
      if header.width mod 8 <> 0 then
        currentByte := ord(stri[byteIndex]);
        rshift := 7;
        for column range succ(header.width - header.width mod 8) to header.width do
          image[line][column] := header.palette[(currentByte >> rshift) mod 2];
        end for;
      end if;
    end for;
  end func;

const proc: readBmpImage2Bit (inout file: bmpFile, inout bmpHeader: header,
    inout pixelImage: image) is func
    var string: stri is "";
    var integer: padding is 0;
    var integer: line is 0;
    var integer: column is 0;
    var integer: byteIndex is 0;
    var integer: currentByte is 0;
    var integer: rshift is 0;
    padding := -succ(pred(header.width) mdiv 4) mod 4;
    for line range header.height downto 1 do
      stri := gets(bmpFile, succ(pred(header.width) mdiv 4) + padding);
      byteIndex := 1;
      for column range 1 to (header.width - 3) step 4 do
        currentByte := ord(stri[byteIndex]);
        image[line][column]       := header.palette[ currentByte >> 6];
        image[line][succ(column)] := header.palette[(currentByte >> 4) mod 4];
        image[line][column + 2]   := header.palette[(currentByte >> 2) mod 4];
        image[line][column + 3]   := header.palette[ currentByte       mod 4];
      end for;
      if header.width mod 4 <> 0 then
        currentByte := ord(stri[byteIndex]);
        rshift := 6;
        for column range succ(header.width - header.width mod 4) to header.width do
          image[line][column] := header.palette[(currentByte >> rshift) mod 4];
          rshift -:= 2;
        end for;
      end if;
    end for;
  end func;

const proc: readBmpImage4Bit (inout file: bmpFile, inout bmpHeader: header,
    inout pixelImage: image) is func
    var string: stri is "";
    var integer: padding is 0;
    var integer: line is 0;
    var integer: column is 0;
    var integer: byteIndex is 0;
    var integer: pixelColor is 0;
    padding := -succ(pred(header.width) mdiv 2) mod 4;
    for line range header.height downto 1 do
      stri := gets(bmpFile, succ(pred(header.width) mdiv 2) + padding);
      byteIndex := 1;
      for column range 1 to header.width do
        if odd(column) then
          image[line][column] := header.palette[ord(stri[byteIndex]) >> 4];
          image[line][column] := header.palette[ord(stri[byteIndex]) mod 16];
        end if;
      end for;
    end for;
  end func;

const proc: readBmpImage8Bit (inout file: bmpFile, inout bmpHeader: header,
    inout pixelImage: image) is func
    var string: stri is "";
    var integer: padding is 0;
    var integer: line is 0;
    var integer: column is 0;
    var integer: byteIndex is 0;
    var integer: pixelColor is 0;
    padding := -header.width mod 4;
    for line range header.height downto 1 do
      stri := gets(bmpFile, header.width + padding);
      byteIndex := 1;
      for column range 1 to header.width do
        pixelColor := ord(stri[byteIndex]);
        image[line][column] := header.palette[pixelColor];
      end for;
    end for;
  end func;

const proc: readBmpImage16Bit (inout file: bmpFile, inout bmpHeader: header,
    inout pixelImage: image) is func
    var string: stri is "";
    var integer: padding is 0;
    var integer: line is 0;
    var integer: column is 0;
    var integer: byteIndex is 0;
    var integer: pixelColor is 0;
    padding := -(2 * header.width) mod 4;
    if  header.redBitfield.mask <> 0 or
        header.greenBitfield.mask <> 0 or
        header.blueBitfield.mask <> 0 then
      for line range header.height downto 1 do
        stri := gets(bmpFile, 2 * header.width + padding);
        byteIndex := 1;
        for column range 1 to header.width do
          pixelColor := bytes2Int(stri[byteIndex fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
          image[line][column] := rgbPixel(toColor(header.redBitfield, pixelColor),
                                          toColor(header.greenBitfield, pixelColor),
                                          toColor(header.blueBitfield, pixelColor));
          byteIndex +:= 2;
        end for;
      end for;
      for line range header.height downto 1 do
        stri := gets(bmpFile, 2 * header.width + padding);
        byteIndex := 1;
        for column range 1 to header.width do
          pixelColor := bytes2Int(stri[byteIndex fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
          image[line][column] := rgbPixel(((pixelColor >> 10) mod 32) * 2114,
                                          ((pixelColor >>  5) mod 32) * 2114,
                                          ( pixelColor        mod 32) * 2114);
          byteIndex +:= 2;
        end for;
      end for;
    end if;
  end func;

