(*                                                                  *)
(*  seed7_05.s7i  Standard Seed7 library                            *)
(*  Copyright (C) 1989 - 2013  Thomas Mertes                        *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  This file is part of the Seed7 Runtime Library.                 *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is free software; you can             *)
(*  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU     *)
(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(*  Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your      *)
(*  option) any later version.                                      *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is distributed in the hope that it    *)
(*  will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the      *)
(*  PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more    *)
(*  details.                                                        *)
(*                                                                  *)
(*  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General       *)
(*  Public License along with this program; if not, write to the    *)
(*  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,             *)
(*  Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.                       *)
(*                                                                  *)

$ include "syntax.s7i";

$ const $ type: type   is $ newtype;

$ const type: void     is $ newtype;
$ const type: proc     is $ func void;
$ const void: empty    is $ enumlit;

$ const type: expr     is $ newtype;
$ const type: object   is $ newtype;
$ const type: string   is $ subtype object;
$ const type: ACTION   is $ newtype;
$ const type: f_param  is $ newtype;

$ const $ func type: $ func (ref type param)    is $ action "TYP_FUNC";
$ const $ func type: $ varfunc (ref type param) is $ action "TYP_VARFUNC";

$ const func ACTION: $ action (ref string param)        is $ action "ACT_GEN";
$ const proc: $ (ref proc param) ::= (ref ACTION param) is $ action "ACT_CREATE";
$ const proc: $ destroy (ref string param)              is   action "STR_DESTR";

$ const proc: $ (ref func f_param param) ::= (ref ACTION param) is action "ACT_CREATE";
$ const func f_param: $ ref (ref type param) param              is action "DCL_REF1";

$ const proc: const (ref type param) : (ref expr param) is (ref expr param) is action "DCL_CONST";

const proc: const  (ref type param) : (ref expr param) is forward           is action "DCL_FWD";
const proc: var    (ref type param) : (ref expr param) is (ref expr param)  is action "DCL_VAR";
const proc: var    (ref type param) : (ref expr param) is forward           is action "DCL_FWDVAR";
const proc: syntax (ref type param) : (ref expr param) is (ref expr param)  is action "DCL_SYNTAX";

const func f_param: ref (ref type param) : (ref expr param)     is action "DCL_REF2";
const func f_param: val (ref type param) param                  is action "DCL_VAL1";
const func f_param: val (ref type param) : (ref expr param)     is action "DCL_VAL2";
const func f_param: in (ref type param) param                   is action "DCL_IN1";
const func f_param: in (ref type param) : (ref expr param)      is action "DCL_IN2";
const func f_param: in var (ref type param) param               is action "DCL_IN1VAR";
const func f_param: in var (ref type param) : (ref expr param)  is action "DCL_IN2VAR";
const func f_param: inout (ref type param) param                is action "DCL_INOUT1";
const func f_param: inout (ref type param) : (ref expr param)   is action "DCL_INOUT2";
const func f_param: attr (ref type param)                       is action "DCL_ATTR";
const func f_param: attr (ref f_param param)                    is action "DCL_PARAM_ATTR";
const proc: global (ref proc param) end global                  is action "DCL_GLOBAL";

const proc: (ref type param) ::= (ref type param)            is action "TYP_CREATE";
const proc: destroy (ref type param)                         is action "TYP_DESTR";

const proc: (inout type: dest) := (ref type: source)         is action "TYP_CPY";
const proc: (ref func proc param) ::= (ref ACTION param)     is action "ACT_CREATE";
const proc: (ref varfunc proc param) ::= (ref ACTION param)  is action "ACT_CREATE";
const func proc: func begin (ref expr: statements) end func  is action "PRC_BEGIN";
const func proc: func begin end func                         is action "PRC_BEGIN_NOOP";
const func proc: func local (ref proc: localDefinitions)
                 begin (ref expr: statements) end func       is action "PRC_LOCAL";
const func proc: return (ref void: statement)                is action "PRC_RETURN";
const func proc: return (ref proc: statement)                is action "PRC_RETURN";
const proc: (ref proc param) ::= (ref proc param)            is action "PRC_CREATE";
const proc: (inout proc: dest) := (ref proc: source)         is action "PRC_CPY";
const proc: destroy (ref proc param)                         is action "GEN_DESTR";
const proc: noop                                             is action "PRC_NOOP";
const proc: (ref void: statement1) ; (ref void: statement2)  is noop;

const proc: PRINT (ref string: stri)                         is action "FIL_PRINT";

const proc: IN_PARAM_IS_VALUE (ref type: aType)              is action "TYP_SET_IN_PARAM_VALUE";
const proc: IN_PARAM_IS_REFERENCE (ref type: aType)          is action "TYP_SET_IN_PARAM_REF";


