(*                                                                  *)
(*  editline.s7i  Filter file for linewise editing with history     *)
(*  Copyright (C) 2013  Thomas Mertes                               *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  This file is part of the Seed7 Runtime Library.                 *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is free software; you can             *)
(*  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU     *)
(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(*  Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your      *)
(*  option) any later version.                                      *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is distributed in the hope that it    *)
(*  will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the      *)
(*  PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more    *)
(*  details.                                                        *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General       *)
(*  Public License along with this program; if not, write to the    *)
(*  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,             *)
(*  Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.                       *)
(*                                                                  *)

include "keybd.s7i";

 *  [[file|File]] implementation type for linewise editing with history.
 *  The possibilities of editing are described in the documentation of
 *  the function [[#getln(inout_editLineFile)|getln]].
const type: editLineFile is sub null_file struct
    var file: inFile is STD_NULL;
    var file: outFile is STD_NULL;
    var boolean: allowUnicode is TRUE;
    var string: line is "";
    var boolean: lineFinished is TRUE;
    var array string: history is 0 times "";
  end struct;

 *  Open an Unicode filter file for linewise editing with history.
 *  Unicode characters and editing keys are read from ''inFile''.
 *  All Unicode characters are accepted and written to ''outFile''.
 *  To avoid RANGE_ERROR use an Unicode capable file as ''outFile''.
 *  The following editing keys are accepted: Backspace, delete,
 *  home, end and the cursor keys. The history is accessed with
 *  the vertical cursor keys. Ctrl-C and ctrl-T allow terminating
 *  the program. Other keys (e.g. function keys) are ignored.
 *  Call ''openEditLine'' with
 *   IN := openEditLine(KEYBOARD, OUT);
 *  to allow editing standard console input.
 *  @return the file opened.
const func file: openEditLine (in file: inFile, in file: outFile) is func
    var file: newFile is STD_NULL;
    var editLineFile: new_editLineFile is editLineFile.value;
    new_editLineFile.inFile := inFile;
    new_editLineFile.outFile := outFile;
    newFile := toInterface(new_editLineFile);
  end func;

 *  Open a Latin-1 filter file for linewise editing with history.
 *  Unicode characters and editing keys are read from ''inFile''.
 *  Only Latin-1 characters are accepted and written to ''outFile''.
 *  Unicode characters beyond ISO Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1) are ignored.
 *  This allows that a normal byte file is used as ''outFile''.
 *  The following editing keys are accepted: Backspace, delete,
 *  home, end and the cursor keys. The history is accessed with
 *  the vertical cursor keys. Ctrl-C and ctrl-T allow terminating
 *  the program. Other keys (e.g. function keys) are ignored.
 *  Call ''openEditLine'' with
 *   IN := openEditLineLatin1(KEYBOARD, OUT);
 *  to allow editing standard console input.
 *  @return the file opened.
const func file: openEditLineLatin1 (in file: inFile, in file: outFile) is func
    var file: newFile is STD_NULL;
    var editLineFile: new_editLineFile is editLineFile.value;
    new_editLineFile.inFile := inFile;
    new_editLineFile.outFile := outFile;
    new_editLineFile.allowUnicode := FALSE;
    newFile := toInterface(new_editLineFile);
  end func;