const proc: readBmpImage24Bit (inout file: bmpFile, inout bmpHeader: header,
    inout pixelImage: image) is func
    var string: stri is "";
    var integer: padding is 0;
    var integer: line is 0;
    var integer: column is 0;
    var integer: byteIndex is 0;
    padding := -(3 * header.width) mod 4;
    for line range header.height downto 1 do
      stri := gets(bmpFile, 3 * header.width + padding);
      byteIndex := 1;
      for column range 1 to header.width do
        image[line][column] := rgbPixel(ord(stri[byteIndex + 2]) * 256,
                                        ord(stri[byteIndex + 1]) * 256,
                                        ord(stri[byteIndex]) * 256);
        byteIndex +:= 3;
      end for;
    end for;
  end func;

const proc: readBmpImage32Bit (inout file: bmpFile, inout bmpHeader: header,
    inout pixelImage: image) is func
    var string: stri is "";
    var integer: padding is 0;
    var integer: line is 0;
    var integer: column is 0;
    var integer: byteIndex is 0;
    var integer: pixelColor is 0;
    padding := -(4 * header.width) mod 4;
    if  header.redBitfield.mask <> 0 or
        header.greenBitfield.mask <> 0 or
        header.blueBitfield.mask <> 0 then
      for line range header.height downto 1 do
        stri := gets(bmpFile, 4 * header.width + padding);
        byteIndex := 1;
        for column range 1 to header.width do
          pixelColor := bytes2Int(stri[byteIndex fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE);
          image[line][column] := rgbPixel(toColor(header.redBitfield, pixelColor),
                                          toColor(header.greenBitfield, pixelColor),
                                          toColor(header.blueBitfield, pixelColor));
          byteIndex +:= 4;
        end for;
      end for;
      for line range header.height downto 1 do
        stri := gets(bmpFile, 4 * header.width + padding);
        byteIndex := 1;
        for column range 1 to header.width do
          image[line][column] := rgbPixel(ord(stri[byteIndex + 2]) * 256,
                                          ord(stri[byteIndex + 1]) * 256,
                                          ord(stri[byteIndex]) * 256);
          byteIndex +:= 4;
        end for;
      end for;
    end if;
  end func;

const proc: readBmpImageRle4 (inout file: bmpFile, inout bmpHeader: header,
    inout pixelImage: image) is func
    var char: aByte is ' ';
    var integer: line is 0;
    var integer: column is 1;
    var integer: count is 0;
    var integer: index is 0;
    var boolean: endOfBitmap is FALSE;
    line := header.height;
      aByte := getc(bmpFile);
      if aByte = '\0;' then
        # Escape
        aByte := getc(bmpFile);
        case aByte of
          when {'\0;'}:  # End of line
            column := 1;
          when {'\1;'}:  # End of bitmap
            endOfBitmap := TRUE;
          when {'\2;'}:  # Delta
            column +:= ord(getc(bmpFile));
            line -:= ord(getc(bmpFile));
          otherwise:     # Absolute mode
            count := ord(aByte);
            for index range 0 to pred(count) do
              if odd(index) then
                image[line][column + index] := header.palette[ord(aByte) mod 16];
                aByte := getc(bmpFile);
                image[line][column + index] := header.palette[ord(aByte) >> 4];
              end if;
            end for;
            column +:= count;
            if odd(succ(count) div 2) then
              # Align to a word boundary.
              aByte := getc(bmpFile);
            end if;
        end case;
      elsif aByte = EOF then
        endOfBitmap := TRUE;
        # Encoded mode
        count := ord(aByte);
        aByte := getc(bmpFile);
        for index range 0 to pred(count) do
          if odd(index) then
            image[line][column + index] := header.palette[ord(aByte) mod 16];
            image[line][column + index] := header.palette[ord(aByte) >> 4];
          end if;
        end for;
        column +:= count;
      end if;
    until endOfBitmap;
  end func;