const proc: BASIC_TYPE_DECLS (in type: aType) is func
(*    PRINT("in BASIC_TYPE_DECLS\n"); *)
    const proc: TRACE (ref aType param)                                    is action "REF_TRACE";
    const proc: ignore (ref aType param)                                   is noop;
    const proc: (ref func aType param) ::= (ref ACTION param)              is action "ACT_CREATE";
    const proc: (ref varfunc aType param) ::= (ref ACTION param)           is action "ACT_CREATE";
    const proc: (ref func aType param) ::= (ref func aType param)          is action "PRC_CREATE";
    const proc: (ref varfunc aType param) ::= (ref varfunc aType param)    is action "PRC_CREATE";
    const proc: destroy (ref func aType param)                             is action "GEN_DESTR";
    const proc: destroy (ref varfunc aType param)                          is action "GEN_DESTR";
    const proc: (inout func aType: dest) := (ref func aType: source)       is action "PRC_CPY";
    const proc: (inout varfunc aType: dest) := (ref varfunc aType: source) is action "PRC_CPY";
    const type: typeof (ref aType param)                                   is aType;
    const proc: (ref func func aType param) ::= (ref ACTION param)         is action "ACT_CREATE";
    const proc: (ref func varfunc aType param) ::= (ref ACTION param)      is action "ACT_CREATE";
    const proc: (ref func func aType param) ::= (ref func func aType param)        is action "PRC_CREATE";
    const proc: (ref func varfunc aType param) ::= (ref func varfunc aType param)  is action "PRC_CREATE";
    # const proc: destroy (ref func func aType param)                      is action "GEN_DESTR";
    # const proc: destroy (ref func varfunc aType param)                   is action "GEN_DESTR";
    IN_PARAM_IS_REFERENCE(func aType);
    IN_PARAM_IS_REFERENCE(varfunc aType);

    const func func aType: func
                             var (attr aType) : (ref expr param) is (ref aType param)
                             (ref proc param)
                             (ref expr param)
                           end func                                   is action "PRC_RES_LOCAL";

    const func func aType: func
                             var (attr aType) : (ref expr param) is (ref func aType param)
                             (ref proc param)
                             (ref expr param)
                           end func                                   is action "PRC_RES_LOCAL";

    const func func aType: func
                             var (attr aType) : (ref expr param) is (ref aType param)
                             (ref expr param)
                           end func                                   is action "PRC_RES_BEGIN";

    const func func aType: func
                             var (attr aType) : (ref expr param) is (ref func aType param)
                             (ref expr param)
                           end func                                   is action "PRC_RES_BEGIN";

    const func func aType: return (ref aType param)                   is action "PRC_RETURN";
    const func func aType: return (ref func aType param)              is action "PRC_RETURN";
    const func varfunc aType: return var (inout aType param)          is action "PRC_VARFUNC";
    const func varfunc aType: return var (ref varfunc aType param)    is action "PRC_VARFUNC";

    const func func aType: (attr aType) return (ref aType param)                is action "PRC_RETURN2";
    const func func aType: (attr aType) return (ref func aType param)           is action "PRC_RETURN2";
    const func varfunc aType: (attr aType) return var (inout aType param)       is action "PRC_VARFUNC2";
    const func varfunc aType: (attr aType) return var (ref varfunc aType param) is action "PRC_VARFUNC2";

    const func func func aType: return (ref func func aType param)              is action "PRC_RETURN";
    const func func func aType: (attr aType) return (ref func func aType param) is action "PRC_RETURN2";
    const func func func aType: func
                                  var (attr func aType) : (ref expr param) is (ref func aType param)
                                  (ref expr param)
                                end func                              is action "PRC_RES_BEGIN";
    const func func func aType: func
                                  var (attr func aType) : (ref expr param) is (ref func func aType param)
                                  (ref expr param)
                                end func                              is action "PRC_RES_BEGIN";
    end global;
  end func;


const proc: var (ref type: aType) : (ref expr: name) is default is func
    var aType: name is aType.value;
  end func;

const func string: str (in type: aType)                    is action "TYP_STR";
const func type: gentype                                   is action "TYP_GENTYPE";
const func type: gensub (in type: baseType)                is action "TYP_GENSUB";

const func type: newtype is func
    var type: aType is void;
    aType := gentype;
(*    PRINT("GENERATE type: newtype as "); PRINT(str(aType)); PRINT("\n"); *)
(*  TRACE(aType);
    PRINT("\n"); *)
  end func;

const func type: subtype (in type: baseType) is func
    var type: aType is void;
    aType := gensub(baseType);
(*    PRINT("GENERATE type: subtype "); PRINT(str(baseType)); PRINT(" as "); PRINT(str(aType)); PRINT("\n"); *)

    const type: base_type (attr aType) is baseType;
    const func func aType: func
                             var (attr aType) : (ref expr param) is (ref baseType param)
                             (ref proc param)
                             (ref expr param)
                           end func                                   is action "PRC_RES_LOCAL";

    const func func aType: func
                             var (attr aType) : (ref expr param) is (ref func baseType param)
                             (ref proc param)
                             (ref expr param)
                           end func                                   is action "PRC_RES_LOCAL";

