Libraries |
Progs | Source Code |
Types | ||||
Operator Summary | |||||
program |
| ||||
boolean |
| ||||
boolean |
Function Summary | |||||
string |
| ||||
string |
| ||||
program |
| ||||
program |
| ||||
program |
| ||||
program |
| ||||
program |
| ||||
program |
| ||||
program |
| ||||
program |
| ||||
program |
| ||||
program |
| ||||
program |
| ||||
program |
| ||||
reference |
| ||||
void |
| ||||
void |
| ||||
void |
| ||||
void |
| ||||
reference |
| ||||
integer |
| ||||
parseError |
| ||||
ref_list |
| ||||
reference |
| ||||
reference |
| ||||
boolean |
| ||||
boolean |
| ||||
void |
| ||||
category |
| ||||
void |
| ||||
ref_list |
| ||||
void |
| ||||
reference |
| ||||
reference |
| ||||
ref_list |
| ||||
ref_list |
| ||||
reference |
| ||||
integer |
| ||||
integer |
| ||||
integer |
| ||||
string |
| ||||
integer |
| ||||
integer |
Operator Detail |
const func boolean: (in program: prog1) = (in program: prog2)
Check if two program values are equal.
- Returns:
- TRUE if both values are equal, FALSE otherwise.
const func boolean: (in program: prog1) <> (in program: prog2)
Check if two program values are not equal.
- Returns:
- FALSE if both values are equal, TRUE otherwise.
Function Detail |
const func string: name (in program: aProgram)
Returns the name of aProgram without path and extension. This function does not follow symbolic links. It determines, with which name a program was called. If a symbolic link refers to a program, the name of the symbolic link is returned.
- Returns:
- the name of the program.
const func string: path (in program: aProgram)
Return the absolute path of the program aProgram. This function does follow symbolic links.
- Returns:
- the absolute path of the program.
const func program: parseFile (in string: fileName, in parseOptions: options, in array string: libraryDirs, inout file: errorFile)
Parse the file with the given fileName, options, libraryDirs and errorFile.
- Parameters:
- fileName - Name of the file to be parsed.
- options - Pptions to be used for the parsing.
- libraryDirs - List of directories for the include/library files.
- errorFile - File for the error messages.
- Returns:
- the parsed program, or program.EMPTY if the file fileName could not be opened.
- Raises:
- RANGE_ERROR - fileName does not use the standard path representation or fileName is not representable in the system path type.
- MEMORY_ERROR - An out of memory situation occurred.
const func program: parseFile (in string: fileName, in parseOptions: options, in array string: libraryDirs)
Parse the file with the given fileName, options and libraryDirs.
- Parameters:
- fileName - Name of the file to be parsed.
- options - Pptions to be used for the parsing.
- libraryDirs - List of directories for the include/library files.
- Returns:
- the parsed program, or program.EMPTY if the file fileName could not be opened.
- Raises:
- RANGE_ERROR - fileName does not use the standard path representation or fileName is not representable in the system path type.
- MEMORY_ERROR - An out of memory situation occurred.
const func program: parseFile (in string: fileName, in parseOptions: options)
Parse the file with the given fileName and options.
- Parameters:
- fileName - Name of the file to be parsed.
- options - Pptions to be used for the parsing.
- Returns:
- the parsed program, or program.EMPTY if the file fileName could not be opened.
- Raises:
- RANGE_ERROR - fileName does not use the standard path representation or fileName is not representable in the system path type.
- MEMORY_ERROR - An out of memory situation occurred.
const func program: parseFile (in string: fileName)
Parse the file with the given fileName.
- Parameters:
- fileName - Name of the file to be parsed.
- Returns:
- the parsed program, or program.EMPTY if the file fileName could not be opened.
- Raises:
- RANGE_ERROR - fileName does not use the standard path representation or fileName is not representable in the system path type.
- MEMORY_ERROR - An out of memory situation occurred.
const func program: parseStri (in string: stri, in parseOptions: options, in array string: libraryDirs, inout file: errorFile)
Parse the given string with options', libraryDirs and errorFile''.
- Parameters:
- stri - String to be parsed.
- options - Pptions to be used for the parsing.
- libraryDirs - List of directories for the include/library files.
- errorFile - File for the error messages.
- Returns:
- the parsed program.
