$ include "seed7_05.s7i";
include "console.s7i";
include "window.s7i";
include "keybd.s7i";
include "float.s7i";
include "draw.s7i";
include "stdfont9.s7i";
include "pixmap_file.s7i";
include "editline.s7i";
const integer: MAX_LINE is 100;
const integer: MAX_COLUMN is 100;
const integer: CELL_SIZE is 4;
const integer: SCALE_FISH is 150;
const integer: SCALE_SHARKS is 40;
const integer: GRAPH_TOP is CELL_SIZE * (MAX_LINE + 2);
const integer: GRAPH_BOTTOM is 478;
var integer: nfish is 0;
var integer: nsharks is 0;
var integer: fbreed is 1;
var integer: sbreed is 1;
var integer: slife is 1;
var integer: cycle is 0;
var integer: maxfish is 0;
var integer: minfish is 0;
var integer: maxsharks is 0;
var integer: minsharks is 0;
const integer: EMPTY is 1;
const integer: FISH is 2;
const integer: SHARK is 3;
const type: cellType is new struct
var integer: content is EMPTY;
var boolean: processed is FALSE;
var integer: fish is -1;
var integer: shark is -1;
var integer: starve is -1;
end struct;
const type: fieldType is array array cellType;
var fieldType: field is MAX_LINE times MAX_COLUMN times cellType.value;
var array integer: sumContent is 3 times 0;
var text: scr is STD_NULL;
var text: info is STD_NULL;
const proc: introduction is func
var text: intro is STD_NULL;
intro := scr;
setPos(intro, 1, 1);
writeln(intro, "W A T O R");
setPos(intro, 3, 1);
writeln(intro, "Copyright (C) 2006 Thomas Mertes");
setPos(intro, 5, 1);
writeln(intro, "This program is free software under the");
setPos(intro, 6, 1);
writeln(intro, "terms of the GNU General Public License");
setPos(intro, 8, 1);
writeln(intro, "Wator is written in the Seed7 programming language");
setPos(intro, 9, 1);
writeln(intro, "Homepage: http://seed7.sourceforge.net");
setPos(intro, 12, 1);
writeln(intro, "This program simulates the planet WATOR as described in Scientific American Computer");
writeln(intro, "Recreations column, Dec 1984. WATOR (or Wa-Tor) is a toroidal (donut-shaped) planet");
writeln(intro, "inhabited by fish and sharks. The fish feed on a ubiquitous plankton and the sharks");
writeln(intro, "feed on the fish. Time passes in discrete jumps or cycles. During each cycle, fish");
writeln(intro, "move randomly to an unoccupied square, and reproduce if old enough. Sharks move to");
writeln(intro, "a square occupied by a fish and eat it, if possible, or move to an open square if no");
writeln(intro, "meals are available. Sharks will also breed if old enough, but will starve if they");
writeln(intro, "do not eat within a specified period of time.");
writeln(intro, "Parameters selected at the beginning of the run are as follows:");
writeln(intro, " nfish: Number of fish at start of run-distributed randomly.");
writeln(intro, " nsharks: Number of sharks at start, also distributed randomly.");
writeln(intro, " fbreed: Number of cycles a fish must exist before reproducing.");
writeln(intro, " sbreed: Number of cycles sharks must exist before reproducing.");
writeln(intro, " starve: Number of cycles a shark has to find food before starving.");
writeln(intro, "On the screen, fish are green and sharks are blue. After the initial screen is");
writeln(intro, "displayed, press any key to start the simulation. During the run, pressing any key");
writeln(intro, "will stop the program.");
writeln(intro, "Press any key to continue.");
end func;
const proc: display is func
var integer: line is 0;
var integer: column is 0;
var integer: newfish is 0;
var integer: newsharks is 0;
sumContent := 3 times 0;
for line range 1 to MAX_LINE do
for column range 1 to MAX_COLUMN do
if field[line][column].processed then
field[line][column].processed := FALSE;
if field[line][column].content = EMPTY then
rect(CELL_SIZE * column, CELL_SIZE * line, CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE, black);
elsif field[line][column].content = FISH then
rect(CELL_SIZE * column, CELL_SIZE * line, CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE, light_green);
rect(CELL_SIZE * column, CELL_SIZE * line, CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE, light_blue);
end if;
