(*                                                                  *)
(*  tar_cmds.s7   Commands of the tar program.                      *)
(*  Copyright (C) 1994, 2004, 2005, 2010, 2014, 2017  Thomas Mertes *)
(*  Copyright (C) 2019, 2023 Thomas Mertes                          *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  This file is part of the Seed7 Runtime Library.                 *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is free software; you can             *)
(*  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU     *)
(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(*  Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your      *)
(*  option) any later version.                                      *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is distributed in the hope that it    *)
(*  will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the      *)
(*  PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more    *)
(*  details.                                                        *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General       *)
(*  Public License along with this program; if not, write to the    *)
(*  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,             *)
(*  Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.                       *)
(*                                                                  *)

include "tar.s7i";
include "osfiles.s7i";
include "fileutil.s7i";
include "gzip.s7i";
include "bzip2.s7i";
include "lzma.s7i";
include "xz.s7i";
include "zstd.s7i";
include "archive.s7i";

const proc: setUpHead (in string: basePath, in string: filePath,
    in string: filePathSuffix, inout tarHeader: header) is func
    header.name     := (filePath & filePathSuffix)[.. 100];
    header.mode     := integer(getFileMode(basePath & filePath));
    header.uid      := 100;
    header.gid      := 100;
    header.fileSize := 0;
    header.mtime    := timestamp1970(getMTime(basePath & filePath));
    header.chksum   := 0;  # Filled later
    header.typeflag := REGTYPE;
    header.linkname := "";
    header.magic    := TAR_MAGIC;
    header.version  := "  ";
    header.uname    := "";
    header.gname    := "";
    header.devmajor := 0;
    header.devminor := 0;
    header.prefix   := "";
    header.filePath := filePath;
    header.filePathSuffix := filePathSuffix;
  end func;

const func file: openTarFileWithMagic (in string: inFileName,
    in boolean: complainIfUncompressed) is func
    var file: inFile is STD_NULL;
    var string: magicBytes is "";
    inFile := open(inFileName, "r");
    if inFile <> STD_NULL then
      magicBytes := gets(inFile, length(GZIP_MAGIC));
      if magicBytes = GZIP_MAGIC then
        seek(inFile, 1);
        inFile := openGzipFile(inFile, READ);
        magicBytes &:= gets(inFile, length(BZIP2_MAGIC) - length(GZIP_MAGIC));
        if magicBytes = BZIP2_MAGIC then
          seek(inFile, 1);
          inFile := openBzip2File(inFile, READ);
          magicBytes &:= gets(inFile, length(ZSTD_MAGIC) - length(BZIP2_MAGIC));
          if magicBytes = ZSTD_MAGIC then
            seek(inFile, 1);
            inFile := openZstdFile(inFile);
            magicBytes &:= gets(inFile, length(XZ_MAGIC) - length(ZSTD_MAGIC));
            if magicBytes = XZ_MAGIC then
              seek(inFile, 1);
              inFile := openXzFile(inFile);
            elsif endsWith(inFileName, ".lzma") then
              seek(inFile, 1);
              inFile := openLzmaFile(inFile);
              magicBytes &:= gets(inFile, 262 - length(XZ_MAGIC));
              if length(magicBytes) = 262 and
                  endsWith(magicBytes, TAR_MAGIC) then
                seek(inFile, 1);
                if complainIfUncompressed then
                  writeln("tar7: File \"" <& inFileName <&
                          "\" not in gzip, bzip2, xz, zstd or lzma format.");
                end if;
                inFile := STD_NULL;
              end if;
            end if;
          end if;
        end if;
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;