const proc: readBmpImageRle8 (inout file: bmpFile, inout bmpHeader: header,
    inout pixelImage: image) is func
    var char: aByte is ' ';
    var integer: line is 0;
    var integer: column is 1;
    var integer: count is 0;
    var integer: index is 0;
    var boolean: endOfBitmap is FALSE;
    line := header.height;
      aByte := getc(bmpFile);
      if aByte = '\0;' then
        # Escape
        aByte := getc(bmpFile);
        case aByte of
          when {'\0;'}:  # End of line
            column := 1;
          when {'\1;'}:  # End of bitmap
            endOfBitmap := TRUE;
          when {'\2;'}:  # Delta
            column +:= ord(getc(bmpFile));
            line -:= ord(getc(bmpFile));
          otherwise:     # Absolute mode
            count := ord(aByte);
            for index range column to column + pred(count) do
              image[line][index] := header.palette[ord(getc(bmpFile))];
            end for;
            column +:= count;
            if odd(count) then
              # Align to a word boundary.
              aByte := getc(bmpFile);
            end if;
        end case;
      elsif aByte = EOF then
        endOfBitmap := TRUE;
        # Encoded mode
        count := ord(aByte);
        aByte := getc(bmpFile);
        for index range column to column + pred(count) do
          image[line][index] := header.palette[ord(aByte)];
        end for;
        column +:= count;
      end if;
    until endOfBitmap;
  end func;