    const func func aType: func
                             var (attr aType) : (ref expr param) is (ref baseType param)
                             (ref expr param)
                           end func                                   is action "PRC_RES_BEGIN";

    const func func aType: func
                             var (attr aType) : (ref expr param) is (ref func baseType param)
                             (ref expr param)
                           end func                                   is action "PRC_RES_BEGIN";

    const func func aType: (attr aType) return (ref func baseType param)           is action "PRC_RETURN2";
    const func func aType: (attr aType) return (ref baseType param)                is action "PRC_RETURN2";
    const func varfunc aType: (attr aType) return var (ref varfunc baseType param) is action "PRC_VARFUNC2";
    const func varfunc aType: (attr aType) return var (inout baseType param)       is action "PRC_VARFUNC2";

(*  TRACE(aType);
    PRINT("\n"); *)
  end func;

const func type: func (in type: baseType) is func
    var type: aType is void;
    aType := gentype;
    const func type: func baseType                        is aType;
    const proc: TRACE (ref aType param)                   is action "REF_TRACE";
    const proc: (ref aType param) ::= (ref ACTION param)  is action "ACT_CREATE";
    const proc: (ref aType param) ::= (ref aType param)   is action "PRC_CREATE";
  end func;

const type: EXCEPTION      is newtype;

const type: DISCRETE       is subtype object;
const type: integer        is subtype DISCRETE;
const type: ENUMERATION    is subtype DISCRETE;
const type: INDEXABLE      is subtype object;
const type: MODULE         is subtype object;

const proc: destroy (ref ACTION: aValue)      is action "GEN_DESTR";
const proc: destroy (ref ENUMERATION: aValue) is action "GEN_DESTR";
const proc: destroy (ref integer: aValue)     is action "GEN_DESTR";
const proc: destroy (ref EXCEPTION: aValue)   is action "GEN_DESTR";

const proc: (ref ACTION: dest) ::= (in ACTION: source)            is action "ACT_CREATE";
const proc: (inout ACTION: dest) := (in ACTION: source)           is action "ACT_CPY";
const proc: (ref ENUMERATION: dest) ::= (ref ENUMERATION: source) is action "ENU_CREATE";
const proc: (ref ENUMERATION: dest) ::= enumlit                   is action "ENU_GENLIT";
const proc: (ref func object: dest) ::= (in ACTION: source)       is action "ACT_CREATE";
const proc: (ref EXCEPTION: dest) ::= (ref EXCEPTION: source)     is action "ENU_CREATE";
const proc: (ref EXCEPTION: dest) ::= enumlit                     is action "ENU_GENLIT";
const proc: (inout EXCEPTION: dest) := (ref EXCEPTION: source)    is action "ENU_CPY";

const EXCEPTION: MEMORY_ERROR   is enumlit;
const EXCEPTION: NUMERIC_ERROR  is enumlit;
const EXCEPTION: RANGE_ERROR    is enumlit;
const EXCEPTION: INDEX_ERROR    is enumlit;
const EXCEPTION: FILE_ERROR     is enumlit;
const EXCEPTION: GRAPHIC_ERROR  is enumlit;
const EXCEPTION: CREATE_ERROR   is enumlit;
const EXCEPTION: DESTROY_ERROR  is enumlit;
const EXCEPTION: COPY_ERROR     is enumlit;
const EXCEPTION: IN_ERROR       is enumlit;

$ system "memory_error"   is MEMORY_ERROR;
$ system "numeric_error"  is NUMERIC_ERROR;
$ system "overflow_error" is OVERFLOW_ERROR;
$ system "range_error"    is RANGE_ERROR;
$ system "index_error"    is INDEX_ERROR;
$ system "file_error"     is FILE_ERROR;
$ system "database_error" is DATABASE_ERROR;
$ system "graphic_error"  is GRAPHIC_ERROR;
$ system "illegal_action" is ILLEGAL_ACTION;

const proc: raise (ref EXCEPTION: anException)     is action "PRC_RAISE";

const func string: str (in ACTION: anAction)       is action "ACT_STR";

const ACTION: DYNAMIC is action "PRC_DYNAMIC";

const proc: TRACE_OPTIONS (in string: traceLevel)  is action "PRC_SETTRACE";
const proc: TRACE_OBJ (in object: traceobject)     is action "REF_TRACE";
const proc: TRACE_PROC (in proc: traceobject)      is action "REF_TRACE";
const proc: DECLS                                  is action "PRC_DECLS";

(* void *)

const proc: (ref void: dest) ::= (in void: source) is action "ENU_CREATE";
const proc: destroy (ref void: aVoid)              is noop;
const void: (attr void) . value                    is empty;

(* boolean *)

$ include "boolean.s7i";

