(*                                                                  *)
(*  zip.s7i       Zip compression support library                   *)
(*  Copyright (C) 2009, 2016, 2017, 2020 - 2025  Thomas Mertes      *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  This file is part of the Seed7 Runtime Library.                 *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is free software; you can             *)
(*  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU     *)
(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(*  Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your      *)
(*  option) any later version.                                      *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is distributed in the hope that it    *)
(*  will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the      *)
(*  PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more    *)
(*  details.                                                        *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General       *)
(*  Public License along with this program; if not, write to the    *)
(*  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,             *)
(*  Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.                       *)
(*                                                                  *)

include "stdio.s7i";
include "inflate.s7i";
include "deflate.s7i";
include "lzw.s7i";
include "bzip2.s7i";
include "lzma.s7i";
include "zstd.s7i";
include "xz.s7i";
include "unicode.s7i";
include "bytedata.s7i";
include "bin32.s7i";
include "time.s7i";
include "crc32.s7i";
include "filesys.s7i";
include "filebits.s7i";
include "fileutil.s7i";
include "archive_base.s7i";
include "subfile.s7i";
include "msgdigest.s7i";

const string: ZIP_CENTRAL_HEADER_SIGNATURE               is "PK\1;\2;";
const string: ZIP_LOCAL_HEADER_SIGNATURE                 is "PK\3;\4;";
const string: ZIP_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_SIGNATURE     is "PK\5;\6;";
const string: ZIP_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_SIGNATURE              is "PK\7;\8;";

const string: ZIP64_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_SIGNATURE   is "PK\6;\6;";

const integer: ZIP_CENTRAL_HEADER_FIXED_SIZE             is 46;
const integer: ZIP_LOCAL_HEADER_FIXED_SIZE               is 30;

const integer: ZIP64_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIR_LOCATOR_SIZE     is 20;

const integer: ZIP_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE                  is 12;
const integer: ZIP64_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE                is 20;

# Bits of the general_purpose_bit_flag:
const bin32: ZIP_HAS_DATA_DESCRIPTOR is bin32(16#0008);
const bin32: ZIP_FILE_NAME_IS_UTF8   is bin32(16#0800);

const integer: ZIP_HOST_SYSTEM_MS_DOS is 0;
const integer: ZIP_HOST_SYSTEM_UNIX   is 3;

# Supported compression_method values:
const integer: ZIP_STORE     is  0;  # The file is stored (no compression).
const integer: ZIP_SHRINK    is  1;  # The file is shrunk.
const integer: ZIP_DEFLATE   is  8;  # The file is deflated.
const integer: ZIP_DEFLATE64 is  9;  # The file is compressed with enhanced deflate.
const integer: ZIP_BZIP2     is 12;  # The file is compressed with BZIP2.
const integer: ZIP_LZMA      is 14;  # The file is compressed with LZMA.
const integer: ZIP_REFERENCE is 92;  # Reference to an existing file
const integer: ZIP_ZSTD      is 93;  # The file is compressed with Zstandard.
const integer: ZIP_XZ        is 95;  # The file is compressed with XZ.

const integer: DOS_EPOCH is 2#100001;  # 1980-01-01 in DOS 2 byte date encoding.

const integer: ZIP_NTFS_EXTRA_FIELD               is 16#000a;  # NTFS Extra Field
const integer: ZIP_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD               is 16#000d;  # UNIX Extra Field
const integer: ZIP_EXTENDED_TIMESTAMP_EXTRA_FIELD is 16#5455;  # Extended Timestamp Extra Field
const integer: ZIP_INFO_ZIP_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD      is 16#5855;  # Info-ZIP Unix Extra Field (type 1)
const integer: ZIP_ASI_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD           is 16#756e;  # ASi Unix Extra Field
const integer: ZIP_NEW_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD           is 16#7875;  # New Unix Extra Field

const integer: ZIP64_EXTRA_FIELD is 16#0001;

const func integer: rposOfMagic (inout file: inFile, in string: magic,
    in integer: minRecLen, in integer: maxRecLen) is func
    var integer: posFound is 0;
    var integer: pos is 0;
    var string: data is "";
    var integer: magicPos is 0;
    pos := length(inFile) - maxRecLen + 1;
    if pos <= 0 then
      pos := 1;
    end if;
    seek(inFile, pos);
    data := gets(inFile, maxRecLen);
    magicPos := rpos(data, magic);
    if magicPos <> 0 then
      posFound := pos + magicPos - 1;
    end if;
  end func;

const type: zipExtraFieldType is hash [integer] string;

const func zipExtraFieldType: getExtraFieldMap (in string: field) is func
    var zipExtraFieldType: extraFieldMap is zipExtraFieldType.value;
    var integer: pos is 1;
    var integer: id is 0;
    var integer: length is 0;
    var string: value is "";
    while pos + 3 <= length(field) do
      id     := bytes2Int(field[pos     fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
      length := bytes2Int(field[pos + 2 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
      if pos + 3 + length <= length(field) then
        if length <> 0 then
          value := field[pos + 4 fixLen length];
          value := "";
        end if;
        extraFieldMap @:= [id] value;
        pos +:= 4 + length;
        # Omit corrupt extra field and exit loop
        pos := length(field);
      end if;
    end while;
  end func;

const func string: extraFieldFromMap (in zipExtraFieldType: extraFieldMap) is func
    var string: field is "";
    var integer: id is 0;
    var string: value is "";
    for id range sort(keys(extraFieldMap)) do
      value := extraFieldMap[id];
      field &:= bytes(id, UNSIGNED, LE, 2) & bytes(length(value), UNSIGNED, LE, 2) & value;
    end for;
  end func;

const proc: writeExtraField (in string: field) is func
    var integer: pos is 1;
    var integer: id is 0;
    var integer: length is 0;
    var string: value is "";
    while pos + 3 <= length(field) do
      id     := bytes2Int(field[pos     fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
      length := bytes2Int(field[pos + 2 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
      if pos + 3 + length <= length(field) then
        if length <> 0 then
          value := field[pos + 4 fixLen length];
          value := "";
        end if;
        value := field[pos + 4 ..];
        write("corrupt ");
      end if;
      writeln("field: " <& id radix 16 lpad0 4 <& " " <& length <& " " <& literal(value));
      pos +:= 4 + length;
    end while;
  end func;

const type: local_file_header is new struct
    var string:  signature                  is "";        # 4 bytes ("PK\3;\4;")
    var integer: version_needed_to_extract  is 0;         # 2 bytes
    var bin32:   general_purpose_bit_flag   is bin32(0);  # 2 bytes
    var integer: compression_method         is ZIP_STORE; # 2 bytes
    var integer: last_mod_file_time         is 0;         # 2 bytes
    var integer: last_mod_file_date         is DOS_EPOCH; # 2 bytes
    var bin32:   crc_32                     is bin32(0);  # 4 bytes
    var integer: compressed_size            is 0;         # 4 bytes
    var integer: uncompressed_size          is 0;         # 4 bytes
    #   integer: file_name_length           is 0;         # 2 bytes
    #   integer: extra_field_length         is 0;         # 2 bytes
    var string:  file_name                  is "";        # variable size
    var string:  extra_field                is "";        # variable size
    var string:  filePath is "";
    var zipExtraFieldType: extraFieldMap is zipExtraFieldType.value;
  end struct;

const proc: write (in local_file_header: header) is func
    writeln("signature: "                 rpad 45 <& literal(header.signature) lpad 16);
    writeln("version_needed_to_extract: " rpad 45 <& header.version_needed_to_extract lpad 16);
    writeln("general_purpose_bit_flag: "  rpad 45 <& header.general_purpose_bit_flag radix 2 lpad0 16);
    writeln("compression_method: "        rpad 45 <& header.compression_method lpad 16);
    writeln("last_mod_file_time: "        rpad 45 <& header.last_mod_file_time lpad 16);
    writeln("last_mod_file_date: "        rpad 45 <& header.last_mod_file_date lpad 16);
    writeln("crc_32: "                    rpad 45 <& header.crc_32 lpad 16);
    writeln("compressed_size: "           rpad 45 <& header.compressed_size lpad 16);
    writeln("uncompressed_size: "         rpad 45 <& header.uncompressed_size lpad 16);
    writeln("file_name_length: "          rpad 45 <& length(header.file_name) lpad 16);
    writeln("extra_field_length: "        rpad 45 <& length(header.extra_field) lpad 16);
    writeln("file_name: "                 rpad 45 <& literal(header.file_name) lpad 16);
    writeln("extra_field: "                       <& literal(header.extra_field) lpad 16);
  end func;

const proc: considerZip64ExtraField (inout local_file_header: header,
    in string: zip64ExtraField) is func
    var integer: pos is 1;
    if header.uncompressed_size = 16#ffffffff and length(zip64ExtraField) >= pos + 7 then
      header.uncompressed_size := bytes2Int(zip64ExtraField[pos fixLen 8], UNSIGNED, LE);
      # writeln("uncompressed_size: " <& header.uncompressed_size);
      pos +:= 8;
    end if;
    if header.compressed_size = 16#ffffffff and length(zip64ExtraField) >= pos + 7 then
      header.compressed_size := bytes2Int(zip64ExtraField[pos fixLen 8], UNSIGNED, LE);
      # writeln("compressed_size: " <& header.compressed_size);
      pos +:= 8;
    end if;
  end func;

const func local_file_header: get_local_header (inout file: inFile) is func
    var local_file_header: header is local_file_header.value;
    var string: stri is "";
    var integer: file_name_length is 0;
    var integer: extra_field_length is 0;
    stri := gets(inFile, ZIP_LOCAL_HEADER_FIXED_SIZE);
    if length(stri) = ZIP_LOCAL_HEADER_FIXED_SIZE and
        stri[.. 4] = ZIP_LOCAL_HEADER_SIGNATURE then
      header.signature := ZIP_LOCAL_HEADER_SIGNATURE;
      header.version_needed_to_extract       := bytes2Int(stri[ 5 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
      header.general_purpose_bit_flag  := bin32(bytes2Int(stri[ 7 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE));
      header.compression_method              := bytes2Int(stri[ 9 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
      header.last_mod_file_time              := bytes2Int(stri[11 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
      header.last_mod_file_date              := bytes2Int(stri[13 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
      header.crc_32                    := bin32(bytes2Int(stri[15 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE));
      header.compressed_size                 := bytes2Int(stri[19 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE);
      header.uncompressed_size               := bytes2Int(stri[23 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE);
      file_name_length                       := bytes2Int(stri[27 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
      extra_field_length                     := bytes2Int(stri[29 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
      header.file_name                       := gets(inFile, file_name_length);
      header.extra_field                     := gets(inFile, extra_field_length);
      header.extraFieldMap := getExtraFieldMap(header.extra_field);
      if header.general_purpose_bit_flag & ZIP_FILE_NAME_IS_UTF8 <> bin32(0) then
          header.filePath := fromUtf8(header.file_name);
          catch RANGE_ERROR:
            header.filePath := header.file_name;
        end block;
        header.filePath := header.file_name;
      end if;
      if header.filePath <> "/" and endsWith(header.filePath, "/") then
        header.filePath := header.filePath[.. pred(length(header.filePath))];
      end if;
      if ZIP64_EXTRA_FIELD in header.extraFieldMap then
        considerZip64ExtraField(header, header.extraFieldMap[ZIP64_EXTRA_FIELD]);
      end if;
      # write(header);
    end if;
  end func;

const func string: str (in local_file_header: header) is func
    var string: stri is "";
            bytes(       header.version_needed_to_extract, UNSIGNED, LE, 2) &
            bytes(ord(   header.general_purpose_bit_flag), UNSIGNED, LE, 2) &
            bytes(       header.compression_method,        UNSIGNED, LE, 2) &
            bytes(       header.last_mod_file_time,        UNSIGNED, LE, 2) &
            bytes(       header.last_mod_file_date,        UNSIGNED, LE, 2) &
            bytes(ord(   header.crc_32),                   UNSIGNED, LE, 4) &
            bytes(       header.compressed_size,           UNSIGNED, LE, 4) &
            bytes(       header.uncompressed_size,         UNSIGNED, LE, 4) &
            bytes(length(header.file_name),                UNSIGNED, LE, 2) &
            bytes(length(header.extra_field),              UNSIGNED, LE, 2) &
            header.file_name &
  end func;

const proc: writeHead (inout file: outFile, in local_file_header: header) is func
    write(outFile, str(header));
  end func;

const type: zip64_end_of_central_dir_locator is new struct
    var string:  signature                                        is "";  # 4 bytes ("PK\6;\7;")
    var integer: disk_number_with_zip64_end_of_central_directory  is 0;   # 4 bytes
    var integer: offset_of_zip64_end_of_central_directory         is 0;   # 8 bytes
    var integer: total_number_of_disks                            is 0;   # 4 bytes
  end struct;

const proc: write (in zip64_end_of_central_dir_locator: endOfCentDirLocator) is func
    writeln("signature: "                                       rpad 50 <& literal(endOfCentDirLocator.signature) lpad 16);
    writeln("disk_number_with_zip64_end_of_central_directory: " rpad 50 <& endOfCentDirLocator.disk_number_with_zip64_end_of_central_directory);
    writeln("offset_of_zip64_end_of_central_directory: "        rpad 50 <& endOfCentDirLocator.offset_of_zip64_end_of_central_directory);
    writeln("total_number_of_disks: "                           rpad 50 <& endOfCentDirLocator.total_number_of_disks);
  end func;