 *  Read a line from ''inEditLine''.
 *  Before the line is sent it can be edited. It is possible to
 *  move the cursor with horizontal cursor keys. The home key and
 *  the end key move the cursor to the beginning respectively end
 *  of the input line. Characters can be inserted at the current
 *  cursor position. Backspace and delete can be used to remove
 *  characters. Vertical cursor keys allow browsing the history of
 *  input lines. Sending the line is done with enter/return ('\n').
 *  The line ending character is not copied into the string. When
 *  the function is left inEditLine.bufferChar contains '\n' or
 *  [[char#EOF|EOF]].
 *  @return the line read.
const func string: getln (inout editLineFile: inEditLine) is func
    var string: line is "";
    var char: ch is ' ';
    var char: response is ' ';
    var integer: pos is 1;
    var array string: history is 0 times "";
    var integer: historyPos is 0;
    if inEditLine.line = "" then
      history := inEditLine.history & [] ("");
      historyPos := length(history);
        if pos <= length(line) then
          cursorOn(inEditLine.outFile, line[pos]);
          cursorOn(inEditLine.outFile, ' ');
        end if;
        ch := getc(inEditLine.inFile);
        if pos <= length(line) then
          cursorOff(inEditLine.outFile, line[pos]);
          cursorOff(inEditLine.outFile, ' ');
        end if;
        case ch of
          when {KEY_BS}:
            if pos > 1 then
              moveLeft(inEditLine.outFile, line[pos len 1]);
              erase(inEditLine.outFile, line[pos ..]);
              moveLeft(inEditLine.outFile, line[pos ..]);
              line := line[.. pred(pos)] & line[succ(pos) ..];
              write(inEditLine.outFile, line[pos ..]);
              moveLeft(inEditLine.outFile, line[pos ..]);
            end if;
          when {KEY_DEL}:
            if pos <= length(line) then
              erase(inEditLine.outFile, line[pos ..]);
              moveLeft(inEditLine.outFile, line[pos ..]);
              line := line[.. pred(pos)] & line[succ(pos) ..];
              write(inEditLine.outFile, line[pos ..]);
              moveLeft(inEditLine.outFile, line[pos ..]);
            end if;
          when {KEY_HOME}:
            moveLeft(inEditLine.outFile, line[.. pred(pos)]);
            pos := 1;
          when {KEY_END}:
            write(inEditLine.outFile, line[pos ..]);
            pos := succ(length(line));
          when {KEY_LEFT}:
            if pos > 1 then
              moveLeft(inEditLine.outFile, line[pos len 1]);
            end if;
          when {KEY_RIGHT}:
            if pos <= length(line) then
              write(inEditLine.outFile, line[pos]);
            end if;
          when {KEY_UP}:
            if historyPos > 1 then
              moveLeft(inEditLine.outFile, line[.. pred(pos)]);
              erase(inEditLine.outFile, line);
              moveLeft(inEditLine.outFile, line);
              history[historyPos] := line;
              line := history[historyPos];
              write(inEditLine.outFile, line);
              pos := succ(length(line));
            end if;
          when {KEY_DOWN}:
            if historyPos < length(history) then
              moveLeft(inEditLine.outFile, line[.. pred(pos)]);
              erase(inEditLine.outFile, line);
              moveLeft(inEditLine.outFile, line);
              history[historyPos] := line;
              line := history[historyPos];
              write(inEditLine.outFile, line);
              pos := succ(length(line));
            end if;
          when {KEY_CTL_C, KEY_CTL_T}:
            write(inEditLine.outFile, " terminate (y/n)?   ");
            moveLeft(inEditLine.outFile, "  ");
            cursorOn(inEditLine.outFile, ' ');
            response := getc(inEditLine.inFile);
            cursorOff(inEditLine.outFile, ' ');
            if lower(response) = 'y' then
              writeln(inEditLine.outFile, "yes  ");
              writeln(inEditLine.outFile, "*** PROGRAM TERMINATED BY USER");
              backSpace(inEditLine.outFile, " terminate (y/n)? ");
              write(inEditLine.outFile, line[pos len 20]);
              moveLeft(inEditLine.outFile, line[pos len 20]);
            end if;
          when {KEY_NL, KEY_CLOSE, EOF}:
            if ch >= ' ' and ch <= '~' or ch >= '\160;' and ch <= '\255;' or
                ch >= '\256;' and ch <= '\16#10ffff;' and inEditLine.allowUnicode then
              line := line[.. pred(pos)] & str(ch) & line[pos ..];
              write(inEditLine.outFile, line[pos ..]);
              moveLeft(inEditLine.outFile, line[succ(pos) ..]);
            end if;
        end case;
      until ch = KEY_NL or ch = EOF or ch = KEY_CLOSE;
      inEditLine.bufferChar := ch;
      if length(inEditLine.history) = 0 or
          inEditLine.history[length(inEditLine.history)] <> line then
        inEditLine.history &:= line;
      end if;
      line := inEditLine.line;
      inEditLine.line := "";
    end if;
    inEditLine.lineFinished := FALSE;
  end func;