(* type *)

const type: (attr type) . value is void;
const func boolean: (in type: aType1) = (in type: aType2)         is action "TYP_EQ";
const func boolean: (in type: aType1) <> (in type: aType2)        is action "TYP_NE";
const func integer: compare (in type: aType1, in type: aType2)    is action "TYP_CMP";
const func integer: hashCode (in type: aType)                     is action "TYP_HASHCODE";
const func boolean: isFunc (in type: aType)                       is action "TYP_ISFUNC";
const func boolean: isVarfunc (in type: aType)                    is action "TYP_ISVARFUNC";
const func type: resultType (in type: funcType)                   is action "TYP_RESULT";
const func boolean: isDerived (in type: aType)                    is action "TYP_ISDERIVED";
const func type: meta (in type: aType)                            is action "TYP_META";
const proc: addInterface (in type: aType, in type: interfaceType) is action "TYP_ADDINTERFACE";


const func boolean: (in void: void1) = (in void: void2) is return TRUE;
const func boolean: (in void: void1) <> (in void: void2) is return FALSE;

(* IF *)

const type: ELSIF_RESULT is newtype;
const proc: (ref ELSIF_RESULT: dest) ::= enumlit       is action "ENU_GENLIT";
const ELSIF_RESULT: ELSIF_EMPTY is enumlit;
const type: ELSIF_PROC                                 is func ELSIF_RESULT;
const proc: (ref ELSIF_PROC: dest) ::= (ref ELSIF_RESULT: source) is action "ENU_CREATE";

const proc:       if (in boolean: condition) then
                  end if                               is noop;

const proc:       if (in boolean: condition) then
                    (in proc: statements)
                  end if                               is action "PRC_IF";

const proc:       if (in boolean: condition) then
                    (in proc: statements)
                  (in ELSIF_PROC: elsifPart)
                  end if                               is action "PRC_IF_ELSIF";

const proc:       if (in boolean: condition) then
                  (in ELSIF_PROC: elsifPart)
                  end if                               is action "PRC_IF_NOOP";

const ELSIF_PROC: elsif (in boolean: condition) then
                    (in proc: statements)              is action "PRC_IF";

const ELSIF_PROC: elsif (in boolean: condition) then
                    (in proc: statements)
                  (in ELSIF_PROC: elsifPart)           is action "PRC_IF_ELSIF";

const ELSIF_PROC: elsif (in boolean: condition) then
                  (in ELSIF_PROC: elsifPart)           is action "PRC_IF_NOOP";

const ELSIF_PROC: else
                    (in void: elsePart)                is ELSIF_EMPTY;

const proc: if TRUE  then (in void param) end if is                           noop;
const proc: if TRUE  then (in void param) (in ELSIF_PROC param) end if is     noop;
const proc: if FALSE then (in proc param) end if is                           noop;
const proc: if FALSE then (in proc param) (in ELSIF_RESULT param) end if is   noop;
const ELSIF_PROC: elsif TRUE  then (in void param) is                         ELSIF_EMPTY;
const ELSIF_PROC: elsif TRUE then (in void param) (in ELSIF_PROC param)   is  ELSIF_EMPTY;
const ELSIF_PROC: elsif FALSE then (in proc param) is                         ELSIF_EMPTY;
const ELSIF_PROC: elsif FALSE then (in proc param) (in ELSIF_RESULT param) is ELSIF_EMPTY;


const proc: while (in func boolean: condition) do (in proc: statement) end while     is action "PRC_WHILE";
const proc: while (in varfunc boolean: condition) do (in proc: statement) end while  is action "PRC_WHILE";
const proc: while (ref boolean: condition) do (in proc: statement) end while         is action "PRC_WHILE";

const proc: while (in func boolean: condition) do end while     is action "PRC_WHILE_NOOP";
const proc: while (in varfunc boolean: condition) do end while  is action "PRC_WHILE_NOOP";
const proc: while (ref boolean: condition) do end while         is action "PRC_WHILE_NOOP";

const proc: repeat (in proc: statement) until (in func boolean: condition)     is action "PRC_REPEAT";
const proc: repeat (in proc: statement) until (in varfunc boolean: condition)  is action "PRC_REPEAT";
const proc: repeat (in proc: statement) until (ref boolean: condition)         is action "PRC_REPEAT";

const proc: repeat until (in func boolean: condition)     is action "PRC_REPEAT_NOOP";
const proc: repeat until (in varfunc boolean: condition)  is action "PRC_REPEAT_NOOP";
const proc: repeat until (ref boolean: condition)         is action "PRC_REPEAT_NOOP";

(* integer *)

$ include "integer.s7i";

const func integer: (attr integer) conv (in boolean: boolValue) is
  return ord(boolValue);

const func boolean: rand (in boolean: low, in boolean: high) is
  return odd(rand(ord(low), ord(high)));

const func integer: compare (in boolean: aBoolean1, in boolean: aBoolean2) is
  return compare(ord(aBoolean1), ord(aBoolean2));

(* char *)

$ include "char.s7i";

(* Function c_literal defined after string *)

(* Procedure read defined after operations for IN and OUT *)

(* string *)