end if;
end for;
end for;
sumContent[FISH] +:= newfish;
sumContent[SHARK] +:= newsharks;
end func;
const proc: writeInfo is func
rect(CELL_SIZE * succ(MAX_LINE) + 60, 8 * lineHeight(stdFont9),
40, lineHeight(stdFont9), black);
setPosXY(info, 90 - width(stdFont9, str(sumContent[FISH])),
8 * lineHeight(stdFont9) + baseLineDelta(stdFont9));
write(info, sumContent[FISH]);
if sumContent[FISH] < minfish then
minfish := sumContent[FISH];
rect(CELL_SIZE * succ(MAX_LINE) + 60, 9 * lineHeight(stdFont9),
40, lineHeight(stdFont9), black);
setPosXY(info, 90 - width(stdFont9, str(minfish)),
9 * lineHeight(stdFont9) + baseLineDelta(stdFont9));
write(info, minfish);
elsif sumContent[FISH] > maxfish then
maxfish := sumContent[FISH];
rect(CELL_SIZE * succ(MAX_LINE) + 60, 10 * lineHeight(stdFont9),
40, lineHeight(stdFont9), black);
setPosXY(info, 90 - width(stdFont9, str(maxfish)),
10 * lineHeight(stdFont9) + baseLineDelta(stdFont9));
write(info, maxfish);
end if;
rect(CELL_SIZE * succ(MAX_LINE) + 60, 12 * lineHeight(stdFont9),
40, lineHeight(stdFont9), black);
setPosXY(info, 90 - width(stdFont9, str(sumContent[SHARK])),
12 * lineHeight(stdFont9) + baseLineDelta(stdFont9));
write(info, sumContent[SHARK]);
if sumContent[SHARK] < minsharks then
minsharks := sumContent[SHARK];
rect(CELL_SIZE * succ(MAX_LINE) + 60, 13 * lineHeight(stdFont9),
40, lineHeight(stdFont9), black);
setPosXY(info, 90 - width(stdFont9, str(minsharks)),
13 * lineHeight(stdFont9) + baseLineDelta(stdFont9));
write(info, minsharks);
elsif sumContent[SHARK] > maxsharks then
maxsharks := sumContent[SHARK];
rect(CELL_SIZE * succ(MAX_LINE) + 60, 14 * lineHeight(stdFont9),
40, lineHeight(stdFont9), black);
setPosXY(info, 90 - width(stdFont9, str(maxsharks)),
14 * lineHeight(stdFont9) + baseLineDelta(stdFont9));
write(info, maxsharks);
end if;
rect(CELL_SIZE * succ(MAX_LINE) + 90, 16 * lineHeight(stdFont9),
50, lineHeight(stdFont9), black);
setPosXY(info, 130 - width(stdFont9, str(cycle)),
16 * lineHeight(stdFont9) + baseLineDelta(stdFont9));
write(info, cycle);
end func;
const proc: initInfo is func
maxfish := sumContent[FISH];
minfish := sumContent[FISH];
maxsharks := sumContent[SHARK];
minsharks := sumContent[SHARK];
setPos(info, 9, 1);
writeln(info, "Fish:");
writeln(info, " min:");
writeln(info, " max:");
writeln(info, "Sharks:");
writeln(info, " min:");
writeln(info, " max:");
writeln(info, "Generation: ");
end func;
const proc: readNumber (in integer: line, in string: name,
in string: variableName, inout integer: number, in integer: maximum) is func
var string: inputLine is "";
setPos(info, line, 1);
write(info, variableName <& "= ");
if succeeds(number := integer(inputLine)) then
if number > maximum then
writeln(info, "*** Too many " <& name <& " (" <& number <& ")" <& " " mult 40);
write(info, "Maximum is " <& maximum <& " " mult 40);
setPos(info, line, 1);
write(info, " " mult 40);
writeln(info, " " mult 40);
write(info, " " mult 40);
end if;
writeln(info, "*** This is not a number (" <& inputLine <& ")" <& " " mult 40);
writeln(info, "*** Please enter a number" <& " " mult 40);
setPos(info, line, 1);
write(info, " " mult 40);
number := succ(maximum);
end if;
until number <= maximum;
end func;
const proc: initialize is func
var integer: line is 0;
var integer: column is 0;
var integer: number is 0;
var string: input is "";
cycle := 0;
setPos(info, 1, 1);
writeln(info, "W A T O R");
readNumber(3, "fish", "nfish", nfish, MAX_LINE * MAX_COLUMN);
readNumber(4, "sharks", "nsharks", nsharks, MAX_LINE * MAX_COLUMN - nfish);
readNumber(5, "fish breed time", "fbreed", fbreed, 100);
readNumber(6, "shark breed time", "sbreed", sbreed, 100);
readNumber(7, "shark hunger life time", "slife", slife, 100);
for line range 1 to MAX_LINE do
for column range 1 to MAX_COLUMN do
field[line][column].content := EMPTY;
field[line][column].processed := FALSE;
field[line][column].fish := -1;
field[line][column].shark := -1;
field[line][column].starve := -1;
end for;
end for;
for number range 1 to nfish do
line := rand(1, MAX_LINE);
column := rand(1, MAX_COLUMN);
until field[line][column].content = EMPTY;