const func file: openTarFileByExtension (in string: outFileName,
    in boolean: doZip) is func
    var file: outFile is STD_NULL;
    if doZip then
      if  endsWith(outFileName, ".tgz") or
          endsWith(outFileName, ".tar.gz") then
        outFile := open(outFileName, "w");
      end if;
      if endsWith(outFileName, ".tgz") then
        writeln("tar7: Use the option z to create a .tgz file.");
      elsif endsWith(outFileName, ".tar.gz") then
        writeln("tar7: Use the option z to create a .tar.gz file.");
      elsif endsWith(outFileName, ".zip") or
            endsWith(outFileName, ".zipx") then
        writeln("tar7: Use the option z to create a zip archive.");
      elsif endsWith(outFileName, ".rpm") then
        writeln("tar7: Use the option z to create an rpm archive.");
      elsif endsWith(outFileName, ".cpio") then
        writeln("tar7: Use the option z to create a cpio archive.");
      elsif endsWith(outFileName, ".a") or
            endsWith(outFileName, ".ar") then
        writeln("tar7: Use the option z to create an ar archive.");
      elsif endsWith(outFileName, ".tar.bz2") then
        writeln("tar7: creating a .tar.bz2 is not supported.");
        outFile := open(outFileName, "w");
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;

const func boolean: filePathIsInTarMemberList (in string: filePath,
    in array string: memberList) is func
    var boolean: isInMemberList is TRUE;
    var string: member is "";
    if length(memberList) <> 0 then
      isInMemberList := FALSE;
      for member range memberList until isInMemberList do
        if filePath = member or
            (startsWith(filePath, member) and filePath[succ(length(member))] = '/') then
          isInMemberList := TRUE;
        end if;
      end for;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  List the files in the TAR achive ''inFile''.
 *  This function is used by the ''tar7'' program. In other application areas the
 *  [[tar]] file system might be more convenient.
 *   aFile := open("test.tar", "r");
 *   if aFile <> STD_NULL then
 *     tarTell(aFile, 0 times "", TRUE);
 *     ...
 *  @param inFile File in TAR format.
 *  @param memberList List of archive members that should be listed.
 *                    If ''memberList'' is empty all files in the archive are listed.
 *  @param doView TRUE show details of the files in the archive,
 *                FALSE only write the names of the files in the archive.
const proc: tarTell (inout file: inFile, in array string: memberList,
    in boolean: doView) is func
    var tarHeader: header is tarHeader.value;
    var time: modTime is time.value;
    readHead(inFile, header);
    while not header.endOfFileMarker and
        header.chksumOkay and header.filePath <> "" and
        (header.magic = TAR_MAGIC or header.magic = TAR_NOMAGIC) do
      if filePathIsInTarMemberList(header.filePath, memberList) then
        if doView then
          case header.typeflag of
            when {REGTYPE, AREGTYPE}: write("-");
            when {SYMTYPE}:           write("l");
            when {CHRTYPE}:           write("c");
            when {BLKTYPE}:           write("b");
            when {DIRTYPE}:           write("d");
            when {FIFOTYPE}:          write("f");
            otherwise:                write("?");
          end case;
          write(fileMode(header.mode mod 8#1000) <& " ");
          write(header.uname <> "" ? header.uname : str(header.uid) <& "/");
          write(header.gname <> "" ? header.gname : str(header.gid));
          write(header.fileSize lpad 14 <& " ");
          modTime := timestamp1970ToTime(header.mtime);
          write(strDate(modTime) <& " " <& str_hh_mm(modTime, ":") <& " ");
          # write(strTimeZone(modTime) rpad 12);
        end if;
        writeln(header.filePath <& header.filePathSuffix);
      end if;
      if header.fileSize <> 0 then
        seek(inFile, tell(inFile) + succ(pred(header.fileSize) mdiv TAR_BLOCK_SIZE) * TAR_BLOCK_SIZE);
      end if;
      readHead(inFile, header);
    end while;
    if not header.endOfFileMarker then
      if header.magic <> TAR_MAGIC and header.magic <> TAR_NOMAGIC then
        writeln("*** The magic number of a tar header is not okay");
      elsif not header.chksumOkay then
        writeln("*** The check-sum of a tar header is not okay");
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;