$ include "string.s7i";

const func char: (attr char) parse (in string: stri) is func
    var char: aChar is ' ';
    if length(stri) = 1 then
      aChar := stri[1];
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    end if;
  end func;

const func string: trimValue (attr char, in string: stri) is func
    var string: trimmed is "";
    trimmed := trim(stri);
    if trimmed = "" and stri <> "" then
      trimmed := stri[1 len 1];
    end if;
  end func;

const func boolean: (attr boolean) parse (in string: stri) is func
    var boolean: aBoolean is FALSE;
    if stri = "TRUE" then
      aBoolean := TRUE;
    elsif stri = "FALSE" then
      aBoolean := FALSE;
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    end if;
  end func;

const string: str (in void: aVoid) is "empty";

(* Procedure literal from char *)

const func string: literal (in char: ch) is func
    var string: stri is "";
    if ch = ''' then
      stri := "'\\''";
    elsif ch <= chr(255) then
      stri := literal(str(ch));
      stri := "'" & stri[2 .. length(stri) - 1] & "'";
      stri := "'\\" & str(ord(ch)) & ";'";
    end if;
  end func;


$ include "reference.s7i";

(* REF_LIST *)

$ include "ref_list.s7i";


var type: CURR_STRUCT_PTR is void;
var type: FORWARD_PTR is void;

const func boolean: is_declared (in type param)                      is action "TYP_ISDECLARED";
const func boolean: is_forward (in type param)                       is action "TYP_ISFORWARD";

const func type: forward_ptr (ref expr: baseTypeName) is func
    var type: ptrType is void;
    const type: baseTypeName is forward;
    ptrType := newtype;
    FORWARD_PTR := ptrType;
    const proc: (ref ptrType param) ::= (in ptrType param)           is action "REF_CREATE";
    const proc: destroy (ref ptrType param)                          is action "GEN_DESTR";
    const proc: (inout ptrType: dest) := (in ptrType: source)        is action "REF_CPY";
    const func boolean: (in ptrType param) = (in ptrType param)      is action "REF_EQ";
    const func boolean: (in ptrType param) <> (in ptrType param)     is action "REF_NE";
    const func ptrType: _GENERATE_NIL(attr ptrType)                  is action "REF_NIL";
    const ptrType: (attr ptrType) . NIL                              is _GENERATE_NIL(ptrType);
    const ptrType: (attr ptrType) . value                            is ptrType.NIL;
  end func;

const proc: finish_ptr (in type: baseType, in type: ptrType) is func
    if FORWARD_PTR <> void then
      FORWARD_PTR := void;
      const type: ptr (attr baseType)                                is ptrType;
      const type: base_type (attr ptrType)                           is baseType;
      const func ptrType: & (in baseType param)                      is action "REF_ADDR";
      const func baseType: (in ptrType param) ^                      is action "REF_DEREF";
    end if;
  end func;

const func type: ptr (in type: baseType) is func
    var type: ptrType is void;
    if FORWARD_PTR <> void then
      if is_declared(baseType) then
       elsif is_forward(baseType) then
      end if;
      ptrType := FORWARD_PTR;
      finish_ptr(baseType, ptrType);
      if is_declared(baseType) then
        ptrType := CURR_STRUCT_PTR;
      elsif is_forward(baseType) then
        ptrType := get_type(getobj(ptr (attr baseType)));
      end if;
    end if;
    if ptrType = void then
      ptrType := newtype;
      const type: ptr (attr baseType)                                is   ptrType;
      const type: base_type (attr ptrType)                           is   baseType;
      const proc: (ref ptrType param) ::= (in ptrType param)         is action "REF_CREATE";
      const proc: destroy (ref ptrType param)                        is action "GEN_DESTR";
      const proc: (inout ptrType: dest) := (in ptrType: source)      is action "REF_CPY";
      const func boolean: (in ptrType param) = (in ptrType param)    is action "REF_EQ";
      const func boolean: (in ptrType param) <> (in ptrType param)   is action "REF_NE";
      const func ptrType: & (in baseType param)                      is action "REF_ADDR";
      const func baseType: (in ptrType param) ^                      is action "REF_DEREF";
      const func ptrType: _GENERATE_NIL(attr ptrType)                is action "REF_NIL";
      const ptrType: (attr ptrType) . NIL                            is _GENERATE_NIL(ptrType);
      const ptrType: (attr ptrType) . value                          is ptrType.NIL;
      end global;
    end if;
  end func;

const func type: varptr (in type: baseType) is func
    var type: varptrType is void;
    varptrType := get_type(getobj(varptr (attr baseType)));
    if varptrType = void then
      varptrType := newtype;
      const type: varptr (attr baseType)                                 is varptrType;
      const type: base_type (attr varptrType)                            is baseType;
      const proc: (ref varptrType param) ::= (in varptrType param)       is action "REF_CREATE";
      const proc: destroy (ref varptrType param)                         is action "GEN_DESTR";
      const proc: (inout varptrType: dest) := (in varptrType: source)    is action "REF_CPY";
      const func boolean: (in varptrType param) = (in varptrType param)  is action "REF_EQ";
      const func boolean: (in varptrType param) <> (in varptrType param) is action "REF_NE";
      const func varptrType: & (inout baseType param)                    is action "REF_ADDR";
      const varfunc baseType: (in varptrType param) ^                    is action "REF_DEREF";
      const func varptrType: _GENERATE_NIL(attr varptrType)              is action "REF_NIL";
      const varptrType: (attr varptrType) . NIL                          is _GENERATE_NIL(varptrType);
      const varptrType: (attr varptrType) . value                        is varptrType.NIL;
      end global;
    end if;
  end func;