const func zip64_end_of_central_dir_locator: get_zip64_end_of_central_dir_locator (inout file: inFile) is func
    var zip64_end_of_central_dir_locator: endOfCentDirLocator is zip64_end_of_central_dir_locator.value;
    var string: stri is "";
    stri := gets(inFile, ZIP64_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIR_LOCATOR_SIZE);
    if length(stri) = ZIP64_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIR_LOCATOR_SIZE and
        stri[.. 4] = ZIP64_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIR_LOCATOR_SIGNATURE then
      endOfCentDirLocator.signature := ZIP64_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIR_LOCATOR_SIGNATURE;
      endOfCentDirLocator.disk_number_with_zip64_end_of_central_directory := bytes2Int(stri[ 5 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE);
      endOfCentDirLocator.offset_of_zip64_end_of_central_directory        := bytes2Int(stri[ 9 fixLen 8], UNSIGNED, LE);
      endOfCentDirLocator.total_number_of_disks                           := bytes2Int(stri[17 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE);
      # write(endOfCentDirLocator);
    end if;
  end func;

const type: zip64_end_of_central_directory is new struct
    var string:  signature                                    is "";  # 4 bytes ("PK\6;\6;")
    var integer: size_of_eocd64_minus_12                      is 0;   # 8 bytes
    var integer: version_made_by                              is 0;   # 2 bytes
    var integer: version_needed_to_extract                    is 0;   # 2 bytes
    var integer: number_of_this_disk                          is 0;   # 4 bytes
    var integer: disk_number_with_start_of_central_directory  is 0;   # 4 bytes
    var integer: entries_in_central_directory_on_this_disk    is 0;   # 8 bytes
    var integer: entries_in_central_directory                 is 0;   # 8 bytes
    var integer: size_of_central_directory                    is 0;   # 8 bytes
    var integer: offset_of_start_of_central_directory         is 0;   # 8 bytes
    var string:  comment                                      is "";  # variable size
  end struct;

const proc: write (in zip64_end_of_central_directory: endOfCentDir) is func
    writeln("signature: "                                   rpad 45 <& literal(endOfCentDir.signature) lpad 16);
    writeln("size_of_eocd64_minus_12: "                     rpad 45 <& endOfCentDir.size_of_eocd64_minus_12 lpad 16);
    writeln("version_made_by: "                             rpad 45 <& endOfCentDir.version_made_by lpad 16);
    writeln("version_needed_to_extract: "                   rpad 45 <& endOfCentDir.version_needed_to_extract lpad 16);
    writeln("number_of_this_disk: "                         rpad 45 <& endOfCentDir.number_of_this_disk lpad 16);
    writeln("disk_number_with_start_of_central_directory: " rpad 45 <& endOfCentDir.disk_number_with_start_of_central_directory lpad 16);
    writeln("entries_in_central_directory_on_this_disk: "   rpad 45 <& endOfCentDir.entries_in_central_directory_on_this_disk lpad 16);
    writeln("entries_in_central_directory: "                rpad 45 <& endOfCentDir.entries_in_central_directory lpad 16);
    writeln("size_of_central_directory: "                   rpad 45 <& endOfCentDir.size_of_central_directory lpad 16);
    writeln("offset_of_start_of_central_directory: "        rpad 45 <& endOfCentDir.offset_of_start_of_central_directory lpad 16);
    writeln("comment: "                                     rpad 45 <& literal(endOfCentDir.comment) lpad 16);
  end func;

const func zip64_end_of_central_directory: get_zip64_end_of_central_directory (inout file: inFile) is func
    var zip64_end_of_central_directory: endOfCentDir is zip64_end_of_central_directory.value;
    var string: stri is "";
    var integer: commentLength is 0;
    stri := gets(inFile, ZIP64_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_FIXED_SIZE);
    if length(stri) = ZIP64_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_FIXED_SIZE and
        stri[.. 4] = ZIP64_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_SIGNATURE then
      endOfCentDir.signature := ZIP64_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_SIGNATURE;
      endOfCentDir.size_of_eocd64_minus_12                     := bytes2Int(stri[ 5 fixLen 8], UNSIGNED, LE);
      endOfCentDir.version_made_by                             := bytes2Int(stri[13 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
      endOfCentDir.version_needed_to_extract                   := bytes2Int(stri[15 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
      endOfCentDir.number_of_this_disk                         := bytes2Int(stri[17 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE);
      endOfCentDir.disk_number_with_start_of_central_directory := bytes2Int(stri[21 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE);
      endOfCentDir.entries_in_central_directory_on_this_disk   := bytes2Int(stri[25 fixLen 8], UNSIGNED, LE);
      endOfCentDir.entries_in_central_directory                := bytes2Int(stri[33 fixLen 8], UNSIGNED, LE);
      endOfCentDir.size_of_central_directory                   := bytes2Int(stri[41 fixLen 8], UNSIGNED, LE);
      endOfCentDir.offset_of_start_of_central_directory        := bytes2Int(stri[49 fixLen 8], UNSIGNED, LE);
      commentLength := endOfCentDir.size_of_eocd64_minus_12 + 12 - ZIP64_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_FIXED_SIZE;
      endOfCentDir.comment                                     := gets(inFile, commentLength);
      # write(endOfCentDir);
    end if;
  end func;

const type: end_of_central_directory is new struct
    var string:  signature                                    is "";  # 4 bytes ("PK\5;\6;")
    var integer: number_of_this_disk                          is 0;   # 2 bytes
    var integer: disk_number_with_start_of_central_directory  is 0;   # 2 bytes
    var integer: entries_in_central_directory_on_this_disk    is 0;   # 2 bytes
    var integer: entries_in_central_directory                 is 0;   # 2 bytes
    var integer: size_of_central_directory                    is 0;   # 4 bytes
    var integer: offset_of_start_of_central_directory         is 0;   # 4 bytes
    #   integer: file_comment_length                          is 0;     2 bytes
    var string:  file_comment                                 is "";  # variable size
  end struct;

const proc: write (in end_of_central_directory: endOfCentDir) is func
    writeln("signature: "                                   rpad 45 <& literal(endOfCentDir.signature) lpad 16);
    writeln("number_of_this_disk: "                         rpad 45 <& endOfCentDir.number_of_this_disk lpad 16);
    writeln("disk_number_with_start_of_central_directory: " rpad 45 <& endOfCentDir.disk_number_with_start_of_central_directory lpad 16);
    writeln("entries_in_central_directory_on_this_disk: "   rpad 45 <& endOfCentDir.entries_in_central_directory_on_this_disk lpad 16);
    writeln("entries_in_central_directory: "                rpad 45 <& endOfCentDir.entries_in_central_directory lpad 16);
    writeln("size_of_central_directory: "                   rpad 45 <& endOfCentDir.size_of_central_directory lpad 16);
    writeln("offset_of_start_of_central_directory: "        rpad 45 <& endOfCentDir.offset_of_start_of_central_directory lpad 16);
    writeln("file_comment_length: "                         rpad 45 <& length(endOfCentDir.file_comment) lpad 16);
    writeln("file_comment: "                                rpad 45 <& literal(endOfCentDir.file_comment) lpad 16);
  end func;

const func end_of_central_directory: get_end_of_central_directory (inout file: inFile) is func
    var end_of_central_directory: endOfCentDir is end_of_central_directory.value;
    var string: stri is "";
    var integer: file_comment_length is 0;
      endOfCentDir.number_of_this_disk                         := bytes2Int(stri[ 5 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
      endOfCentDir.disk_number_with_start_of_central_directory := bytes2Int(stri[ 7 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
      endOfCentDir.entries_in_central_directory_on_this_disk   := bytes2Int(stri[ 9 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
      endOfCentDir.entries_in_central_directory                := bytes2Int(stri[11 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
      endOfCentDir.size_of_central_directory                   := bytes2Int(stri[13 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE);
      endOfCentDir.offset_of_start_of_central_directory        := bytes2Int(stri[17 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE);
      file_comment_length                                      := bytes2Int(stri[21 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
      endOfCentDir.file_comment                                := gets(inFile, file_comment_length);
      # write(endOfCentDir);
    end if;
  end func;

const func string: str (in end_of_central_directory: endOfCentDir) is func
    var string: stri is "";
            bytes(       endOfCentDir.number_of_this_disk,                         UNSIGNED, LE, 2) &
            bytes(       endOfCentDir.disk_number_with_start_of_central_directory, UNSIGNED, LE, 2) &
            bytes(       endOfCentDir.entries_in_central_directory_on_this_disk,   UNSIGNED, LE, 2) &
            bytes(       endOfCentDir.entries_in_central_directory,                UNSIGNED, LE, 2) &
            bytes(       endOfCentDir.size_of_central_directory,                   UNSIGNED, LE, 4) &
            bytes(       endOfCentDir.offset_of_start_of_central_directory,        UNSIGNED, LE, 4) &
            bytes(length(endOfCentDir.file_comment),                               UNSIGNED, LE, 2) &
  end func;

const func end_of_central_directory: readEndOfCentralDir (inout file: inFile,
    inout integer: endOfCentralDirPos) is func
    var end_of_central_directory: endOfCentralDir is end_of_central_directory.value;
    const integer: MIN_RECORD_LEN is 22;
    const integer: MAX_RECORD_LEN is MIN_RECORD_LEN + 2**16 - 1;
    var zip64_end_of_central_dir_locator: endOfCentDirLocator is zip64_end_of_central_dir_locator.value;
    var zip64_end_of_central_directory: endOfCentralDir64 is zip64_end_of_central_directory.value;
    endOfCentralDirPos := rposOfMagic(inFile, ZIP_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_SIGNATURE,
                                      MIN_RECORD_LEN, MAX_RECORD_LEN);
    if endOfCentralDirPos <> 0 then
      if endOfCentralDirPos > ZIP64_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIR_LOCATOR_SIZE then
        seek(inFile, endOfCentralDirPos - ZIP64_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIR_LOCATOR_SIZE);
        endOfCentDirLocator := get_zip64_end_of_central_dir_locator(inFile);
        if endOfCentDirLocator.signature = ZIP64_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIR_LOCATOR_SIGNATURE then
          seek(inFile, succ(endOfCentDirLocator.offset_of_zip64_end_of_central_directory));
          endOfCentralDir64 := get_zip64_end_of_central_directory(inFile);
        end if;
      end if;
      seek(inFile, endOfCentralDirPos);
      endOfCentralDir := get_end_of_central_directory(inFile);
      if endOfCentDirLocator.signature = ZIP64_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIR_LOCATOR_SIGNATURE then
        if endOfCentralDir64.signature = ZIP64_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_SIGNATURE then
          if endOfCentralDir.number_of_this_disk = 16#ffff then
            endOfCentralDir.number_of_this_disk := endOfCentralDir64.number_of_this_disk;
          end if;
          if endOfCentralDir.disk_number_with_start_of_central_directory = 16#ffff then
            endOfCentralDir.disk_number_with_start_of_central_directory :=
          end if;
          if endOfCentralDir.entries_in_central_directory_on_this_disk = 16#ffff then
            endOfCentralDir.entries_in_central_directory_on_this_disk :=
          end if;
          if endOfCentralDir.entries_in_central_directory = 16#ffff then
            endOfCentralDir.entries_in_central_directory := endOfCentralDir64.entries_in_central_directory;
          end if;
          if endOfCentralDir.size_of_central_directory = 16#ffffffff then
            endOfCentralDir.size_of_central_directory := endOfCentralDir64.size_of_central_directory;
          end if;
          if endOfCentralDir.offset_of_start_of_central_directory = 16#ffffffff then
            endOfCentralDir.offset_of_start_of_central_directory :=
          end if;
        end if;
      end if;
      if tell(inFile) <> succ(length(inFile)) then
        # The end_of_central_directory record is not at the end of the file.
        # writeln("curr pos: " <& tell(inFile) <& " length: " <& length(inFile));
        endOfCentralDir := end_of_central_directory.value;
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;

const type: central_file_header is new struct
    var string: signature                        is "";        # 4 bytes ("PK\1;\2;")
    var integer: version_made_by                 is 0;         # 2 bytes
    var integer: version_needed_to_extract       is 0;         # 2 bytes
    var bin32:   general_purpose_bit_flag        is bin32(0);  # 2 bytes
    var integer: compression_method              is ZIP_STORE; # 2 bytes
    var integer: last_mod_file_time              is 0;         # 2 bytes
    var integer: last_mod_file_date              is DOS_EPOCH; # 2 bytes
    var bin32:   crc_32                          is bin32(0);  # 4 bytes
    var integer: compressed_size                 is 0;         # 4 bytes
    var integer: uncompressed_size               is 0;         # 4 bytes
    #   integer: file_name_length                is 0;         # 2 bytes
    #   integer: extra_field_length              is 0;         # 2 bytes
    #   integer: file_comment_length             is 0;         # 2 bytes
    var integer: disk_number_start               is 0;         # 2 bytes
    var integer: internal_file_attributes        is 0;         # 2 bytes
    var integer: external_file_attributes        is 0;         # 4 bytes
    var integer: relative_offset_of_local_header is 0;         # 4 bytes
    var string: file_name                        is "";        # variable size
    var string: extra_field                      is "";        # variable size
    var string: file_comment                     is "";        # variable size
    var string: filePath is "";
    var zipExtraFieldType: extraFieldMap is zipExtraFieldType.value;
  end struct;

