(*                                                                  *)
(*  xmldom.s7i    XML dom parser                                    *)
(*  Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2012, 2015, 2021  Thomas Mertes       *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  This file is part of the Seed7 Runtime Library.                 *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is free software; you can             *)
(*  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU     *)
(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(*  Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your      *)
(*  option) any later version.                                      *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is distributed in the hope that it    *)
(*  will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the      *)
(*  PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more    *)
(*  details.                                                        *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General       *)
(*  Public License along with this program; if not, write to the    *)
(*  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,             *)
(*  Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.                       *)
(*                                                                  *)

include "scanfile.s7i";
include "xml_ent.s7i";
include "strifile.s7i";
include "html_ent.s7i";
include "html.s7i";

const type: attrHashType is hash [string] string;

 *  Interface type to represent XML nodes.
const type: xmlNode is sub object interface;

 *  Get the value of a specified attribute.
const func string: getAttrValue (in xmlNode: aNode, in string: attrName) is DYNAMIC;

 *  Get the attributes of a node as hash table.
const func attrHashType: getAttributes (in xmlNode: aNode)               is DYNAMIC;

 *  Get the sub-nodes of a given node.
const func array xmlNode: getSubNodes (in xmlNode: aNode)                is DYNAMIC;

 *  Get the content of a given node.
const func string: getContent (in xmlNode: aNode)                        is DYNAMIC;

const proc: writeXml (inout file: outFile, in xmlNode: aNode)            is DYNAMIC;
const varfunc string:        (in xmlNode: aNode) . name                  is DYNAMIC;
# const varfunc attrHashType: (in xmlNode: aNode) . attributes           is DYNAMIC;

const proc: writeXml (in xmlNode: aNode) is func
    writeXml(OUT, aNode);
  end func;

 *  Base implementation type for xmlNode.
const type: xmlBaseNode is new struct
    var integer: dummy is 0;
  end struct;

type_implements_interface(xmlBaseNode, xmlNode);

const func array xmlNode: getSubNodes (in xmlBaseNode: aBaseNode) is
  return (array xmlNode).value;

const proc: writeXml (inout external_file: outFile, in xmlBaseNode: aBaseNode) is func
    writeln(outFile, "xmlBaseNode");
  end func;

const xmlBaseNode: NULL_XML_NODE is xmlBaseNode.value;
const xmlNode: (attr xmlNode) . value is NULL_XML_NODE;

 *  xmlNode implementation type representing text content.
const type: xmlText is sub xmlBaseNode struct
    var string: content is "";
  end struct;

type_implements_interface(xmlText, xmlNode);

const func string: getContent (in xmlText: aText) is
  return aText.content;

const proc: writeXml (inout external_file: outFile, in xmlText: aText) is func
    var char: ch is ' '
    for ch range aText.content do
      if ch = '<' then
      elsif ch = '&' then
      end if;
    end for;
  end func;

 *  xmlNode implementation type representing an XML element.
const type: xmlElement is sub xmlBaseNode struct
    var string: name is "";
    var attrHashType: attributes is attrHashType.value;
  end struct;

type_implements_interface(xmlElement, xmlNode);

const func string: getAttrValue (in xmlElement: anElement, in string: attrName) is
  return anElement.attributes[attrName];

const func attrHashType: getAttributes (in xmlElement: anElement) is
  return anElement.attributes;

const proc: writeXml (inout external_file: outFile, in xmlElement: anElement) is func
    var string: attributeName is "";
    var string: attributeValue is "";
    write(outFile, "<" <& anElement.name);
    for attributeName range sort(keys(anElement.attributes)) do
      attributeValue := anElement.attributes[attributeName];
      write(outFile, " " <& attributeName <& "=" <& literal(attributeValue));
    end for;
    writeln(outFile, " />");
  end func;