const proc: archiveTell (inout fileSys: archive, in array string: memberList,
    in boolean: doView) is func
    const string: fileTypeIndicator is " ?-dcbfls";
    var array string: nameList is 0 times "";
    var string: filePath is "";
    var fileType: filType is FILE_ABSENT;
    var time: modTime is time.value;
    nameList := readDir(archive, RECURSIVE);
    for filePath range nameList do
      if filePathIsInTarMemberList(filePath, memberList) then
        if doView then
          filType := fileTypeSL(archive, filePath);
          write(getFileMode(archive, filePath) <& " ");
          write(getOwner(archive, filePath) <& "/");
          write(getGroup(archive, filePath) <& " ");
          write(fileSize(archive, filePath) lpad 14 <& " ");
          modTime := getMTime(archive, filePath);
          write(strDate(modTime) <& " " <& str_hh_mm(modTime, ":") <& " ");
          # write(strTimeZone(modTime) rpad 12);
        end if;
        writeln(filePath <& filType = FILE_DIR ? "/" : "");
      end if;
    end for;
  end func;

 *  List files in the possibly compressed TAR achive named ''inFileName''.
 *  If the archive is compressed with GZIP, BZIP2, XZ, ZSTD or LZMA it is uncompressed.
 *  This function is used by the ''tar7'' program. In other application areas the
 *  [[tar]] file system might be more convenient.
 *   tarTell("test.tar", 0 times "", FALSE, FALSE);
 *   tarTell("test.tgz", 0 times "", FALSE, TRUE);
 *  @param inFileName Name of the TAR archive.
 *  @param memberList List of archive members that should be listed.
 *                    If ''memberList'' is empty all files in the archive are listed.
 *  @param doView TRUE show details of the files in the archive,
 *                FALSE only write the names of the files in the archive.
 *  @param complainIfUncompressed TRUE complain if the archive is not compressed,
 *                                FALSE silently accept an uncompressed archive.
const proc: tarTell (in string: inFileName, in array string: memberList,
    in boolean: doView, in boolean: complainIfUncompressed) is func
    var file: inFile is STD_NULL;
    var fileSys: archive is fileSys.value;
    inFile := openTarFileWithMagic(inFileName, complainIfUncompressed);
    if inFile <> STD_NULL then
      tarTell(inFile, memberList, doView);
      archive := openArchive(inFileName);
      if archive <> fileSys.value then
        archiveTell(archive, memberList, doView);
        writeln("tar7: Cannot open \"" <& inFileName <& "\".");
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Extract files from the TAR achive ''inFile''.
 *  This function is used by the ''tar7'' program. The function extracts files
 *  directly to the hard-disk respectively solid-state drive of the operating
 *  system. In other application areas the [[tar]] file system might be more
 *  convenient.
 *   aFile := open("test.tar", "r");
 *   if aFile <> STD_NULL then
 *     tarXtract(aFile, 0 times "", FALSE);
 *     ...
 *  @param inFile File in TAR format.
 *  @param memberList List of archive members that should be extracted.
 *                    If ''memberList'' is empty all files in the archive are extracted.
 *  @param doView TRUE write the names of the extracted files,
 *                FALSE extract quietly.
const proc: tarXtract (inout file: inFile, in array string: memberList,
    in boolean: doView) is func
    var tarHeader: header is tarHeader.value;
    var file: aFile is STD_NULL;
    var integer: bytesCopied is 0;
    var time: modTime is time.value;
    var array tarHeader: dirHeaderList is 0 times tarHeader.value;
    var integer: index is 0;