const proc: write (in central_file_header: header) is func
    writeln("signature: "                       rpad 45 <& literal(header.signature) lpad 16);
    writeln("version_made_by: "                 rpad 45 <& (header.version_made_by radix 16 lpad0 4) lpad 16);
    writeln("version_needed_to_extract: "       rpad 45 <& header.version_needed_to_extract lpad 16);
    writeln("general_purpose_bit_flag: "        rpad 45 <& header.general_purpose_bit_flag radix 2 lpad0 16);
    writeln("compression_method: "              rpad 45 <& header.compression_method lpad 16);
    writeln("last_mod_file_time: "              rpad 45 <& header.last_mod_file_time lpad 16);
    writeln("last_mod_file_date: "              rpad 45 <& header.last_mod_file_date lpad 16);
    writeln("crc_32: "                          rpad 45 <& header.crc_32 lpad 16);
    writeln("compressed_size: "                 rpad 45 <& header.compressed_size lpad 16);
    writeln("uncompressed_size: "               rpad 45 <& header.uncompressed_size lpad 16);
    writeln("file_name_length: "                rpad 45 <& length(header.file_name) lpad 16);
    writeln("extra_field_length: "              rpad 45 <& length(header.extra_field) lpad 16);
    writeln("file_comment_length: "             rpad 45 <& length(header.file_comment) lpad 16);
    writeln("disk_number_start: "               rpad 45 <& header.disk_number_start lpad 16);
    writeln("internal_file_attributes: "        rpad 45 <& header.internal_file_attributes lpad 16);
    writeln("external_file_attributes: "        rpad 45 <& header.external_file_attributes radix 16 lpad 16);
    writeln("relative_offset_of_local_header: " rpad 45 <& header.relative_offset_of_local_header lpad 16);
    writeln("file_name: "                       rpad 45 <& literal(header.file_name) lpad 16);
    writeln("extra_field: "                     rpad 45 <& literal(header.extra_field) lpad 16);
    writeln("file_comment: "                    rpad 45 <& literal(header.file_comment) lpad 16);
    writeln("filePath: "                        rpad 45 <& header.filePath);
  end func;

const proc: considerZip64ExtraField (inout central_file_header: header,
    in string: zip64ExtraField) is func
    var integer: pos is 1;
    if header.uncompressed_size = 16#ffffffff and length(zip64ExtraField) >= pos + 7 then
      header.uncompressed_size := bytes2Int(zip64ExtraField[pos fixLen 8], UNSIGNED, LE);
      # writeln("uncompressed_size: " <& header.uncompressed_size);
      pos +:= 8;
    end if;
    if header.compressed_size = 16#ffffffff and length(zip64ExtraField) >= pos + 7 then
      header.compressed_size := bytes2Int(zip64ExtraField[pos fixLen 8], UNSIGNED, LE);
      # writeln("compressed_size: " <& header.compressed_size);
      pos +:= 8;
    end if;
    if header.relative_offset_of_local_header = 16#ffffffff and length(zip64ExtraField) >= pos + 7 then
      header.relative_offset_of_local_header := bytes2Int(zip64ExtraField[pos fixLen 8], UNSIGNED, LE);
      # writeln("relative_offset_of_local_header: " <& header.relative_offset_of_local_header);
      pos +:= 8;
    end if;
    if header.disk_number_start = 16#ffff and length(zip64ExtraField) >= pos + 3 then
      header.disk_number_start := bytes2Int(zip64ExtraField[pos fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE);
      # writeln("disk_number_start: " <& header.disk_number_start);
      pos +:= 4;
    end if;
  end func;

const func central_file_header: get_central_header (inout file: inFile) is func
    var central_file_header: header is central_file_header.value;
    var string: stri is "";
    var integer: file_name_length is 0;
    var integer: extra_field_length is 0;
    var integer: file_comment_length is 0;
    stri := gets(inFile, ZIP_CENTRAL_HEADER_FIXED_SIZE);
    if length(stri) = ZIP_CENTRAL_HEADER_FIXED_SIZE and
        stri[.. 4] = ZIP_CENTRAL_HEADER_SIGNATURE then
      header.signature := ZIP_CENTRAL_HEADER_SIGNATURE;
      header.version_made_by                 := bytes2Int(stri[ 5 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
      header.version_needed_to_extract       := bytes2Int(stri[ 7 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
      header.general_purpose_bit_flag  := bin32(bytes2Int(stri[ 9 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE));
      header.compression_method              := bytes2Int(stri[11 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
      header.last_mod_file_time              := bytes2Int(stri[13 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
      header.last_mod_file_date              := bytes2Int(stri[15 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
      header.crc_32                    := bin32(bytes2Int(stri[17 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE));
      header.compressed_size                 := bytes2Int(stri[21 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE);
      header.uncompressed_size               := bytes2Int(stri[25 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE);
      file_name_length                       := bytes2Int(stri[29 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
      extra_field_length                     := bytes2Int(stri[31 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
      file_comment_length                    := bytes2Int(stri[33 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
      header.disk_number_start               := bytes2Int(stri[35 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
      header.internal_file_attributes        := bytes2Int(stri[37 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
      header.external_file_attributes        := bytes2Int(stri[39 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE);
      header.relative_offset_of_local_header := bytes2Int(stri[43 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE);
      header.file_name                       := gets(inFile, file_name_length);
      header.extra_field                     := gets(inFile, extra_field_length);
      header.file_comment                    := gets(inFile, file_comment_length);
      header.extraFieldMap := getExtraFieldMap(header.extra_field);
      if header.general_purpose_bit_flag & ZIP_FILE_NAME_IS_UTF8 <> bin32(0) then
          header.filePath:= fromUtf8(header.file_name);
          catch RANGE_ERROR:
            header.filePath := header.file_name;
        end block;
        header.filePath := header.file_name;
      end if;
      if header.filePath <> "/" and endsWith(header.filePath, "/") then
        header.filePath := header.filePath[.. pred(length(header.filePath))];
      end if;
      if ZIP64_EXTRA_FIELD in header.extraFieldMap then
        considerZip64ExtraField(header, header.extraFieldMap[ZIP64_EXTRA_FIELD]);
      end if;
      # write(header);
      # writeExtraField(header.extra_field);
    end if;
  end func;

const func string: str (in central_file_header: header) is func
    var string: stri is "";
            bytes(       header.version_made_by,                 UNSIGNED, LE, 2) &
            bytes(       header.version_needed_to_extract,       UNSIGNED, LE, 2) &
            bytes(   ord(header.general_purpose_bit_flag),       UNSIGNED, LE, 2) &
            bytes(       header.compression_method,              UNSIGNED, LE, 2) &
            bytes(       header.last_mod_file_time,              UNSIGNED, LE, 2) &
            bytes(       header.last_mod_file_date,              UNSIGNED, LE, 2) &
            bytes(   ord(header.crc_32),                         UNSIGNED, LE, 4) &
            bytes(       header.compressed_size,                 UNSIGNED, LE, 4) &
            bytes(       header.uncompressed_size,               UNSIGNED, LE, 4) &
            bytes(length(header.file_name),                      UNSIGNED, LE, 2) &
            bytes(length(header.extra_field),                    UNSIGNED, LE, 2) &
            bytes(length(header.file_comment),                   UNSIGNED, LE, 2) &
            bytes(       header.disk_number_start,               UNSIGNED, LE, 2) &
            bytes(       header.internal_file_attributes,        UNSIGNED, LE, 2) &
            bytes(       header.external_file_attributes,        UNSIGNED, LE, 4) &
            bytes(       header.relative_offset_of_local_header, UNSIGNED, LE, 4) &
            header.file_name &
            header.extra_field &
  end func;

const proc: writeHead (inout file: outFile, in central_file_header: header) is func
    write(outFile, str(header));
  end func;

const func string: getCentralHeaderFilePath (inout file: inFile) is func
    var string: filePath is "";
    var string: stri is "";
    var bin32: general_purpose_bit_flag is bin32(0);
    var integer: file_name_length is 0;
    var integer: extra_field_length is 0;
    var integer: file_comment_length is 0;
    stri := gets(inFile, ZIP_CENTRAL_HEADER_FIXED_SIZE);
    if length(stri) = ZIP_CENTRAL_HEADER_FIXED_SIZE and
        stri[.. 4] = ZIP_CENTRAL_HEADER_SIGNATURE then
      general_purpose_bit_flag  := bin32(bytes2Int(stri[ 9 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE));
      file_name_length                := bytes2Int(stri[29 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
      extra_field_length              := bytes2Int(stri[31 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
      file_comment_length             := bytes2Int(stri[33 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
      filePath := gets(inFile, file_name_length);
      # seek(inFile, tell(inFile) + extra_field_length + file_comment_length);
      ignore(gets(inFile, extra_field_length + file_comment_length));
      if general_purpose_bit_flag & ZIP_FILE_NAME_IS_UTF8 <> bin32(0) then
          filePath := fromUtf8(filePath);
          catch RANGE_ERROR: noop;
        end block;
      end if;
      if filePath <> "/" and endsWith(filePath, "/") then
        filePath := filePath[.. pred(length(filePath))];
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;

const func local_file_header: toLocalHeader (in central_file_header: header) is func
    var local_file_header: localHeader is local_file_header.value;
    localHeader.signature                 := ZIP_LOCAL_HEADER_SIGNATURE;
    localHeader.version_needed_to_extract := header.version_needed_to_extract;
    localHeader.general_purpose_bit_flag  := header.general_purpose_bit_flag;
    localHeader.compression_method        := header.compression_method;
    localHeader.last_mod_file_time        := header.last_mod_file_time;
    localHeader.last_mod_file_date        := header.last_mod_file_date;
    localHeader.crc_32                    := header.crc_32;
    localHeader.compressed_size           := header.compressed_size;
    localHeader.uncompressed_size         := header.uncompressed_size;
    localHeader.file_name                 := header.file_name;
    localHeader.extra_field               := header.extra_field;
    # write(localHeader);
  end func;

const proc: updateLocalHeader (inout local_file_header: localHeader,
    in central_file_header: header) is func
    localHeader.compression_method := header.compression_method;
    localHeader.last_mod_file_time := header.last_mod_file_time;
    localHeader.last_mod_file_date := header.last_mod_file_date;
    localHeader.crc_32             := header.crc_32;
    localHeader.compressed_size    := header.compressed_size;
    localHeader.uncompressed_size  := header.uncompressed_size;
    # write(localHeader);
  end func;

const proc: initLastModFileTime (inout central_file_header: header,
    in time: modificationTime) is func
    var integer: timestamp is 0;
    var string: unixExtraField is "";
    timestamp := timestamp1970(modificationTime);
    unixExtraField :=
        bytes(timestamp, UNSIGNED, LE, 4) mult 2 &
        bytes(        0, UNSIGNED, LE, 2) mult 2;
    header.extraFieldMap @:= [ZIP_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD] unixExtraField;
    header.extra_field := extraFieldFromMap(header.extraFieldMap);
    header.last_mod_file_time := (modificationTime.hour << 11) +
                                 (modificationTime.minute << 5) +
                                 (modificationTime.second >> 1);
    header.last_mod_file_date := ((modificationTime.year - 1980) << 9) +
                                  (modificationTime.month << 5) +
  end func;

const proc: assignLastModFileTime (inout local_file_header: localHeader,
    in time: modificationTime) is func
    var integer: timestamp is 0;
    if ZIP_EXTENDED_TIMESTAMP_EXTRA_FIELD in localHeader.extraFieldMap then
      timestamp := timestamp1970(modificationTime);
      localHeader.extraFieldMap[ZIP_EXTENDED_TIMESTAMP_EXTRA_FIELD] @:=
          [2] bytes(timestamp, UNSIGNED, LE, 4);
      localHeader.extra_field := extraFieldFromMap(localHeader.extraFieldMap);
    elsif ZIP_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD in localHeader.extraFieldMap then
      timestamp := timestamp1970(modificationTime);
      # Update last access time and modification time.
      localHeader.extraFieldMap[ZIP_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD] @:=
          [1] bytes(timestamp, UNSIGNED, LE, 4) mult 2;
      localHeader.extra_field := extraFieldFromMap(localHeader.extraFieldMap);
    elsif ZIP_NTFS_EXTRA_FIELD in localHeader.extraFieldMap then
      timestamp := timestamp1601(modificationTime);
      localHeader.extraFieldMap[ZIP_NTFS_EXTRA_FIELD] @:=
          [9] bytes(timestamp, UNSIGNED, LE, 8);
      localHeader.extra_field := extraFieldFromMap(localHeader.extraFieldMap);
    end if;
    localHeader.last_mod_file_time := (modificationTime.hour << 11) +
                                      (modificationTime.minute << 5) +
                                      (modificationTime.second >> 1);
    localHeader.last_mod_file_date := ((modificationTime.year - 1980) << 9) +
                                       (modificationTime.month << 5) +
  end func;

const proc: assignLastModFileTime (inout central_file_header: header,
    in time: modificationTime) is func
    var integer: timestamp is 0;
    if ZIP_EXTENDED_TIMESTAMP_EXTRA_FIELD in header.extraFieldMap then
      timestamp := timestamp1970(modificationTime);
      header.extraFieldMap[ZIP_EXTENDED_TIMESTAMP_EXTRA_FIELD] @:=
          [2] bytes(timestamp, UNSIGNED, LE, 4);
      header.extra_field := extraFieldFromMap(header.extraFieldMap);
    elsif ZIP_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD in header.extraFieldMap then
      timestamp := timestamp1970(modificationTime);
      # Update last access time and modification time.
      header.extraFieldMap[ZIP_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD] @:=
          [1] bytes(timestamp, UNSIGNED, LE, 4) mult 2;
      header.extra_field := extraFieldFromMap(header.extraFieldMap);
    elsif ZIP_NTFS_EXTRA_FIELD in header.extraFieldMap then
      timestamp := timestamp1601(modificationTime);
      header.extraFieldMap[ZIP_NTFS_EXTRA_FIELD] @:=
          [9] bytes(timestamp, UNSIGNED, LE, 8);
      header.extra_field := extraFieldFromMap(header.extraFieldMap);
    end if;
    header.last_mod_file_time := (modificationTime.hour << 11) +
                                 (modificationTime.minute << 5) +
                                 (modificationTime.second >> 1);
    header.last_mod_file_date := ((modificationTime.year - 1980) << 9) +
                                  (modificationTime.month << 5) +
  end func;