- Raises:
- MEMORY_ERROR - An out of memory situation occurred.
const func program: parseStri (in string: stri, in parseOptions: options, in array string: libraryDirs)
Parse the given string with options' and libraryDirs''.
- Parameters:
- stri - String to be parsed.
- options - Pptions to be used for the parsing.
- libraryDirs - List of directories for the include/library files.
- Returns:
- the parsed program.
- Raises:
- MEMORY_ERROR - An out of memory situation occurred.
const func program: parseStri (in string: stri, in parseOptions: options)
Parse the given string with ''options'.
- Parameters:
- stri - String to be parsed.
- options - Pptions to be used for the parsing.
- Returns:
- the parsed program.
- Raises:
- MEMORY_ERROR - An out of memory situation occurred.
const func program: parseStri (in string: stri)
Parse the given string.
- Parameters:
- stri - String to be parsed.
- Returns:
- the parsed program.
- Raises:
- MEMORY_ERROR - An out of memory situation occurred.
const func program: parseStri (in bstring: bstri, in parseOptions: options, in array string: libraryDirs, inout file: errorFile)
Parse the given bstring with options', libraryDirs and errorFile''.
- Parameters:
- bstri - BString to be parsed.
- options - Pptions to be used for the parsing.
- libraryDirs - List of directories for the include/library files.
- errorFile - File for the error messages.
- Returns:
- the parsed program.
- Raises:
- MEMORY_ERROR - An out of memory situation occurred.
const func program: parseStri (in bstring: bstri, in parseOptions: options, in array string: libraryDirs)
Parse the given bstring with options' and libraryDirs''.
- Parameters:
- bstri - BString to be parsed.
- options - Pptions to be used for the parsing.
- libraryDirs - List of directories for the include/library files.
- Returns:
- the parsed program.
- Raises:
- MEMORY_ERROR - An out of memory situation occurred.
const func program: parseStri (in bstring: bstri, in parseOptions: options)
Parse the given bstring with ''options'.
- Parameters:
- bstri - BString to be parsed.
- options - Pptions to be used for the parsing.
- Returns:
- the parsed program.
- Raises:
- MEMORY_ERROR - An out of memory situation occurred.
const func program: parseStri (in bstring: bstri)
Parse the given bstring.
- Parameters:
- bstri - BString to be parsed.
- Returns:
- the parsed program.
- Raises:
- MEMORY_ERROR - An out of memory situation occurred.
const func reference: evaluate (in program: aProgram, in reference: anExpression)
Evaluate anExpression which is part of aProgram.
- Returns:
- the result of the evaluation.
const proc: execute (in program: aProgram, in array string: parameters, in parseOptions: options, in string: protFileName)
Execute aProgram with the given parameters, options and protFileName.
const proc: execute (in program: aProgram, in array string: parameters, in parseOptions: options)
Execute aProgram with the given parameters and options.
const proc: execute (in program: aProgram, in array string: parameters)
Execute aProgram with the given parameters.
const func reference: sysVar (in program: aProgram, in string: name)
Determine the value of the system variable name in aProgram.
- Returns:
- a reference to the value of the system variable or NIL if no system variable name exists.
const func integer: errorCount (in program: aProgram)
Determine the number of errors in aProgram.
- Returns:
- the number of errors.
const func parseError: getError (in program: aProgram, in integer: errorIndex)
Get the error specified by errorIndex from aProgram.
- Returns:
- the specified error.
- Raises:
- RANGE_ERROR - If errorIndex <= 0 holds, or no error with errorIndex exists.
const func ref_list: globalObjects (in program: aProgram)
Determine the list of global defined objects in aProgram. The returned list contains constant and variable objects in the same order as the definitions of the source program. Literal objects and local objects are not part of this list.
- Returns:
- the list of global defined objects.
const func reference: syobject (in program: aProgram, in string: name)
Determine object with name from program aProgram.
- Returns:
- a reference to the object or NIL if no object name exists.
- Raises:
- MEMORY_ERROR - If name cannot be converted to the internal representation.
const func reference: match (in program: aProgram, in ref_list: expression)
Determine object from program aProgram which matches expression.
- Returns:
- object from program.
const func boolean: isTemp (in reference: aReference)
Determine if the referenced object is temporary.
- Returns:
- TRUE if aReference is temporary, FALSE otherwise.
- Raises:
- RANGE_ERROR - If aReference is NIL.
const func boolean: isVar (in reference: aReference)
Determine if the referenced object is variable.