    var boolean: okay is TRUE;
    readHead(inFile, header);
    while not header.endOfFileMarker and
        header.chksumOkay and header.filePath <> "" and
        (header.magic = TAR_MAGIC or header.magic = TAR_NOMAGIC) and okay do
      if filePathIsInTarMemberList(header.filePath, memberList) then
        if doView then
          write("x ");
          writeln(header.filePath <& header.filePathSuffix);
        end if;
        if header.typeflag = DIRTYPE then
          if fileTypeSL(header.filePath) = FILE_DIR then
            dirHeaderList &:= [] (header);
          elsif fileTypeSL(header.filePath) = FILE_ABSENT then
            dirHeaderList &:= [] (header);
            writeln("*** The file " <& literal(header.filePath) <& " exists, but is not a directory");
            okay := FALSE;
          end if;
        elsif header.typeflag = REGTYPE or header.typeflag = AREGTYPE then
          if fileTypeSL(header.filePath) = FILE_REGULAR then
          end if;
          if fileTypeSL(header.filePath) = FILE_ABSENT then
            aFile  := open(header.filePath, "w");
            if aFile <> STD_NULL then
              bytesCopied := copyFile(inFile, aFile, header.fileSize);
              # Just take the permission bits of the file mode.
              setFileMode(header.filePath, fileMode(header.mode mod 8#1000));
              modTime := timestamp1970ToTime(header.mtime);
              setMTime(header.filePath, modTime);
              # Skip bytes up to header.fileSize and then up to a multiple of TAR_BLOCK_SIZE.
              skip(inFile, header.fileSize - bytesCopied +
                   pred(TAR_BLOCK_SIZE) - pred(header.fileSize) mod TAR_BLOCK_SIZE);
              skip(inFile, succ(pred(header.fileSize) mdiv TAR_BLOCK_SIZE) * TAR_BLOCK_SIZE);
              writeln("*** Cannot create file " <& literal(header.filePath));
              okay := FALSE;
            end if;
            skip(inFile, succ(pred(header.fileSize) mdiv TAR_BLOCK_SIZE) * TAR_BLOCK_SIZE);
            writeln("*** The file " <& literal(header.filePath) <& " exists, but is not a regular file");
            okay := FALSE;
          end if;
        elsif header.typeflag = SYMTYPE then
          if fileTypeSL(header.filePath) = FILE_SYMLINK then
          end if;
          if fileTypeSL(header.filePath) = FILE_ABSENT then
            if succeeds(makeLink(header.filePath, header.linkPath)) then
              modTime := timestamp1970ToTime(header.mtime);
              setMTime(header.filePath, modTime, SYMLINK);
              writeln("*** Cannot create symbolic link " <& literal(header.filePath));
              okay := FALSE;
            end if;
            writeln("*** The file " <& literal(header.filePath) <& " exists, but is not a symbolic link");
            okay := FALSE;
          end if;
          writeln("*** Cannot create " <& literal(header.filePath));
        end if;
      end if;
      readHead(inFile, header);
    end while;
    if not header.endOfFileMarker then
      if header.magic <> TAR_MAGIC and header.magic <> TAR_NOMAGIC then
        writeln("*** The magic number of a tar header is not okay");
      elsif not header.chksumOkay then
        writeln("*** The check-sum of a tar header is not okay");
      end if;
    end if;
    for index range length(dirHeaderList) downto 1 do
      # Just take the permission bits of the file mode.
      setFileMode(dirHeaderList[index].filePath, fileMode(dirHeaderList[index].mode mod 8#1000));
      modTime := timestamp1970ToTime(dirHeaderList[index].mtime);
      setMTime(dirHeaderList[index].filePath, modTime);
    end for;
  end func;