const proc: assignUserId (inout local_file_header: localHeader,
    in integer: uid) is func
    var integer: size is 0;
    if ZIP_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD in localHeader.extraFieldMap then
      localHeader.extraFieldMap[ZIP_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD] @:=
          [9] bytes(uid, UNSIGNED, LE, 2);
      localHeader.extra_field := extraFieldFromMap(localHeader.extraFieldMap);
    elsif ZIP_ASI_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD in localHeader.extraFieldMap then
      localHeader.extraFieldMap[ZIP_ASI_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD] @:=
          [11] bytes(uid, UNSIGNED, LE, 2);
      localHeader.extra_field := extraFieldFromMap(localHeader.extraFieldMap);
    elsif ZIP_NEW_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD in localHeader.extraFieldMap then
      size := ord(localHeader.extraFieldMap[ZIP_NEW_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD][2]);
      localHeader.extraFieldMap[ZIP_NEW_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD] @:=
          [3] bytes(uid, UNSIGNED, LE, size);
      localHeader.extra_field := extraFieldFromMap(localHeader.extraFieldMap);
    end if;
  end func;

const proc: assignUserId (inout central_file_header: header,
    in integer: uid) is func
    var integer: size is 0;
    if ZIP_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD in header.extraFieldMap then
      header.extraFieldMap[ZIP_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD] @:=
          [9] bytes(uid, UNSIGNED, LE, 2);
      header.extra_field := extraFieldFromMap(header.extraFieldMap);
    elsif ZIP_ASI_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD in header.extraFieldMap then
      header.extraFieldMap[ZIP_ASI_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD] @:=
          [11] bytes(uid, UNSIGNED, LE, 2);
      header.extra_field := extraFieldFromMap(header.extraFieldMap);
    elsif ZIP_NEW_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD in header.extraFieldMap then
      size := ord(header.extraFieldMap[ZIP_NEW_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD][2]);
      header.extraFieldMap[ZIP_NEW_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD] @:=
          [3] bytes(uid, UNSIGNED, LE, size);
      header.extra_field := extraFieldFromMap(header.extraFieldMap);
    end if;
  end func;

const proc: assignGroupId (inout local_file_header: localHeader,
    in integer: gid) is func
    var integer: pos is 0;
    var integer: size is 0;
    if ZIP_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD in localHeader.extraFieldMap then
      localHeader.extraFieldMap[ZIP_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD] @:=
          [11] bytes(gid, UNSIGNED, LE, 2);
      localHeader.extra_field := extraFieldFromMap(localHeader.extraFieldMap);
    elsif ZIP_ASI_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD in localHeader.extraFieldMap then
      localHeader.extraFieldMap[ZIP_ASI_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD] @:=
          [13] bytes(gid, UNSIGNED, LE, 2);
      localHeader.extra_field := extraFieldFromMap(localHeader.extraFieldMap);
    elsif ZIP_NEW_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD in localHeader.extraFieldMap then
      pos := 3 + ord(localHeader.extraFieldMap[ZIP_NEW_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD][2]);
      size := ord(localHeader.extraFieldMap[ZIP_NEW_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD][pos]);
      localHeader.extraFieldMap[ZIP_NEW_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD] @:=
          [succ(pos)] bytes(gid, UNSIGNED, LE, size);
      localHeader.extra_field := extraFieldFromMap(localHeader.extraFieldMap);
    end if;
  end func;

const proc: assignGroupId (inout central_file_header: header,
    in integer: gid) is func
    var integer: pos is 0;
    var integer: size is 0;
    if ZIP_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD in header.extraFieldMap then
      header.extraFieldMap[ZIP_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD] @:=
          [11] bytes(gid, UNSIGNED, LE, 2);
      header.extra_field := extraFieldFromMap(header.extraFieldMap);
    elsif ZIP_ASI_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD in header.extraFieldMap then
      header.extraFieldMap[ZIP_ASI_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD] @:=
          [13] bytes(gid, UNSIGNED, LE, 2);
      header.extra_field := extraFieldFromMap(header.extraFieldMap);
    elsif ZIP_NEW_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD in header.extraFieldMap then
      pos := 3 + ord(header.extraFieldMap[ZIP_NEW_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD][2]);
      size := ord(header.extraFieldMap[ZIP_NEW_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD][pos]);
      header.extraFieldMap[ZIP_NEW_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD] @:=
          [succ(pos)] bytes(gid, UNSIGNED, LE, size);
      header.extra_field := extraFieldFromMap(header.extraFieldMap);
    end if;
  end func;

const type: zipCatalogType is hash [string] central_file_header;
const type: zipReferenceMapType is hash [bin32] array integer;

 *  [[filesys#fileSys|FileSys]] implementation type to access ZIP and JAR archives.
 *  The ZIP format specification defines several compression methods.
 *  The ZIP file system supports the decompression of files compressed
 *  with store, shrink, deflate, deflate64, bzip2, LZMA, Zstandard
 *  and XZ. References to files in the archive are supported with the
 *  compression method 92. In accordance with the ISO/IEC 21320-1
 *  standard files are only written with the methods store and deflate.
 *  The ZIP file system does not support the concept of a current
 *  working directory. The functions chdir and getcwd are not supported
 *  by the ZIP file system. The root path of a ZIP file system is "".
const type: zipArchive is sub emptyFileSys struct
    var file: zipFile is STD_NULL;
    var archiveRegisterType: register is archiveRegisterType.value;
    var zipCatalogType: catalog is zipCatalogType.value;
    var zipReferenceMapType: fileReferenceMap is zipReferenceMapType.value;
    var end_of_central_directory: endOfCentralDir is end_of_central_directory.value;
    var integer: endOfCentralDirPos is 1;
    var integer: startOfCentralDirPos is 1;
  end struct;

 *  Open a ZIP archive with the given zipFile.
 *  @param zipFile File that contains a ZIP archive.
 *  @return a file system that accesses the ZIP archive, or
 *          fileSys.value if it could not be opened.
const func fileSys: openZip (inout file: zipFile) is func
    var fileSys: newFileSys is fileSys.value;
    var string: magic is "";
    var end_of_central_directory: endOfCentralDir is end_of_central_directory.value;
    var integer: endOfCentralDirPos is 0;
    var integer: centralHeaderPos is 0;
    var string: filePath is "";
    var zipArchive: zip is zipArchive.value;
    if length(zipFile) = 0 then
      zip.zipFile := zipFile;
      zip.endOfCentralDir.signature := ZIP_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_SIGNATURE;
      newFileSys := toInterface(zip);
      seek(zipFile, 1);
      magic := gets(zipFile, length(ZIP_LOCAL_HEADER_SIGNATURE));
      if magic = ZIP_LOCAL_HEADER_SIGNATURE or
        endOfCentralDir := readEndOfCentralDir(zipFile, endOfCentralDirPos);
        if endOfCentralDir.signature = ZIP_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_SIGNATURE then
          zip.zipFile := zipFile;
          zip.endOfCentralDir := endOfCentralDir;
          zip.endOfCentralDirPos := endOfCentralDirPos;
          zip.startOfCentralDirPos := succ(endOfCentralDir.offset_of_start_of_central_directory);
          # writeln("startOfCentralDirPos: " <& zip.startOfCentralDirPos);
          centralHeaderPos := zip.startOfCentralDirPos;
          seek(zip.zipFile, centralHeaderPos);
          filePath := getCentralHeaderFilePath(zip.zipFile);
          while filePath <> "" do
            # writeln(filePath <& " " <& centralHeaderPos);
            zip.register @:= [filePath] centralHeaderPos;
            centralHeaderPos := tell(zip.zipFile);
            filePath := getCentralHeaderFilePath(zip.zipFile);
          end while;
          newFileSys := toInterface(zip);
        end if;
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Open a ZIP archive with the given zipFileName.
 *  @param zipFileName Name of the ZIP archive to be opened.
 *  @return a file system that accesses the ZIP archive, or
 *          fileSys.value if it could not be opened.
const func fileSys: openZip (in string: zipFileName) is func
    var fileSys: zip is fileSys.value;
    var file: zipFile is STD_NULL;
    zipFile := open(zipFileName, "r");
    zip := openZip(zipFile);
  end func;

 *  Close a ZIP archive. The ZIP file below stays open.
const proc: close (inout zipArchive: zip) is func
    zip := zipArchive.value;
  end func;

const func central_file_header: addToCatalog (inout zipArchive: zip, in string: filePath) is func
    var central_file_header: header is central_file_header.value;
    seek(zip.zipFile, zip.register[filePath]);
    header := get_central_header(zip.zipFile);
    zip.catalog @:= [filePath] header;
  end func;

const func central_file_header: addImplicitDir (inout zipArchive: zip,
    in string: dirPath) is func
    var central_file_header: header is central_file_header.value;
    header.file_name := dirPath & "/";
    header.filePath := dirPath;
    header.relative_offset_of_local_header := -1;
    zip.catalog @:= [dirPath] header;
  end func;

const func boolean: isRegularFile (in central_file_header: header) is func
    var boolean: isRegularFile is FALSE;
    if header.relative_offset_of_local_header <> -1 then
      # It is not an implicit directory.
      if header.version_made_by >> 8 = ZIP_HOST_SYSTEM_UNIX then
        isRegularFile := bin32(header.external_file_attributes >> 16) &
                         MODE_FILE_TYPE_MASK = MODE_FILE_REGULAR;
        isRegularFile := not endsWith(header.file_name, "/");
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;

const func boolean: isSymlink (in central_file_header: header) is
  return header.version_made_by >> 8 = ZIP_HOST_SYSTEM_UNIX and
            bin32(header.external_file_attributes >> 16) &

const func string: followSymlink (inout zipArchive: zip, in var string: filePath,
    inout central_file_header: header) is func
    var string: missingPath is "";
    var integer: symlinkCount is MAX_SYMLINK_CHAIN_LENGTH;
    var boolean: isSymlink is TRUE;
    var local_file_header: localHeader is local_file_header.value;
    var string: targetPath is "";
    # writeln("followSymlink: " <& filePath);
      if filePath in zip.catalog then
        header := zip.catalog[filePath];
      elsif filePath in zip.register then
        header := addToCatalog(zip, filePath);
      elsif implicitDir(zip.register, filePath) then
        header := addImplicitDir(zip, filePath);
        # The file does not exist.
        missingPath := filePath;
        isSymlink := FALSE;
        # writeln("missing: " <& missingPath);
      end if;
      if missingPath = "" then
        if isSymlink(header) then
          seek(zip.zipFile, succ(header.relative_offset_of_local_header));
          localHeader := get_local_header(zip.zipFile);
          # write(localHeader);
          if localHeader.compression_method = ZIP_STORE then
            # The link destination is stored (no compression).
            targetPath := gets(zip.zipFile, localHeader.compressed_size);
            filePath := symlinkDestination(filePath, targetPath);
            # writeln("unsupported compression method: " <& localHeader.compression_method);
            raise FILE_ERROR;
          end if;
          isSymlink := FALSE;
          # writeln("found: " <& header.filePath);
        end if;
      end if;
    until not isSymlink or symlinkCount < 0;
    if isSymlink then
      # Too many symbolic links.
      raise FILE_ERROR;
    end if;
  end func;

const func central_file_header: followSymlink (inout zipArchive: zip, in var string: filePath) is func
    var central_file_header: header is central_file_header.value;
    var string: missingPath is "";
    missingPath := followSymlink(zip, filePath, header);
    if missingPath <> "" then
      # The file does not exist.
      raise FILE_ERROR;
    end if;
  end func;

const proc: fixRegisterAndCatalog (inout zipArchive: zip, in integer: insertPos,
    in integer: numChars) is func
    var integer: headerPos is 1;
    var string: filePath is "";
    for key filePath range zip.register do
      if zip.register[filePath] >= insertPos then
        zip.register[filePath] +:= numChars;
      end if;
    end for;
    for key filePath range zip.catalog do
      if succ(zip.catalog[filePath].relative_offset_of_local_header) >= insertPos then
        zip.catalog[filePath].relative_offset_of_local_header +:= numChars;
        seek(zip.zipFile, zip.register[filePath]);
        writeHead(zip.zipFile, zip.catalog[filePath]);
      end if;
    end for;
    if zip.startOfCentralDirPos >= insertPos then
      zip.startOfCentralDirPos +:= numChars;
    end if;
    if zip.endOfCentralDirPos >= insertPos then
      zip.endOfCentralDirPos +:= numChars;
    end if;
  end func;

const proc: initializeFileReferenceMap (inout zipArchive: zip) is func
    var integer: centralHeaderPos is 0;
    var string: stri is "";
    var integer: compression_method is ZIP_STORE;
    var bin32: crc_32 is bin32(0);
    for centralHeaderPos range sort(values(zip.register)) do
      seek(zip.zipFile, centralHeaderPos);
      stri := gets(zip.zipFile, ZIP_CENTRAL_HEADER_FIXED_SIZE);
      if length(stri) = ZIP_CENTRAL_HEADER_FIXED_SIZE and
          stri[.. 4] = ZIP_CENTRAL_HEADER_SIGNATURE then
        compression_method       := bytes2Int(stri[11 fixLen 2], UNSIGNED, LE);
        crc_32             := bin32(bytes2Int(stri[17 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE));
        if compression_method <> ZIP_REFERENCE then
          if crc_32 in zip.fileReferenceMap then
            zip.fileReferenceMap[crc_32] &:= centralHeaderPos;
            zip.fileReferenceMap @:= [crc_32] [] (centralHeaderPos);
          end if;
        end if;
      end if;
    end for;
  end func;

const func array string: getReferencePaths (inout zipArchive: zip,
    in bin32: crc_32) is func
    var array string: filePathList is 0 times "";
    var integer: centralHeaderPos is 0;
    if length(zip.fileReferenceMap) = 0 then
    end if;
    if crc_32 in zip.fileReferenceMap then
      for centralHeaderPos range zip.fileReferenceMap[crc_32] do
        seek(zip.zipFile, centralHeaderPos);
        filePathList &:= getCentralHeaderFilePath(zip.zipFile);
      end for;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Determine the file names in a directory inside a ZIP archive.
 *  Note that the function returns only the file names.
 *  Additional information must be obtained with other calls.
 *  @param zip Open ZIP archive.
 *  @param dirPath Path of a directory in the ZIP archive.
 *  @return an array with the file names.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR ''dirPath'' does not use the standard path
 *             representation.
 *  @exception FILE_ERROR ''dirPath'' is not present in the ZIP archive.
const func array string: readDir (inout zipArchive: zip, in var string: dirPath) is
  return readDir(zip.register, dirPath);

