(*                                                                  *)
(*  dialog.s7i    Dialog support library                            *)
(*  Copyright (C) 2008  Thomas Mertes                               *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  This file is part of the Seed7 Runtime Library.                 *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is free software; you can             *)
(*  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU     *)
(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(*  Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your      *)
(*  option) any later version.                                      *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is distributed in the hope that it    *)
(*  will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the      *)
(*  PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more    *)
(*  details.                                                        *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General       *)
(*  Public License along with this program; if not, write to the    *)
(*  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,             *)
(*  Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.                       *)
(*                                                                  *)

include "draw.s7i";
include "keybd.s7i";
include "graph_file.s7i";

const func PRIMITIVE_WINDOW: buttonWindow (ref keyboard_file: keybd) is DYNAMIC;

const func PRIMITIVE_WINDOW: buttonWindow (ref graph_keybd_file: keybd) is action "GKB_WINDOW";

const proc: writeButton (inout graph_file: messageFile,
    in integer: xPos, in integer: yPos, in string: buttonText) is func
    setPosXY(messageFile, xPos + 12, yPos + 14);
    write(messageFile, buttonText);
    line(messageFile.win, xPos, yPos, 40, 0, white);
    line(messageFile.win, xPos, yPos, 0, 20, white);
    line(messageFile.win, xPos, yPos + 20, 40, 0, dark_gray);
    line(messageFile.win, xPos + 40, yPos, 0, 20, dark_gray);
  end func;

const proc: writeButton (inout text: messageFile,
    in integer: xPos, in integer: yPos, in string: buttonText) is DYNAMIC;