const proc: archiveXtract (inout fileSys: archive, in array string: memberList,
    in boolean: doView) is func
    var array string: nameList is 0 times "";
    var string: filePath is "";
    var fileType: filType is FILE_ABSENT;
    var array string: dirPathList is 0 times "";
    var file: aFile is STD_NULL;
    var integer: index is 0;
    var boolean: okay is TRUE;
    nameList := readDir(archive, RECURSIVE);
    for filePath range nameList until not okay do
      if filePathIsInTarMemberList(filePath, memberList) then
        filType := fileTypeSL(archive, filePath);
        if doView then
          write("x ");
          writeln(filePath <& filType = FILE_DIR ? "/" : "");
        end if;
        if filType = FILE_DIR then
          if fileTypeSL(filePath) = FILE_DIR then
            dirPathList &:= [] (filePath);
          elsif fileTypeSL(filePath) = FILE_ABSENT then
            dirPathList &:= [] (filePath);
            writeln("*** The file " <& literal(filePath) <& " exists, but is not a directory");
            okay := FALSE;
          end if;
        elsif filType = FILE_REGULAR then
          if fileTypeSL(filePath) = FILE_REGULAR then
          end if;
          if fileTypeSL(filePath) = FILE_ABSENT then
            aFile  := open(filePath, "w");
            if aFile <> STD_NULL then
              write(aFile, getFile(archive, filePath));
              setFileMode(filePath, getFileMode(archive, filePath));
              setMTime(filePath, getMTime(archive, filePath));
              writeln("*** Cannot create file " <& literal(filePath));
              okay := FALSE;
            end if;
            writeln("*** The file " <& literal(filePath) <& " exists, but is not a regular file");
            okay := FALSE;
          end if;
        elsif filType = FILE_SYMLINK then
          if fileTypeSL(filePath) = FILE_SYMLINK then
          end if;
          if fileTypeSL(filePath) = FILE_ABSENT then
            if succeeds(makeLink(filePath, readLink(archive, filePath))) then
              setMTime(filePath, getMTime(archive, filePath, SYMLINK), SYMLINK);
              writeln("*** Cannot create symbolic link " <& literal(filePath));
              okay := FALSE;
            end if;
            writeln("*** The file " <& literal(filePath) <& " exists, but is not a symbolic link");
            okay := FALSE;
          end if;
          writeln("*** Cannot create " <& literal(filePath));
        end if;
      end if;
    end for;
    for index range length(dirPathList) downto 1 do
      setFileMode(dirPathList[index], getFileMode(archive, dirPathList[index]));
      setMTime(dirPathList[index], getMTime(archive, dirPathList[index]));
    end for;
  end func;

 *  Extract files from the possibly compressed TAR achive named ''inFileName''.
 *  If the archive is compressed with GZIP, BZIP2, XZ, ZSTD or LZMA it is uncompressed.
 *  This function is used by the ''tar7'' program. The function extracts files
 *  directly to the hard-disk respectively solid-state drive of the operating
 *  system. In other application areas the [[tar]] file system might be more
 *  convenient.
 *   tarXtract("test.tar", 0 times "", FALSE, FALSE);
 *   tarXtract("test.tgz", 0 times "", FALSE, TRUE);
 *  @param inFileName Name of the TAR archive.
 *  @param memberList List of archive members that should be extracted.
 *                    If ''memberList'' is empty all files in the archive are extracted.
 *  @param doView TRUE write the names of the extracted files,
 *                FALSE extract quietly.
 *  @param complainIfUncompressed TRUE complain if the archive is not compressed,
 *                                FALSE silently accept an uncompressed archive.
const proc: tarXtract (in string: inFileName, in array string: memberList,
    in boolean: doView, in boolean: complainIfUncompressed) is func
    var file: inFile is STD_NULL;
    var fileSys: archive is fileSys.value;
    inFile := openTarFileWithMagic(inFileName, complainIfUncompressed);
    if inFile <> STD_NULL then
      tarXtract(inFile, memberList, doView);
      archive := openArchive(inFileName);
      if archive <> fileSys.value then
        archiveXtract(archive, memberList, doView);
        writeln("tar7: Cannot open \"" <& inFileName <& "\".");
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Extract files from the possibly compressed TAR achive named ''inFileName''.
 *  If the archive is compressed with GZIP, BZIP2, XZ, ZSTD or LZMA it is uncompressed.
 *  This function extracts files directly to the hard-disk respectively
 *  solid-state drive of the operating system. In other application
 *  areas the [[tar]] file system might be more convenient.
 *   tarXtract("test.tar", TRUE);
 *   tarXtract("test.tgz", FALSE);
 *  @param inFileName Name of the TAR archive.
 *  @param doView TRUE write the names of the extracted files,
 *                FALSE extract quietly.
const proc: tarXtract (in string: inFileName, in boolean: doView) is func
    tarXtract(inFileName, 0 times "", doView, FALSE);
  end func;