 *  Determine the file paths in a ZIP archive.
 *  Note that the function returns only the file paths.
 *  Additional information must be obtained with other calls.
 *  @param zip Open ZIP archive.
 *  @return an array with the file paths.
const func array string: readDir (inout zipArchive: zip, RECURSIVE) is
  return sort(keys(zip.register));

 *  Determine the type of a file in a ZIP archive.
 *  The function follows symbolic links. If the chain of
 *  symbolic links is too long the function returns ''FILE_SYMLINK''.
 *  A return value of ''FILE_ABSENT'' does not imply that a file
 *  with this name can be created, since missing directories and
 *  invalid file names cause also ''FILE_ABSENT''.
 *  @return the type of the file.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR ''filePath'' does not use the standard path
 *             representation.
const func fileType: fileType (inout zipArchive: zip, in var string: filePath) is func
    var fileType: aFileType is FILE_UNKNOWN;
    var central_file_header: header is central_file_header.value;
    var local_file_header: localHeader is local_file_header.value;
    var integer: symlinkCount is MAX_SYMLINK_CHAIN_LENGTH;
    var boolean: isSymlink is FALSE;
    var string: targetPath is "";
    # writeln("fileType: " <& filePath);
    if filePath <> "/" and endsWith(filePath, "/") then
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    elsif filePath = "" then
      aFileType := FILE_DIR;
        isSymlink := FALSE;
        if filePath in zip.catalog then
          header := zip.catalog[filePath];
        elsif filePath in zip.register then
          header := addToCatalog(zip, filePath);
        elsif implicitDir(zip.register, filePath) then
          header := addImplicitDir(zip, filePath);
          aFileType := FILE_ABSENT;
        end if;
        if aFileType = FILE_UNKNOWN then
          case header.version_made_by >> 8 of
            when {ZIP_HOST_SYSTEM_UNIX}:
              case bin32(header.external_file_attributes >> 16) & MODE_FILE_TYPE_MASK of
                when {MODE_FILE_REGULAR}: aFileType := FILE_REGULAR;
                when {MODE_FILE_DIR}:     aFileType := FILE_DIR;
                when {MODE_FILE_CHAR}:    aFileType := FILE_CHAR;
                when {MODE_FILE_BLOCK}:   aFileType := FILE_BLOCK;
                when {MODE_FILE_FIFO}:    aFileType := FILE_FIFO;
                when {MODE_FILE_SOCKET}:  aFileType := FILE_SOCKET;
                when {MODE_FILE_SYMLINK}:
                  isSymlink := TRUE;
                  seek(zip.zipFile, succ(header.relative_offset_of_local_header));
                  localHeader := get_local_header(zip.zipFile);
                  # write(localHeader);
                  if localHeader.compression_method = ZIP_STORE then
                    # The link destination is stored (no compression).
                    targetPath := gets(zip.zipFile, localHeader.compressed_size);
                    filePath := symlinkDestination(filePath, targetPath);
                    # writeln("unsupported compression method: " <& localHeader.compression_method);
                    raise FILE_ERROR;
                  end if;
                otherwise:                aFileType := FILE_UNKNOWN;
              end case;
              if endsWith(header.file_name, "/") then
                aFileType := FILE_DIR;
                aFileType := FILE_REGULAR;
              end if;
          end case;
        end if;
      until not isSymlink or symlinkCount < 0;
      if isSymlink then
        aFileType := FILE_SYMLINK;
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Determine the type of a file in a ZIP archive.
 *  A return value of ''FILE_ABSENT'' does not imply that a file
 *  with this name can be created, since missing directories and
 *  invalid file names cause also ''FILE_ABSENT''.
 *  @return the type of the file.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR ''filePath'' does not use the standard path
 *             representation.
const func fileType: fileTypeSL (inout zipArchive: zip, in string: filePath) is func
    var fileType: aFileType is FILE_UNKNOWN;
    var central_file_header: header is central_file_header.value;
    if filePath <> "/" and endsWith(filePath, "/") then
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
      if filePath in zip.catalog then
        header := zip.catalog[filePath];
      elsif filePath in zip.register then
        header := addToCatalog(zip, filePath);
      elsif implicitDir(zip.register, filePath) then
        header := addImplicitDir(zip, filePath);
        aFileType := FILE_ABSENT;
      end if;
      if aFileType = FILE_UNKNOWN then
        case header.version_made_by >> 8 of
          when {ZIP_HOST_SYSTEM_UNIX}:
            case bin32(header.external_file_attributes >> 16) & MODE_FILE_TYPE_MASK of
              when {MODE_FILE_REGULAR}: aFileType := FILE_REGULAR;
              when {MODE_FILE_DIR}:     aFileType := FILE_DIR;
              when {MODE_FILE_CHAR}:    aFileType := FILE_CHAR;
              when {MODE_FILE_BLOCK}:   aFileType := FILE_BLOCK;
              when {MODE_FILE_FIFO}:    aFileType := FILE_FIFO;
              when {MODE_FILE_SOCKET}:  aFileType := FILE_SOCKET;
              when {MODE_FILE_SYMLINK}: aFileType := FILE_SYMLINK;
              otherwise:                aFileType := FILE_UNKNOWN;
            end case;
            if endsWith(header.file_name, "/") then
              aFileType := FILE_DIR;
              aFileType := FILE_REGULAR;
            end if;
        end case;
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Determine the file mode (permissions) of a file in a ZIP archive.
 *  The function follows symbolic links.
 *  @return the file mode.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR ''filePath'' does not use the standard path
 *             representation.
 *  @exception FILE_ERROR ''filePath'' is not present in the ZIP archive.
const func fileMode: getFileMode (inout zipArchive: zip, in string: filePath) is func
    var fileMode: mode is fileMode.value;
    const bin32: FAT_READ_ONLY    is bin32(16#01);
    const bin32: FAT_HIDDEN       is bin32(16#02);
    const bin32: FAT_SYSTEM       is bin32(16#04);
    const bin32: FAT_VOLUME_LABEL is bin32(16#08);
    const bin32: FAT_DIRECTORY    is bin32(16#10);
    const bin32: FAT_ARCHIVE      is bin32(16#20);
    const bin32: FAT_DEVICE       is bin32(16#40);
    var central_file_header: header is central_file_header.value;
    var string: extension is "";
    if filePath <> "/" and endsWith(filePath, "/") then
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
      header := followSymlink(zip, filePath);
      case header.version_made_by >> 8 of
        when {ZIP_HOST_SYSTEM_MS_DOS}:
          mode := {READ_USER, READ_GROUP, READ_OTHER};
          if bin32(header.external_file_attributes) & FAT_READ_ONLY = bin32(0) then
            mode |:= {WRITE_USER};
          end if;
          if bin32(header.external_file_attributes) & FAT_DIRECTORY <> bin32(0) then
            mode |:= {EXEC_USER, EXEC_GROUP, EXEC_OTHER};
          end if;
          if length(header.file_name) >= 5 then
            extension := lower(header.file_name[length(header.file_name) - 3 ..]);
            if extension in {".bat", ".cmd", ".com", ".exe"} then
              mode |:= {EXEC_USER, EXEC_GROUP, EXEC_OTHER};
            end if;
          end if;
        when {ZIP_HOST_SYSTEM_UNIX}:
          # The unix mode is in the high 16 bits of the attributes.
          mode := fileMode((header.external_file_attributes >> 16) mod 8#1000);
          mode := {READ_USER, READ_GROUP, READ_OTHER,
          if endsWith(header.file_name, "/") then
            mode |:= {EXEC_USER, EXEC_GROUP, EXEC_OTHER};
          end if;
      end case;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Change the file mode (permissions) of a file in an ZIP archive.
 *  The function follows symbolic links.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR ''filePath'' does not use the standard path
 *             representation.
 *  @exception FILE_ERROR ''filePath'' is not present in the ZIP archive.
const proc: setFileMode (inout zipArchive: zip, in string: filePath,
    in fileMode: mode) is func
    var central_file_header: header is central_file_header.value;
    if filePath <> "/" and endsWith(filePath, "/") then
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
      header := followSymlink(zip, filePath);
      header.external_file_attributes :=
          header.external_file_attributes mod 16#10000 +
          (((header.external_file_attributes >> 25 << 9) + integer(mode)) << 16);
      zip.catalog @:= [filePath] header;
      seek(zip.zipFile, zip.register[filePath]);
      writeHead(zip.zipFile, header);
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Determine the size of a file in a ZIP archive.
 *  The file size is measured in bytes.
 *  For directories a size of 0 is returned.
 *  The function follows symbolic links.
 *  @return the size of the file.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR ''filePath'' does not use the standard path
 *             representation.
 *  @exception FILE_ERROR ''filePath'' is not present in the ZIP archive.
const func integer: fileSize (inout zipArchive: zip, in string: filePath) is func
    var integer: size is 0;
    var central_file_header: header is central_file_header.value;
    if filePath <> "/" and endsWith(filePath, "/") then
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
      size := followSymlink(zip, filePath).uncompressed_size;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Determine the modification time of a file in a ZIP archive.
 *  The function follows symbolic links.
 *  @return the modification time of the file.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR ''filePath'' does not use the standard path
 *             representation.
 *  @exception FILE_ERROR ''filePath'' is not present in the ZIP archive.
const func time: getMTime (inout zipArchive: zip, in string: filePath) is func
    var time: modificationTime is time.value;
    var central_file_header: header is central_file_header.value;
    var integer: timestamp is 0;
    if filePath <> "/" and endsWith(filePath, "/") then
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
      header := followSymlink(zip, filePath);
      if ZIP_EXTENDED_TIMESTAMP_EXTRA_FIELD in header.extraFieldMap then
        timestamp := bytes2Int(
            header.extraFieldMap[ZIP_EXTENDED_TIMESTAMP_EXTRA_FIELD][2 fixLen 4],
            UNSIGNED, LE);
        modificationTime := timestamp1970ToTime(timestamp);
      elsif ZIP_INFO_ZIP_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD in header.extraFieldMap then
        timestamp := bytes2Int(
            header.extraFieldMap[ZIP_INFO_ZIP_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD][5 fixLen 4],
            UNSIGNED, LE);
        modificationTime := timestamp1970ToTime(timestamp);
      elsif ZIP_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD in header.extraFieldMap then
        timestamp := bytes2Int(
            header.extraFieldMap[ZIP_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD][5 fixLen 4],
            UNSIGNED, LE);
        modificationTime := timestamp1970ToTime(timestamp);
      elsif ZIP_NTFS_EXTRA_FIELD in header.extraFieldMap then
        timestamp := bytes2Int(
            header.extraFieldMap[ZIP_NTFS_EXTRA_FIELD][9 fixLen 8],
            UNSIGNED, LE);
        modificationTime := timestamp1601ToTime(timestamp);
        modificationTime.year   := (header.last_mod_file_date >>  9) + 1980;
        modificationTime.month  := (header.last_mod_file_date >>  5) mod 16;
        modificationTime.day    :=  header.last_mod_file_date        mod 32;
        modificationTime.hour   :=  header.last_mod_file_time >> 11;
        modificationTime.minute := (header.last_mod_file_time >>  5) mod 64;
        modificationTime.second := (header.last_mod_file_time        mod 32) * 2;
        modificationTime := setLocalTZ(modificationTime);
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Set the modification time of a file in an ZIP archive.
 *  The function follows symbolic links.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR ''filePath'' does not use the standard path
 *             representation.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR ''aTime'' is invalid or cannot be
 *             converted to the system file time.
 *  @exception FILE_ERROR ''filePath'' is not present in the ZIP archive.
const proc: setMTime (inout zipArchive: zip, in string: filePath,
    in time: modificationTime) is func
    var central_file_header: header is central_file_header.value;
    var local_file_header: localHeader is local_file_header.value;
    if filePath <> "/" and endsWith(filePath, "/") then
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
      header := followSymlink(zip, filePath);
      assignLastModFileTime(header, modificationTime);
      zip.catalog @:= [filePath] header;
      seek(zip.zipFile, zip.register[filePath]);
      writeHead(zip.zipFile, header);
      seek(zip.zipFile, succ(header.relative_offset_of_local_header));
      localHeader := get_local_header(zip.zipFile);
      assignLastModFileTime(localHeader, modificationTime);
      seek(zip.zipFile, succ(header.relative_offset_of_local_header));
      writeHead(zip.zipFile, localHeader);
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Determine the name of the owner (UID) of a file in a ZIP archive.
