Wildcard Source Code
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Function Summary
wildcardMatch (in string: stri, in string: pattern)
Check if the string stri matches with pattern.
array string
findMatchingFiles (in string: pattern, in boolean: caseSensitive)
Determine which file paths that match a given pattern.
array string
findMatchingFiles (in string: pattern)
Determine which file paths that match a given pattern.

Function Detail


const func boolean: wildcardMatch (in string: stri, in string: pattern)

Check if the string stri matches with pattern. The pattern may contain wildcard characters.

  • The asterisk * matches zero or more characters.
  • The question mark ? matches exactly one character.
TRUE, if stri is matched by pattern, FALSE otherwise.


const func array string: findMatchingFiles (in string: pattern, in boolean: caseSensitive)

Determine which file paths that match a given pattern. The pattern may contain wildcard characters.

  • The asterisk * matches zero or more characters.
  • The question mark ? matches exactly one character.
pattern - File name pattern (e.g.: *.sd7) or path followed by a file name pattern (e.g.: prg/*.sd7).
caseSensitive - TRUE if the match is case sensitive, FALSE otherwise.
array of matching file paths.


const func array string: findMatchingFiles (in string: pattern)

Determine which file paths that match a given pattern. The pattern may contain wildcard characters.

  • The asterisk * matches zero or more characters.
  • The question mark ? matches exactly one character.
pattern - File name pattern (e.g.: *.sd7) or path followed by a file name pattern (e.g.: prg/*.sd7).
array of matching file paths.

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