const func PRIMITIVE_WINDOW: readBmp (inout file: bmpFile, inout bmpHeader: header) is func
    var pixelImage: image is pixelImage.value;
    readPalette(bmpFile, header);
    if header.calculatedOffset < header.offset then
      # Skip unused bytes between the palette and the pixel data.
      ignore(gets(bmpFile, header.offset - header.calculatedOffset));
    elsif header.offset <> 0 and header.calculatedOffset > header.offset then
      # Pixel data started at a previous position.
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    end if;
    if header.compressionMethod = BMP_BI_JPEG then
      pixmap := readJpeg(bmpFile);
    elsif header.compressionMethod = BMP_BI_PNG then
      pixmap := readPng(bmpFile);
      if header.compressionMethod not in {BMP_BI_RLE4, BMP_BI_RLE8} and
          length(bmpFile) - header.offset <
          (header.height * header.width * header.bitsPerPixel + 7) div 8 then
        raise MEMORY_ERROR;
      end if;
      image := pixelImage[.. header.height] times
               pixelArray[.. header.width] times pixel.value;
      case header.bitsPerPixel of
        when {1}:
          readBmpImage1Bit(bmpFile, header, image);
        when {2}:
          readBmpImage2Bit(bmpFile, header, image);
        when {4}:
          if header.compressionMethod = BMP_BI_RLE4 then
            readBmpImageRle4(bmpFile, header, image);
            readBmpImage4Bit(bmpFile, header, image);
          end if;
        when {8}:
          if header.compressionMethod = BMP_BI_RLE8 then
            readBmpImageRle8(bmpFile, header, image);
            readBmpImage8Bit(bmpFile, header, image);
          end if;
        when {16}:
          readBmpImage16Bit(bmpFile, header, image);
        when {24}:
          readBmpImage24Bit(bmpFile, header, image);
        when {32}:
          readBmpImage32Bit(bmpFile, header, image);
          raise RANGE_ERROR;
      end case;
      pixmap := getPixmap(image);
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Reads a BMP file into a pixmap.
 *  @param bmpFile File that contains a BMP image.
 *  @return A pixmap with the BMP image, or
 *          PRIMITIVE_WINDOW.value if the file does
 *          not contain a BMP magic number.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR The file is not in the BMP file format.
const func PRIMITIVE_WINDOW: readBmp (inout file: bmpFile) is func
    var string: magic is "";
    var bmpHeader: header is bmpHeader.value;
    magic := gets(bmpFile, length(BMP_MAGIC));
    if magic = BMP_MAGIC then
      readHeader(bmpFile, header);
      # showHeader(header);
      pixmap := readBmp(bmpFile, header);
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Reads a BMP file with the given ''bmpFileName'' into a pixmap.
 *  @param bmpFileName Name of the BMP file.
 *  @return A pixmap with the BMP image, or
 *          PRIMITIVE_WINDOW.value if the file cannot be opened or
 *          does not contain a BMP magic number.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR The file is not in the BMP file format.
const func PRIMITIVE_WINDOW: readBmp (in string: bmpFileName) is func
    var file: bmpFile is STD_NULL;
    bmpFile := open(bmpFileName, "r");
    if bmpFile <> STD_NULL then
      pixmap := readBmp(bmpFile);
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Converts a pixmap into a string in BMP format.
 *  @param pixmap Pixmap to be converted.
 *  @return a string with data in BMP format.
const func string: str (in PRIMITIVE_WINDOW: pixmap, BMP) is func
    var string: stri is BMP_MAGIC;
    var integer: width is 0;
    var integer: height is 0;
    var integer: padding is 0;
    var integer: rawDataSize is 0;
    var pixelImage: image is pixelImage.value;
    var integer: line is 0;
    var pixel: pix is pixel.value;
    var color: col is color.value;
    width := width(pixmap);
    height := height(pixmap);
    padding := -(3 * width) mod 4;
    rawDataSize := height * (3 * width + padding);
    stri &:= bytes(rawDataSize + 54, UNSIGNED, LE, 4) &
             "\0;" mult 4                             &  # reserved1, reserved2
             bytes(54,               UNSIGNED, LE, 4) &  # offset to pixel array
             bytes(BMP_INFOHEADER,   UNSIGNED, LE, 4) &  # header size
             bytes(width,            UNSIGNED, LE, 4) &
             bytes(height,           UNSIGNED, LE, 4) &
             bytes(1,                UNSIGNED, LE, 2) &  # color planes
             bytes(24,               UNSIGNED, LE, 2) &  # bits per pixel
             bytes(BMP_BI_RGB,       UNSIGNED, LE, 4) &  # compression method
             bytes(rawDataSize,      UNSIGNED, LE, 4) &
             bytes(2835,             UNSIGNED, LE, 4) &  # horizontal resolution
             bytes(2835,             UNSIGNED, LE, 4) &  # vertical resolution
             bytes(0,                UNSIGNED, LE, 4) &  # palette colors
             bytes(0,                UNSIGNED, LE, 4);   # important colors (0 means all colors are important)
    image := getPixelImage(pixmap);
    for line range height downto 1 do
      for pix range image[line] do
        col := pixelToColor(pix);
        stri &:= chr(col.blueLight  mdiv 256);
        stri &:= chr(col.greenLight mdiv 256);
        stri &:= chr(col.redLight   mdiv 256);
      end for;
      stri &:= "\0;" mult padding;
    end for;
  end func;

const proc: writeBmp (in string: bmpFileName, in PRIMITIVE_WINDOW: pixmap) is func
    var file: bmpFile is STD_NULL;
    bmpFile := open(bmpFileName, "w");
    if bmpFile <> STD_NULL then
      write(bmpFile, str(pixmap, BMP));
    end if;
  end func;