 *  Extract files from the possibly compressed TAR achive named ''inFileName''.
 *  If the archive is compressed with GZIP, BZIP2, XZ, ZSTD or LZMA it is uncompressed.
 *  This function extracts files directly to the hard-disk respectively
 *  solid-state drive of the operating system. In other application areas
 *  the [[tar]] file system might be more convenient.
 *   tarXtract("test.tar");
 *   tarXtract("test.tgz");
 *  @param inFileName Name of the TAR archive.
const proc: tarXtract (in string: inFileName) is func
    tarXtract(inFileName, 0 times "", FALSE, FALSE);
  end func;

 *  Write a TAR archive to ''outFile'' with the files listed in ''fileList''.
 *  This function is used by the ''tar7'' program. The function copies files
 *  from the hard-disk respectively solid-state drive of the operating system.
 *  In other application areas the [[tar]] file system might be more convenient.
 *   aFile := open("test.tar", "w");
 *   if aFile <> STD_NULL then
 *     tarCreate(aFile, "", "", [] ("test_dir"), FALSE);
 *     ...
 *     write(aFile, END_OF_FILE_MARKER mult 2);
 *     close(aFile);
 *  @param outFile Destination for the crated TAR file.
 *  @param basePath Base path for all files to be processed.
 *  @param pathFromBase Path from ''basePath'' for the files in ''fileList''.
 *  @param fileList List of file paths to be put into the created tar archive.
 *  @param doView TRUE write the names of the processed files,
 *                FALSE work quietly.
const proc: tarCreate (inout file: outFile, in string: basePath,
    in string: pathFromBase, in array string: fileList, in boolean: doView) is func
    var string: name is "";
    var array string: dirContent is 0 times "";
    var file: aFile is STD_NULL;
    var integer: bytesCopied is 0;
    var tarHeader: header is tarHeader.value;
    for name range fileList do
      name := pathFromBase & name;
      if fileType(basePath & name) = FILE_ABSENT then
        writeln("*** The file " <& literal(basePath & name) <& " does not exist.");
        if doView then
          write("c ");
        end if;
        if fileType(basePath & name) = FILE_DIR then
          dirContent := readDir(basePath & name);
          setUpHead(basePath, name, "/", header);
          header.typeflag := DIRTYPE;
          writeHead(outFile, header);
          tarCreate(outFile, basePath, name & "/", dirContent, doView);
          setUpHead(basePath, name, "", header);
          aFile := open(basePath & name, "r");
          if aFile <> STD_NULL then
            header.fileSize := length(aFile);
            writeHead(outFile, header);
            bytesCopied := copyFile(aFile, outFile, header.fileSize);
            # Fill with '\0;' up to header.fileSize and then up to a multiple of TAR_BLOCK_SIZE.
            write(outFile, "\0;" mult header.fileSize - bytesCopied +
                  pred(TAR_BLOCK_SIZE) - pred(header.fileSize) mod TAR_BLOCK_SIZE);
            writeHead(outFile, header);
          end if;
        end if;
      end if;
    end for;
  end func;