field[line][column].content := FISH;
field[line][column].processed := TRUE;
field[line][column].fish := rand(0, pred(fbreed));
end for;
for number range 1 to nsharks do
line := rand(1, MAX_LINE);
column := rand(1, MAX_COLUMN);
until field[line][column].content = EMPTY;
field[line][column].content := SHARK;
field[line][column].processed := TRUE;
field[line][column].shark := rand(0, pred(sbreed));
field[line][column].starve := rand(0, pred(slife));
end for;
boxTo(CELL_SIZE - 3, CELL_SIZE - 3,
CELL_SIZE * succ(MAX_LINE) + 2,
CELL_SIZE * succ(MAX_LINE) + 2, white);
end func;
const proc: moveFish (inout cellType: source, inout cellType: dest) is func
dest.content := FISH;
dest.processed := TRUE;
if source.fish = fbreed then
dest.fish := 0;
source.fish := rand(0, pred(fbreed));
dest.fish := succ(source.fish);
source.content := EMPTY;
source.processed := TRUE;
end if;
end func;
const proc: moveAllFish is func
var integer: line is 0;
var integer: column is 0;
var integer: up_line is 0;
var integer: down_line is 0;
var integer: left_column is 0;
var integer: right_column is 0;
var integer: column_beyond is 0;
var integer: column_step is 0;
var integer: nmoves is 0;
var array integer: moveopts is 4 times 0;
for line range 1 to MAX_LINE do
if line = 1 then
up_line := MAX_LINE;
up_line := pred(line);
end if;
if line = MAX_LINE then
down_line := 1;
down_line := succ(line);
end if;
if odd(line) then
column := 1;
column_beyond := succ(MAX_COLUMN);
column_step := 1;
column := MAX_COLUMN;
column_beyond := 0;
column_step := -1;
end if;
while column <> column_beyond do
if field[line][column].content = FISH and not field[line][column].processed then
if column = 1 then
left_column := MAX_COLUMN;
left_column := pred(column);
end if;
if column = MAX_COLUMN then
right_column := 1;
right_column := succ(column);
end if;
nmoves := 0;
if field[line][left_column].content = EMPTY then
moveopts[nmoves] := 1;
end if;
if field[line][right_column].content = EMPTY then
moveopts[nmoves] := 2;
end if;
if field[up_line][column].content = EMPTY then
moveopts[nmoves] := 3;
end if;
if field[down_line][column].content = EMPTY then
moveopts[nmoves] := 4;
end if;
if nmoves = 0 then
if field[line][column].fish = fbreed then
field[line][column].fish := 0
end if;
case moveopts[rand(1, nmoves)] of
when {1}:
moveFish(field[line][column], field[line][left_column]);
when {2}:
moveFish(field[line][column], field[line][right_column]);
when {3}:
moveFish(field[line][column], field[up_line][column]);
when {4}:
moveFish(field[line][column], field[down_line][column]);
end case;
end if;
end if;
column +:= column_step;
end while;
end for;
end func;
const proc: killFish (inout cellType: source, inout cellType: dest) is func
dest.content := SHARK;
dest.processed := TRUE;
dest.starve := 0;
if source.shark = sbreed then
dest.shark := 0;
source.shark := rand(0, pred(sbreed));
source.starve := 0;
dest.shark := succ(source.shark);
source.content := EMPTY;
source.processed := TRUE;
end if;
end func;
const proc: moveShark (inout cellType: source, inout cellType: dest) is func
dest.content := SHARK;
dest.processed := TRUE;
dest.starve := succ(source.starve);
if source.shark = sbreed then
dest.shark := 0;
source.shark := rand(0, pred(sbreed));
dest.shark := succ(source.shark);
source.content := EMPTY;
source.processed := TRUE;
end if;
end func;
const proc: moveAllSharks is func
var integer: line is 0;
var integer: column is 0;
var integer: up_line is 0;
var integer: down_line is 0;
var integer: left_column is 0;
var integer: right_column is 0;
var integer: nmoves is 0;
var integer: nmeals is 0;
var array integer: moveopts is 4 times 0;
for line range 1 to MAX_LINE do
if line = 1 then
up_line := MAX_LINE;
up_line := pred(line);
end if;
if line = MAX_LINE then
down_line := 1;
down_line := succ(line);
end if;
for column range 1 to MAX_COLUMN do
if field[line][column].content = SHARK and not field[line][column].processed then
if column = 1 then
left_column := MAX_COLUMN;
left_column := pred(column);
end if;
if column = MAX_COLUMN then
right_column := 1;