- Returns:
- TRUE if aReference is a variable, FALSE otherwise.
- Raises:
- RANGE_ERROR - If aReference is NIL.
const proc: setVar (in reference: aReference, in boolean: isVariable)
Set var flag of a referenced object.
- Raises:
- RANGE_ERROR - If aReference is NIL.
const func category: category (in reference: aReference)
Get the category of a referenced object.
- Returns:
- the category of the referenced object.
- Raises:
- RANGE_ERROR - If aReference is NIL.
const proc: setCategory (in reference: aReference, in category: aCategory)
Set the category of aReference to aCategory.
- Raises:
- RANGE_ERROR - If aReference is NIL.
const func ref_list: formalParams (in reference: funcRef)
Get the formal parameters of the function referenced by funcRef. For objects without parameters an empty list is returned.
- Returns:
- the formal parameters as ref_list.
- Raises:
- RANGE_ERROR - If funcRef is NIL.
- MEMORY_ERROR - An out of memory situation occurred.
const proc: setFormalParams (in reference: funcRef, in ref_list: params)
Set the formal parameters of funcRef to params.
- Raises:
- RANGE_ERROR - If funcRef is NIL.
- MEMORY_ERROR - An out of memory situation occurred.
const func reference: resultVar (in reference: funcRef)
Gets the result variable of funcRef.
- Returns:
- a reference to the result variable.
- Raises:
- RANGE_ERROR - If funcRef is NIL or category(funcRef) <> BLOCKOBJECT holds.
const func reference: resultInitValue (in reference: funcRef)
Gets the initialization value of the result variable of funcRef.
- Returns:
- a reference to the initialization value.
- Raises:
- RANGE_ERROR - If funcRef is NIL or category(funcRef) <> BLOCKOBJECT holds.
const func ref_list: localConsts (in reference: funcRef)
Gets the local constants of funcRef.
- Returns:
- the local constants as ref_list.
- Raises:
- RANGE_ERROR - If funcRef is NIL or category(funcRef) <> BLOCKOBJECT holds.
- MEMORY_ERROR - An out of memory situation occurred.
const func ref_list: localVars (in reference: funcRef)
Gets the local variables of funcRef.
- Returns:
- the local variables as ref_list.
- Raises:
- RANGE_ERROR - If funcRef is NIL or category(funcRef) <> BLOCKOBJECT holds.
- MEMORY_ERROR - An out of memory situation occurred.
const func reference: body (in reference: funcRef)
Gets the body of the function referenced by funcRef.
- Returns:
- the body expression of funcRef.
- Raises:
- RANGE_ERROR - If funcRef is NIL or category(funcRef) <> BLOCKOBJECT holds.
const func integer: arrayMinIdx (in reference: arrayRef)
Obtain the minimum index of the array referenced by 'arrayRef'.
- Parameters:
- arrayRef - Reference to an array object.
- Returns:
- the minimum index of the array.
- Raises:
- RANGE_ERROR - If 'arrayRef' does not refer to an array.
const func integer: arrayMaxIdx (in reference: arrayRef)
Obtain the maximum index of the array referenced by 'arrayRef'.
- Parameters:
- arrayRef - Reference to an array object.
- Returns:
- the maximum index of the array.
- Raises:
- RANGE_ERROR - If 'arrayRef' does not refer to an array.
const func integer: arrayLength (in reference: arrayRef)
Obtain the length of the array referenced by 'arrayRef'.
- Parameters:
- arrayRef - Reference to an array object.
- Returns:
- the length of the array.
- Raises:
- RANGE_ERROR - If 'arrayRef' does not refer to an array.
const func string: file (in reference: aReference)
Determine the file name of a referenced object.
- Returns:
- the file name of the referenced object.
- Raises:
- RANGE_ERROR - If aReference is NIL.
- MEMORY_ERROR - Not enough memory to represent the result.
const func integer: line (in reference: aReference)
Determine the line number of a referenced object.
- Returns:
- the line number of the referenced object.
- Raises:
- RANGE_ERROR - If aReference is NIL.
const func integer: objNumber (in reference: aReference)
Delivers an unique number for each object
- Returns:
- a unique object number.
- Raises:
- RANGE_ERROR - The type has no owning program or number map.
- MEMORY_ERROR - Not enough memory to maintain the object table.