 *  The function follows symbolic links.
 *  @return the name of the file owner.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR ''filePath'' does not use the standard path
 *             representation.
 *  @exception FILE_ERROR ''filePath'' is not present in the ZIP archive, or
 *             the chain of symbolic links is too long.
const func string: getOwner (inout zipArchive: zip, in string: filePath) is func
    var string: owner is "";
    var central_file_header: header is central_file_header.value;
    var integer: size is 0;
    var integer: uid is 0;
    if filePath <> "/" and endsWith(filePath, "/") then
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
      header := followSymlink(zip, filePath);
      if ZIP_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD in header.extraFieldMap then
        uid := bytes2Int(
            header.extraFieldMap[ZIP_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD][9 fixLen 2],
            UNSIGNED, LE);
        owner := str(uid);
      elsif ZIP_ASI_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD in header.extraFieldMap then
        uid := bytes2Int(
            header.extraFieldMap[ZIP_ASI_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD][11 fixLen 2],
            UNSIGNED, LE);
        owner := str(uid);
      elsif ZIP_NEW_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD in header.extraFieldMap then
        size := ord(header.extraFieldMap[ZIP_NEW_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD][2]);
        uid := bytes2Int(
            header.extraFieldMap[ZIP_NEW_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD][3 fixLen size],
            UNSIGNED, LE);
        owner := str(uid);
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Set the owner of a file in a ZIP archive.
 *  The function follows symbolic links. The ZIP archive format allows
 *  only a numeric UID. The ''owner'' "root" is mapped to the UID 0. Other
 *  ''owner'' names raise a RANGE_ERROR.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR ''filePath'' does not use the standard path
 *             representation, or the ''owner'' cannot be mapped to a UID.
 *  @exception FILE_ERROR ''filePath'' is not present in the ZIP archive, or
 *             the chain of symbolic links is too long.
const proc: setOwner (inout zipArchive: zip, in string: filePath,
    in string: owner) is func
    var integer: uid is 0;
    var central_file_header: header is central_file_header.value;
    var local_file_header: localHeader is local_file_header.value;
    if isDigitString(owner) then
      uid := integer(owner);
    elsif owner <> "root" then
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    end if;
    if filePath <> "/" and endsWith(filePath, "/") then
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
      header := followSymlink(zip, filePath);
      assignUserId(header, uid);
      zip.catalog @:= [filePath] header;
      seek(zip.zipFile, zip.register[filePath]);
      writeHead(zip.zipFile, header);
      seek(zip.zipFile, succ(header.relative_offset_of_local_header));
      localHeader := get_local_header(zip.zipFile);
      assignUserId(localHeader, uid);
      seek(zip.zipFile, succ(header.relative_offset_of_local_header));
      writeHead(zip.zipFile, localHeader);
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Determine the name of the group (GID) of a file in a ZIP archive.
 *  The function follows symbolic links.
 *  @return the name of the file group.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR ''filePath'' does not use the standard path
 *             representation.
 *  @exception FILE_ERROR ''filePath'' is not present in the ZIP archive, or
 *             the chain of symbolic links is too long.
const func string: getGroup (inout zipArchive: zip, in string: filePath) is func
    var string: group is "";
    var central_file_header: header is central_file_header.value;
    var integer: pos is 0;
    var integer: size is 0;
    var integer: gid is 0;
    if filePath <> "/" and endsWith(filePath, "/") then
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
      header := followSymlink(zip, filePath);
      if ZIP_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD in header.extraFieldMap then
        gid := bytes2Int(
            header.extraFieldMap[ZIP_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD][11 fixLen 2],
            UNSIGNED, LE);
        group := str(gid);
      elsif ZIP_ASI_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD in header.extraFieldMap then
        gid := bytes2Int(
            header.extraFieldMap[ZIP_ASI_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD][13 fixLen 2],
            UNSIGNED, LE);
        group := str(gid);
      elsif ZIP_NEW_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD in header.extraFieldMap then
        pos := 3 + ord(header.extraFieldMap[ZIP_NEW_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD][2]);
        size := ord(header.extraFieldMap[ZIP_NEW_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD][pos]);
        gid := bytes2Int(
            header.extraFieldMap[ZIP_NEW_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD][succ(pos) fixLen size],
            UNSIGNED, LE);
        group := str(gid);
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Set the group of a file in a ZIP archive.
 *  The function follows symbolic links. The ZIP archive format allows
 *  only a numeric GID. The ''group'' "root" is mapped to the GID 0. Other
 *  ''group'' names raise a RANGE_ERROR.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR ''filePath'' does not use the standard path
 *             representation, or the ''group'' cannot be mapped to a GID.
 *  @exception FILE_ERROR ''filePath'' is not present in the ZIP archive, or
 *             the chain of symbolic links is too long.
const proc: setGroup (inout zipArchive: zip, in string: filePath,
    in string: group) is func
    var integer: gid is 0;
    var central_file_header: header is central_file_header.value;
    var local_file_header: localHeader is local_file_header.value;
    if isDigitString(group) then
      gid := integer(group);
    elsif group <> "root" then
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    end if;
    if filePath <> "/" and endsWith(filePath, "/") then
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
      header := followSymlink(zip, filePath);
      assignGroupId(header, gid);
      zip.catalog @:= [filePath] header;
      seek(zip.zipFile, zip.register[filePath]);
      writeHead(zip.zipFile, header);
      seek(zip.zipFile, succ(header.relative_offset_of_local_header));
      localHeader := get_local_header(zip.zipFile);
      assignGroupId(localHeader, gid);
      seek(zip.zipFile, succ(header.relative_offset_of_local_header));
      writeHead(zip.zipFile, localHeader);
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Determine the file mode (permissions) of a symbolic link in a ZIP archive.
 *  The function only works for symbolic links and does not follow the
 *  symbolic link.
 *  @return the file mode.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR ''filePath'' does not use the standard path
 *             representation.
 *  @exception FILE_ERROR The file described with ''filePath'' is not
 *             present in the ZIP archive, or it is not a symbolic link.
const func fileMode: getFileMode (inout zipArchive: zip, in string: filePath, SYMLINK) is func
    var fileMode: mode is fileMode.value;
    var central_file_header: header is central_file_header.value;
    # writeln("getFileMode: " <& filePath);
    if filePath <> "/" and endsWith(filePath, "/") then
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    elsif filePath = "" then
      raise FILE_ERROR;
      if filePath in zip.catalog then
        header := zip.catalog[filePath];
      elsif filePath in zip.register then
        header := addToCatalog(zip, filePath);
        raise FILE_ERROR;
      end if;
      if isSymlink(header) then
        mode := fileMode((header.external_file_attributes >> 16) mod 8#1000);
        raise FILE_ERROR;
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Determine the modification time of a symbolic link in a ZIP archive.
 *  The function only works for symbolic links and does not follow the
 *  symbolic link.
 *  @return the modification time of the symbolic link.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR ''filePath'' does not use the standard path
 *             representation.
 *  @exception FILE_ERROR The file described with ''filePath'' is not
 *             present in the ZIP archive, or it is not a symbolic link.
const func time: getMTime (inout zipArchive: zip, in string: filePath, SYMLINK) is func
    var time: modificationTime is time.value;
    var central_file_header: header is central_file_header.value;
    var integer: timestamp is 0;
    # writeln("getMTime: " <& filePath);
    if filePath <> "/" and endsWith(filePath, "/") then
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    elsif filePath = "" then
      raise FILE_ERROR;
      if filePath in zip.catalog then
        header := zip.catalog[filePath];
      elsif filePath in zip.register then
        header := addToCatalog(zip, filePath);
        raise FILE_ERROR;
      end if;
      if isSymlink(header) then
        if ZIP_EXTENDED_TIMESTAMP_EXTRA_FIELD in header.extraFieldMap then
          timestamp := bytes2Int(
              header.extraFieldMap[ZIP_EXTENDED_TIMESTAMP_EXTRA_FIELD][2 fixLen 4],
              UNSIGNED, LE);
          modificationTime := timestamp1970ToTime(timestamp);
        elsif ZIP_INFO_ZIP_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD in header.extraFieldMap then
          timestamp := bytes2Int(
              header.extraFieldMap[ZIP_INFO_ZIP_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD][5 fixLen 4],
              UNSIGNED, LE);
          modificationTime := timestamp1970ToTime(timestamp);
        elsif ZIP_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD in header.extraFieldMap then
          timestamp := bytes2Int(
              header.extraFieldMap[ZIP_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD][5 fixLen 4],
              UNSIGNED, LE);
          modificationTime := timestamp1970ToTime(timestamp);
        elsif ZIP_NTFS_EXTRA_FIELD in header.extraFieldMap then
          timestamp := bytes2Int(
              header.extraFieldMap[ZIP_NTFS_EXTRA_FIELD][9 fixLen 8],
              UNSIGNED, LE);
          modificationTime := timestamp1601ToTime(timestamp);
          modificationTime.year   := (header.last_mod_file_date >>  9) + 1980;
          modificationTime.month  := (header.last_mod_file_date >>  5) mod 16;
          modificationTime.day    :=  header.last_mod_file_date        mod 32;
          modificationTime.hour   :=  header.last_mod_file_time >> 11;
          modificationTime.minute := (header.last_mod_file_time >>  5) mod 64;
          modificationTime.second := (header.last_mod_file_time        mod 32) * 2;
          modificationTime := setLocalTZ(modificationTime);
        end if;
        raise FILE_ERROR;
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Set the modification time of a symbolic link in a ZIP archive.
 *  The function only works for symbolic links and does not follow the
 *  symbolic link.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR ''filePath'' does not use the standard path
 *             representation.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR ''modificationTime'' is invalid or it cannot be
 *             converted to the system file time.
 *  @exception FILE_ERROR The file described with ''filePath'' is not
 *             present in the ZIP archive, or it is not a symbolic link.
const proc: setMTime (inout zipArchive: zip, in string: filePath,
    in time: modificationTime, SYMLINK) is func
    var central_file_header: header is central_file_header.value;
    var local_file_header: localHeader is local_file_header.value;
    if filePath <> "/" and endsWith(filePath, "/") then
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    elsif filePath = "" then
      raise FILE_ERROR;
      if filePath in zip.catalog then
        header := zip.catalog[filePath];
      elsif filePath in zip.register then
        header := addToCatalog(zip, filePath);
        raise FILE_ERROR;
      end if;
      if isSymlink(header) then
        assignLastModFileTime(header, modificationTime);
        zip.catalog @:= [filePath] header;
        seek(zip.zipFile, zip.register[filePath]);
        writeHead(zip.zipFile, header);
        seek(zip.zipFile, succ(header.relative_offset_of_local_header));
        localHeader := get_local_header(zip.zipFile);
        assignLastModFileTime(localHeader, modificationTime);
        seek(zip.zipFile, succ(header.relative_offset_of_local_header));
        writeHead(zip.zipFile, localHeader);
        raise FILE_ERROR;
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Determine the name of the owner (UID) of a symbolic link in a ZIP archive.
 *  The function only works for symbolic links and does not follow the
 *  symbolic link.
 *  @return the name of the file owner.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR ''filePath'' does not use the standard path
 *             representation.
 *  @exception FILE_ERROR The file described with ''filePath'' is not