 *  Returns the answer (yes or no) of the user to 'messageText'.
 *  A popup window with the 'messageText' and two buttons (yes and no)
 *  is displayed. The user can use the keyboard or the mouse to
 *  respond.
 *  @return TRUE if 'yes' was pressed and FALSE if 'no' was pressed.
const func boolean: isOkay (in array string: messageText) is func
    var boolean: okay is FALSE;
    const integer: charHeight is 16;
    const integer: charWidth  is  8;
    var integer: windowXPos is 0;
    var integer: windowYPos is 0;
    var integer: windowHeight is 0;
    var integer: windowWidth is 0;
    var PRIMITIVE_WINDOW: popupWindow is PRIMITIVE_WINDOW.value;
    var text: messageFile is STD_NULL;
    var text: buttonTextFile is STD_NULL;
    var integer: number is 0;
    var integer: yesButtonXPos is 0;
    var integer: noButtonXPos is 0;
    var integer: buttonYPos is 0;
    var boolean: yesButtonActive is FALSE;
    var boolean: finished is FALSE;
    var integer: xPos is 0;
    var integer: yPos is 0;
    var char: ch is ' ';
    windowHeight := 84 + length(messageText) * charHeight;
    windowWidth := 200;
    for number range 1 to length(messageText) do
      if length(messageText[number]) * charWidth > windowWidth then
        windowWidth := length(messageText[number]) * charWidth;
      end if;
    end for;
    if curr_win <> PRIMITIVE_WINDOW.value then
      windowXPos := xPos(curr_win) + (width(curr_win) - windowWidth) mdiv 2;
      windowYPos := yPos(curr_win) + (height(curr_win) - windowHeight) mdiv 2;
      windowXPos := (screenWidth() - windowWidth) mdiv 2;
      windowYPos := (screenHeight() - windowHeight) mdiv 2;
    end if;
    popupWindow := PRIMITIVE_GRAPHIC_OPEN(windowXPos, windowYPos, windowWidth, windowHeight, "Yes or No");
    selectInput(popupWindow, KEY_CLOSE, TRUE);
    clear(popupWindow, light_gray);
    if odd(length(messageText)) then
      messageFile := open(popupWindow);
      messageFile := open(popupWindow, 0, charHeight div 2);
    end if;
    buttonTextFile := open(popupWindow);
    color(messageFile, black, light_gray);
    color(buttonTextFile, black, light_gray);
    for number range 1 to length(messageText) do
      setPos(messageFile, height(messageFile) div 3 - length(messageText) div 2 + number,
          width(messageFile) div 2 - length(messageText[number]) div 2);
      writeln(messageFile, messageText[number]);
    end for;
    yesButtonXPos := width(popupWindow) div 4;
    noButtonXPos := width(popupWindow) div 4 * 3 - 40;
    buttonYPos := height(popupWindow) - 44;
    writeButton(buttonTextFile, yesButtonXPos, buttonYPos, "Yes");
    writeButton(buttonTextFile, noButtonXPos, buttonYPos, "No");
    if yesButtonActive then
      box(popupWindow, pred(yesButtonXPos), pred(buttonYPos), 43, 23, black);
      box(popupWindow, pred(noButtonXPos), pred(buttonYPos), 43, 23, black);
    end if;
    ch := upper(getc(GRAPH_KEYBOARD));
    while not finished do
      if ch = KEY_MOUSE1 and buttonWindow(GRAPH_KEYBOARD) = popupWindow then
        xPos := clickedXPos(GRAPH_KEYBOARD);
        yPos := clickedYPos(GRAPH_KEYBOARD);
        if yPos >= buttonYPos  and yPos <= buttonYPos + 20 then
          if xPos >= yesButtonXPos and xPos <= yesButtonXPos + 40 then
            okay := TRUE;
            finished := TRUE;
          elsif xPos >= noButtonXPos and xPos <= noButtonXPos + 40 then
            okay := FALSE;
            finished := TRUE;
          end if;
        end if;
      elsif ch in {KEY_LEFT, KEY_TAB, KEY_BACKTAB} and not yesButtonActive then
        box(popupWindow, pred(yesButtonXPos), pred(buttonYPos), 43, 23, black);
        box(popupWindow, pred(noButtonXPos), pred(buttonYPos), 43, 23, light_gray);
        yesButtonActive := TRUE;
      elsif ch in {KEY_RIGHT, KEY_TAB, KEY_BACKTAB} and yesButtonActive then
        box(popupWindow, pred(yesButtonXPos), pred(buttonYPos), 43, 23, light_gray);
        box(popupWindow, pred(noButtonXPos), pred(buttonYPos), 43, 23, black);
        yesButtonActive := FALSE;
      elsif ch = KEY_NL then
        okay := yesButtonActive;
        finished := TRUE;
      elsif ch = 'Y' or ch = 'N' or
          ch = KEY_CLOSE and buttonWindow(GRAPH_KEYBOARD) = popupWindow then
        okay := ch = 'Y';
        finished := TRUE;
      end if;
      if not finished then
        ch := upper(getc(GRAPH_KEYBOARD));
      end if;
    end while;
  end func;

 *  Returns the answer (yes or no) of the user to 'messageText'.
 *  A popup window with the 'messageText' and two buttons (yes and no)
 *  is displayed. The user can use the keyboard or the mouse to
 *  respond.
 *  @return TRUE if 'yes' was pressed and FALSE if 'no' was pressed.
const func boolean: isOkay (in string: messageText) is
  return isOkay(split(messageText, '\n'));