right_column := succ(column);
end if;
nmeals := 0;
if field[line][left_column].content = FISH then
moveopts[nmeals] := 1;
end if;
if field[line][right_column].content = FISH then
moveopts[nmeals] := 2;
end if;
if field[up_line][column].content = FISH then
moveopts[nmeals] := 3;
end if;
if field[down_line][column].content = FISH then
moveopts[nmeals] := 4;
end if;
if nmeals > 0 then
case moveopts[rand(1, nmeals)] of
when {1}:
killFish(field[line][column], field[line][left_column]);
when {2}:
killFish(field[line][column], field[line][right_column]);
when {3}:
killFish(field[line][column], field[up_line][column]);
when {4}:
killFish(field[line][column], field[down_line][column]);
end case;
elsif field[line][column].starve < slife then
nmoves := 0;
if field[line][left_column].content = EMPTY then
moveopts[nmoves] := 1;
end if;
if field[line][right_column].content = EMPTY then
moveopts[nmoves] := 2;
end if;
if field[up_line][column].content = EMPTY then
moveopts[nmoves] := 3;
end if;
if field[down_line][column].content = EMPTY then
moveopts[nmoves] := 4;
end if;
if nmoves = 0 then
if field[line][column].shark = sbreed then
field[line][column].shark := 0;
end if;
case moveopts[rand(1, nmoves)] of
when {1}:
moveShark(field[line][column], field[line][left_column])
when {2}:
moveShark(field[line][column], field[line][right_column])
when {3}:
moveShark(field[line][column], field[up_line][column])
when {4}:
moveShark(field[line][column], field[down_line][column])
end case;
end if;
field[line][column].content := EMPTY;
field[line][column].processed := TRUE;
end if;
end if;
end for;
end for;
end func;
const proc: main is func
var char: inchar is ' ';
var integer: oldFishGraph is 0;
var integer: oldSharkGraph is 0;
var integer: newFishGraph is 0;
var integer: newSharkGraph is 0;
screen(640, 480);
selectInput(curr_win, KEY_CLOSE, TRUE);
scr := openPixmapFontFile(curr_win, 35, 10);
setFont(scr, stdFont9);
color(scr, white, black);
info := openPixmapFontFile(curr_win, CELL_SIZE * succ(MAX_LINE) + 10, 0);
setFont(info, stdFont9);
color(info, white, black);
IN := openEditLine(KEYBOARD, info);
inchar := upper(getc(KEYBOARD));
while inchar <> 'Q' and inchar <> KEY_CLOSE and inchar <> KEY_ESC do
oldFishGraph := GRAPH_BOTTOM - sumContent[FISH] div SCALE_FISH;
oldSharkGraph := GRAPH_BOTTOM - sumContent[SHARK] div SCALE_SHARKS;
point(cycle rem 640, oldFishGraph, light_green);
point(cycle rem 640, oldSharkGraph, light_blue);
setPos(info, 26, 1);
writeln(info, "Simulation prepared. Press");
writeln(info, " Enter to start");
writeln(info, " N to start a new simulation");
writeln(info, " Q to Quit");
inchar := upper(getc(KEYBOARD));
setPos(info, 26, 1);
erase(info, "Simulation prepared. Press");
erase(info, " Enter to start");
erase(info, " N to start a new simulation");
erase(info, " Q to Quit");
while inchar not in {'N', 'Q', KEY_CLOSE, KEY_ESC} do
newFishGraph := GRAPH_BOTTOM - sumContent[FISH] div SCALE_FISH;
if newFishGraph < GRAPH_TOP then
newFishGraph := GRAPH_TOP;
end if;
newSharkGraph := GRAPH_BOTTOM - sumContent[SHARK] div SCALE_SHARKS;
if newSharkGraph < GRAPH_TOP then
newSharkGraph := GRAPH_TOP;
end if;
rectTo(cycle rem 640, GRAPH_TOP, cycle rem 640 + 4, GRAPH_BOTTOM, black);
if cycle rem 640 = 0 then
point(cycle rem 640, newFishGraph, light_green);
point(cycle rem 640, newSharkGraph, light_blue);
lineTo(pred(cycle rem 640), oldFishGraph, cycle rem 640, newFishGraph, light_green);
lineTo(pred(cycle rem 640), oldSharkGraph, cycle rem 640, newSharkGraph, light_blue);
end if;
oldFishGraph := newFishGraph;
oldSharkGraph := newSharkGraph;
if inputReady(KEYBOARD) then
inchar := getc(KEYBOARD);
until not inputReady(KEYBOARD);
setPos(info, 26, 1);
writeln(info, "Simulation interrupted. Press");
writeln(info, " Enter to continue");
writeln(info, " N to start a new simulation");
writeln(info, " Q to Quit");
inchar := upper(getc(KEYBOARD));
setPos(info, 26, 1);
erase(info, "Simulation interrupted. Press");
erase(info, " Enter to continue");
erase(info, " N to start a new simulation");
erase(info, " Q to Quit");
end if;
end while;
end while;
end func;