 *             present in the ZIP archive, or it is not a symbolic link.
const func string: getOwner (inout zipArchive: zip, in string: filePath, SYMLINK) is func
    var string: owner is "";
    var central_file_header: header is central_file_header.value;
    var integer: size is 0;
    var integer: uid is 0;
    # writeln("getOwner: " <& filePath);
    if filePath <> "/" and endsWith(filePath, "/") then
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    elsif filePath = "" then
      raise FILE_ERROR;
      if filePath in zip.catalog then
        header := zip.catalog[filePath];
      elsif filePath in zip.register then
        header := addToCatalog(zip, filePath);
        raise FILE_ERROR;
      end if;
      if isSymlink(header) then
        if ZIP_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD in header.extraFieldMap then
          uid := bytes2Int(
              header.extraFieldMap[ZIP_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD][9 fixLen 2],
              UNSIGNED, LE);
          owner := str(uid);
        elsif ZIP_ASI_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD in header.extraFieldMap then
          uid := bytes2Int(
              header.extraFieldMap[ZIP_ASI_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD][11 fixLen 2],
              UNSIGNED, LE);
          owner := str(uid);
        elsif ZIP_NEW_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD in header.extraFieldMap then
          size := ord(header.extraFieldMap[ZIP_NEW_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD][2]);
          uid := bytes2Int(
              header.extraFieldMap[ZIP_NEW_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD][3 fixLen size],
              UNSIGNED, LE);
          owner := str(uid);
        end if;
        raise FILE_ERROR;
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Set the owner of a symbolic link in a ZIP archive.
 *  The function only works for symbolic links and does not follow the
 *  symbolic link. The ZIP archive format allows only a numeric UID.
 *  The ''owner'' "root" is mapped to the UID 0. Other ''owner'' names
 *  raise a RANGE_ERROR.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR ''filePath'' does not use the standard path
 *             representation, or the ''owner'' cannot be mapped to a UID.
 *  @exception FILE_ERROR The file described with ''filePath'' is not
 *             present in the ZIP archive, or it is not a symbolic link.
const proc: setOwner (inout zipArchive: zip, in string: filePath,
    in string: owner, SYMLINK) is func
    var integer: uid is 0;
    var central_file_header: header is central_file_header.value;
    var local_file_header: localHeader is local_file_header.value;
    if isDigitString(owner) then
      uid := integer(owner);
    elsif owner <> "root" then
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    end if;
    if filePath <> "/" and endsWith(filePath, "/") then
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    elsif filePath = "" then
      raise FILE_ERROR;
      if filePath in zip.catalog then
        header := zip.catalog[filePath];
      elsif filePath in zip.register then
        header := addToCatalog(zip, filePath);
        raise FILE_ERROR;
      end if;
      if isSymlink(header) then
        assignUserId(header, uid);
        zip.catalog @:= [filePath] header;
        seek(zip.zipFile, zip.register[filePath]);
        writeHead(zip.zipFile, header);
        seek(zip.zipFile, succ(header.relative_offset_of_local_header));
        localHeader := get_local_header(zip.zipFile);
        assignUserId(localHeader, uid);
        seek(zip.zipFile, succ(header.relative_offset_of_local_header));
        writeHead(zip.zipFile, localHeader);
        raise FILE_ERROR;
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Determine the name of the group (GID) of a symbolic link in a ZIP archive.
 *  The function only works for symbolic links and does not follow the
 *  symbolic link.
 *  @return the name of the file group.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR ''filePath'' does not use the standard path
 *             representation.
 *  @exception FILE_ERROR The file described with ''filePath'' is not
 *             present in the ZIP archive, or it is not a symbolic link.
const func string: getGroup (inout zipArchive: zip, in string: filePath, SYMLINK) is func
    var string: group is "";
    var central_file_header: header is central_file_header.value;
    var integer: pos is 0;
    var integer: size is 0;
    var integer: gid is 0;
    # writeln("getGroup: " <& filePath);
    if filePath <> "/" and endsWith(filePath, "/") then
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    elsif filePath = "" then
      raise FILE_ERROR;
      if filePath in zip.catalog then
        header := zip.catalog[filePath];
      elsif filePath in zip.register then
        header := addToCatalog(zip, filePath);
        raise FILE_ERROR;
      end if;
      if isSymlink(header) then
        if ZIP_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD in header.extraFieldMap then
          gid := bytes2Int(
              header.extraFieldMap[ZIP_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD][11 fixLen 2],
              UNSIGNED, LE);
          group := str(gid);
        elsif ZIP_ASI_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD in header.extraFieldMap then
          gid := bytes2Int(
              header.extraFieldMap[ZIP_ASI_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD][13 fixLen 2],
              UNSIGNED, LE);
          group := str(gid);
        elsif ZIP_NEW_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD in header.extraFieldMap then
          pos := 3 + ord(header.extraFieldMap[ZIP_NEW_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD][2]);
          size := ord(header.extraFieldMap[ZIP_NEW_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD][pos]);
          gid := bytes2Int(
              header.extraFieldMap[ZIP_NEW_UNIX_EXTRA_FIELD][succ(pos) fixLen size],
              UNSIGNED, LE);
          group := str(gid);
        end if;
        raise FILE_ERROR;
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Set the group of a symbolic link in a ZIP archive.
 *  The function only works for symbolic links and does not follow the
 *  symbolic link. The ZIP archive format allows only a numeric GID.
 *  The ''group'' "root" is mapped to the GID 0. Other ''group'' names
 *  raise a RANGE_ERROR.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR ''filePath'' does not use the standard path
 *             representation, or the ''group'' cannot be mapped to a GID.
 *  @exception FILE_ERROR The file described with ''filePath'' is not
 *             present in the ZIP archive, or it is not a symbolic link.
const proc: setGroup (inout zipArchive: zip, in string: filePath,
    in string: group, SYMLINK) is func
    var integer: gid is 0;
    var central_file_header: header is central_file_header.value;
    var local_file_header: localHeader is local_file_header.value;
    if isDigitString(group) then
      gid := integer(group);
    elsif group <> "root" then
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    end if;
    if filePath <> "/" and endsWith(filePath, "/") then
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    elsif filePath = "" then
      raise FILE_ERROR;
      if filePath in zip.catalog then
        header := zip.catalog[filePath];
      elsif filePath in zip.register then
        header := addToCatalog(zip, filePath);
        raise FILE_ERROR;
      end if;
      if isSymlink(header) then
        assignGroupId(header, gid);
        zip.catalog @:= [filePath] header;
        seek(zip.zipFile, zip.register[filePath]);
        writeHead(zip.zipFile, header);
        seek(zip.zipFile, succ(header.relative_offset_of_local_header));
        localHeader := get_local_header(zip.zipFile);
        assignGroupId(localHeader, gid);
        seek(zip.zipFile, succ(header.relative_offset_of_local_header));
        writeHead(zip.zipFile, localHeader);
        raise FILE_ERROR;
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Reads the destination of a symbolic link in a ZIP archive.
 *  @return The destination referred by the symbolic link.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR ''filePath'' does not use the standard path
 *             representation.
 *  @exception FILE_ERROR ''filePath'' is not present in the ZIP archive,
 *             or is not a symbolic link.
const func string: readLink (inout zipArchive: zip, in string: filePath) is func
    var string: linkPath is "";
    var central_file_header: header is central_file_header.value;
    var local_file_header: localHeader is local_file_header.value;
    var string: linkPath8 is "";
    var bin32: crc_32 is bin32(0);
    if filePath <> "/" and endsWith(filePath, "/") then
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    elsif filePath in zip.catalog then
      header := zip.catalog[filePath];
    elsif filePath in zip.register then
      header := addToCatalog(zip, filePath);
      raise FILE_ERROR;
    end if;
    if isSymlink(header) then
      seek(zip.zipFile, succ(header.relative_offset_of_local_header));
      localHeader := get_local_header(zip.zipFile);
      # write(localHeader);
      if localHeader.compression_method = ZIP_STORE then
        # The link destination is stored (no compression).
        linkPath8 := gets(zip.zipFile, localHeader.compressed_size);
        # writeln("unsupported compression method: " <& localHeader.compression_method);
        raise FILE_ERROR;
      end if;
      crc_32 := crc32(linkPath8);
      if localHeader.crc_32 <> crc_32 or
          localHeader.uncompressed_size <> length(linkPath8) or
          header.crc_32 <> crc_32 or
          header.uncompressed_size <> length(linkPath8) then
        raise FILE_ERROR;
      end if;
        linkPath := fromUtf8(linkPath8);
        catch RANGE_ERROR:
          linkPath := linkPath8;
      end block;
      raise FILE_ERROR;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Create a symbolic link in a ZIP archive.
 *  The symbolic link ''symlinkPath'' will refer to ''targetPath'' afterwards.
 *  The function does not follow symbolic links.
 *  @param zip Open ZIP archive.
 *  @param symlinkPath Name of the symbolic link to be created.
 *  @param targetPath String to be contained in the symbolic link.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR ''targetPath'' or ''symlinkPath'' does not use the
 *             standard path representation.
 *  @exception FILE_ERROR A system function returns an error.
const proc: makeLink (inout zipArchive: zip, in string: symlinkPath,
    in string: targetPath) is func
    var central_file_header: header is central_file_header.value;
    var local_file_header: localHeader is local_file_header.value;
    var string: symlinkPath8 is "";
    var string: targetPath8 is "";
    var integer: roomForNewFile is 0;
    # writeln("makeLink: " <& literal(symlinkPath) <& " " <& literal(targetPath));
    if symlinkPath <> "/" and endsWith(symlinkPath, "/") then
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    elsif symlinkPath = "" or symlinkPath in zip.catalog or
        symlinkPath in zip.register or implicitDir(zip.register, symlinkPath) then
      raise FILE_ERROR;
      symlinkPath8 := toUtf8(symlinkPath);
      targetPath8 := toUtf8(targetPath);
      header.signature := ZIP_CENTRAL_HEADER_SIGNATURE;
      header.version_made_by            := (ZIP_HOST_SYSTEM_UNIX << 8) + 16#1e;
      header.version_needed_to_extract  := 10;
      if symlinkPath8 <> symlinkPath then
        header.general_purpose_bit_flag := ZIP_FILE_NAME_IS_UTF8;
        header.general_purpose_bit_flag := bin32(0);
      end if;
      header.compression_method         := ZIP_STORE;
      header.crc_32                     := crc32(targetPath8);
      header.compressed_size            := length(targetPath8);
      header.uncompressed_size          := length(targetPath8);
      header.disk_number_start          := 0;
      header.internal_file_attributes   := 0;
      # The unix mode is in the high 16 bits of the attributes.
      header.external_file_attributes   := (ord(MODE_FILE_SYMLINK) + 8#777) << 16;
      header.file_name                  := symlinkPath8;
      initLastModFileTime(header, time(NOW));
      header.file_comment               := "";
      header.relative_offset_of_local_header := pred(zip.startOfCentralDirPos);
      roomForNewFile := ZIP_LOCAL_HEADER_FIXED_SIZE + length(header.file_name) +
          length(header.extra_field) + header.compressed_size;
      insertArea(zip.zipFile, zip.startOfCentralDirPos, roomForNewFile);
      fixRegisterAndCatalog(zip, zip.startOfCentralDirPos, roomForNewFile);
      localHeader := toLocalHeader(header);
      seek(zip.zipFile, succ(header.relative_offset_of_local_header));
      writeHead(zip.zipFile, localHeader);
      write(zip.zipFile, targetPath8);
      seek(zip.zipFile, zip.endOfCentralDirPos);
      zip.register @:= [symlinkPath] zip.endOfCentralDirPos;
      writeHead(zip.zipFile, header);
      zip.catalog @:= [symlinkPath] header;
      zip.endOfCentralDirPos := tell(zip.zipFile);
      zip.endOfCentralDir.size_of_central_directory := zip.endOfCentralDirPos - zip.startOfCentralDirPos;
      zip.endOfCentralDir.offset_of_start_of_central_directory := pred(zip.startOfCentralDirPos);
      write(zip.zipFile, str(zip.endOfCentralDir));
    end if;
  end func;