 *  xmlNode implementation type representing an XML element with subnodes.
const type: xmlContainer is sub xmlElement struct
    var array xmlNode: subNodes is 0 times xmlNode.value;
  end struct;

type_implements_interface(xmlContainer, xmlNode);

const func array xmlNode: getSubNodes (in xmlContainer: aContainer) is
  return aContainer.subNodes;

const proc: writeXml (inout external_file: outFile, in xmlContainer: aContainer) is func
    var string: attributeName is "";
    var string: attributeValue is "";
    var xmlNode: subNode is xmlNode.value;
    write(outFile, "<" <& aContainer.name);
    for attributeName range sort(keys(aContainer.attributes)) do
      attributeValue := aContainer.attributes[attributeName];
      write(outFile, " " <& attributeName <& "=" <& literal(attributeValue));
    end for;
    writeln(outFile, ">");
    for subNode range aContainer.subNodes do
      # TRACE_OBJ(subNode);
      writeXml(outFile, subNode);
    end for;
    writeln(outFile, "</" <& aContainer.name <& ">");
  end func;

# Read functions for XML

const func xmlNode: readXmlNode (inout file: inFile, inout string: symbol) is func
    var xmlNode: node is xmlNode.value;
    var xmlContainer: containerElement is xmlContainer.value;
    var xmlElement: emptyElement is xmlElement.value;
    var xmlText: currentText is xmlText.value;
    var string: attributeName is "";
    var string: attributeValue is "";
    var string: endTagHead is "";
    # write(symbol);
    if startsWith(symbol, "<") then
      containerElement.name := symbol[2 ..];
      getNextXmlAttribute(inFile, attributeName, attributeValue);
      while attributeName <> "" do
        # write(" " <& attributeName <& "=" <& literal(attributeValue));
        containerElement.attributes @:= [attributeName]
            decodeXmlEntities(attributeValue, predeclaredXmlEntities);
        getNextXmlAttribute(inFile, attributeName, attributeValue);
      end while;
      if attributeValue = "/>" then
        # The XML tag ends with />
        # writeln("/>");
        emptyElement.name := containerElement.name;
        emptyElement.attributes := containerElement.attributes;
        node := toInterface(emptyElement);
      elsif attributeValue = ">" then
        # The XML tag ends with >
        # writeln(">");
        endTagHead := "</" & containerElement.name;
        symbol := getXmlTagHeadOrContent(inFile);
        while symbol <> "" and symbol <> endTagHead do
          containerElement.subNodes &:= [] (readXmlNode(inFile, symbol));
          symbol := getXmlTagHeadOrContent(inFile);
        end while;
        if symbol = endTagHead then
          # writeln(symbol <& ">");
        end if;
        if length(containerElement.subNodes) = 0 then
          # There are no subnodes: Create empty element
          emptyElement.name := containerElement.name;
          emptyElement.attributes := containerElement.attributes;
          node := toInterface(emptyElement);
          node := toInterface(containerElement);
        end if;
      end if;
      # writeln("content=" <& literal(symbol));
      currentText.content := decodeXmlEntities(symbol, predeclaredXmlEntities);
      node := toInterface(currentText);
    end if;
    # TRACE_OBJ(node); writeln;
  end func;

 *  Read an XML file.
 *  @return an xmlNode containing the contents of the XML file.
const func xmlNode: readXml (inout file: inFile) is func
    var xmlNode: node is xmlNode.value;
    var string: symbol is "";
    symbol := getXmlTagHeadOrContent(inFile);
    while startsWith(symbol, "<?") do
      symbol := getXmlTagHeadOrContent(inFile);
    end while;
    node := readXmlNode(inFile, symbol);
    # TRACE_OBJ(node); writeln;
  end func;

 *  Read XML data from a string.
 *  @return an xmlNode containing the contents of the XML string.
const func xmlNode: readXml (in string: xmlStri) is func
    var xmlNode: node is xmlNode.value;
    var file: xmlFile is STD_NULL;
    xmlFile := openStriFile(xmlStri);
    node := readXml(xmlFile);
  end func;

const proc: for (inout xmlNode: nodeVar) range (in xmlNode: parent) do
              (ref proc: statements)
            end for                               is func
    for nodeVar range getSubNodes(parent) do
    end for;
  end func;