(* FOR *)

$ include "forloop.s7i";

const func integer: width (in string: stri) is func
    var integer: width is 0;
    var char: ch is ' ';
    for ch range stri do
      width +:= width(ch);
    end for;
  end func;

const func string: reverse (in string: stri) is func
    var string: reversed is "";
    var char: ch is ' ';
    var integer: index is 0;
    reversed := " " mult length(stri);
    index := length(stri);
    for ch range stri do
      reversed @:= [index] ch;
    end for;
  end func;

 *  Get string with question marks (?) instead of control characters.
 *  @return the string without control characters.
const func string: noCtrlChars (in string: stri) is func
    var string: noCtrlChars is "";
    var char: ch is ' ';
    var integer: index is 0;
    noCtrlChars := stri;
    for ch key index range stri do
      if ch < ' ' or ch >= '\127;' and ch <= '\160;' then
        noCtrlChars @:= [index] '?';
      elsif ch = '\173;' then
        noCtrlChars @:= [index] '-';
      end if;
    end for;
  end func;

(* TUPLE *)

const func type: tuple (in type: baseType) is func
    var type: tupleType is void;
    tupleType := get_type(getfunc(tuple (attr baseType)));
    if tupleType = void then
      tupleType := newtype;
      const type: tuple (attr baseType) is tupleType;
      const proc: (ref tupleType: dest) ::= (in tupleType: source)            is action "ARR_CREATE";
      const proc: destroy (ref tupleType: aValue)                             is action "ARR_DESTR";
      const func tupleType: (in baseType: element1) , (in baseType: element2) is action "ARR_GEN";
      const func tupleType: (in tupleType: arr1) , (in baseType: element)     is action "ARR_EXTEND";
      const func tupleType: (in baseType: lower_limit) .. (in baseType: upper_limit) is func
          var tupleType: aTuple is
          var baseType: element is baseType.value;
          element := lower_limit;
          if variable <= upper_limit then
            aTuple &:= element;
            while element < upper_limit then
              aTuple &:= element;
            end while;
          end if;
        end func;
      end global;
    end if;
  end func;

const type: TST_1 is tuple integer;
const type: TST_2 is tuple integer;

$ include "fixarray.s7i";
$ include "basearray.s7i";

(* STRUCT *)

$ include "struct.s7i";


$ include "subrange.s7i";

(* ARRAY *)

$ include "array.s7i";
$ include "idxarray.s7i";

(* Functions with arrays of strings *)

const func array string: split (in string: main_stri, in char: delimiter)   is action "STR_CHSPLIT";
const func array string: split (in string: main_stri, in string: delimiter) is action "STR_SPLIT";

const func string: join (in array string: striArray, in char: delimiter) is func
    var string: joined is "";
    var integer: pos is 0;
    joined := striArray[minIdx(striArray)];
    for pos range succ(minIdx(striArray)) to maxIdx(striArray) do
      joined &:= delimiter;
      joined &:= striArray[pos];
    end for;
  end func;

const func string: join (in array string: striArray, in string: delimiter) is func
    var string: joined is "";
    var integer: pos is 0;
    joined := striArray[minIdx(striArray)];
    for pos range succ(minIdx(striArray)) to maxIdx(striArray) do
      joined &:= delimiter;
      joined &:= striArray[pos];
    end for;
  end func;

const func array string: noEmptyStrings (in array string: striArray) is func
    var array string: noEmptyStrings is 0 times "";
    var string: stri is "";
    for stri range striArray do
      if stri <> "" then
        noEmptyStrings &:= stri;
      end if;
    end for;
  end func;

const func boolean: isDigitString (in string: stri) is func
    var boolean: isDigitString is TRUE;
    var char: ch is ' ';
    isDigitString := stri <> "";
    for ch range stri do
      if ch < '0' or ch > '9' then
        isDigitString := FALSE;
      end if;
    end for;
  end func;

const func boolean: isDigitString (in string: stri, in integer: base) is func
    var boolean: isDigitString is TRUE;
    var char: ch is ' ';
    var char: maxBaseDigit is ' ';
    var char: maxBaseDigit2 is ' ';
    isDigitString := stri <> "";
    if base <= 1 then
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    elsif base <= 10 then
      maxBaseDigit := char(ord('0') + base - 1);
      for ch range stri do
        if ch < '0' or ch > maxBaseDigit then
          isDigitString := FALSE;
        end if;
      end for;
    elsif base <= 36 then
      maxBaseDigit := char(ord('a') + base - 11);
      maxBaseDigit2 := char(ord('A') + base - 11);
      for ch range stri do
        if (ch < '0' or ch > '9') and
            (ch < 'a' or ch > maxBaseDigit) and
            (ch < 'A' or ch > maxBaseDigit2) then
          isDigitString := FALSE;
        end if;
      end for;
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    end if;
  end func;