const func string: lzwDecompressShrink (inout file: inFile,
    in integer: compressedSize) is func
    var string: decompressed is "";
    var file: compressedFile is STD_NULL;
    var lsbInBitStream: compressedStream is lsbInBitStream.value;
    compressedFile := openSubFile(inFile, tell(inFile), compressedSize);
    compressedStream := openLsbInBitStream(compressedFile);
    decompressed := lzwDecompressShrink(compressedStream);
  end func;

const func string: getFile (inout zipArchive: zip, in string: filePath) is forward;

const func string: getReference (inout zipArchive: zip, in central_file_header: header) is func
    var string: content is "";
    var string: sha1 is "";
    var string: filePath is "";
    var boolean: found is FALSE;
    sha1 := gets(zip.zipFile, header.compressed_size);
    if length(sha1) <> 20 then
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
      for filePath range getReferencePaths(zip, header.crc_32) do
        content := getFile(zip, filePath);
        if sha1(content) = sha1 then
          if found then
            raise RANGE_ERROR;
            found := TRUE;
          end if;
        end if;
      end for;
      if not found then
        raise RANGE_ERROR;
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;

const proc: readDataDescriptor (inout zipArchive: zip, in central_file_header: header,
    inout local_file_header: localHeader) is func
    var integer: dataDescriptorSize is 0;
    var integer: signaturePos is 0;
    var string: stri is "";
    dataDescriptorSize := ZIP64_EXTRA_FIELD in header.extraFieldMap ?
                          ZIP64_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE :
    stri := gets(zip.zipFile, 4);
      stri := gets(zip.zipFile, dataDescriptorSize);
      stri &:= gets(zip.zipFile, dataDescriptorSize - 4);
      if length(stri) = dataDescriptorSize then
        signaturePos := pos(stri, ZIP_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_SIGNATURE);
        if signaturePos <> 0 then
          stri := stri[signaturePos + 4 .. ] &
                  gets(zip.zipFile, signaturePos + 3);
        end if;
      end if;
    end if;
    if length(stri) = dataDescriptorSize then
      if dataDescriptorSize = ZIP_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE then
        localHeader.crc_32            := bin32(bytes2Int(stri[1 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE));
        localHeader.compressed_size   :=       bytes2Int(stri[5 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE);
        localHeader.uncompressed_size :=       bytes2Int(stri[9 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE);
        localHeader.crc_32            := bin32(bytes2Int(stri[1 fixLen 4], UNSIGNED, LE));
        localHeader.compressed_size   :=       bytes2Int(stri[5 fixLen 8], UNSIGNED, LE);
        localHeader.uncompressed_size :=       bytes2Int(stri[9 fixLen 8], UNSIGNED, LE);
      end if;
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Get the contents of a file in a ZIP archive.
 *  The function follows symbolic links.
 *  @return the specified file as string.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR ''filePath'' does not use the standard path
 *             representation.
 *  @exception FILE_ERROR ''filePath'' is not present in the ZIP archive,
 *             or the crc-32 checksum is not okay.
const func string: getFile (inout zipArchive: zip, in string: filePath) is func
    var string: content is "";
    var central_file_header: header is central_file_header.value;
    var local_file_header: localHeader is local_file_header.value;
    var bin32: crc_32 is bin32(0);
    if filePath <> "/" and endsWith(filePath, "/") then
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
      header := followSymlink(zip, filePath);
      if isRegularFile(header) then
        seek(zip.zipFile, succ(header.relative_offset_of_local_header));
        localHeader := get_local_header(zip.zipFile);
        # write(localHeader);
        case localHeader.compression_method of
          when {ZIP_STORE}:
            content := gets(zip.zipFile, localHeader.compressed_size);
          when {ZIP_SHRINK}:
            content := lzwDecompressShrink(zip.zipFile, localHeader.compressed_size);
          when {ZIP_DEFLATE}:
            content := inflate(zip.zipFile);
            if localHeader.general_purpose_bit_flag & ZIP_HAS_DATA_DESCRIPTOR <> bin32(0) then
              # The fields crc_32, compressed_size and uncompressed_size are 0.
              # There is a data descriptor after the compressed data instead.
              readDataDescriptor(zip, header, localHeader);
            end if;
          when {ZIP_DEFLATE64}:
            content := inflate64(zip.zipFile);
            if localHeader.general_purpose_bit_flag & ZIP_HAS_DATA_DESCRIPTOR <> bin32(0) then
              # The fields crc_32, compressed_size and uncompressed_size are 0.
              # There is a data descriptor after the compressed data instead.
              readDataDescriptor(zip, header, localHeader);
            end if;
          when {ZIP_BZIP2}:
            content := bzip2Decompress(zip.zipFile);
          when {ZIP_LZMA}:
            content := lzmaDecompress(zip.zipFile, localHeader.uncompressed_size);
          when {ZIP_REFERENCE}:
            content := getReference(zip, header);
          when {ZIP_ZSTD}:
            content := zstdDecompress(zip.zipFile);
          when {ZIP_XZ}:
            content := xzDecompress(zip.zipFile);
            # writeln("unsupported compression method: " <& localHeader.compression_method);
            raise FILE_ERROR;
        end case;
        crc_32 := crc32(content);
        if localHeader.crc_32 <> crc_32 or
            localHeader.uncompressed_size <> length(content) or
            header.crc_32 <> crc_32 or
            header.uncompressed_size <> length(content) then
          raise FILE_ERROR;
        end if;
        raise FILE_ERROR;
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Write ''data'' to a ZIP archive with the given ''filePath''.
 *  If the file exists already, it is overwritten.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR ''filePath'' does not use the standard path
 *             representation.
const proc: putFile (inout zipArchive: zip, in string: filePath,
    in string: data) is func
    var central_file_header: header is central_file_header.value;
    var local_file_header: localHeader is local_file_header.value;
    var boolean: fileExists is TRUE;
    var time: modificationTime is time.value;
    var integer: oldSize is 0;
    var integer: newSize is 0;
    var integer: localHeaderPos is 0;
    var string: filePath8 is "";
    var string: compressed is "";
    var integer: roomForNewFile is 0;
    if filePath = "" or filePath <> "/" and endsWith(filePath, "/") then
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    elsif filePath in zip.catalog then
      header := zip.catalog[filePath];
    elsif filePath in zip.register then
      header := addToCatalog(zip, filePath);
    elsif implicitDir(zip.register, filePath) then
      raise FILE_ERROR;
      fileExists := FALSE;
    end if;
    compressed := deflate(data);
    oldSize := header.compressed_size;
    header.crc_32 := crc32(data);
    header.uncompressed_size := length(data);
    if length(compressed) >= length(data) then
      header.compression_method := ZIP_STORE;
      header.compressed_size := length(data);
      compressed := data;
      header.compression_method := ZIP_DEFLATE;
      header.compressed_size := length(compressed);
    end if;
    if fileExists then
      if endsWith(header.file_name, "/") then
        raise FILE_ERROR;
        modificationTime := time(NOW);
        assignLastModFileTime(header, modificationTime);
        localHeaderPos := succ(header.relative_offset_of_local_header);
        seek(zip.zipFile, localHeaderPos);
        localHeader := get_local_header(zip.zipFile);
        newSize := header.compressed_size;
        # writeln("oldSize: " <& oldSize);
        # writeln("newSize: " <& newSize);
        if newSize > oldSize then
          insertArea(zip.zipFile, localHeaderPos, newSize - oldSize);
          fixRegisterAndCatalog(zip, localHeaderPos, newSize - oldSize);
        elsif newSize < oldSize then
          deleteArea(zip.zipFile, localHeaderPos, oldSize - newSize);
          fixRegisterAndCatalog(zip, localHeaderPos + (oldSize - newSize),
                                newSize - oldSize);
        end if;
        # Local header and file data are rewritten in place.
        updateLocalHeader(localHeader, header);
        assignLastModFileTime(localHeader, modificationTime);
        seek(zip.zipFile, localHeaderPos);
        writeHead(zip.zipFile, localHeader);
        write(zip.zipFile, compressed);
        zip.catalog @:= [filePath] header;
        seek(zip.zipFile, zip.register[filePath]);
        writeHead(zip.zipFile, header);
        zip.endOfCentralDir.offset_of_start_of_central_directory := pred(zip.startOfCentralDirPos);
        seek(zip.zipFile, zip.endOfCentralDirPos);
        write(zip.zipFile, str(zip.endOfCentralDir));
      end if;
      filePath8 := toUtf8(filePath);
      header.signature := ZIP_CENTRAL_HEADER_SIGNATURE;
      header.version_made_by            := (ZIP_HOST_SYSTEM_UNIX << 8) + 16#1e;
      header.version_needed_to_extract  := 10;
      if filePath8 <> filePath then
        header.general_purpose_bit_flag := ZIP_FILE_NAME_IS_UTF8;
        header.general_purpose_bit_flag := bin32(0);
      end if;
      header.disk_number_start          := 0;
      header.internal_file_attributes   := 0;
      # The unix mode is in the high 16 bits of the attributes.
      header.external_file_attributes   := (ord(MODE_FILE_REGULAR) + 8#664) << 16;
      header.file_name                  := filePath8;
      initLastModFileTime(header, time(NOW));
      header.file_comment               := "";
      header.relative_offset_of_local_header := pred(zip.startOfCentralDirPos);
      roomForNewFile := ZIP_LOCAL_HEADER_FIXED_SIZE + length(header.file_name) +
          length(header.extra_field) + header.compressed_size;
      insertArea(zip.zipFile, zip.startOfCentralDirPos, roomForNewFile);
      fixRegisterAndCatalog(zip, zip.startOfCentralDirPos, roomForNewFile);
      localHeader := toLocalHeader(header);
      seek(zip.zipFile, succ(header.relative_offset_of_local_header));
      writeHead(zip.zipFile, localHeader);
      write(zip.zipFile, compressed);
      seek(zip.zipFile, zip.endOfCentralDirPos);
      zip.register @:= [filePath] zip.endOfCentralDirPos;
      writeHead(zip.zipFile, header);
      zip.catalog @:= [filePath] header;
      zip.endOfCentralDirPos := tell(zip.zipFile);
      zip.endOfCentralDir.size_of_central_directory := zip.endOfCentralDirPos - zip.startOfCentralDirPos;
      zip.endOfCentralDir.offset_of_start_of_central_directory := pred(zip.startOfCentralDirPos);
      write(zip.zipFile, str(zip.endOfCentralDir));
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Create a new directory in a ZIP archive.
 *  The function does not follow symbolic links.
 *  @param zip Open ZIP archive.
 *  @param dirPath Name of the directory to be created.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR ''dirPath'' does not use the standard path
 *             representation.
 *  @exception FILE_ERROR The file ''dirPath'' already exists.
const proc: makeDir (inout zipArchive: zip, in string: dirPath) is func
    var central_file_header: header is central_file_header.value;
    var local_file_header: localHeader is local_file_header.value;
    var boolean: fileExists is TRUE;
    var integer: relative_offset_of_local_header is 0;
    var string: dirPath8 is "";
    var integer: roomForNewFile is 0;
    if dirPath = "" or dirPath <> "/" and endsWith(dirPath, "/") then
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    elsif dirPath in zip.catalog then
      relative_offset_of_local_header := zip.catalog[dirPath].relative_offset_of_local_header;
    elsif dirPath in zip.register then
      relative_offset_of_local_header := addToCatalog(zip, dirPath).relative_offset_of_local_header;
    elsif implicitDir(zip.register, dirPath) then
      relative_offset_of_local_header := addImplicitDir(zip, dirPath).relative_offset_of_local_header;
      fileExists := FALSE;
    end if;
    if fileExists and relative_offset_of_local_header <> -1 then
      # The file exists and it is not an implicit directory.
      raise FILE_ERROR;
      dirPath8 := toUtf8(dirPath);
      header.signature := ZIP_CENTRAL_HEADER_SIGNATURE;
      header.version_made_by            := (ZIP_HOST_SYSTEM_UNIX << 8) + 16#1e;
      header.version_needed_to_extract  := 10;
      if dirPath8 <> dirPath then
        header.general_purpose_bit_flag := ZIP_FILE_NAME_IS_UTF8;
        header.general_purpose_bit_flag := bin32(0);
      end if;
      header.compression_method         := ZIP_STORE;
      header.compressed_size            := 0;
      header.uncompressed_size          := 0;
      header.disk_number_start          := 0;
      header.internal_file_attributes   := 0;
      # The unix mode is in the high 16 bits of the attributes.
      header.external_file_attributes   := (ord(MODE_FILE_DIR) + 8#775) << 16;
      header.file_name                  := dirPath8 & "/";
      initLastModFileTime(header, time(NOW));
      header.file_comment               := "";
      header.relative_offset_of_local_header := pred(zip.startOfCentralDirPos);
      roomForNewFile := ZIP_LOCAL_HEADER_FIXED_SIZE + length(header.file_name) +
      insertArea(zip.zipFile, zip.startOfCentralDirPos, roomForNewFile);
      fixRegisterAndCatalog(zip, zip.startOfCentralDirPos, roomForNewFile);
      localHeader := toLocalHeader(header);
      seek(zip.zipFile, succ(header.relative_offset_of_local_header));
      writeHead(zip.zipFile, localHeader);
      seek(zip.zipFile, zip.endOfCentralDirPos);
      zip.register @:= [dirPath] zip.endOfCentralDirPos;
      writeHead(zip.zipFile, header);
      zip.catalog @:= [dirPath] header;
      zip.endOfCentralDirPos := tell(zip.zipFile);
      zip.endOfCentralDir.size_of_central_directory := zip.endOfCentralDirPos - zip.startOfCentralDirPos;
      zip.endOfCentralDir.offset_of_start_of_central_directory := pred(zip.startOfCentralDirPos);
      write(zip.zipFile, str(zip.endOfCentralDir));
    end if;
  end func;

 *  Remove any file except non-empty directories from a ZIP archive.
 *  The function does not follow symbolic links. An attempt to remove a
 *  directory that is not empty triggers FILE_ERROR.
 *  @param zip Open ZIP archive.
 *  @param filePath Name of the file to be removed.
 *  @exception RANGE_ERROR ''filePath'' does not use the standard path
 *             representation.
 *  @exception FILE_ERROR The file does not exist or it is a directory
 *             that is not empty.
const proc: removeFile (inout zipArchive: zip, in string: filePath) is func
    var central_file_header: header is central_file_header.value;
    var local_file_header: localHeader is local_file_header.value;
    var boolean: fileExists is TRUE;
    var integer: posOfHeaderToBeRemoved is 0;
    var integer: numCharsToBeRemoved is 0;
    # writeln("removeFile(" <& literal(filePath) <& ")");
    if filePath <> "/" and endsWith(filePath, "/") then
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    elsif filePath in zip.catalog then
      header := zip.catalog[filePath];
    elsif filePath in zip.register then
      header := addToCatalog(zip, filePath);
    elsif implicitDir(zip.register, filePath) then
      header := addImplicitDir(zip, filePath);
      fileExists := FALSE;
    end if;
    if fileExists and
        (not endsWith(header.file_name, "/") or
         isEmptyDir(zip.register, filePath)) then
      # Remove local header and file content.
      posOfHeaderToBeRemoved := succ(header.relative_offset_of_local_header);
      numCharsToBeRemoved := ZIP_LOCAL_HEADER_FIXED_SIZE + length(header.file_name) +
        length(header.extra_field) + header.compressed_size;
      # writeln("numCharsToBeRemoved: " <& numCharsToBeRemoved);
      deleteArea(zip.zipFile, posOfHeaderToBeRemoved, numCharsToBeRemoved);
      fixRegisterAndCatalog(zip, posOfHeaderToBeRemoved + numCharsToBeRemoved,
      # Remove central header.
      posOfHeaderToBeRemoved := zip.register[filePath];
      numCharsToBeRemoved := ZIP_CENTRAL_HEADER_FIXED_SIZE + length(header.file_name) +
        length(header.extra_field) + length(header.file_comment);
      # writeln("numCharsToBeRemoved: " <& numCharsToBeRemoved);
      deleteArea(zip.zipFile, posOfHeaderToBeRemoved, numCharsToBeRemoved);
      excl(zip.register, filePath);
      excl(zip.catalog, filePath);
      fixRegisterAndCatalog(zip, posOfHeaderToBeRemoved + numCharsToBeRemoved,
      zip.endOfCentralDir.size_of_central_directory := zip.endOfCentralDirPos - zip.startOfCentralDirPos;
      zip.endOfCentralDir.offset_of_start_of_central_directory := pred(zip.startOfCentralDirPos);
      seek(zip.zipFile, zip.endOfCentralDirPos);
      write(zip.zipFile, str(zip.endOfCentralDir));
      raise FILE_ERROR;
    end if;
  end func;

const func string: getZipContent (in string: zipFilePath, in string: filePath) is func
    var string: content is "";
    var fileSys: zip is fileSys.value;
    zip := openZip(zipFilePath);
    if zip <> fileSys.value then
      content := getFile(zip, filePath);
    end if;
  end func;

 *  For-loop which loops recursively over the paths in a ZIP archive.
const proc: for (inout string: filePath) range (inout zipArchive: zip) do
              (in proc: statements)
            end for is func
    for key filePath range zip.register do
    end for;
  end func;