const proc: archiveCreate (inout fileSys: archive, in string: basePath,
    in string: pathFromBase, in array string: fileList, in boolean: doView) is func
    var string: name is "";
    var array string: dirContent is 0 times "";
    var boolean: setProperties is FALSE;
    var file: aFile is STD_NULL;
    for name range fileList do
      name := pathFromBase & name;
      if fileType(basePath & name) = FILE_ABSENT then
        writeln("*** The file " <& literal(basePath & name) <& " does not exist.");
        if doView then
          write("c ");
        end if;
        setProperties := TRUE;
        if fileType(basePath & name) = FILE_DIR then
          dirContent := readDir(basePath & name);
          makeDir(archive, name);
          archiveCreate(archive, basePath, name & "/", dirContent, doView);
          aFile := open(basePath & name, "r");
          if aFile <> STD_NULL then
            putFile(archive, name, gets(aFile, integer.last));
            writeln("*** The file " <& literal(basePath & name) <& " is not a regular file.");
            setProperties := FALSE;
          end if;
        end if;
        if setProperties then
          setFileMode(archive, name, getFileMode(basePath & name));
          setMTime(archive, name, getMTime(basePath & name));
            setOwner(archive, name, getOwner(basePath & name));
            catch RANGE_ERROR: noop;
          end block;
            setGroup(archive, name, getGroup(basePath & name));
            catch RANGE_ERROR: noop;
          end block;
        end if;
      end if;
    end for;
  end func;

 *  Create the TAR file ''outFileName'' with the files listed in ''fileList''.
 *  This function is used by the ''tar7'' program. The function copies files
 *  from the hard-disk respectively solid-state drive of the operating system.
 *  In other application areas the [[tar]] file system might be more convenient.
 *   tarCreate("test.tar", [] ("test_file1", "test_file2"), FALSE, FALSE);
 *   tarCreate("test.tgz", [] ("test_file1", "test_file2"), FALSE, TRUE);
 *  @param outFileName Name of the TAR archive to be created.
 *  @param fileList List of file paths to be put into the created tar archive.
 *  @param doView TRUE to log a line for every processed file,
 *                FALSE if nothing should be logged.
 *  @param doZip  TRUE if the TAR archive should be compressed with ZIP,
 *                FALSE if the TAR achive should be uncompressed.
const proc: tarCreate (in string: outFileName, in array string: fileList,
    in boolean: doView, in boolean: doZip) is func
    var file: outFile is STD_NULL;
    var file: compressedFile is STD_NULL;
    var string: name is "";
    var fileSys: archive is fileSys.value;
    outFile := openTarFileByExtension(outFileName, doZip);
    if outFile <> STD_NULL then
      if doZip then
        compressedFile := outFile;
        outFile := openGzipFile(compressedFile, WRITE);
      end if;
      for name range fileList do
        tarCreate(outFile, "", "", [] name, doView);
      end for;
      write(outFile, END_OF_FILE_MARKER mult 2);
      if compressedFile <> STD_NULL then
      end if;
    elsif doZip then
      archive := openArchiveByExtension(outFileName);
      if archive <> fileSys.value then
        for name range fileList do
          archiveCreate(archive, "", "", [] name, doView);
        end for;
        writeln("tar7: Cannot create a \"" <& outFileName <& "\" file.");
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Create the TAR file ''outFileName'' with the files listed in ''fileList''.
 *  This function copies files from the hard-disk respectively solid-state drive
 *  of the operating system. In other application areas the [[tar]] file system
 *  might be more convenient.
 *   tarCreate("test.tar", [] ("test_file1", "test_file2"), TRUE);
 *  @param outFileName Name of the TAR archive to be created.
 *  @param fileList List of file paths to be put into the created tar archive.
 *  @param doView TRUE to log a line for every processed file,
 *                FALSE if nothing should be logged.
const proc: tarCreate (in string: outFileName, in array string: fileList,
    in boolean: doView) is func
    tarCreate(outFileName, fileList, doView, FALSE);
  end func;

 *  Create the TAR file ''outFileName'' with the files listed in ''fileList''.
 *  This function copies files from the hard-disk respectively solid-state drive
 *  of the operating system. In other application areas the [[tar]] file system
 *  might be more convenient.
 *   tarCreate("test.tar", [] ("test_file1", "test_file2"));
 *  @param outFileName Name of the TAR archive to be created.
 *  @param fileList List of file paths to be put into the created tar archive.
const proc: tarCreate (in string: outFileName, in array string: fileList) is func
    tarCreate(outFileName, fileList, FALSE, FALSE);
  end func;