(* HASH *)

$ include "hash.s7i";

(* SET *)

$ include "bitset.s7i";
$ include "bitsetof.s7i";
$ include "hashsetof.s7i";
$ include "set.s7i";

const func integer: integer (in string: stri, in integer: base) is func
    var integer: anInteger is 0;
    const array integer: digitval is [] (                    # -1 is illegal
         0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9,              # 0 - 9
        -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,                          #
        10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,  # A - M
        23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35,  # N - Z
        -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
        10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,  # a - m
        23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35); # n - z
    var boolean: negative is FALSE;
    var integer: pos is 1;
    var integer: digit is 0;
    if stri <> "" and base >= 2 and base <= 36 then
      if stri[1] = '-' then
        negative := TRUE;
      elsif stri[1] = '+' then
      end if;
      while pos <= length(stri) do
        if stri[pos] >= '0' and stri[pos] <= 'z' then
          digit := digitval[ord(stri[pos]) - ord('0') + 1];
          if digit = -1 or digit >= base then
            raise RANGE_ERROR;
          end if;
          anInteger := anInteger * base + digit;
          raise RANGE_ERROR;
        end if;
      end while;
      if negative then
        anInteger := -anInteger;
      end if;
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    end if;
  end func;

const func string: (in integer: number) sci (in integer: precision) is func
    var string: stri is "";
    var integer: exponent is 0;
    var integer: mantissa is 0;
    if precision < 0 then
      raise RANGE_ERROR;
    elsif number = 0 then
      if precision = 0 then
        stri := "0e+0";
        stri := "0." & "0" mult precision & "e+0";
      end if;
      exponent := ord(log10(abs(number)));
      if precision >= exponent then
        stri := str(abs(number));
        stri &:= "0" mult (precision - exponent);
        mantissa := (abs(number) div 10 ** pred(exponent - precision) + 5) div 10;
        stri := str(mantissa);
        if length(stri) > succ(precision) then
          # Rounding up increased the number of digits.
          stri := stri[.. succ(precision)];
        end if;
      end if;
      if precision <> 0 then
        stri := stri[1 len 1] & "." & stri[2 .. ];
      end if;
      stri &:= "e+" & str(exponent);
      if number < 0 then
        stri := "-" & stri;
      end if;
    end if;
  end func;


const func type: new interface is func
    var type: interfaceType is void;
    interfaceType := newtype;
    const proc: (ref interfaceType: dest) ::= (ref interfaceType: source)    is action "ITF_CREATE";
    const proc: destroy (ref interfaceType: aValue)                          is action "ITF_DESTR";
    const proc: (inout interfaceType: dest) := (ref interfaceType: source)   is action "ITF_CPY";
    const func boolean: (in interfaceType: itf1) = (in interfaceType: itf2)  is action "ITF_EQ";
    const func boolean: (in interfaceType: itf1) <> (in interfaceType: itf2) is action "ITF_NE";
    end global;
  end func;

const func type: sub (in type: baseType) interface is func
    var type: interfaceType is void;
    interfaceType := subtype baseType;
    const proc: (ref interfaceType: dest) ::= (ref interfaceType: source)    is action "ITF_CREATE";
    const proc: destroy (ref interfaceType: aValue)                          is action "ITF_DESTR";
    const proc: (inout interfaceType: dest) := (ref interfaceType: source)   is action "ITF_CPY";
    const func boolean: (in interfaceType: itf1) = (in interfaceType: itf2)  is action "ITF_EQ";
    const func boolean: (in interfaceType: itf1) <> (in interfaceType: itf2) is action "ITF_NE";
    end global;
  end func;