 *  Read a character from ''inEditLine''.
 *  @return the character read, or [[char#EOF|EOF]] at the end of the file.
const func char: getc (inout editLineFile: inEditLine) is func
    var char: ch is ' ';
    var integer: number is 0;
    if inEditLine.lineFinished then
      inEditLine.line := getln(inEditLine);
    end if;
    if inEditLine.line = "" then
      ch := inEditLine.bufferChar;
      inEditLine.lineFinished := TRUE;
      ch := inEditLine.line[1];
      inEditLine.line := inEditLine.line[2 ..];
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Read a [[string]] with maximum length from ''inEditLine''.
 *  @return the string read.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR The parameter ''maxLength'' is negative.
const func string: gets (inout editLineFile: inEditLine, in integer: maxLength) is func
    var string: striRead is "";
    if maxLength <= 0 then
      if maxLength <> 0 then
        raise RANGE_ERROR;
      end if;
      if inEditLine.lineFinished then
        inEditLine.line := getln(inEditLine);
      end if;
      striRead := inEditLine.line[.. maxLength];
      inEditLine.line := inEditLine.line[succ(maxLength) ..];
      while length(striRead) < maxLength do
        striRead &:= inEditLine.bufferChar;
        inEditLine.lineFinished := TRUE;
        if length(striRead) < maxLength then
          inEditLine.line := getln(inEditLine);
          striRead &:= inEditLine.line[.. maxLength - length(striRead)];
          inEditLine.line := inEditLine.line[succ(maxLength - length(striRead)) ..];
        end if;
      end while;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Determine the end-of-file indicator.
 *  The end-of-file indicator is set if at least one request to read
 *  from the file failed.
 *  @return TRUE if the end-of-file indicator is set, FALSE otherwise.
const func boolean: eof (in editLineFile: inEditLine) is
  return inEditLine.lineFinished and inEditLine.bufferChar = EOF;

 *  Determine if at least one character can be read successfully.
 *  This function allows a file to be handled like an iterator.
 *  @return FALSE if ''getc'' would return [[char#EOF|EOF]],
 *          TRUE otherwise.
const func boolean: hasNext (in editLineFile: inEditLine) is
  return inEditLine.bufferChar = EOF;

const func string: readPassword (inout file: aFile) is DYNAMIC;

const func string: readPassword (inout editLineFile: inEditLine) is func
    var string: line is "";
    var char: ch is ' ';
    var integer: pos is 1;
      if pos <= length(line) then
        cursorOn(inEditLine.outFile, '*');
        cursorOn(inEditLine.outFile, ' ');
      end if;
      ch := getc(inEditLine.inFile);
      if pos <= length(line) then
        cursorOff(inEditLine.outFile, '*');
        cursorOff(inEditLine.outFile, ' ');
      end if;
      if ch = KEY_BS then
        if pos > 1 then
          moveLeft(inEditLine.outFile, line[pos len 1]);
          erase(inEditLine.outFile, line[pos ..]);
          moveLeft(inEditLine.outFile, line[pos ..]);
          line := line[.. pred(pos)] & line[succ(pos) ..];
          write(inEditLine.outFile, "*" mult length(line[pos ..]));
          moveLeft(inEditLine.outFile, line[pos ..]);
        end if;
      elsif ch = KEY_DEL then
        if pos <= length(line) then
          erase(inEditLine.outFile, line[pos ..]);
          moveLeft(inEditLine.outFile, line[pos ..]);
          line := line[.. pred(pos)] & line[succ(pos) ..];
          write(inEditLine.outFile, "*" mult length(line[pos ..]));
          moveLeft(inEditLine.outFile, line[pos ..]);
        end if;
      elsif ch = KEY_HOME then
        moveLeft(inEditLine.outFile, line[.. pred(pos)]);
        pos := 1;
      elsif ch = KEY_END then
        write(inEditLine.outFile, line[pos ..]);
        pos := succ(length(line));
      elsif ch = KEY_LEFT then
        if pos > 1 then
          moveLeft(inEditLine.outFile, line[pos len 1]);
        end if;
      elsif ch = KEY_RIGHT then
        if pos <= length(line) then
          write(inEditLine.outFile, "*");
        end if;
      elsif ch >= ' ' and ch <= '~' or ch >= '\160;' and ch <= '\255;' or
            ch >= '\256;' and ch <= '\16#10ffff;' and inEditLine.allowUnicode then
        line := line[.. pred(pos)] & str(ch) & line[pos ..];
        write(inEditLine.outFile, "*" mult length(line[pos ..]));
        moveLeft(inEditLine.outFile, line[succ(pos) ..]);
      end if;
    until ch = KEY_NL or ch = EOF;
    inEditLine.bufferChar := ch;
    inEditLine.line := "";
    inEditLine.lineFinished := FALSE;
  end func;