 *  Display a popup window with the 'messageText' and a ok button.
 *  The user can use the keyboard or the mouse to respond.
const proc: messageWindow (in array string: messageText) is func
    const integer: charHeight is 16;
    const integer: charWidth  is  8;
    var integer: windowXPos is 0;
    var integer: windowYPos is 0;
    var integer: windowHeight is 0;
    var integer: windowWidth is 0;
    var PRIMITIVE_WINDOW: popupWindow is PRIMITIVE_WINDOW.value;
    var text: messageFile is STD_NULL;
    var text: buttonTextFile is STD_NULL;
    var integer: number is 0;
    var integer: okButtonXPos is 0;
    var integer: okButtonYPos is 0;
    var boolean: finished is FALSE;
    var integer: xPos is 0;
    var integer: yPos is 0;
    var char: ch is ' ';
    windowHeight := 84 + length(messageText) * charHeight;
    windowWidth := 200;
    for number range 1 to length(messageText) do
      if length(messageText[number]) * charWidth > windowWidth then
        windowWidth := length(messageText[number]) * charWidth;
      end if;
    end for;
    if curr_win <> PRIMITIVE_WINDOW.value then
      windowXPos := xPos(curr_win) + (width(curr_win) - windowWidth) mdiv 2;
      windowYPos := yPos(curr_win) + (height(curr_win) - windowHeight) mdiv 2;
      windowXPos := (screenWidth() - windowWidth) mdiv 2;
      windowYPos := (screenHeight() - windowHeight) mdiv 2;
    end if;
    popupWindow := PRIMITIVE_GRAPHIC_OPEN(windowXPos, windowYPos, windowWidth, windowHeight, "Message");
    selectInput(popupWindow, KEY_CLOSE, TRUE);
    clear(popupWindow, light_gray);
    if odd(length(messageText)) then
      messageFile := open(popupWindow);
      messageFile := open(popupWindow, 0, charHeight div 2);
    end if;
    buttonTextFile := open(popupWindow);
    color(messageFile, black, light_gray);
    color(buttonTextFile, black, light_gray);
    for number range 1 to length(messageText) do
      setPos(messageFile, height(messageFile) div 3 - length(messageText) div 2 + number,
          width(messageFile) div 2 - length(messageText[number]) div 2);
      writeln(messageFile, messageText[number]);
    end for;
    okButtonXPos := width(popupWindow) div 4 * 3 - 40;
    okButtonYPos := height(popupWindow) - 44;
    writeButton(buttonTextFile, okButtonXPos, okButtonYPos, "OK");
    box(popupWindow, pred(okButtonXPos), pred(okButtonYPos), 43, 23, black);
    ch := upper(getc(GRAPH_KEYBOARD));
    while not finished do
      if ch = KEY_MOUSE1 and buttonWindow(GRAPH_KEYBOARD) = popupWindow then
        xPos := clickedXPos(GRAPH_KEYBOARD);
        yPos := clickedYPos(GRAPH_KEYBOARD);
        if yPos >= okButtonYPos  and yPos <= okButtonYPos + 20 then
          if xPos >= okButtonXPos and xPos <= okButtonXPos + 40 then
            finished := TRUE;
          end if;
        end if;
      elsif ch = KEY_NL or ch = ' ' or
          ch = KEY_CLOSE and buttonWindow(GRAPH_KEYBOARD) = popupWindow then
        finished := TRUE;
      end if;
      if not finished then
        ch := upper(getc(GRAPH_KEYBOARD));
      end if;
    end while;
  end func;

 *  Display a popup window with the 'messageText' and a ok button.
 *  The user can use the keyboard or the mouse to respond.
const proc: messageWindow (in string: messageText) is func
    messageWindow(split(messageText, '\n'));
  end func;

const proc: bossMode (inout boolean: doQuit) is func
    var PRIMITIVE_WINDOW: savedWindow is PRIMITIVE_WINDOW.value;
    var text: txt is STD_NULL;
    var boolean: restored is FALSE;
    var char: cmd is ' ';
    savedWindow := getPixmap(curr_win);
    txt := open(curr_win, 20, 20);
    setPos(txt, 3, 1);
    color(txt, black, white);
    writeln(txt, "Sometimes it is necessary that programs support different modes of operation.");
    writeln(txt, "It can be necessary to switch between these modes to enhance the workflow.");
    writeln(txt, "There are several possibilitys to implement such a switch.");
    writeln(txt, "1. The use of several windows. In this case the user just switches to another");
    writeln(txt, "   active window to get another view.");
    writeln(txt, "2. The use of function keys. In this case function keys allow to change the");
    writeln(txt, "   operating mode.");
    writeln(txt, "The current mode of operation must be explained as well.");
    writeln(txt, "An explanation could be: Type P to get back to normal mode or Q to quit.");
    writeln(txt, "That way the user has the possibility to continue or to quit the program.");
      cmd := getc(KEYBOARD);
      if cmd in {'Q', 'q', KEY_CLOSE} then
        doQuit := TRUE;
      elsif cmd in {'P', 'p'} then
        put(0, 0, savedWindow);
        restored := TRUE;
      end if;
    until restored or doQuit;
  end func;