(* body *)
const proc: body (ref type: STRU) is (ref expr: DECLS) end body is func
    const proc: DECL_BODY (attr STRU) is func
      end func;
  end func;

const proc: type_implements_interface (in type: aType, in type: interfaceType) is func
    const proc: (ref interfaceType: dest) ::= (ref aType: source)           is action "ITF_CREATE";
    const proc: (inout interfaceType: dest) := (ref aType: source)          is action "ITF_CPY2";
    const func interfaceType: (attr interfaceType) conv (ref aType: aValue) is action "ITF_CONV2";
    const func interfaceType: toInterface (ref aType: aValue)               is action "ITF_TO_INTERFACE";

    const func aType: (attr aType) conv (ref interfaceType: aValue)         is DYNAMIC;
    const func aType: (attr aType) conv (ref aType: aValue)                 is
      return aValue;

    addInterface(aType, interfaceType);

    const func interfaceType: create (attr aType) is func
        var interfaceType: allocated is aType.value;
        var aType: newStuct is aType.value;
        allocated := toInterface(newStuct);
      end func;

    const func interfaceType: create (in aType: newStuct) is func
        var interfaceType: allocated is aType.value;
        allocated := toInterface(newStuct);
      end func;
  end func;


const proc: CASE_DECLS (in type: aType) is func
    var type: WHEN_RESULT is void;
    var type: WHEN_PROC is void;
    var type: SELECTOR_TYPE is void;
(*    PRINT("in CASE_DECLS "); PRINT(str(aType)); PRINT("\n"); *)
    WHEN_RESULT := newtype;
    WHEN_PROC := (func WHEN_RESULT);
    SELECTOR_TYPE := set of aType;
    const proc: case (ref aType: decisionValue) of end case                     is noop;
    const proc: case (ref aType: decisionValue) of
                    otherwise : (ref proc: statements)
                  end case                                                      is func
      end func;
    if getobj(ord(ref aType: decisionValue)) <> NIL and
        getobj(ord(ref aType: decisionValue, mayRaiseRangeError)) = NIL then
      const proc: case (ref aType: decisionValue) of
                    (ref WHEN_PROC: whenPart)
                  end case                                                      is action "PRC_CASE";
      const proc: case (ref aType: decisionValue) of
                    (ref WHEN_PROC: whenPart)
                    otherwise : (ref proc: statements)
                  end case                                                      is action "PRC_CASE_DEF";
      const proc: case (ref aType: decisionValue) of
                    (ref WHEN_PROC: whenPart)
                  end case                                                      is action "PRC_CASE_HASHSET";
      const proc: case (ref aType: decisionValue) of
                    (ref WHEN_PROC: whenPart)
                    otherwise : (ref proc: statements)
                  end case                                                      is action "PRC_CASE_HASHSET_DEF";
    end if;
    const proc: (ref WHEN_RESULT: dest) ::= enumlit                             is action "ENU_GENLIT";
    const WHEN_RESULT: WHEN_EMPTY (attr aType) is enumlit;
    const proc: (ref WHEN_PROC: dest) ::= (ref WHEN_RESULT: source)             is action "ENU_CREATE";
    const WHEN_PROC: when (ref SELECTOR_TYPE: whenSet) : (ref proc: statement)  is WHEN_EMPTY(aType);
    const WHEN_PROC: when (ref SELECTOR_TYPE: whenSet) : (ref proc: statement)
                       (ref WHEN_PROC: whenPart)                                is WHEN_EMPTY(aType);
  end func;


const proc: TRACE (ref expr: traceobject)               is action "REF_TRACE";


$ include "enumeration.s7i";

(* BLOCK *)

const proc: BLOCK_DECLS (in type: unusedType) is func
    var type: CATCH_RESULT is void;
    var type: CATCH_PROC is void;
(*    PRINT("in BLOCK_DECLS\n"); *)
    CATCH_RESULT := new enum CATCH_EMPTY end enum;
    const proc: block (ref proc: statements) exception end block                   is noop;
    const proc: block (ref proc: statements) exception
                  (ref CATCH_PROC: catchPart)
                end block                                                          is action "PRC_BLOCK";
    const proc: block (ref proc: statements) exception
                  (ref CATCH_PROC: catchPart)
                  otherwise : (ref proc: otherwiseStatements)
                end block                                                          is action "PRC_BLOCK_OTHERWISE";
    const proc: block (ref proc: statements) exception
                  otherwise : (ref proc: otherwiseStatements)
                end block                                                          is action "PRC_BLOCK_CATCH_ALL";
    const proc: (ref CATCH_PROC: dest) ::= (ref CATCH_RESULT: source)              is action "ENU_CREATE";
    const CATCH_PROC: catch (ref EXCEPTION: anException) : (ref proc: statements)  is CATCH_RESULT.value;
    const CATCH_PROC: catch (ref EXCEPTION: anException) : (ref proc: statements)
                       (ref CATCH_PROC: catchPart)                                 is CATCH_RESULT.value;
  end func;


const func boolean: succeeds (ref proc: statement) is func
    var boolean: success is TRUE;
      otherwise: success := FALSE;
    end block;
  end func;

(* ARGS + ENV *)

$ include "environment.s7i";

const proc: heapstat (PROGRAM)              is action "PRC_HEAPSTAT";
const func integer: heapsize (PROGRAM)      is action "PRC_HSIZE";

const proc: include (in string: fileName)  is action "PRC_INCLUDE";

const proc: var (ref expr: typeExpr) : (ref expr: nameExpr) is (ref expr: initExpr) is action "PRC_TRACE";

const proc: main is forward;

$ system "main" is main;

include "stdio.s7i";