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Function Summary
make (in string: makefile, in array string: targets, in makeFlags: flags, in stringHash: macros)
Use rules and commands from a makefile to create the specified targets.
make (in string: makefile, in array string: targets, in makeFlags: flags)
Use rules and commands from a makefile to create the specified targets.
make (in string: makefile, in string: target, in makeFlags: flags, in stringHash: macros)
Use rules and commands from a makefile to create the specified target.
make (in string: makefile, in string: target, in makeFlags: flags)
Use rules and commands from a makefile to create the specified target.

Function Detail


const proc: make (in string: makefile, in array string: targets, in makeFlags: flags, in stringHash: macros)

Use rules and commands from a makefile to create the specified targets.

makefile - Path of the makefile which contains rules and commands in the usual makefile syntax.
targets - The targets that should be made.
flags - Options which affect command execution
macros - Predefined make macros.
FILE_ERROR - A command failed and the flag ignoreErrors has not been set (ignoreErrors not in flags holds).


const proc: make (in string: makefile, in array string: targets, in makeFlags: flags)

Use rules and commands from a makefile to create the specified targets.

makefile - Path of the makefile which contains rules and commands in the usual makefile syntax.
targets - The targets that should be made.
flags - Options which affect command execution
FILE_ERROR - A command failed and the flag ignoreErrors has not been set (ignoreErrors not in flags holds).


const proc: make (in string: makefile, in string: target, in makeFlags: flags, in stringHash: macros)

Use rules and commands from a makefile to create the specified target.

makefile - Path of the makefile which contains rules and commands in the usual makefile syntax.
target - The target that should be made.
flags - Options which affect command execution
macros - Predefined make macros.
FILE_ERROR - A command failed and the flag ignoreErrors has not been set (ignoreErrors not in flags holds).


const proc: make (in string: makefile, in string: target, in makeFlags: flags)

Use rules and commands from a makefile to create the specified target.

makefile - Path of the makefile which contains rules and commands in the usual makefile syntax.
target - The target that should be made.
flags - Options which affect command execution
FILE_ERROR - A command failed and the flag ignoreErrors has not been set (ignoreErrors not in flags holds).

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